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86 Cards in this Set

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Opportunistic patogen

Citrobacter, enterobacter, escherichia, morganella, providencia,serratia, proteus

Opportunistic pathogen menyebabkan

Septicemia, pneumonia, meningitis, Dan uti

True pathogen

Salmonella, shigella, yersinia, dan bbrp e.coli

Ini apa

E. Coli

ciri e. Coli

Flora normal pada intestine, gram negative,

Uji biokimia ecoli

Indol (+) , asetat (+) , peragian laktosa (+), gas & glukosa (+), lisin dekarboksilase (+/-), motilitas (+/-), hemolisis tipe B (+/-)

Indol (+) , asetat (+) , peragian laktosa (+), gas & glukosa (+), lisin dekarboksilase (+/-), motilitas (+/-), hemolisis tipe B (+/-) Merupakan ciri biokimiawi bakteri

E coli

E coli berbahaya atau tidak

Kebanyakan tidak

E. Coli yg berbahaya menyebabkan

Uti, diarrhea (epec, etec, ehec, eiec, eaec), sepsis, meningitis pd balita

Enterovirulent e. Coli berdasarkan aksinya di git (5)

1. Enteropathogenic (epec), 2. enterotoxigenic (etec), 3. enteroinvasive (eiec), 4. enterohaemorrhagic (ehec), 5. enteroaggregative (eaec)

Definisi enteropathogenic (epec)

Responsible for severe infantile diarrhoea A/E (attaching-effacing) mechanism

E. Coli

Definisi enterotoxigenic (ETEC)

Produces a heat labile (LT) or heat stable (ST) toxin. Both may be produced by the same organism. They are responsible for cases of paediatric diarrhoea, severe cholera-like illness, and travellers diarrhoea (watery diarrhea, febrile, nausea) (small intestine)

E. Coli

Definisi enteroinvasive (eiec)

Pathogenicity is due to invasion of the gut mucosa. They give rise to a dysentery-like illness


Definisi enterohaemorrhagic (ehec)

Responsible for bloody diarrhoea and hemorrhagic colitis. (Shiga- like toxin), but fever is not prominent and the bloody discharge are copious rather than scanty. A/E in the colon

E. Coli

Definisi Enteroaggregative (eaec)

Biofilm (small intestine + colon) causes chronic diarrhea and growth retardation in infant in developing countries

E. Coli

A/E buat

Attaching and effacing: ability to adhere to the intestinal mucose and destruct the brush border of microvili

E. Coli

Site of infection epec

Small bowel

Site of infection etec


Site of infection stec (shiga toxin producing e.coli)

Large bowel

Site of infection enteroinvasiv e coli (eiec)

Large bowel

Site of infection Enteroaggregative e.coli(eaec)

Small bowel

Disease and clinical finding epec

Infants diarrhea, watery diarrhea

Disease and clinical finding etec

Travellers diarrhea and infant diarrhea

Disease and clinical finding stec

Hemorrhagic colitis with hemolytic uremic syndrome

Disease and clinical finding eiec

A disease very similar to shigellosis

Disease and clinical finding eaec

Acute and chronic diarrhea in persons

Pathogenesis epec

Attaching/effacing lesion

Pathogenesis etec

Lt and st encoded by plasmid, adhesive factor

Pathogenesis stec

Stx-I atau stx II encoded by phage. Attaching/effacing lesion

Pathogenesis eiec

Virulence encoded on plasmid and chromosome

Pathogenesis eaec

St-like toxin and a hemolysin

Spesies shigella (4)

S. Flexneri, s. Boydii, s. Sonnei, s. Dysenteriae

Klinis shigella

Bacillary dysentery atau shigellosis (bloody feces associated with intestinal pain)

Toxin shigella

Shiga toxin (chromosomally-encoded) which is neurotoxic, enterotoxic, dan cytotoxic

Ciri shigella

Nonspore, nonmotile, non lactose fermenting

Gejala shigella

Usually develop about 1-7 Hari (biasanya 3 Hari) after you come in contact with the bacteria

-Acute (sudden) abdominal pain or cramping

-acute (sudden) fever

-blood, mucus, or pus in stool

-crampy rectal pain (tenesmus)

-nausea and vomiting

-watery diarrhea

Exam and test shigella

-dehydration with fast heart rate and low blood pressure

- abdominal tenderness

- elevated white blood cell count

- stool culture

-white blood cells in stool

Morfologi e coli

basil soliter

Flagella e. Coli

flagella peritric

Antigen e. Coli

antigen o, k, h,

Temperature optimum e coli

optimum pada temperature 37,

E. Coli dapat memfermentasi

ferment lactose,

Keaeroban e. Coli

aerib dan fakultative anaerob, mikroaerofilik, hemolysis type B

Spore/ non spore e.coli?

Non spore

Family apa e. Coli

family enterobactericeae,

E coli indolnya bagaimana


Asetat e coli


Peragian laktosa e. Coli


Gas & glukosa e. Coli


Lisin dekarboksilase e. Coli


Motilitas e. Coli


Hemolisis tipe e. Coli

B (+/-)

Ciri salmonella

Gram negative rods

Antigen salmonella

O, H, and Vi antigens

Kearoban salmonella

Facultative anaerobic

Motile salmonella

Motile (flagella peritic)

Fermentasi salmonella

Glucose fermenting, non lactose fermenting

H2s salmonella


Extra or intra celluler pathogen salmonella?


Response acid salmonella

Acid tolerant response

Salmonellosis slide pertama (1)

-Enteric atau typhoid fever (primarily salmonella typhi and salmonella paratyphi)

-enterocolitis (typically salmonella typhimurium, salmonella enteriditis, and salmonella Heidelberg)

-other infection

Diagnosis salmonellosis

Kultur tinja selama 2 Hari, tes aglutinasi:titer antibodi O Dan H (tes widal) pada minggu pertama setelah onset awal, kultur dan sumsum tulang

Helicobacter pylori Merupakan gram

Bakteri gram negatif

Morfologi helicobacter pylori

Helix shaped

Kearoban helicobacter pylori


Flagella helicobacter pylori

Lopotric (4-7) artinya motile

Spora helicobacter pylori


Katalase helicobacter pylori


Oksidase helicobacter pylori


Urease helicobacter pylori


Transmission helicobacter pylori

Fecal oral

Patogenitas helicobacter pylori

Adhesi pada sel epitel gaster. Urease (urea > amonia) - neutralize acid vacuolizing cytotoxin (VacA) merusak sel epitel

Fungsi flagella helicobacter pylori

Bacterial mobility & chemotaxis to colonize under mucosa

Fungsi urease helicobacter pylori

Neutralize gastric acid, gastric mucosal injury (by ammonia)

Fungsi lipopolysaccharides helicobacter pylori

Adhere to host cell


Fungsi type IV secretion system helicobacter pylori

Pili like structure for injection of effectors

Fungsi secretory enzyme helicobacter pylori (...)

(mucinase, protease, lipase) gastric mucosal injury

Fungsi Exotoxin helicobacter pylori (...)

Vacuolating toxin (vacA) gastric mucosal injury

Test helicobacter pylori

Fecal antigen test, urea breath test > carbon (urea), blood test (antibody), biopsi gaster > kultur, ditanam dalam media Kaya nutrisi dan selektif dgn kondisi microaerob (90% N2, 5% CO2, 5% O2) tiga sampai emat Hari. Identifikasi:adanya oxidase, katalase, Dan urease, endoscopy

Bakteri gram negative klo dicat jd warna


Bakteri gram negative klo dicat jd warna


Enterobacteriaceae motil kecuali

Klebsiella, shigella

Yg Simon citrate + (3)

Klebsiella, proteus, pseudomonas

Yg urea + (2)

Proteus, klebsiella

Yg Simon citrate -

Shigella salmonella e coli

Yg ureanya -

Shigella, pseudomonas, salmonella, ecoli