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31 Cards in this Set

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What are the 2 styles of essays?
formal and informal
French writings were called pensees, or ____________
The word essay was first used by a French man named ____________________
The Englishman who wrote essays about travel, truth, riches, and other serious subjects was ____________
The Tatler and Spectator papers were produced by ___________ and _______________
Addison and Steele
The 2 English poets who wrote literary essays about poetry were _____________ and ______________
Addison and Wordsworth
Franklin claimed to have heard and understood the conversation of ephemera, a type of _____________
The ephemera's life was so _________ that it measured its life by _______________
short, minutes
The elderly ephemera's felt that his struggles in life were worth it because he gained a name for himself: True or False
Edward says that the ___________ and ______________ of God keeps sinful mankind from going to hell immediately
power and pleasure
Who is Anne Frank?
A young Jewish girl whose family was hidden by a kind Dutch family in Amsterdam
True or False : William Bradford's account about the Puritans ,
"The History of Plymouth Plantation," is serious in tone.
Captain James Smith may have exaggerated or invented parts of his account : True or False
William Bryd wrote an informal yet informative account of a trip to Virginia and the Carolinas : True or False

Byrd explains the problems he's had with Powhatan: True or False

False. That was James Smith
Thomas Jefferson's letter applauds Thomas Paine 's efforts: True or False
Name the 2 reasons that diaries are written :

To record feelings and experiences for personal pleasure

For posterity

The first book to be written in America with Smith's __ ____________ ______________.
A true relation
The rescue of John Smith by Pocahontas is believed to have been ____________
fictional or exaggerated
The houses built by Byrd were constructed of ________
logs, pine, cypress shingles
The selection illustrating the idea that "the pen is mightier than the sword" is:
Jefferson's letter to Paine
Cotton Mather wrote a biography of _________
John Winthrop

Cotton Mather was a Puritan Minister : True or False
Winthrop held what political position?
An author's story about himself is:

Douglass says the experience with Mr. Covey turned him into a "_____________"
The sight of ___________ would fill Douglass with torment
2 Most popular forms of nonfiction are:
newspapers and magazines
The questions a newspaper article should ask are _____, __________, _________, _________, ___________
Who, what, when, where, how
An essay type of writing stating the opinions of the publisher is called an ___________
The type of issue most commonly discussed in editorials are:
economic, political, and social