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21 Cards in this Set

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What are the 5 main Fields for E&S Science

GAMOH or Geology, Astronomy, Meteorology, Oceanography, Hydrology

4 Types of Spheres

hydrosphere(Liquid), lithosphere (Space),biosphere (Living), atmosphere (Gass)

Shape of Earth, Is it Flat, What is a Horizontal/Vertical and are all vertical lines around the world parallel

Oblate Spheroid, No, Horizontal line is a light going upwards with the Y axis and Vertical line is a line going across the X axis and Yes

What is the shape of a wave, and what are wavelength and frequency? and units for each

Shape of wave is a teardrop, Wavelength is the distance between the crest of the wave, and frequency is the repeating event per unit and the unit is meters

What is waves capable of doing. (Examples) and What type of light waves are important

Capable of warming air, transferring music or transferring things in general and the most important lights are inferred to warm us and also viable light to produce photosynthesis

What is the mathematical relationship among frequency wavelength and speed of light and what light travels fastest in which media

Speed of light= Frequency x Wavelength and they travel the fastest in air than rather in water

what is a spectroscope and what do emissions and abortion

spectroscope is an observing a spectrum of light or radiation from any source and they determine the length of each color wave

the light waves that make up the electromagnetic spectrum (in order) and longest wavelength and shortest wavelength and primary source for all this

Radio waves, Microwaves, Infered, Visable, Ultraviolet, X rays, Gamma Rays and most length is microwaves and least length is gamma rays and primary source is stars and galaxies

What is a light year and the measure of

The amount of time it takes for light to travel in space, travels in 300,000 kilometers

what does the universe include

Life things, Planets, stars and galaxies

what is red shift

The way astronomers use to tell distance of an object and that is very far away from the universe

Define Big Bang. when did it occur

Is how people believe the earth was formed and it happened around 13.7 billion years ago

3 types of evidence the big bang occured

1- universe is explanding

2- the amount of elements

3-cosmic microwave background radiation


an educated guesss

What type of energy does a stars fusion produce

helium, hydrogen

what man made device produces similar conditions to star fusion

Vehicles, mainly through the fuel they produce

What is an HR graph

tool astronomers use to classify stars according to color, temperature and type

Why is there a pattern in the HR graph

because most of the stars fall in the category in the same temp and brightness

what type of stars only produce helium all their lives

main seqence stars

what type of stars produce elements like iron

red supergiants

key steps in a life cycle of a sun like star

nublea- prostar-main sequence-red giant-planitary nublea-white dwarf