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24 Cards in this Set

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How do you test the Flexor Digitorum Superficialis and Profundus

FDS: Flex one finger at IP joint while holding other three in extension (deactivates FDP).

FDP: Hold one finger at PIP in extension and pt flexes other three

What is a Synovial Cyst


Most commonly found on the dorsum of the wrist and contains clear mucinous fluid

Close to synovial sheaths - common near origin of ECRB.

Can cause compression of the median nerve by narrowing carpal tunnel

What is Elbow Tendinitis

"Lateral Epicondylitis" "Tennis Elbow"

May be due to repetitive use of superficial extensor muscles of the forearm.

Pain in LE and down posterior surface of forearm - opening door // holding a glass

What is Mallet/Baseball finger

Sudden severe tension on a long extensor tendon that may tear away from phalanx.

Results from DIP in extreme flexion - catching a baseball

Can no longer extend the DIP

What is Dupuytren Contracture of Palmar Fascia

Disease resulting in progressive shortening, thickening, and fibrosis of the palmar fascia

Degeneration of Long. digital bands and pulls 4/5 into flexion.

Frequently bilateral and requires surgical intervention

What is Tenosynovitis

Swelling of the tendon and synovial sheath.

MOI: Puncture by rusty nail

Usually confined to specific sheath/digit but if left untreated it could cause a rupture and spread to midpalmar.

Little finger could spread to common sheath.

How far it spreads is dependent on the variation of connecting sheaths.

What is Quervain Tenovaginitis Stenosans

Condition caused by excessive friction of the APL and EPB which results in fibrous thickeningg of the sheath and stenosis of the osseofibrous tunnel.

Causes pain in the wrist that radiates proximally to the forearm and distally to the thumb

What is digital tenovaginitis stenosans

Snapping of the finger when extended passively due to tendons of FDS and FDP enlargement proximal to the tunnel.

What is Carpel Tunnel Syndrome

Results from any lesion that significantly reduces the size of the carpal tunnel or increase the size of structures that pass through it.

Median Nerve is most affected and can cause parathesia (tingling), hypesthesia (dec sensation), Anesthesia (absence) in lateral 3 digits.

Central Palm remains uneffected

What is Carpel Tunnel Release

Partial or complete surgical division of the flexor retinaculum to relieve the compression and resulting symptoms.

Incision is made toward the medial side of the wrist and flexor retinaculum to avoid injury to the recurrent branch of the median nerve.

What is the most common wrist fracture

Fracture of the Distal end of the radius in people over 50

Fracture of the scaphoid is common in young adults

What is Anterior dislocation of the lunate?


Fall on Dorsiflexed wrist

Lunate is pulled toward the palmar surface and may compress the median nerve

Low blood supply may cause avascular necrosis of the lunate

What is Arthrodesis?

Surgical fusion of the carpals

Used in DJD of the wrist to relieve pain

Bursitis of the Elbow

Subcutaneous olecranon bursa

Students Elbow - Repeated friction between tricpes tendon and olecranon.

Pain during flexion of the forearm

Avulsion of Medial Epicondyle

Severe abduction of the extended elbow

Can cause traction injury of the ulnar nerve

Ulnar Collateral Ligament reconstruction

Rupture tearing and stretching of the ulnar collateral ligament related to throwing

"Tommy John Procedure"

Dislocation of the Elbow Joint

May occur when children fall on their hands with their elbows flexed.

Sudden pulling of the upper limb tears the distal attachment of the anular ligament, where it is loosely attached to the neck of the radius.

What is Adhesive capsulitis of the GH Joint?

Frozen shoulder

Fibrosis and scarring between the inflamed capsule of the GHJ

Difficulty abducting the arm (only up to 45 degrees)

Calcific Supraspinatus Tendinitis

Inflam and calcification of the subacromial bursa

No pain Adduction

Pain in abduction from 50-130

Describe an Anterior Disolocation of the GHJ

Excessive extension and lateral rotation of the humerus.

Hard blow to the humerus when fully abducted.

Axillary nerve may be injured

Dislocation of acromioclavicular joint

Direct Blow

Hard fall on shouder of FOOSH

Ac and coracoclavicular ligaments are torn

Radial Nerve Injuries

Can see wrist drop

Severance of the deep branch results in inability to extend the thumb and MCP joints

Common areas for Ulnar Nerve injuries

Posterior to medial epicondyle

Cubital tunnel



Injury to Ulnar nerve in the forearm

Causes motor deficits in forearm and hand

Wrist will flex to the lateral side by the FCR due to lack of balance from the FCU

Difficulty making a fist