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29 Cards in this Set

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the repetition of the same or similar sounds at the beginning of words. some famous examples of alliteration are tongue twisters such as she sells seashells by the seashore and peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
a reference to a historical event, to biblical, mythological, or literary characters and incidents with which the reader is assumed to be familiar with.
the repetition or a pattern of the similar sounds, especially vowel sounds, as in the tongue twister "Moses supposes his toes and roses."
a poem that tells a story similar to a folk tale or legend and often has a repeated refrain. the "rime of the ancient Mariner" by Samuel Taylor Coleridge is an example of a ballad
poetry that is written in a unrhymed iambic pentameter. Shakespeare wrote in most of his plays in blank verse
Blank Verse
a latin expression that means "seize the day." Carpe diem poems usually urge the reader 9 or to live for today and enjoy the pleasures of the moment.
Carpe Diem
the intentional and imaginative uses of the words and comparisons that are not literal, but that create orgibak, vivid, and often unexpected images and associations. Also called Metaphorical language.
Figurative Language
a fugure of speech in which deliberate exaggeration is used for emphasis, many everyday expressions ate examples of hyperbole: tons of money, waiting for ages, a flood of tears
an image is an expression or recreation through language of any experience perceive through the senses. if in your mind, it is imagery
in general a tone of figurative language in which there is a discrepancy a striking difference or contradicion, between that is expresses and what is meant or expected. irony may be used to achieve a powerful effet indirectly. a bankrobber jobs at the police stations.
a figure of speech in which two things are compared, usually by saying one thing is another. this comparisons do not use like or as. some examples of metaphors. the world's a stage, he was a line in the battle, drowning in debt, and a sea of troubles.
the use of words whose sound reflects their sense or meaning. " Buzz", hiss," and are common examples . also consider the "snake slithered,"
a figure of speech in which two sharply contrasting terms are paired for emphasis or ironic effect. some favorite examples are " jumbo shrimp," and army intelligence." some poets have written " wise Fool," Joyful sadness"
a form of metaphor or simile in which nonhuman things objects, plants, animals, forces of nature, abstract ideas are given human qualities. for example, "the sunbeams smiled down upon us and danced happily as we walked through the park."
a figure of speech in which two things are compared using the words "like" or "as". an example of a simile using like occurs in langston hughes poem harlem " what happens to a dream of deferred?/does it dry up/like a raisin in the sun.
anything that stands for something else. for an example , a circle is symbolic of life, the world , and unity
the repetition of the same word or group of words at the beginning of successive clauses, sentences, or lines.
The rhythmically significant stress in the articulation of words,giving some syllables more relative prominence than others.In words of two or more syllables,one syllable is almost invariably stressed more strongly than the other syllables.words of one syllable may be either stressed or unstressed,depending on the context in which they are used,but connective one-syllable words like ,and,but,or,to.etc,are generally unstressed.The words in a line of poetry are usually arranged so the accents occur at regular intervals,with the meter defined by the placement of the accents within the foot.Accent should not be construed as emphasis.
Also called head rhyme or initial rhyme,the repetition of the initial sounds(usually consonants) of stressed syllables in neighboring words or at short intervals within a line or passage,usually at word beginnings as in "wild and woolly" or the line from the poem,darkness lost.
The relatively close juxtaposition of the same or similar vowel sounds,byt with different end consonants in a line or passage,thus a vowel rhyme,as in the words,date and fade.
A pleasing combination of sounds,sounds in agreement with tone.also the repetition of the same end consonants of words such as boat and night within or at the end of a line,or the words,cool and soul,as used by Emily Dickinson in the third stanza of He Fumbles at your Spirit.
A pleasin sounds in the jarring juxtaposition of harsh letters or syllables,sometimes inadvertent,but often deliberately used in poetry of effect,as in the opening line of Fences.crawling,sprawling,breaching spokes of stone.
A mingling or union of harsh,inharmonious sounds that are grating to the ear.
Harmony or beauty of sound that provides a pleasing effect to the ear,usually sought-for in poetry for effect.it is achieved not only by the selection of individual word-sounds,but also by their relationship in the repetition,proximity,and flow of sound patterns.
Also called middle rhyme,a rhyme occurring within the line,as in the poem,The Matador.His childhood fraught with lessons taught by want and misery.
Internal Rhyme
In poetry,the harmonious use of language relative to the variations of stress and pitch.
Strictly speaking, the formation or use of words which imitate sounds.like whispering,clang and sizzle,but the term is generally expanded to refer to any word whose sounds is suggestive of its meaning.sidelight:because sound is an important part of poetry ,the use of onomatopoeia is another subtle weapon in the poet's arsenal for the transfer of sense impressions through imagery.
sound suggestiveness.the association of particular word-sounds with common areas of meaning so that other words of similar sounds come to be associated with those meanings.it is also called sound symbolism.
phonetic symbolism
the quality of richness or variety of sounds in poetic texture as in Milton's ...and the thunder...ceases now to bellow through the vast and boundless deep.