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Turning back on oneself what one wants to do to others.

Type of boundary disturbance- Gestalt therapy


Refusing to comply with a suggestion when people feel pressured by a message and increase resistance to persuasion

Concept in persuasion and attitude change

Std error of measurement

Avg amount of error calculating a measured score for each subject

Std error of the mean

Avg amt of error in the group's mean in relation to the population mean

Think of group vs population

Std deviation of a measurement

Avg amt of spread of scores

Std error of estimate

Avg amount of error in prediction (of some other measure-

eg IQ test predicting gpa

Goal of Erikson stage of late adulthood


Integrity vs despair

Goal of Erikson middle adulthood

Capacity to care for others and give to future generations

Generativity vs stagnation

Goal of Erikson of early adulthood

Capacity to form intimate relationships

intimacy vs isolation

Goal of Erikson ages 6-12

Competence; involves cessation in psychosexual development

Industry vs inferiority

Chronic otitis media & related deficits

Chronic ear infections - long-term deficits in language capacity

All aphasias have what impairment in common?

Impaired repetition of verbal tasks

Predictor of success in community for schizophrenia after hospitalization

Work history

Practical ability

Best Med for chronic pain when well-adjusted


Acute pain would be narcotics, but what about chronic?

Best predictor of adolescent alcohol use

Level of use of alcohol use by parents AND peers, leans towards peers as age increases

Attitudes vs behavior

What type of interference trying to reduce? - Studying for 18 hours and then sleeping in the hours before the exam

Retroactive interference

Keeping self from learning new info that will interfere with past learning (ignore the actual test)

Proactive interference

Previously learned material interferes with recall of newly learned material

Ex: learning French is hard because of past experience with Spanish

Factitious disorder vs malingering

Both intentional; Factitious disorder is produced WITHOUT external incentives; malingering has secondary gain

Rec treatment is gentle confrontation (Merck Manual)

Rec treatment for conversion disorder

Hypnosis and other methods aimed to reveal the patient's underlying unconscious conflicts

Unintentional production of symptoms

Zeigarnik effect

Remembering incomplete tasks more than complete tasks

Barnum effect

Tendency to identify with vague descriptions of themselves such as a horoscope

Think of Barnum & Bailey circus- seeing a psychic

Autokinetic effect

Illusion of movement when a stationary pinpoint of light is shined in a dark environment

Used in experiments in conformity

Can you make parole rec for a prisoner you are treating?

Yes- but it is a dual relationship

Can predictions of dangerousness be accurate?

Yes, assessments can be made, but important to note limitations properly

Drug treatment for OCD

Antidepressant- Prozac (Ssri) or Abafranil (tricyclics)

Cognition are distressing

Conrad Lorenz

Imprinting - behavior patterns during a critical period of an animal's development

Related to critical periods


Theory of cognitive development, zone of proximal dev

Child development/learning over time with parent help

Best treatment for agoraphobia

Exposure (typically with response prevention)

Not flooding

Implosive therapy

Exposure in imagination only - explore psychosexual themes

Different than flooding- psychosexual

Females are more what in leadership style?

Democratic (vs autocratic) & Participative (vs directive)

2 dimensions

Basal ganglia functions/illnesses

Initiation of movement/ OCD, tics, Parkinson's, Huntingtons


Structures of basal ganglia (5)

Caudate nucleus, putamen, substantia nigra, globus pallidus, subthalamic nucleus

CaN we PUT NIAGRA falls on the GLOBE before the SUB goes NUCLEAR?

Can you send a past due bill to a collection agency?

Yes if you informed patient and gave opportunity to pay first.

When ethics conflict with law...

Make known commitment to the Code and attempt to resolve conflict

Secondary reinforcer vs generalized conditioned reinforcer

Gain value thru experience vs take on value by providing access to other reinforcers

How do they gain value?

Type of prevention/intervention in an institution

Tertiary prevention

Goal of improving/curing existing problem


Theory of moral development

Think: Morals are sometimes in black and white (like kohl) - NOT Kohler

9 year old- Why not steal?

One can be punished for stealing (punishment-obedience orientation)

Humans exhibit sexual dimorphism compared to other species

to a lesser degree (systematic differences between individuals of different sex in same species)

Which drugs have possibly fatal complications from abrupt withdrawal?

Benzos and alcohol

Pills and drinks

Traditional mental status exam vs MMSE-2

Traditional assesses screens for psychosis and cog impairment, MMSE only cog

Donald Super's theory

Career Rainbow

Self-concept theory- encompasses self-esteem

Career development

Herzberg's Two-factor theory aka motivator-hygiene theory

Job motivation - factors cause dissatisfaction, others cause satisfaction (enrichment)

Some things "Herz" and other things feel good at work

Tolman's theory

Latent learning- behavior can be learned but exhibited later only when the behavior is reinforced

We know how to stop but we only do it when there is a "Toll"

Thorndike's theory

Law of Effect- responses increase/decrease depending on the effect

You are less likely to run through the roses if you get a thorn in your side

Guided imagery used most in which therapy?


Empirically supported

Purpose of interpersonal psychotherapy

short-term - examine person's interpersonal relationships impacting mental health

sounds obvious

Purpose of psychoanalytic therapy

uses relationship between therapist and patient to develop insight

Think of transference

Purpose of client centered therapy

Non-directive (Rogerian), focuses on increasing self-esteem and openness to experience

Client is capable with encouragement

If you do not have experience assessing a client's disabilities you should...

Refer out

More than consultation

Handedness ages of first expression and age established

2 years- first expression

7-8 years- established (increased brain specialization/decreased plasticity)

think of age starting to write at all, and grade starting to write more

Risk factors for poor prognosis in schizophrenia

negative symptoms, male, early onset

goal(s) of APA's principles & code of conduct

the welfare and protection of consumers of psychological services and education regarding ethical standards of conduct

two goals- think of consumers

Freud & Erikson corresponding stages

(0-1) Oral - Trust vs. Mistrust

(1-3) Anal - Auton vs. Shame&d

(3-6) Phallic - Initiative vs. guilt

(6-12) Latent - Industry vs. Infer.

(12-18) Genital - Identity vs. role

Erikson stages in order

1. Trust vs. mistrust

2. Autonomy vs. Shame & doubt

3.Initiative vs. guilt

4. Industry vs. inferiority

5. Identity vs. role confusion

(past Freud):

6. (early adult) intimacy vs. isolation

7. (middle adult) generativity vs. stagnation

8. (late adult) ego integrity vs. dispair

1. bun- rusty - mistrust

2. shoe- shaped like car with ham inside - autonomy/shame

3. tree- holiday inn behind, quilt around tree - indust/guilt

4. dinosaur- standing on dust looking inferior - industry vs. inferiority

5. dive- diving into a truck and denting it, looks confused- identity vs. confusion

6. sticks- kissing and third stick off to side - intimacy vs. isol

7. heaven- stag running heaven's generator - generativity vs. stag

8. plate- grits on plate with a pear - integrity vs. dispair

Rehm's theory

Self-Control model of depression- integrates cog & behavioral models- modification of self-monitoring, self-eval, and self-control, modifying dysfunctional thoughts and behaviors

Model of depression- Think you need a ream of paper to understand yourself

Kohut's theory

Psychoanalytic Self Psychology- altering self-object needs (mirroring, idealization, twinship)

Sometimes you just need to sit in a hut and look at yourself in the mirror

Scores from non-parallel measures equated through what?

item response theory/latent trait theory - good for tests with different # of items

what's the simplest unit?

Classical test theory view test score as what?

Individual's test score is sum of true score variability and error score variability (X=T+E) (e.g., MMPI)

think signal and noise

Patterson's model

Coercion model of aggression- escalating coerciveness

What happens if you Pat Your Son too hard

semantic vs. episodic memory

facts & concepts vs. autobiographical events

as we age, what happens to crystallized & fluid intelligence?

crystallized increases, fluid decreases

think of wisdom vs. learning ability

A diet low in a specific amino acid is needed for what disease?

PKU- due impairments in metabolizing phenylalanine

Another name for Down syndrome

Trisomy 21- involves 3rd chromosome on chromosome 21

Gilligan and Kohlberg theories have what in common?

Theories of moral development- Kohlberg criticized as male-centered, Gilligan addressed female morality (and also emic approach)

black & white vs. being caring

Premack principle

pairing a frequently performed behavior to reinforce an infrequently performed behavior

how I study with candy


people are reinforced for behaviors they would normally do without reinforcement (e.g., read books)

Do they need to be reinforced?

Side effects of tricyclics (e.g., elavil)

anticholinergic (dry mouth, constipation, blurred vision, urinary retention), sedation, orthostatic hypotension, weight gain

slows you down

Side effects of SSRIs (prozac, paxil)

agitation, insomnia, decreased libido - least likely to affect memory

Side effects of lithium

Tremor, gastric distress, weight gain, fatigue, mild cog impairment

Type of leadership in centrality of decision-making

autocratic leadership styles and bureaucratic styles - causes increased procedural formulation

vs. decentralized (democratic leadership)

Most commonly used measure of operant behavior

response rate - frequency with which behavior is emitted - related to operant strength

Ainsworth studied what?

attachment - strange situation

neurotransmitter implicated in etiology of Alzheimer's


neurotransmitters implicated in mood disorders

norepinephrine and serotonin

Instrumental learning & who introduced it

instrumental learning is another term for operant conditioning

Thorndike & Skinner- consequences drive behavior

Kohler's theory

insight learning - underlies Gestalt Psych, insight can be acquired ('aha!") and involves change in cog organization

learning theory - NOT Kohlberg

Kohler vs. Kohlberg

insight learning vs. moral development

Night terrors prevalence and remit when?

usually ages 3-12 - peak 3 1/2 years, 1-6% prevalence. Remit in adolescence

Occur in childhood

If a test is made more difficult, effects on positives and negatives?

decrease false positives (and all positives), increase true negatives (and all negatives)

(same effect as raising cutoff)

Treatment of choice for specific phobia and an alternative treatment

flooding, or in vivo modeling

What is empirical criterion keying and what was it used to develop?

discriminate among various criterion groups (used for MMPI)

Think of what differentiates on a specific set of criteria

Atkinson's theory

achievement motivation- adaptive

Generalizations about African Americans

-higher/earlier onset hypertension

-lower suicide

-higher homicide

-have role flexibility/egalitarian

-rely on extended family

Order of sleep stages

Beta- alert & awake

Alpha- relaxed awake

Theta- light sleep

Delta- deep sleep

The dog Barks And Then Dozes

Ellis developed what therapy & what is it for?

Rational Emotive Therapy- form of CBT focuses on irrational beliefs, is "confrontive" (includes ABC)

What therapy did Meichenbaum develop? (& what is the focus?)

Stress Inoculation therapy; positive self-statements

Rogerian therapist would do what?

point out incongruence between self and experience

think of person-centered therapy

A Bowenian family therapist would do what?

evaluate levels of differentiation in each family member

RNA and DNA have an effect on what 2 things? (this is a common question on EPPP)

memory & genetics

think physio

What form of memory remains intact with amnesia

immediate memory (aka sensory memory)

What is source memory?

ability to remember context in which material was learned

Kahneman & Tversky's loss aversion model

people's decisions are more affected by their desire to avoid losses than their desire to make gains

Marlatt's approach to substance abuse

addiction is an "overlearned habit"; relapse prevention - relapse is a natural part of recovery that can be minimized but not avoided

criterion contamination

obtaining a spuriously high validity coefficient b/c ratings on the criterion are contaminated by knowledge of ratings on a predictor

e.g., if teacher giving grades had knowledge on students' IQ scores

"time out" is based on what
learning strategy

operant extinction - reinforcement is withheld (vs. in classical extinction where the unconditioned stimulus is no longer paired with conditioned stimulus)

Reinforcement schedule most resistant to extinction

variable interval schedule

course of ADHD

Children with aggression or unremitting severe symptoms are at increased risk for antisocial PD

Sue & Sue's Racial/Cultural Identity Development Model stages

1.Conformity- rejects minority

2. Dissonance- begins to appreciate aspects ofminority views

3. Resistance/Immersion- completely endorseminority held views

4. Introspection- deeper analysis

5. Synergetic articulation and awareness/integrative awareness

1. Bun- conforms to pan

2. Shoe- son wearing mom's shoes

3. Tree- put a tree in an immersion blender

4. Dinosaur- wearing spectacles

5. Dive- diving war of rats; warehouse of signs/art

which Piagetian stage is associated with irreversibility, centration, and phenomenalistic causality?

Pre-operational stage

centration- focus on salient detail

Adlerian therapy aka Individual Psychology does what?

examines lifestyle for mistaken goals and faulty assumptions to modify them to be more constructive (including inferiority complex)

pseudodementia and how it differs from dementia and Alzheimers

cognitive impairment that mimics dementia- eg. due to depression. More sudden onset and improves with treatment.

alloplastic vs autoplastic reactions to stress

trying to change or blaming: external environment vs. oneself

Wernicke's encephalopathy vs. Korsakoff's syndrome

thiamine (B1) deficiency due to long-term alcohol use, often leads to Korsakoff's - amnesia. Can be combined as Wernicke-Korsakoff

autocorrelation is a problem in what study design?

single-subject - repeated measures

Piaget stages of development

Birth-2: sensorimotor

2-7: Preoperational

7-11: concrete operational

11+: formal operational

operational stages

1. sun- with motion sensor

2. glue- prep an operation with glue

3. flea- stuck in concrete

4. door- with a tuxedo

Differences between client- or consultee or program- centered


case vs. administrative consultation

-client- specific therapy person

-consultee- improve therapist's

skill working with group

-program- improve a treatment program

-case- working with people (everything other than admin)

-administrative- program/work

Thurstone's Primary Mental Abilities Test is what?

multifaceted test of intelligence

fundamental attribution error

making a dispositional or internal attribution rather than situational

types of biases/attributions (4)

actor-observer (about self and others), hedonic (self-serving internal vs external), fundamental attribution (internal), situational attribution (external)

semi-partial correlation

association with the third variable is partialed out for only one of two initial variables

coefficient of determination

proportion of variance shared by two variables; the square of correlation coeff

McClelland's acquired needs theory (3 needs)

nAchievement, nAffiliation, nPower. Needs are acquired over time- can be trained for nAch.

lower case with upper case

General expectancy theory/VIE theory (3 facets)

(Vroom) people behave in ways that are based on their perceived expectancy that certain rewards will follow (Valence, Instrumentality, Expectancy)

Function of parietal lobe and results from damage

Somatosensory (senses other than smell, proprioception), results in Apraxia and left-right confusion

Results from damage to occipital lobe

impairments in primary visual cortex

traditional vs behavioral assessment

traditional is one-time assessment; behavioral assessment tends to be ongoing (e.g., frequency of autistic child's head-banging)

parallel process

when a therapist feels and acts towards supervisor similarly to how their patient acts and feels towards them

L-Dopa or Levodopa is what?

an amino acid used to treat movement components of Parkinson's disease

Festinger's cognitive dissonance theory

people resolve unpleasantness of dissonance by changing their cognitions

Deci's extrinsic rewards effects on intrinsic motivation

intrinsic motivation may not be decreased when extrinsic reward is based on competency (control vs. inform)

What type of sampling when you divide the population into groups and then select from them?

Cluster sampling

Largest number of violent deaths in adolescents due to what in which group?

homicide in African American males (over half of deaths between 15-24)

Schizoaffective vs. bipolar with psychotic features?

schizoaffective requires at least two weeks of psychotic sxs without mood

Based on the Ethics Code, are complaints about sexual harassment grounds for denying academic advancement?

No, this is prohibited for COMPLAINTS, although the manner in which it is resolved may be factored

Deindividuation vs. conformity

suspending one's private self-identity and adopting instead the identity of the group; vs. changing one's behavior as a result of group pressure

MMPI validity scales

L-lie (naïve attempt to present favorably)

F-fake bad

K- guardedness- too low means they’re being too open

James-Lange vs. Cannon-Bard vs. Schacter's Theories of Emotion

James- a person perceives an event, reacts, and then interprets body changes as an emotion;

Cannon-Bard- it is simultaneous in nature

Schacter- we use external cues to differentiate and label emotions

What is DRO for reinforcement?

Differential reinforcement of other behaviors (e.g, reward each day not drinking)

What are Ethics guidelines for media psychologist statements?

Must be based on appropriate psychological literature and practice, must be consistent with the Code, and make clear there is no therapeutic relationship established

Developmental theory- decalage

unevenness in development (e.g., savant)


de- not linked to

age- development

Referent power vs. legitimate vs. expert power

role model vs. boss vs. expert

Tonic clonic seizure

grand mal

2 types of partial seizures

Jacksonian/simple partial - marches up limb, complex partial- also change in consciousness

Petit mal seizure

generalized, brief change in consciousness (absence)

A utility analysis measures what?

improvement in productivity from a program (dollar value of benefits generated)

Beck's cognitive theory of depression

Cognitive distortions are gradually made over series of experiences

Depressive triad

depressive triad negative view of self, world, future

If you are assisting the defense and are called as fact witness, what do you do?

Do so only after clarifying role expectations and extent of confidentiality

Lazarus's theory of emotion, stress, and coping

cognitive appraisal- primary (judge situation), secondary (evaluation of resources to cope), re-appraisal (adjust as needed)


damaged dominant parietal lobe- angular gyrus-agraphia, acalculia, R-L confusion, finger agnosia


rare, damage to both anterior temporal lobes-hyperorality (putting objects in ones mouth), hypersexuality, and possiblyvisual agnosia, no fear/anger response, memory loss, distractibility, seizures,dementia

Chromosomal syndromes:

Klinefelter's vs triple X vs Turner's vs Xyy syndrome

Klinefelter’s syndrome- male with extra x

XXY-infertility, abrnomal dev of 2ndary sex chars

Triple X syndrome- woman with extra x- XXX-infertility

Turner’s syndrome- XO- chromosomal abnormality-may result in abnormal dev of 2ndary sexual chars (no menses, ov) and infertility

XYY syndrome- men taller and may have beh probsor learning dis

Most frequent ethical concern,

Most frequent ethical complaints


sexual misconduct

Behavioral marital therapy

rooted in social learning theory & behavioral analysis- maladaptive behavior results from deficient reward exchanges and communication problems

If you are conducting family therapy and are asked to testify for a hearing, how can you participate?

As a fact witness (cannot do custody evaluation, and expert witness would be a multiple relationship)

Maslow's theory

Hierarchy of needs (physio, safety, belonging & love, esteem, self-actualization)

ERG theory

A needs theory modified from Maslow's- existence, relatedness, and growth (not hierarchical)

Hierarchy of needs vs. Acquired needs theory

Maslow (hierarchy); McClelland (used TAT)- work-related

Vroom's theory

VIE- people will behave in ways that are based on their perceived expectancy of success and rewards

thalamus vs hypothalamus functions

sensory relay center- all senses except smell; vs. homeostatic functions (sleep-wake, temp, hunger, aggression)

types of scoring- additive, compensatory, conjunctive

additive- each score contributes

-- additive IS compensatory

conjunctive aka multiple cutoff procedure- each score looked at needs to be above a certain cutoff

Which theory (& by whom) extended Maslow's need theory?

Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory (divides needs into upper level (motivators) and lower level (hygiene)

Lewinsohn's perspective about depression origin & related therapy

Depression is caused by low rate of behavior (developed behavioral activation)

dystonia vs. akathisia

vs. akinesia vs. bradykinesia

spasms vs. restlessness/excessive mvts

vs. difficulty initiating

vs. slowed movements

Demographics most associated with suicide

White, male, middle SES

de Shazer's therapy

solution-focused therapy: "post-modern" family therapy by - miracle question, exception question, and scaling question

solution-focused therapy

Richard Stuart's therapy

marital behavior therapy- ratio of costs & benefits

marital behavior therapy

Michael White's therapy

narrative therapy- re-storying and unique outcomes

narrative therapy

Milan group used what strategies?

positive connotation and circular questioning

correlation of IQ

-reared together vs apart

-identical twins

-parent and child

sibs together .50, apart .25

monozygotic .75

parent-child .40-.45

classical decision theory vs. behavioral decision theory

aka rational-economic model (examine all possible solutions before choosing one) vs. administrative decision making (Simon- recognizing real-life limits)

Use for Frame of Reference (FOR) training

reduce ratee-based sources of error (provides performance standards to help raters determine good/bad)

caution should be used prescribing tricyclics to who?

someone with mania/bipolar (also true for tricyclics and MAOIs)

Greatest concerns for Quality Assurance vs. Utilization Review

QA: access, adequacy, and appropriateness of procedures; UR: necessity of procedures

Mania is what according to psychoanalytic theory?

a defense against depression

Short- and Long term effects of divorce (younger & older)

Initial recovery 3-5 years; Most (2/3) children and adolescents do not suffer long-lasting negative effects. Worse if parents argue openly. Younger do poorer early, whereas older poorer later in life

George Kelly's theory

Personal Construct Theory- people are scientists- they experience the world based on anticipation of future, which is turned on past experience

Personal Construct Theory

Where is Broca's area vs. Wernicke's area?

Left frontal lobe vs. temporal lobes

confabulation and which syndrome leads to it

fabricated or imagined information when filling in memory gaps; Korsakoff's- no insight/concern about it

Kohlberg's stages of moral development (6)

Pre-conventional (stages 1 obedience-2 self-interest);

Conventional (stages 3 social consensus- 4 authority and social order);

Post-Conventional (stages 5 social contract - 6 universal ethical)

Related to convention

Changes from DSM-IV to 5 (3)

Nonaxial dx, categorical perspective, personality d/o may be dxed in children except antisocial

Axes, cat vs. dimens, and personality d/os

Levinson's perspective on adulthood from his book Seasons of a Man's Life

stages in life based on age- moments of stable & transition. early adult, entering adult, age 30, settling down, mid-life, entering middle adulthood, late aduulthood

If you are asked to do custody eval and only one parent agrees, you should...

proceed but state limits of the data

behavioral marital therapy vs. structural vs systemic vs systems family therapy

Behavioral- Weiss & Stuart- communication problems & deficient reward exchanges;

Structural- Minuchin- hierarchies, boundaries, & subsystems;

Systemic- Milan- circular questioning & hypothesis formation to foster change;

Systems- Bowen- differentiation issues

structural- like a high-rise building

systemic- think of contextual framework & breaking the cycle

systems- how does each person fit into the system?

Case Larry P. v. Riles

racial and cultural biases in IQ testing for school children

think biases about children

Griggs v. Duke Power Company

biases in testing industry

Brown v. Board of Education

equal educational opportunities

CAPP v Rank

Hospital privileges for psychs in CA

4 important legal cases

Larry P. vs ?

Griggs vs ?

Brown vs. ?

CAPP vs. ?

Larry P vs. Riles- education/race

Griggs vs. Duke Power-industry

Brown vs. Board Educ- educ opps

CAPP vs Rank- CA Psych privileges

Kirkpatrick's training evaluation model (4 levels of evaluation)

Assesses effectiveness of training.

"Response" 1- participant reactions

2- learning

3- behavior/transfer

4- effects on business

Cross's Nigrescence models (4 stages)

1. preencounter/conformity

2. encounter/dissonance

3. Immersion/emersion /resistance

4. Internalization/integrative awareness

Bayes' Theorem

relation among conditional probabilities - describes the likelihood of certain occurrences given likelihood of other occurrences

Schein's career model

Career anchors- person's self-concept is a stabilizing force determining what future decisions are made (8 categories)

Schein's 8 career anchors

autonomy/independence, security/stability, technical/functional competence, general managerial comp.,

entrepreneurial creativity,

service/dedication, pure challenge, lifestyle

Holland's theory

Personality-job fit (RIASEC)

neuroleptic aka what? and what is it best for?

antipsychotic; best for positive sxs of schizophrenia

Festinger & Carlsmith's study

cognitive dissonance- boring task, received $1 or $20 and asked to lie.

Sherif's study

conformity- autokinetic effect

"Robber's Cave" study- decreases intergroup hostility with a superordinate goal

Schacter & Singer's study

epinephrine- social, physio, cog determinants of emotional state

Solomon Four-Group design vs. Latin Square

4 group- To control for effects of testing (practice effects) - each combination of conditions

Latin Square- controls for carryover with repeated measures

MDD prepubertal and adult rates men:women

equal prepubertal

1:1.5-3 beginning in adolescence

Foods to avoid on MAOIs

alcohol, smoked, aged, fermented foods (aged cheese, fava/broad beans, smoked meats)- results in hypertensive crisis/stroke

Most essential in Beck's CBT- approach and 2 characteristics

collaborative empiricism; based on automatic thinking and logical errors

According to the Ethics Code, when should fees be established in therapy?

"As soon as possible"

Taylor-Russell tables

used for selection of the best employees

In Taylor-Russell tables, what is base rate, selection ratio, and what optimizes incremental validity

base rate is rate of selecting successful employees without predictor test; selection ratio (#openings:#applicants)- incremental validity optimized when base rate is moderate and selection rate is low

Latent trait model aka...?

Item response theory

Boundary disturbances in gestalt

Introjection - taking what others say as a whole without critical analysis

Projection- suspiciousness

Confluence- lack of awareness of conflicts

Retroflection- turning on oneself behaviors one wants to do to others- self-harm

Meichenbaum's therapy

Self-Instructional therapy

(Coping statements, skill dev, self-reinforcement), good for ADHD, theoretically based on Vygotsky & Luria

Interactional justice is what and its two components?

The quality of interpersonal tx received during the process- fairness

1. Informational - appropriateness of explanation given for procedures used

2. Interpersonal - manner in which ppl are treated by authority figures in decision making


Exaggerating things as bigger OR SMALLER than they really are

Wolpe's therapy and what school of thought?

Developed systematic desensitization

Classical conditioning (incompatible responses)

Palilalia vs echolalia

Repetition of ones own words vs others' words

Echopraxia and echokinesis

Imitating or repeating movements of others


male:female prevalence

Best prognosis for what?


Absence of intellectual impairment

Opioid peptides vs antagonists

Amino acids that mimic opiates; vs act on opiate receptors to block the effects of opiates in the brain

Opioid peptides vs antagonists

Amino acids that mimic opiates; vs act on opiate receptors to block the effects of opiates in the brain

Examples of catecholamines and functions

Dopamine, norepinephrine/noradrenaline, epinephrine/adrenaline

Cause general physio changed that prepare the body for physical activity

Stanley Sue and Nolan Zane's considerations for ethnic minorities

Credibility and giving

Fiedler's Contigency Theory

Looks at how a leader rates the least preferred coworker (LPC)

Fiedler's Contigency Theory

Looks at how a leader rates the least preferred coworker (LPC)

High LPC leaders do best in what?

moderately favorable situations

Can you ethically pay for publicity? What about media employee?

Yes, as long as it is identified as such. Not ethical to pay an employee to write an article.

Two-factor theory needs that cause dissatisfaction vs satisfaction

Job Context vs job content

Multi-systems approach and what is it best for?

Considers many intersecting systems that affect clients' lives.

Recommended for Af Am clients

Three strata model of intelligence

G, ten broad cognitive abilities, and 70 narrow abilities

Sternberg's triarchic theory of intelligence focuses on what?

Process rather than product

Sternberg's theory

"G" intelligence

Right hemisphere damage results in what?

Indifference, euphoria, depression, hysteria, manic excitement, impulsivity

Hypnogogic vs hypnopompic hallucinations

fall asleep vs waking up

Descriminant analysis used for what?

Predicting group membership from several IVs

Organizational Development

Focuses on systematic ways to bring about planned change using systems approach to organizational change

Who has relative strength in Embedded Figures test?

Children with Autism spectrum disorder

Common side effects of traditional antipsychotics

Akathesia, involves a feeling of intense restlessness, anxiety and dysphasia

Proactive vs retroactive inhibition

The interfering info occurs after what you learned; vs the interfering info occurred before learning (think of the target current learning)

Anatomy aka circadian clock in the hypothalamus

suprachiasmatic nucleus

Culturally encapsulated

makes inappropriate generalizations about a particular group of clients based on race or culture

Reticular activating system

filters incoming sensory info, mediates, alterness, and is involved in the sleep-wake cycle in the brainstem


response inconsistency and random sampling

When deception is used in research

Participants must be informed of purpose afterwards (need consent first regardless of whether they know about the deception piece)

Standard error is in terms of what?

Standard deviation

Selye's General Adaptation Syndrome

a model or response to severe stress - 3 stages (alarm, resistance, exhaustion)

Tx of choice for OCD and 2nd choice

Exposure with response prevention; 2nd choice cog therapy

For whom is supportive psychotherapy recommended?

Patients with chronic mental illness, eg., schizophrenia or ppl experiencing life transitions

Thalamus is known as

The relay station for all senses except olfaction

Pituitary gland (along with hypothalamus)

master endocrine gland; temperature reg, sleep-wake, arousal, movement

James Marcia's identity statuses

Describes 4 stages for adolescents- foreclosure (commitment/no conflict), identity diffusion (avoid exploring or making commitments), moratorium (in a crisis, commitments not yet made), identity achievement (experienced crisis and made commitments)

Std error of the estimate is affected by what 2 things?

SD of criterion (direct), criterion-related validity (indirect)

Standard error of the mean- definition, formula, relation to pop/sample size

SDpop/sqrt(N) - direct relationship with SD of the pop and indirect with sample size

Formula for std error of measurement


Formula for std error of estimate


function of the medulla

basic functions- respiration, cardiovascular, sleep, consciousness

Approaches for assessment that control for halo effect

Training raters, forced response format, Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale

(relative methods do not help)

Gender differences in divorce

Women adapt better than men

Research on crowding has shown what? (gender, arousal, culture)

Men are more affected by crowding than women, heightens arousal in general, cultural variables influence effects

Dismantling strategy

Various components of a tx are analyzed separately to understand components accounting for tx effect

Neurotransmitter associated with sleep and mood


Neurotransmitter involved in voluntary movement and memory


Partial complex seizures originate in what part of brain?

Temporal lobes

Who/therapy encouraging natural and logical consequences of good behavior and focus on goals of misbehavior

Adler- Systematic Training in Effective Parenting (part of Individual Psychology)- STEP

1 SD above mean in z, T, and %ile?

z=+1, T=60, 84%ile

Characteristics of preoperational child (3 things)

(ages 2-7) egocentric, intuitive, and uses symbolic activity.

(Cannot conserve nor use deductive reasoning)

Skinner vs. Watson

operant behaviorist- related to "behavioral contrast" vs. classical conditioning (pairing)

Somatic symptom disorder with predominant pain

Sxs that predominantly involve pain, are distressing or result in sig disruption of daily life (with excessive thoughts, feelings, or behaviors related to the sxs)

Self-In-Relation theory

Women develop their sense of self through relationships with others (opposes male-oriented theories about autonomy and separation).- Wellesley College

Response cost

Occurs when someone loses something for misbehavior- negative punishment

Range of standard error of measurement vs. of the estimate

0 - SDx for measurement

0- SDy for estimate

3 variables that affect incremental validity

base rate, selection ratio, criterion-related validity (corr with scores on some measure of performance; higher=better incremental validity)

male:female prevalence in MDD, ASD, and ADHD

MDD: 1:1.5-3

ASD: 4:1

ADHD: 2:1

Which part of ethics code is aspirational and which part is enforceable?

Aspirational: 5 Principals

Enforceable: 10 Standards

Mahler's psychoanalytic developmental stages- separation etc.

0-1 mo: autistic

2-4 mos: symbiotic

4-5 mos: separation-individuation

4 subphases of Mahler's separation-individuation stage

5-10 mos: differentiation/stranger anxiety

10-16 mo: practicing/separation anxiety

16-24: rapprochement

24-36: consolidation/object constancy

Psychotherapy outcome is most influenced by what type of factors? (therapist/client/etc)

Client factors (diagnoses, motivation for change, distress, etc)


Something that causes an ill effect caused by the suggestion or belief that something is harmful (opposite of placebo)

Concordance rate of Bipolar 1 for identical twins


stimulus generalization aka what?

mediated generalization

the defense mechanism thought to underlie all others

repression- making the conscious unconscious- forms the foundation of denial, projection, and reaction formation

To optimize teaching of inner city children by inner city teachers

focus on increasing teacher's expectancies of children's performance - self-fulfilling prophesy

overextension & underextension pertain to what?

using a word too broadly or too narrowly

holophrasic & telegraphic speech

holophrasic- ages 12-18 mo- use single word to express complex idea "up"

telegraphic- 18-24 mo- two word, noun-verb sentences- "pick up"

Bizarre delusions are possible in what disorders?

schizophrenia, schizoaffective, or delusional d/o

4/5ths rule used to determine what?

Adverse impact

interdependence vs conjunctive

group members need to work together in order to succeed; vs. group's overall functioning is affected by the least effective member

conjunctive vs disjunctive task

conjunctive- group performance limited by weakest member;

disjunctive- group members pick a solution offered by one of the members

deficiencies in serotonin & norepinephrine associated with what?

depression and eating disorders

low levels of GABA associated with what?

anxiety disorders

parts of basal ganglia in Parkinson's vs. Huntington's

substantia nigra; vs. caudate nucleus

Park at Niagra Falls; Hunt for nuclear dates

Who gave testimony in Brown v. Board of Education using innovative psych tests with dolls?

Kenneth Clark

The more items a test has...?

The more reliable the test is. Will also indirectly effect validity (increase) but to a lesser extent

Weiner's theory

Attribution & Emotion- Addresses the stability and instability of internal and external factors (locus of control)

Generalization about therapy approach for Asian Americans

Prefer a logical, structured, and directive approach in therapy. If unacculturated, more likely to seek services for practical problems rather than emotional problems.

job satisfaction is positively weakly correlated with what and moderately with what?

weak- performance, mod- length of employment

OCD prevalence in childhood and adulthood males/females

childhood: males>females

adulthood: females>males

Two way ANOVA results in

3 F ratios- 2 main effects and one possible interaction

Radiation for cerebellar astrocytomas may result in

learning problems & reduction in growth

theme-interference problems

experienced by supervisee/consultee; can affect patients' progress

transgender diagnosis (careful- DSM-5)

gender dysphoria

(gender identity disorder was DSM-IV)

Piaget's adaptation theory

the process of adjusting to the environment using assimilation (incorporating new experience - see bird and say "plane") & accommodation(modifying or expanding a cognitive structure- "things that fly")

who has privilege in court-ordered treatment? evaluation?

Tx: client

Eval: no one

Focus of Neo-Freudians vs. Ego analysts

Neo-F: Social interactions (shape personality)

Ego: ego defensive and conflict-free functioning

Substances whose withdrawal syndromes involve hallucinations

alcohol, sedatives, hypnotics, and anxiolytics (e.g., barbiturates)

Withdrawal from amphetamines vs. opioid

Amph: dysphoria, fatigue, unpleasant dreams, increased appetite, psychomotor agitation

Opioid: flu-like

most powerful therapist ingredient for therapy outcome


Yalom's therapy

Group therapy- 3 stages

Type of attachment associated with types of recall of attachment experiences in Adult Attachment Interview

secure- secure

ambivalent/anxious- preoccupied

dismissing- avoidant

disorganized- disorganized

Meds of choice for:

bipolar I




Bipolar- lithium

Anx- buspar

Dep- Prozac

Schiz- Haloperidol

respondent conditioning

pairing an initially neutral stimulus with an aversive unconditioned stimulus (getting sick on Friday the 13th)

Effect size in recent psychotherapy outcome research

.85 (people do about .85 of a standard deviation better than untreated people)

fear of public speaking

social anxiety disorder, performance only

Multiple relationships

do not need to be avoided; should not be expected to cause impairment or risk exploitation or harm

the term "professional psychologist"

a person with a doctorate in psych from a regionally accredited school (not nec licensed- then it is a clinical psychologist)

What happens to a correlation when range is restricted?

Gets smaller/lower

shape of z score distribution vs %ile

z- identical to the shape of the raw score distribution;

%ile- flat

Is advertising first session free ethical?

yes, ethical as long as no coercion or undue influence occurs

Communications Family Therapy

Mental Research Institute group- Satir, Jackson, Bateson- focus on double binds

HIPAA requirement for sending confidential info by electronic means

mark it confidential

ipsative vs ideographic study design

relative strengths and weaknesses within a subject using forced-choice format; vs. single subject approach

Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

5 stages of grief - denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance (DABDA)

damage to temporal lobe affects what type of memory function? (2 details)

long-term explicit / consolidation

effects of job enrichment vs enlargement

enrichment- more responsibility- increases satisfaction and performance

enlargement- more variety- increases satisfaction but not performance

Kohlberg's stages of gender identity in children

1. gender labeling- based on physical appearances

2. gender stability- boys grow up to be daddies

3. gender consistency- understand permanent across time and situation

Gestalt perspective on dreams

reflect aspects of a person- each element is part of who they are

Ellen Berscheid's research on relationship

How features of exterior (physical & social environment) influence relation satisfaction

"Birds are outside"

Gottman's theory on relationships

Importance of friendship on successful marriages

Nancy Boyd-Franklin's perspective on working with Af Am clients

Meet outside the office setting to include members of support system

Erikson goals of stages:

trust vs mistrust



industry vs inferiority

Intimacy vs isolation


integrity vs dispair

1. Hope

2. Will

3. Purpose

4. Competence

5. Fidelity

6. Love

7. Care

8. Wisdom

68% vs 95% vs 99% CI in standard errors of measurement

+/-1, 2, 3 Std. Errors of Measurement (95%=2)

anosagnosia vs prosopagnosia vs agnosia

inability to recognize:

one's own disabiility vs. faces vs. objects

one of them is more abstract than concrete

Piaget's concepts of accommodation vs. assimilation (& house analogy as examples)

accommodation- adjusting to reality demands by reorganizing, modifying, or expanding existing cog structures (adding floor to house)

assimilation- taking in a new experience and incorporating it into existing cog structures (organizing books on shelf)

Prochaska & DiClemente's Stages of Change Model (5)

precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance

overcrowding (4 effects)

negative moods in men (women in opposite- low-density); increases withdrawal, frequency of illness increases, physio arousal occurs but depends on appraisal

age of racial awareness

3-4 years

formative evaluation vs summative eval vs consultation

consultant focuses on the evaluation of a program they designed (ongoing) vs. only at end, vs coming in for specific goals for consultation

Exposure therapy- frequency vs. duration of exposure most effective?

Duration- "prolonged exposure"

Tiedeman & O'Hara- successful career development based on what?

Differentiation and integration

How are views different on career dev?

-Tiedeman & O'Hara





-8 life roles

-knowledge of oneself and working world

-learned modeling/reinforcemt

Gain-Loss Theory

People we like most are those who initially don't like us and then then change their perspective to come to like us. (We feel like we have gained something)

Strongest argument for and against dopamine hypothesis

Cocaine intoxication can result in hallucinations; Novel antipsychotics do not target dopamine

Job enrichment and enlargement affect workers how? (Herzberg)

Reducing boredom

Crisis intervention goal

return or restore the patient to premorbid level of functioning

Piaget's theory on language and thought

how language is used varies and is determined by stage-related cognitive structures available

Buckley Amendment

protected the privacy of student records (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act)

Locke's Goal Setting Theory

Goals should be specific rather than global, intermediate to high level of difficulty, workers should receive feedback on performance, workers' believe goal is attainable, workers accept and commit to goals

Psychoanalytic view on countertransference

helpful to understand transference (would not talk about it with patient)

Troiden's model of gay and lesbian identity development

1. sensitization (feels different)

2. identity confusion (recognition of homosexual feelingss)

3. Identity assumption- manage social stigma- increased contact (denial, avoidance, repair)

4. Commitment- integration of identity


personality and projective

Disorder with lowest interrater reliablity


Best distribution of good vs bad performance on a test for a person to interpret as capable

If correct answers mostly at beginning (primacy effect)

Mental health advocate vs advocacy consultant

advocate would represent a patient in hearings, vs. consultant pushes for social justice and reform (think legislation/policy)

Kochanska on the development of conscience

Early temperament and parenting styles (inhibitory control and low impulsivity)

Piaget would say that moral development is linked to what?

cognitive development

Primary memory

short-term memory- hold info for up to 30 seconds

According to code of conduct, to practice in forensic settings you must what?

become reasonably familiar with judicial rules governing their roles

Psychoanalytic perspective on borderline, narcissistic

borderline- abandonment rage

narcissistic- omnipotence and narcissistic defenses

Interpersonal therapy (Klerman)

focuses on current relationships and how they link with presenting problems ("here-and-now")

Sullivan & Meyer interpersonal theory

social and cultural factors in personality develpment

If you did marital therapy and are asked to testify on one person's behalf about custody

refuse to testify (need objective third party to conduct evaluation for recommendations)

Biggest challenge in anorexia nervosa?

Poor historians/deny having a problem

schizoid vs schizotypal pd

schizoid - detachment/indifference from social relationships

schizotypal- discomfort with interpersonal relationships

Privacy in Employee Assistance Program

Report on attendance and agreement to comply with treatment but not details- client must be informed of this limitation and informed consent must be obtained (don't need release)

exosystem vs macrosystem

- exosystem- relationship between several settings in mesosystem

- macrosystem- influences of culture (broader)

Best treatment for insomnia?


Rosenstock's Health Belief Model

health behaviors result from joint influence of psychosocial factors, PERCEPTION of susceptibility/seriousness,


Piaget's heteronomous vs autonomous morality

-heteronomous/Kohlberg's preconventional - ages 5-10 belief that rules are decided upon by authority figures

-autonomous morality/Kohlberg's conventional- starts at 10, rules are flexible and agreed upon by others

Tarasoff rulings ofo CA

duty to warn- threats against a third party

Theory from Schacter's study using shock

social comparison theory- people were drawn to one another due to anxiety of shock

Helms' model of white racial identity (6)

1. contact (ignorant),

2. disintegration (feel uncomfortable with advantages of being white),

3. reintegration (acceptance of racism),

4. pseudo-independence (seeking new info),

5. immersion/emersion (search for comfortable way to be white),

6. autonomy (achieve redefinition)

"peripheral factors" in James-Lange theory of emotions

bodily sensations ("my heart is racing, I must be afraid")

Privilege in court-ordered evaluation

There is no privilege

Cerebrovascular damage likely to lead to what?

Depression (e.g., post-stroke)

Expected outcome from treatment for low SES

higher drop-out rate, but if they stay in, they derive AS MUCH benefit as high SES

Heterosexism vs homophobia

belief in superiority of heterosexuals; vs. fear

definitions of valence, instrumentality & expectancy in VIE theory

V- value attached to rewards

I- belief that success will result in rewards

E- expectancy of SUCCESS

Hypothalamus vs thalamus for hormones

Hypothalamus regulates hormone release, but thalamus relays sensory info

triangulation vs coalition in family therapy

triangulation- both parents try to get child to take sides

coalition- alliance between two family members against another

Type of recall where primacy AND recency effects occur

Immediate (but only primacy for longer term recall)

what type of data is used for trend analysis?


Criteria for learning disorder diagnosis

Achievement at least 1.5 SD (below 7th percentile) below pop mean for age, not better accounted for by intellectual disabilities

Alderfer's ERG theory

Existence, Relatedness, Growth (ERG) basic needs, all simultaneous-- satisfying a need may make it stronger (better empirical support than Maslow)

When can a test be used that has adverse impact?

When test is valid, job-related, and no alternatives are available (adverse impact is 4/5ths rule)

Correlates of job satisfaction

inverse with mental health problems, age (older-better), genetic (no gender diffs)

What to do when court has ordered release of records?

Ask for order to be modified, then release records if not

multiple R vs canonical R

multiple- only one criterion variable

canonical- more than one criterion

empirical criterion-keying

developing a scoring key in terms of external standards (e.g., MMPI)

Abramson & Alloy's depression research

Depressed persons tend to have a more realistic assessment of their ability to control an outcome

hostility attribution bias

person expects others to be hostile and acts aggressively as a result