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100 Cards in this Set

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"ABDICATE (v); /ab-di-kate/"

"To give up a responsibility or right"
"ABET (v); /uh-bet/:"
"To help; especially in wrongdoing"
"ABRIDGE (v); /uh-brij/"

"To shorten; especially a speech or written work."

"ACCOLADE (n); /ak-uh-lade/"

"An award or honor"
"ACRIMONIOUS (adj); /ak-ruh-moe-nee-us/"
"Biting or mean in spirit"

"ADMONISH (v); /ad-mon-ish/"

"To verbally caution or warn"

"AFFABLE (adj); /af-uh-bull/"

"Friendly; approachable"
"AFFINITY (n); /uh-fin-i-tee/"
"A liking or preference for"
"AFFLUENT (adj); /af-loo-uhnt/"
"Wealthy; well-off"
"ALTERCATION (n); /awl-ter-kay-shuhn/"
"A quarrel or heated arguement"
"AMBIANCE (n); /am-bee-uhns/"
"Surrounding atmosphere; aura"
"AMBIGUOUS (adj); /am-big-you-us/"
"Unstructured or not clear"

"AMENABLE (adj); /uh-mee-nuh-bull or uh-men-uh-bull/"

"Responsive or willing to agree"
"AMIABLE (adj); /ay-mee-uh-bull/"
"Friendly; good-natured"
"ANIMOSITY (n); /ann-uh-moss-i-tee/"
"Hostility; ill-will; enmity"
"ANTECEDENT (n); /ann-tuh-seed-uhnt/"
"Something that has come before; forerunner"

"ANTITHESIS (n); /ann-tith-uh-sis/"

"Opposite in nature or arguement to another thing."
"ARCHAIC (adj); /ahr-kay-ick/"
"Of or characterized by antiquity; obsolete"

"ARDUOUS (adj); /ahr-joo-us/"

"difficult; laborious; steep or lofty"

"ARTICULATE (adj); /ahr-tick-you-lit/; (v) /ahr-tick-you-late/"

"speaking clearly or the act of speaking clearly"

"Atrophy (v); /a-truh-fee/"

"To waste away; to dwindle."

"Austere (adj); /aw-steer/"

"Unadorned; unembellished; severely simple."

"Avarice (n); /av-er-is/"

"An excessive desire of gain; greediness"

"Belittle (v); /be-lit-l/"

"make fun of; to speak of in a depreciatory or contemptuous way"

"Bellicose (adj); /bel-i-kohs/"

"Inclined to war; warlike"

"Benevolent (adj); /buh-nev-uh-luhnt/"

"Disposed to do good or spread happiness"
"Blithe (adj); /blahyth/"
"joyous; glad; cheerful"

"Cache (n); /kash/"

"a hiding place; or things hidden in a secret place"

"Callous (adj); /kal-uhs/"

"insensible; unfeeling; emotionally cold"

"Candid (adj); /kan-did/"

"open; frank; free from bias"

"Capricious (adj); /kuh-prish-uhs or kuh-pree-shuhs/"

"apt to change suddenly; fickle; whimsical"

"Castigate (v); /kas-ti-gayt/"

"to punish; to criticise severely"
"Catharsis (n); /kuh-thahr-sis/"
"An emotional cleansing; especially in literature and drama"

"Caucus (n); /kaw-kuhs/"

"A meeting; especially of persons belonging to a political party"

"Chattel (n); /chat-l/"

"Personal property; something or someone treated like property"

"Chronic (adj); /kron-ik/"

"Continuing for a long time; lingering"

"Circumvent (v); /sur-kuhm-vent/"

"to decieve; to delude; to get around"

"Clandestine (adj); /klan-des-tin/"

"kept secret; hidden; private"

"Coercion (n); /koh-ur-shuhn/"

"The act of compelling; urging; or enforcing a person to do something"

"Collusion (n); /[kuh-loo-zhuhn/"

"To cooperate or unite with another for mean or deceitful purposes"

"Commodious (adj); /kuh-moh-dee-uhs/"

"spacious and convenient; roomy and comfortable"

"Complacent (adj); /kuhm-play-suhnt/"

"Self-satisfied; contented; kindly"

"Comprise (v); /kuhm-prize/"

"to include; contain or involve"

"Condone (v); /kuhn-dohn/"

"To pardon; to forgive"

"Congenial (adj); /kuhn-jeen-yuhl/"

"Having similar characteristics; kindred; sympathetic"

"Conjecture (v); /kuhn-jek-cher/"

"to surmise; to guess; to infer"
"Consecrate (v); /kon-si-kreyt/"
"devoted; dedicated; to make sacred or holy"

"Consensus (n); /kuhn-sen-suhs/"

"Agreement; accord; consent"

"Consternation (n); /kon-ster-nay-shuhn/"

"Shocked; terror; combined with amazement; dismay"

"Construe (v); /kuhn-stroo/"

"to discover the sense; to explain"
"Coup (n); /koo/"
"A sudden victory or overthrow"

"Craven (n or adj); /kray-vuhn/"

"A coward or to act cowardly; fainthearted"
"Credible (adj); /kred-uh-buhl/"
"worthy of belief; believable"

"Culpable (adj); /kuhl-puh-buhl/"

"worthy of blame; faulty; immoral; guilty"
"Curtail (v); /ker-tale/"
"to shorten; to diminish"
"Cynical (adj); /sin-i-kuhl/"
"believing the worst of human nature; doubtful and disbelieving of good things"

"Debacle (n); /dey-bah-kuhl/"

"A complete failure; a disaster"

"Deference (n); /def-er-uhns/"

"respect to the wishes or opinion of another; submission"

"Deluge (n); /del-yooj/"

"A flood or downpour"

"Demagogue (n or v); /dem-ah-gog/"

"a leader who obtains power by appealing to the emotions and prejudices of the people"

"Denounce (v); /di-nouns/"

"to point out for punishment; to accuse"

"Deplete (v); /di-pleet/"

"to reduce; to exhaust the strength of"

"Depraved (adj); /di-preyvd/"
"contaminated; perverted in nature"
"Depreciate (v); /di-pree-shee-eyt/"
"To fall in value; to become of less worth"

"Dessiccate (v); /des-ah-kate/"

"to dry out completely"

"Disconcert (v); /dis-kuhn-surt/"

"To confuse or disturb"
"Disconsolate (adj); /dis-kon-suh-lit/"

"hopelessly sad; comfortless; filled with grief"

"Disparity (n); /di-spar-i-tee/"
"Inequality; difference in age; rank; or condition"

"Dispel (v); /di-spel/"

"To drive away by scattering; or so to cause to vanish"
"Dissent (v; n); /di-sent/"
"To differ in opinion; to be of unlike or contrary sentiment; to disagree"

"Docile (adj); /dos-uhl/"

"Teachable; easy to teach; obediant"

"Draconian (adj); /dra-kown-ian/"

"severe, cruel"

"Duress (n)"

"hardship, restraint, confinement"

"Edict (n); /ee-dikt/"

"A public command or law"
"Egregious (adj); /i-gree-juhs/"
"extraordinary; distinguished (in a bad sense)"

"Embellish (v); /em-bel-ish/"

"To make beautiful or elegant; to decorate"
"Entice (v); /en-tahys/"
"to allure; to attract"

"Epicurean (adj); /ep-i-kyoo-ree-uhn/"

"Given to luxury; adapted to luxurious tastes"

"Epigram (n); /ep-i-gram/"

"A short witty poem or statement"

"Epitaph (n); /ep-i-taf/"

"An inscription on a grave or tomb; words written or said in memory of the deceased"

"Epithet (n); /ep-uh-thet/"
"An noun expressing some characteristic of a person or thing; a nickname"
"Erudite (adj); /er-yoo-dahyt/"
"scholarly; learned; smart"
"Expound (v); /ik-spound/"
"To lay open the meaning of; to explain; to interpret"
"Extraneous (adj); /ik-strey-nee-uhs/"
"not essential or needed"
"Facetious (adj); /fuh-see-shuhs/"

"Characterized by humor or jokes; inappropriate humor"

"Fallible (adj); /fal-uh-buhl/"
"Liable to fail or capable of making mistakes"
"Fathom (v); /fath-uhm/"
"come to understand; to know completely"
"Feasible (adj); /fee-zuh-buhl/"

"Capable of being done; executed; or effected; practicable"

"Feign (v); /feyn/"
"to pretend; to form and relate as if true"
"Fetish (n); /fet-ish/"
"An obsessive devotion or interest"

"Fickle (adj); /fik-uhl/"

"of a changeable mind; not firm in opinion or purpose; capricious"

"Flagrant (adj); /fley-gruhnt/"

"hockingly noticeable or evident; obvious; glaring"

"Flaunt (v); /flawnt/"

"to parade or display oneself conspicuously; to show off"

"Fluctuate (v); /fluhk-choo-eyt/"

"to move up and down like a wave"

"Forage (v); /fawr-ij/"

"the act of searching for food or provisions"

"Forbear (v); /fawr-bair/"
"to pause; to delay; to resist or hold back"

"Forensic (adj); /fuh-ren-sik/"

"Belonging to courts"

"Forsake (v)"

"to abandon, to give up, to renounce"

"Fortuitous (adj)/ four-two-ah-tis"

"something fortunate occurring by chance; lucky"

"Genesis (n); /jen-ah-sis/"
