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43 Cards in this Set

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The actual process of cell division in prokaryotic cells is called
A. meiosis.
B. mitosis.
C. binary fission.
D. cytokinesis.
Prophase is the first stage of mitosis characterized by the _________ of the chromosomes.
A. duplication
B. splitting
C. condensation
D. merging
The stage of mitosis characterized by the physical separation of sister chromatids is called __________.
A. anaphase
B. metaphase
C. interphase
D. telophase
Which of the following is essentially the reverse of prophase?
A. anaphase
B. metaphase
C. telophase
D. cytokinesis
Normally, _____ functions in the cell to stop cell division if the cell has experienced extensive DNA damage.
A. heat
B. p53
C. FtsZ
Which of the following sequence of cell-cycle phases is characteristic of eukaryotes?
A. G to S to M
B. G1 to S to G2 to M to C
C. S to M to C
D. G1 to G2 to S to C
Which one of the following represents interphase?
A. G0 + G1 + G2
B. prophase + metaphase + anaphase + telophase
C. cytokinesis + mitosis
D. G1 + G2 + S
Plant cells typically achieve cytokinesis by
A. binary fission.
B. forming a cell plate across the middle of the cell.
C. forming a cleavage furrow that pinches the cell into two.
D. chromosome condensation.
Each chromosome has a ____________, a point of constriction containing certain repeated DNA sequences that bind specific proteins.
A. DNA strand
B. centromere
C. node
D. synapse
The proteins that participate in the functioning of the checkpoints for cell cycle control are
A. microtubules.
B. histones.
C. cyclins and cyclin-dependent kinases.
D. channel proteins.
A scientist wants to study histones. Histones are
A. proteins that are tightly bound to the double strands of DNA.
B. proteins that are tightly bound to mRNA.
C. proteins that serve as spindle fiber to pull the sister chromatids apart during anaphase.
D. proteins that are tightly bound to inside of the nuclear membrane
The zygote has
A. one copy of each chromosome.
B. chromosomes identical to those of a sperm cell.
C. chromosomes identical to those of an egg cell.
D. two copies of each chromosome.
The point of connection between the two sister chromatids before anaphase of mitosis separates them is called the
A. homologue.
B. kinetochore.
C. centromere.
D. microtubule complex.
Chromosomes exchange genetic information by
A. fertilization.
B. mitosis.
C. DNA replication.
D. crossing over.
At the end of telophase II of meiosis, each of the four resulting cells contains
A. one full set of chromosomes, each with two chromatids.
B. two full sets of chromosomes, each with two chromatids.
C. one full set of chromosomes, each a single chromatid.
D. two full sets of chromosomes, each a single chromatid.
All of the following are processes that promote new genetic combinations except
A. crossing over.
B. random fertilization.
C. independent assortment.
D. mitosis.
The phenotypic ratio for a testcross with a homozygous individual and a heterozygous individual is _______.
A. 1:1
B. 2:1
C. 3:1
D. 1:2:1
Alternate forms of the same gene are called ______.
A. crosses
B. genotypes
C. cofactors
D. alleles
In a heterozygous individual the allele being expressed is
A. recessive.
B. masked.
C. dominant.
D. epistatic
When the two haploid gametes contain two different alleles of a given gene, the resulting offspring is called
A. discrete.
B. a haploid.
C. heterozygous.
D. homozygous.
One of the main reasons genes assort independent of one another is that
A. they produce related traits.
B. they are on the same chromosome.
C. they are different alleles.
D. they are on different chromosomes
If an individual allele has more than one effect on the phenotype it is said to be
A. pleiotropic.
B. epistatic.
C. recessive.
D. dominant.
In humans, if a non-disjunction event led to an individual with a genotype of XXY, they would
A. be female because they have two X chromosomes.
B. be male because they have a Y chromosome.
C. display both male and female characteristics.
D. not survive.
When Mendel crossed two purple-flowered pea plants with each other, he obtained a phenotypic ratio of 3:1 (purple-flowered pea plants to white-flowered pea plants). His results are consistent with which of the following sets of parents?
A. homozygous dominant purple pea plant and homozygous recessive white pea plant
B. heterozygous purple pea plant and homozygous recessive white pea plant
C. heterozygous purple pea plant and homozygous dominant purple pea plant
D. heterozygous purple pea plant and heterozygous purple pea plant
Let Cy = curly wings and Cy+ = wild type. In Drosophila, the Cy allele behaves as a dominant mutation that produces curly wings in the heterozygous condition (Cy/Cy+), but also behaves as a recessive lethal mutation. Flies homozygous for the Cy allele die before reaching adulthood. If you crossed flies heterozygous for the Cy allele, what surviving genotypes would you find in the F2 generation adults?
A. Cy+/Cy+
B. Cy/Cy+
C. Cy+/Cy+ and Cy/Cy+
D. Cy+/Cy+, Cy/Cy+, and Cy/Cy
In humans, the male has an X and Y sex chromosome. The human female has two X chromosomes. In birds, the female has a Z and a W sex chromosome while the male has two Z chromosomes. Which of the following statements is accurate about which parent controls the gender of the offspring?
A. In humans and birds the male controls the gender of all the offspring.
B. In humans and birds the female controls the gender of all the offspring.
C. In humans the male controls the gender of the offspring, and in birds the female controls the gender.
D. In humans the female controls the gender of the offspring, and in birds the male controls the gender.
If a female was a carrier for sex-linked color blindness, what percentage of her male children would also be color blind?
A. 0%
B. 25%
C. 50%
D. 100%
If a XY individual had a deletion of the SYR gene, they would
A. develop as a female.
B. have both male and female characteristics.
C. have ambiguous genitalia.
D. develop as a male.
The allele for curly hair in humans is dominant to the allele for straight hair. The pedigree shown on the screen shows the inheritance of curly hair and straight hair in a family. What is the chance of having another child who is a boy with curly hair?
A. 0%
B. 25%
C. 50%
D. 100%
Since both the strands of a DNA molecule are complimentary to each other, either one of the strands can be used as a _______ to reconstruct the other.
A. copy
B. basis
C. compass
D. template
The method of DNA replication, where each original strand is used as a template to build a new strand, is called the
A. conservative method.
B. semiconservative method.
C. disruptive method.
D. continuous method.
The DNA double helix is similar to a twisted ladder. What makes up the sides holding the rungs together?
A. phosphate groups only
B. alternating units of phosphate groups and sugars
C. sugars only
D. purines and pyrimidines
The chemical bond connecting one nucleotide with the next one along the nucleic acid chain is called a
A. C = C bond.
B. hydrogen bond.
C. hydrophobic bond.
D. phosphodiester bond.
E. peptide bond.
The two strands in the DNA molecule contain nitrogen bases which are
A. identical.
B. parallel.
C. complementary.
D. the same in all species.
E. exact copies of the protein they make.
Which of the following DNA replicating enzymes is responsible for unwinding the double helix of DNA?
A. DNA primase
B. DNA polymerase I
C. DNA helicase
D. DNA gyrase
DNA replication always proceeds by adding new bases to the
A. 1' end.
B. 2' end.
C. 3' end.
D. 5' end.
The actual process of cell division in prokaryotic cells is called:
>binary fission.
binary fission.
The accommodation of the very long DNA fiber into a limited space of the nucleus is achieved by coiling around beads of histones into repeating subunits. These subunits of chromosomes are given the name _________.
>coiling proteins
Each chromosome has a ___________, a point of constriction containing certain repeated DNA sequences that bind specific proteins.
>DNA strand
Eukaryotic chromosomes are composed of a complex of 60% protein and 40% DNA. The name of this chemical complex is a
>histone complex.
>histamine complex.
If a eukaryotic cell has a single set of chromosomes, it is called
The bacterial genome exist as a
>single, circular, protein-coated, double stranded DNA molecule.
>single, circular, uncoated, double stranded DNA molecule.
>single, circular, uncoated, double stranded RNA molecule.
>single, linear, uncoated, double stranded DNA molecule.
>many, circular, uncoated, double stranded DNA molecules.
single, circular, uncoated, double stranded DNA molecule.
Eukaryotic chromosomes are coated with proteins containing a high proportion of basic amino acids. These proteins are given the name