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193 Cards in this Set

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_____ function to break down bone for release of calcium.


The patella is an example of a ________ bone.

Calcitriol is required for______

absorbing dietary calcium & phosphate

A drop in blood calcium levels stimulates the secretion of

parathyroid hormone

The mandible articulates with a fossa with in the _____ bone.


The calvaria (or skull cap) is formed by the ______ bones.

frontal, parietal, occipital

When seated, the weight of the body is borne by the

ischial tuberosities

Which of the following statements about the parasanal sinuses are true

All make the skull bones lighter, connect the nasal cavaties, line with a ciliated epithelium

The _____ curve developes in response to the weight of the of the head when the toddler is learning balance.


Which of the following is former immediately after a fracture?


Bleeding occurs over several hours resulting in a ______.

blood clot

Differences between male and female pelvis include

a broad pelvis in females

The female pelvis is broad and is also known as a

"low pelvis"

Which of the following bones is not found within the nasal cavity?


Which facial bone supports the upper teeth?

maxillary bones

Which bone forms the lower part of the bony nasal spetum?

vomer bone

Which frontalle of the infant skull is often referred to as the "soft spot" on newborns


The ribs articulate with the ____.

transverse process of the thoracic vertebrae

Which organ is located in the hypophyseal fossa of the sphenoid bone?

pituitary gland

The ____ forms the anteromedial floor of the cranium.


Which of these bones is not part of the oribital complex?


The cranial structures begin to form at about what age?


The weight bearing region of a vertebrals the

vertebral body

Ribs 8-12 are the

false ribs

The first cervicle vertebra is called the


Which of the following bone is not part of the axial skeleton?


Which of the following bones is not part of the vertebral column


Which bone of the axial skeleton protects the brain?


Which of the following bones is not found with in nasal cavity?

lacrimal bone

Which structure connects the parietal bones to the occipital bone?


Which bone contains the mastoid process styloid process and external acoustic meatus?

temporal bone

Which open (hole) is located above the eye socket?

Supraorbital foramen

True (vertebrosternal) ribs

are directly attached to the sternum by separate costal cartilages

False (vertebrochondra) ribs

are not directly attached to the sternum

Floating (vertebral) ribs

have no connection with the sternum, and are only attached in the vertebrae

Which part of the sternum articulates with ribs 2-7?


The _____ doesn't belong in the upper limbs.


The _____ doesn't belong in the lower limbs?

Carpal bones

The pectoral girdle is formed from the scapula and the


The _____ is not apart of the appendicular skeleton.


The _____________ is the smaller, anterior projection of the scapula

coracoid process

The scapula articulates with the clavicle__________

distally at the acromion

What is the difference between the anatomical neck and the surgical neck of the humerous?

the surgical neck corresponds to the metaphysis of the growing bone where fractures commonly occur, and the anatomical neck marks the extent of the joint capsule

Which of the following is found on the lateral side of the condyle?


Which of the following separates the greater and lesser tubercle on the humerus?

intertubercular groove

Which bone is medial to the trapezium and articulated with the scaphoid?


The wedge shaped ________ articulates with the scaphoid


The ________ is a socket that articulated with the head of the femur.


What attaches to the greater trochanter and lesser trochanter?

large tendons

Which of the following separated the medial and lateral condyles?

intercondylar fossa

What is the name of the prominent elevation that runs along the center of the posterior surface of the femur?

linea aspera

The lateral bulge of the ankle is from the _______.

malleolus of the fibula

The bones that give the foot a wide range of motion are the


One function of bone is to produce red and white blood cells. These cells are made in what substance in the bone?

red marrow

Which of the following bones is accurately described as an irregular bone?


Bones forming the roof of the skull and the scapula are referred to as

flat bones

Mature bone cells found in lacunae are called


Giant multinucleated cells involved in the process of osteocylsis are


One of the basic histological differences between compact and spongy bone is that in compact bone,

the basic function unit is the osteon, or haversian system

Unlike compact bone, spongy bone (also called cancellous bone) resembles a network of bony struts separated by spaces that are normally filled with____

bone marrow

Spongy bone is found primarily at which part of long bones?

expanded ends, where long bone articulates with other skeletal elements

Compact bone is usually found where

stresses arrive from a limited range of directions

During intramembranous ossification, the developing bone grows outward from the ossification center in small struts called


The process during which osteoblasts begin to differentiate with a mesenchymal or fibrous connective tissue is called

intremembranous ossification

The process during which bones begin development as cartilage models and the cartliage is later replaced by bone is called

endochondral ossification

The region known as the epiphyseal plate is the area where

cartilage is being replaced by bone

The spongy skeleton begins to form about _____ after fertilization and usually does not stop growing until about age _____ years.

6 weeks; 25

The process of replacing other tissue with bone is?


Which bone disorder is characterized by the formation of bone in wrong places after minor injury?

fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva

What is the condition that produces a reduction in bone mass sufficient to compromise normal function?


A person who chooses to eat a diet of junk food and has a sedentary job is NOT likely to experience?

thickened, prominent ridges on bones in the places of muscle attachment

Growth hormone from the pituitary gland and thyroxine from the thyroid gland maintain normal bone growth activity at the

epiphyseal plates

Secondary ossification centers can be found in the

epiphyses of a long bone

Pott's fracture is identified primarily by a

break in both lower leg bones at the ankle

Depressions, grooves, and tunnels in bone indicate

where blood vessels or nerves lie alongside or penetrate bones

Which anatomical term describes a rounded passageway for blood vessels or nerves?


Changing the magnitude and direction of forces generated by skeletal muscles is an illustration of the skeletal function of


Where is a sesamoid bone most often found?

near joints at the knee, the hands, and the feet

The outer surface of the bone, the periosteum,

isolates the bone from surrounding tissues, provides a route for circulatory, and nervous supply, and actively participates in bone growth and repair

Osteolysis is an important process in the regulation of

calcium and phosphate concentrations in body fluids

A tall, slender person with unusually long, slender limbs because of excess cartilage formation at the epiphyseal cartilages has what disorder?

Marfan's syndrome

A girl born with nonfunctioning ovaries could be expected to have a deficiency in the activity of which type of cell?


Darcy wrecks her bike and experiences a break in the distal portion of her radius, which now projects out of her skin. Which type of fracture does she have?

an open Colles' fracture

The thyroid regulates bone growth and maintenance through its production of what hormone?


When the calcium ion concentration of the blood rises above normal, secretion of the hormone calcitonin _____

increases the rate of calcium ion execretion

When cartilage is produced at the epiphyseal side of the metaphysis at the same rate as bone is deposited on the opposite side, bones

grow longer

The fibers of tendons intermingle with those of the periosteum, attaching

skeletal muscles to bones

Appositional growth

increases the diameter of a long bone, forms circumferential lamellae, involves both osteoblasts and osteoclasts

The type of fracture that occurs in vertebrae subject to extreme stresses is a _____ fracture


What are the circulating hormones that stimulate bone growth?

growth hormone and thyroxine

Appositional bone growth at the outer surface results in

an increase in the diameter of a growing bone

Which vitamins are specifically required for normal bone growth?

vitamins A, C, and D

Homogenized milk fortified with vitamin D is effective in preventing what bone disorder in children?


A fracture in which one side of the shaft is broken and the other side is bent is a

greenstick fracture

Which of the following does NOT occur during the fracture repair?

Dead tissue next to the break is left in the break area and covered by new bone tissue.

Osteomalacia is caused by a diet deficient in

calcium or Vitamin D

The condition in which a child's leg bones bend under the weight of the body is called


The hormone synthesized in the kidneys that regulates absorption of calcium and phosphate ions in the digestive tract is


Fractures that shatter the bone into many small fragments are called ____ fractures.


At maturity, why are women generally shorter than men?

Estrogens promote faster closure of epiphyseal plates than androgens do

How can the axial skeleton be recognized?

It forms the longitudinal axis of the body

How many bones does the human skeleton contain?


Which one includes bones found exclusively in the axial skeleton?

skull, vertebrae, ribs, sternum, hyoid

The axial skeleton creates a framework that supports and protects organ systems in the ________

cranial and thoracic cavities

There are ____ cranial bones, ____ facial bones, ___ auditory ossicles, and ___ hyoid(s)


Which of the following collections of bones includes one that are unpaired in the skull?

occipital and frontal

The associated bones of the skull include the

hyoid and auditory ossicles

The sagittal suture joints _______.

the parietal bones to each other

The sutures that articulate the bones of the skull are the _______.

lambdoidal, sagittal, coronal and squamous

The bones that make up the eye socket, or orbit, include the

lacrimal, ethmoid, and sphenoid

Foramina, located on the bones of the skull, serve primarily as passageways for ______.

nerves and blood vessels

The lines, tubercles, crests, ridges, and other processes on the bone represent areas that are used primarily for _______.

attachment of muscles to bones

The superior and ,middle nasal conchae can be found as a part of which bone?


The sinuses, or internal chambers in the skull, are found in the _______.

sphenoid, frontal, ethmoid, and maxillary bones

The mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses responds to environmental stress by

accelerating the production of mucus

Why can the skull be distorted without damage during birth?

Fibrous connective tissue connects the cranial bones

In a warm climate, which fontanelle might indicate dehydration in an infant?


Why does the most significant growth in the skull occur before five years of age?

the brain stops growing, and cranial sutures develope

The primary spinal curves that appear late in fetal development

accommodate the thoracic and abdominopelvic viscera

An abnormal lateral curvature of the spine is called


Which are the largest and most massive of the vertebrae?

lumbar vertebrae

Which correctly identifies the sequence of the vertebrae from superior to inferior ?

cervicle, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum, coccyx

Which of the following is NOT likely to cause kyphosis?

abdominal obesity causing an exaggeration of the lumbar curvature

C1 and C2 have specific names, which are the

atlas and axis

The sacrum consists of five fused elements that afford protection for

reproductive, digestive, and excretory organs

The primary purpose of the coccyx is to provide

an attachment site for a muscle that closes the anal opening

The first seven pairs of ribs are called true ribs, whereas the lower five pairs are called false ribs. Why are the false ribs so named?

They do not attach directly to the sternum

The skeletal of the chest, or thorax, consists of

thoracic vertebrae, ribs, and sternum

The three components of the adult sternum are the

manubrium, body, and xiphoid process

When do brain growth, skull growth, and completion of cranial suture development occur?

before age 5

The area of the greatest degree of flexibility along the vertebral column is found from

C3 to C7

After a hard fall, compression fractures or compression/dislocation fractures most often involve the

last thoarcic and first two lumbar vertebrae

Which vertebral process projects posteriorly?

spinous process

The intervertebral foramina

permit the passageway of nerves to and from the spinal cord

The skull articulates with the vertebral column at

the occipital condyles

What is the long frame work of the sphenoid bone that houses the pituitary gland?

sella turcica

The growth of the cranium is usually associated with

the expansion of the brain

Beginning at the superior end of the vertebral canal and proceeding inferiorly

the diameter of the vertebral foramen decreases, and the size of the vertebral body increases

The vertebrae that are directly articulated with the ribs are the

thoracic only

The head of the rib articulates at

the body of the vertebra

Joey feels the bones of his vertebral column under the skin as he runs his fingers along his back. What part of a vertebral bone is he actually feeling?

spinous process

Which bones conduct sound vibrations from the tympanum to the inner ear?

auditory ossicles

A diagnosis of lordosis indicates what spinal condition?


TMJ syndrome is a misalignment of the ________ at the temporomandibular joint


On examination of the vertebral bone, you notice not only that it contains a vertebral foramen but also that two foramina are in the transverse processes of the vertebrae. The bone comes from which potion of the vertebral column


The parietal bone is located in the


The foramen magnum connects the ____ with the ______.

cranial cavity; vertebral canal

The clavicles articulate with a bone of the sternum called the


The surfaces of the scapulae and clavicles and extremely important as sites for

muscle attachement

the spine of the scapula is located on the bone's ______ side


the bones of the pectoral girdle include the

clavicle and the scapula

the olecranon fossa on the humerus is located on the bone's _____ side


In a female, the angle at the pubic symphysis is greater than

90 degrees

The bone of the ankle that is just posterior to the medial cuneiform is called the

navicular bone

The bones of the pelvic girdle include the

ilium, pubis, and ischium

The primary function of the pectoral girdle is to

position the shoulder joint and provide a base for arm movement

The malleolus of the fibula is always on the ________ aspect of the leg


The large medial bone of the lower leg is the


What is the prominent deviation that runs along the center of the posterior surface of the femur, which serves as an attachment site for the muscles that abduct the femur?

line aspera

The general appearance of the female pelvis is different from the male in that the female pelvis is

broad, light, and smooth

In the female pelvis, you would expect the iliac crests to be

farther apart than in the male pelvis

The sacrum and the coccyx is curved in

the male pelvis

When you sit down, you are resting your weight on your

ischial tuberosities

On the clavicle, the ________ articulates with the manubrium.

sternal end

What is the unique compromise of the articulations in the appendicular skeleton?

the stronger the joint, the more restricted the range of motion

What is the longest and heaviest bone in the body?


The term "phalanges" is used for the bones of the

fingers and toes

The process of the humerus located near the head that establishes the contour of the shoulder is the

greater tubercle

What bone articulates, or forms a joint, with the acetabulumn?


The distal caprals are

trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, and hamate

The superior lip of the trochlear notch of the ulna is formed by the


The largest carpal bone in the hand is


What is the only bone in the ankle that articulates with the tibia and the fibula?


What is the structure that joints the femoral head to the shaft?


What is the largest sesamoid bone found in the tendon of the quadriceps femoris?


The head of the ulna is located ______ to the ulna tuberosity.


The distal portion of the foot is made of bones called


Weight transfer occurs along the ______ of the foot.

longitundinal arch

The small, pea shaped pisiform bone sits anterior to the ______ bone.


The bone provides the only fixed support for the pectoral girdle?


At its proximal end, the round head of the humerus articulates with the


Which bone articulates with the humerus to form the shoulder joint ?


Which bones form the palm of the hand?


The trochlea of the humerus articulates with what bone?


What structural characteristic of the pectoral girdle allow for a great deal of movement?

relatively weak joint

The fovea capitis is a depression in

the femoral head

The large heel bone that transfers your body weight to the ground is the


The pollex is the


What rough area of the ilium marks the site of articulation with the sacrum?

auricular surface

The lumbar spine and the pelvic girdle articulate with the


The distal processes of the tibia and fibula that act as a shield for the ankle are the


The coracoid process and the acromion are parts of the


When a person fractures the fibula, why does walking become difficult?

The fibula provides lateral stability to the ankle joint