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19 Cards in this Set

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Summarize the plot of Perseus and Andromeda pt. 1

King Acrisius was told his grandson would kill him so he locked up his daughter but Zeus impregnated her anyways. Acrisius locked his daughter and her son in a barrel so they would die but they were discovered by King Polydectes. Danae refused to marry Polydectes so he kidnapped her and forced everyone to bring him gifts. Perseus had nothing so he promised Medusa's head.

Oracle curse-Perseus promise

Summarize Perseus and Andromeda pt. 2

Athena and Hermes gave Perseus a mirror, a knife and flying shoes to aid him, as well as directions to the Grey ones and Nymphs. The Grey ones refused to help him until he stole their eye then they told him where to find the nymphs, who then told him where Medusa was. He found Medusa asleep so he cut off her head and put it in a magic wallet he'd gotten from Hades. Our of Medusa's severed neck, Pegasus was born

God's gifts- Pegasus birth

Perseus and Andromeda pt.3

When flying home, Perseus saw a lovely girl chained to a rock. She was being sacrificed to a sea monster because Poseidon had cursed her parents. Perseus said he would save her if he could marry her. They agreed and he turned the monster to stone with Medusa's head. Her parents still didn't want Perseus to marry her so he killed them. Then he went home and killed Polydectes, accidentally killed his grandfather with a discus and eventually gave Medusa's head to Athena, who put it on her shield

Andromeda- End

Characters in Perseus and Andromeda

Gods: Zeus, Hermes, Athena, Poseidon

People: Perseus, King Acrisius, Danae, Andromeda, King and Queen of Ethiopia, King Polydectes

Monsters: Medusa, Pegasus, Nymphs, Grey Ones

Summariza Jason and the Argonauts part 1

King Aeson is locked away by his brother Pelias, who also hides Aeson's son Jason. Jason eventually returns and gets Hera's blessing. Pelias sends him on a quest to find the golden fleece with a bunch of other heroes, on a ship called the Argo. They go to Colchis and participate in a bunch of activities to prove they are worthy. Jason enlists Medea, the Princess of Colchis, to help him because she is in love with him. Aietes, the King, finds out and is angry so the Argonauts and Medea escape on the ship.

Beginning- Escape from Colchis

Summarize Jason and the Argonauts part 2

Medea brings her brother on board and kills him, throwing his body overboard so the chasing fleets will have to stop and retrieve him. They go to Circe's island and ask to be purified. They go on to Corcyra but they arrive at the same time as the Colchian ships. The Colchians want the King of Corcyra to hand the Argonauts over, but the decides to let them go only if Jason and Medea wed. They do and everyone returns to Iolcus, where Pelias is reluctant to hand over the throne to Jason, the rightful heir. Medea kills Pelias and Jason takes over Iolcus.

Medea's brother-Jasons takeover.

Summarize Jason and the Argonauts part 3

Jason eventually surrenders the throne to Pelias's son and he takes Medea to Corinth. All the villagers hate Medea as she is a sorceress. The king or Corinth suggests Jason divorce Medea and marry his daughter. Medea gives the daughter a dress that bursts into flames and kills her children, then escapes the town. Medea ends up in Tartarus, then as Hecate's immortal servant. Jason grows old and is eventually killed when the prow of the Argo hits his head.

Jason's surrender- Jason's death

Jason and the Argonauts details

People: Jason, Medea, Pelias, Circe

Places: Iolcus, Colchis, Corcyra, Corinth

People and places

Summarize Theseus and the Minotaur part 1

Athens owes King Minos a debt and send him seven girls and seven boys every year to feed the Minotaur, who is held in a labyrinth. King Aegeus has a son, Theseus, and sends him to Trozen as Athens isn't safe. Aegeus puts his sword and sandals under a rock and declares that Theseus would only be recognized as his son when he could lift the rock. Theseus lifts the rock and is sent as a sacrifice to the minotaur, who he plans to kill. He tells his father he will fly black sails on the way home if he lives.

Beginning- Promise about the sails

Summarize Theseus and the Minotaur part 2

Theseus arrives in Crete, King Minos's town, and the King's daughter, Ariadne, falls in love with him at first sight. She gives him magical yarn to helo him find his way out of the labyrinth after he kills the Minotaur. Theseus succeeds in killing the Minotaur and goes home, leaving Ariadne on a random island because of a dream. However, he forgot to replace the ships sails with black and his father, assuming that Theseus was dead, kills himself.

Arrival in Crete- Aegeus's death

Theseus and the Minotaur details

Characters: Theseus, King Minos, King Aegeus, Ariadne, Minotaur.

Summarize Orpheus and Eurydice

Orpheus is the son of Apollo and a muse. He is very talented and he falls in love with Eurydice, a beautiful nymph. They get married but the torch that is supposed to symbolize their future together is unlit. Right afterwards, Eurydice is killed by a snake. Orpheus is devastated and begs Zeus to revive his wife, who redirects Orpheus to Hades. Orpheus plays a sad song to convince Hades to revive Eurydice. Hades agrees and tells Orpheus he can take Eurydice back but he wasn't allowed to look at heruntil they got to the world of the living. Orpheus made it almost all the way, but his curiosity got the best of him and he turned to see her. Right as he looked, she disappeared. Orpheus was devastated and played sad music everywhere he went until he was killed by angry maidens, finally reuniting him with his love.

Summarize Phaeton and the Four Fiery Steeds

Long ago in Africa, Phaeton was told by his mother that he and his three sisters were children of Apollo. Phaeton bragged to everyone about his godly heritage, as he had been bullied and had low self esteem. Phaeton, desperate to show off even more, went to visit Apollo, who was overjoyed to see his son and promised to give him anything he wanted. Phaeton asked to drive the sun chariot the next morning, and Apollo obliged, warning him not to whip the horses or drive too low. He goes out the next morning and it starts off well, until Phaeton realizes no one will believe him if he says he drove it, so he dives down to show the people that it's him. He goes too close and burns all their skin, such is why Africans have darker skin. In a panic, Phaeton whips the horses, who go haywire. Zeus sees all this happening and strikes Phaeton down with a thunderbolt.

Summarize Demeter and Persephone

Persephone, daughter of Demeter, gets captured by Hades who falls in love with her. He takes her back to the underworld. Demeter found out and was grief stricken. She couldn't find her daughter anywhere until a river spirit told her that Hades had taken her. Demeter told Zeus what had happened, and he agreed to help her as long as Persephone hadn't eaten anything during her stay. Demeter vowed to freeze all the crops if Zeus didn't come through. However, Persephone had eaten six pomegranate seeds, so Zeus decided she would stay in the underworld for six months. Demeter freezes the crops every year when Persephone is underground, which explains the seasons.

Summarize Athena and Arachne

Arachne claims she is a weaver equal in skill to Athena and challenges Athena to a contest. Athena warns Arachne that the consequences of losing will be severe. Arachne weaves a beautiful piece, but Athena is the clear winner. Arachne, ashamed, tried to hang herself but Athena doesn't let her and transforms her into a spider as a warning to those who dare challenge the gods.

Summarize the Apple of Discord part 2

The goddess of spite wasn't invited to a wedding so she throws an apple in the room saying for the fairest. Aphrodite, Athena and Hera all believe they should win the apple, and they decide to go to Paris for a decision. They bribe him with power (Hera), wisdom (Athena) and marriage to the must beautiful woman in the world (Aphrodite). He chooses the beautiful woman.

Summarize Hercules and the Golden Apples part 1

Hercules's eleventh labour is to fetch the golden apples from the Hesperides, which belonged to Hera. The Apples were guarded by a dragon and the Hesperides. Hercules went to Nereus to find the location of the apples. Nereus redirected him to Prometheus, who was chained to a rock. Hercules freed Prometheus and he directed him to Atlas, who turned out to know the location of the apples. However, Atlas wanted Hercules to hold the sky while bye fetched the apples. Atlas tried to trick Hercules but Hercules was too smart and brought the apples back home.

Summarize Midas and the Golden Touch

Midas finds Silenus in his garden and returns him to Dionysus, who offers Midas a wish. Midas wishes that everything he touch turn to gold, but he soon realises how impractical this is and has Dionysus reverse the wish. Later on, Midas is chose to judge a contest between Apollo and Pan. Midas unfairly chooses Pan and Apollo curses him with ears of a donkey.

Summarize The Apple of Discord part 1

Queen Hecuba of Troy has a dream where her baby is on fire, an Oracle warns her the baby will be the downfall of Troy. When the baby is born they send him with a shepherd to be killed off, but the shepherd can't bear to do it and instead leaves him on a mountainside. The shepherd goes back to collect the body, he finds the baby still alive and decides to raise the baby himself. Paris, the baby, grows up to be an exemplary hero and has a prize bull. He sets out a challenge which states that anyone who can defeat his bull will win a golden crown. Ares disguises himself as a bull and wins the contest, and Paris gives him the agreed prize.

Beginning- Ares