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28 Cards in this Set

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Friendly, good-natured
Marly, whose sense of houmor and good spirts never fail, is an amiable companion
A disease that cuses plants to wihter and die, a condition of disease or ruin; (v)to destroy, ruin
Duth elm disease was a blight that forever changed the look of my neiborhood; (v) She recived several rejections but was determinded not to let them blight her hopes to college
Willing to do what someone else wants; obedient
A compliant child is to discipline, even when in an unfair environment
Extra space for moving along a certian route; allowance for mistakes or inaccuracies; margin of error
Experienced planners allow leeway of a week or so in case a project runs into snags or delays
Flexible; (v) to cause to become flexible
Dancers work hard to develop limber bodies;(v) Runner limber up before a race
A strong supporter of a person; (adj)Strongly supporting one side only
The mayoral candidate is a strong partisan of term limits; (adj) Partisan hometown fans can be hostile to those from out of town
To go away from, leave empty, avoid
We have a lot of cleaning up to do before we vacate the apartment at the end of the month
An idle wanderer; a tramp; (adj) Wanderring or irresponsible
The vagabond carred his few belonggings in a shabby cardboard suitcase
The vagabond life interestes some people, but it doesnt appeal to me
A person who has committed a crime or is guilty of some misconduct; an offender
Thanks to their efficient tracking methods, the police were able to catch the culprit red-handed
To pay out, spend; to use up
The most expeireanced long-distance runners learn not to expend their energy to soon
Not priemitted, unlawful, improper
Students will be suspended for one week if they bring illict materials to school
To plunge or dip into fluid; involve deeply
I find it easier to immerse my entire body in a swimming pool than try to get used to the water slowly
To keep doing something to inspite the difficulties ; to refuse to quit even when the going is tough
The pacient needs to persevere with the painful exercises in order to walk normal again
To lie, tell an untruth; to mislead on purpose
His reputain had suffered because of his unfortunate tendency to prevaricate
Enjoyment or satifaction; (v)To enjoy greatly
She opened the tiny box with relish knowing that it contained jewelry;(v) Now that i ahve learned about Japan in class, i relish the chance to travel there
To make twisting or turning movements in away that suggests pain or struggle
Its so sad to see an injured bird writhe in pain
Wealth, riches, prosperity; great abundance, plenty
Education, work and very strong desireto succeed can rasie a person from poverty to affluenace
To shrink back or hide in fear
my father told me to be brave and not cringe when the doctor vaccinated me
Not moveable; not moving
Models must remain immobile for a long time in orderfor an artist to draw them accurately
Good humored; merry
My jovial friend is very entertaining ans is always the life of the party
Quick and skillful; clever
As the nimble climber scaled Mount Everest, it looked as if she was barley exerting any enery at all
The beggining, start; an attack
The onset of the heavy storm, frightend people ran to find shelter
Likely to spoil or decay
You must keep perishable foods chiled or they will spoil
Appering evil or dangerous; threading evil or harm
A sinister message left on our answering machine made us wonder if we were safe at home
To get revenge for
in Shakespeare Hamlet, the tittle character vows to avenge his father's death
A great flood, a heavy full or rain;(v) to flood;
Owners are hoping this summer will bring a deluge of visitors to there new theme park in minneapolis; (v) The downpoar torrential deluged the entire town
Are parents are constanly encouraging us to look for logica soulitions for problems
complete;(adj) completey
When the teacher asked her why she did not do her homework, she told an outright lie;(adj) Even though they have already heard it several times, the hilarious joke made them laugh outright