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13 Cards in this Set

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My sister is a baby.

My brother is a boy.

My father is a man.

We are a happy family.

There are five people in my family.

Family ➡تعامل كمفرد

My father is a doctor.

My mother is a teacher.

I am a student.

My brother is a baby.

There are four people in our family. This is our big house.

لم نضع a

قبل big !!!!!!!

السبب: جاء قبلها ضمير الملكية

وبعد ضمير الملكية لا توضع اداة.

الكتابة النموذجية


There are four people in my family.

My father is a doctor. He is 39 years old.

My mother is a teacher. She is 37 years old.

I have one sister, too. She is a student.

She is 7 years old. We have a happy family.


How many people are there in her family?

There are four people in her family.

What does her father do?

Her father is a doctor.

What does her mother do?

Her mother is a teacher.

How old is her mother?

She is 37 years old.

How old his sister?

She is 7 years old.

الكتابة النموذجية: B

My mother is a chef.

She is 36 years old.

My sister is a student.

She is 7 years old.

My brother is a baby.

He is 1 month old.


فقرة تجميع الافكار:

جزء عام :

What does Sam's father do?

He is a police officer.

What does Judy's mother do?

She is a chef.

Does she have a brother?

Yes, she has a brother.

How many people are there in this family?

There are three people in this family.


فقرة تجميع الافكار :

الجزء الخاص :

What does your father do?

He is a teacher.

What does your mother do?

She is a housewife.

Do you have any brothers or sisters?

Yes, I have two brothers and one sister.

How many people are there in your family?

There are five people in my family.


الكتابة الموجهة:

المقدمة intro

افراد العائلة Family members

الأبوين Parents

الاخوة و الاخوات Brothers and sisters

الاستنتاج Conclusion


الكتابة الموجهة :


My family is big.

افراد العائلة

There are seven people in my family.

الأبوين :

My father is 45 years old.

He is a pilot.

My mother is 42 years old.

She is a writer.

الاخوة و الاخوات :

I have two brothers and one sister.

الاستنتاج :

We have a happy family.


الكتابة الموجهة :


My family is big.

افراد العائلة

There are seven people in my family.

الأبوين :

My father is 45 years old.

He is a pilot.

My mother is 42 years old.

She is a writer.

الاخوة و الاخوات :

I have two brothers and one sister.

الاستنتاج :

We have a happy family.
