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61 Cards in this Set

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Differences between major depressive disorder and dysthymic disorder

Dysthymic - less severe than the other - not actually experiencing a major depressive episode, but can last longer 2 months - up to 2 years

Symptoms of major depressive disorder




Euphoric mood

Feeling of intense excitement and happiness (bipolar disorder)

Bipolar disorder and how it relates to a manic episode

Bipolar = manic episode

Bipolar 2 = hypermanic episode

Symptoms of manic and hypomanic episodes

decreased need for sleep

inflated self esteem


abnormally and persistently elevated/ irritable mood

Differences between bipolar disorder and cyclothymic disorder

Cyclothymic - less severe than bipolar, but lasts longer

Neurotransmitter involved with major depressive disorder


Bipolar disorder exhibits what?

The strongest pattern of genetic inheritance

Interpersonal and social rhythm therapy

Bipolar disorder

Interpersonal therapy (IPT) time limited form of therapy based on the assumption that interpersonal stress induces on an episode of depression

Rhythm therapy proposes that relapses can result from experiences of stressful life event, disturbances in circadian rhythm, and realtionships; used to treat bipolar disorder

Difference between behaviorally oriented therapy and CBT

CBT = Rehabilitating mentally, reconstructing thoughts THOUGHTS

Behaviorally oriented therapy = looking at behaviors (pavlov, skinner) BEHAVIOR

Psychodynamic orientation and how it explains manic episodes

(Freud) focused on unconscious. Unconscious defense to guard against episode


An example of a selective serotonin re uptake inhibitor (SSRI)

Differences between cross-dressing and transgenderism

Cross-dressing: identifies with their biological gender

Transgenderism: identifies with opposite gender

Specifiers for conduct disorder

Childhood and adolescent are separate onsets


An obsessive desire to set fire to things

Generalized anxiety disorder

Excessive fear about a variety of things (work, school, relationships)

Body image and eating disorders

People with eating disorders typically have distorted body perceptions

Fictitious disorder by proxy

Fictitious disorder = consciously produces their own symptoms (for attention)

Proxy = they induce symptoms onto another person

Emotion-Focused coping

In emotion focused coping and individual changes something about the situation that is stressful? (False)

Not changing the situation, but changing the emotions related to it

Do people with PTSD recover right away from treatment? or do they seek follow up treatment typically?

They generally do not recover quickly and they typically have to get follow up treatment


Hair pulling disorder

Effectiveness of antidepressants for treating trichotillomania, what can be more effective?

Behavioral and cogitative methods (habit reversal training) can be more effective than antidepressants

Treatment of PTSD -- would techniques such as imaginal flooding be effective to treat PTSD?

False -- No

According to the sociocultural perspective

Individuals develop depressive disorders in response to stressful life circumstances

Anxiety disorders are the...

Most prevalent form of psychological disorder (except substance abuse disorder)

Separation anxiety disorder

A childhood disorder characterized by intense and inappropriate anxiety, lasting at least 4 weeks, concerning separation from home or caregivers

Selective mutism

A disorder originating in childhood in which the individual consciously refuses to talk


Irrational fear associated with a particular object or situation

CBT views the causes of phobias to be based on...

The individual's faulty inferences and overgeneralizations

Systematic desensitization as it relates to phobias

By gradually exposing the individual to the feared simulus


A flashback occurs when a person is awake and intense feeling and visual memory of a traumatic event occurs

Difference between acute stress disorder and PTSD

Acute stress disorder is only in an isolated window within a month, while PTSD is for longer than a moth

Symptoms of OCD

A reoccurrence of repetitive compulsions that the individual has urges to preform (counting, handwashing)

Intrusive thoughts and Images

What has been proven to be the most effective in the treatment of OCD?


Habit reversal training to treat trichotillomania

Such as wearing gloves or sitting on hands

Social anxiety disorder (social phobia)

The intense fear of social situation where the individual can be scrutinized

Symptoms of agoraphobia

Intense anxiety about being trapped or stranded in a situation without help if a panic attack occurs -- avoids public places

Somatic symptom disorder

Physical symptoms that may or may not be accountable with medical conditions (true)

Dissociative identity disorder

Previously known as multiple personality disorder, when a person dissociates from their own identity

Depersonalization disorder

When people feel detached from their own body, not experiencing real life

Symptoms of conversion disorder

Conversion disorder is when an individual's physical body is connected with an inner turmoil that is presented by physical symptoms

They have an nonexistent physical ailment


The fabrication of physical or psychological symptoms for some ulterior motive

Fetishistic disorder

Sexual arousal by an inanimate object (can use body part or object)

Partialism is where arousal is derived from a certain body part

Define voyeur from voyeurism

Voyeur is where a person derives sexual pleasure from looking at unknowing people having sex or undressing


A person who derives sexual pleasure by exposing themselves to people who do not expect it

Treatment methods developed by Masters and Johnson are designed to...

Reduce the client's anxiety over sexual preformance

Sensat focus

Partners focus on stimulating one another in non-sexual ways

Gender identity is...

An individual's self-perception as a male or female

Gender dysphoria

Distress associated with feeling that a person belongs to the wrong gender


Behaviors in which an individual has recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving (1) nonhuman objects, (2) children or other non-consenting persons, (3) suffering or humiliation of self or partner, not culturally appropriate


Happens in children where they have bowl movements in inappropriate places (not the toilet)

Oppositional defiant disorder

A child argues a lot with parents and authority figures and often gets in fights with other children, child deliberately disobeys authority

Impulse-control disorders

Psychological disorders where people repeatedly engage in potentially harmful behaviors

Unlike shoplifters or thieves, people with kleptomania...

Don't actually with to have the objects they steal

People with intermittent explosive disorder feel...

Justified for their anger during the outburst

Bulimia nervosa

Alternations between extremes of eating large amounts of food in a short time, and then compensating for the added calories either by vomiting or other extreme actions to avoid gaining weight

Anorexia nervosa

An inability to maintain normal weight, an intense fear of gaining weight, and distorted body perception, restricting food

People with factitious disorder consciously...

Produce their symptoms


A major event that has the ability to disrupt the course of an individual's life

The limbic system

Mediates a person's responses to stress

Type A behavior pattern or personality

High stung



Often doesn't take breaks

Hard worker

Increases risk factors for heart disease