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9 Cards in this Set

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Stimulus: impulses from hypothalamic neurons in response to uterine stretching and suckling of infant at breast

Released from: posterior pituitary

Function and target cells: Uterus stimulates contractions; initiates labor, Breast initiates milk ejection

Inhibited: Lack of appropriate neural stimuli

Antidiuretic Hornone (ADH)

Stimulus: Impulses from hypothalamic neurons in reponse to increase blood solute concenration or decreased blood volume; also stimulated by pain, some drugs, low blood pressure

Released from: poterior pituitary

Function and target organs: kidneys stimulate ridney tubule cells to reabsorb water

Inhibited: Adequate hydration of the body and by alcohol

Growth hormone (GH)

Stimulus: GHRH+ release triggered by low blood levels of GH as well as by a # of secondary triggers such as hypoglycemia, increase blood levels of amino acids, low levels of fatty acids and excercise

Released from: Anterior pituitary

Function and target cells: liver, muscle,bone,cartilage: anabolic hormone; stimulates somatic growth; mobilizes fats, spares glucose

Growth promoting effects mediated indirectly by IGF'S

Inhibited: feedback inhibition exerted by GH and IGF'S and by hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, obesity, and emotional deprivation via increased GHIH and decreased GHRH release

Thyroid simulating hormone (TSH)

Stimulus: TRH and infants indirectly by cold temperature

Released from: Anterior pituitary

Function and target cells: thyroid gland stimulated to release thryoid hormones

Inhibited: feedback inhibition exerted by thyroid hormones on anterior pituitary and hypothalamus and by GHIH

Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)

Stimulus: CRH stimuli that increase CRH release include fever, hypoglycemia, and other stessors

Target cells and function: adrenal cortex, promotes release of glucocorticoids and androgens

Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)

Stimulated: GnRH

Target organ and effects: ovaries and testes in females stimulates ovarian follicle maturation and estrogen production, in males it stimulates sperm production

Inhibited: feedback inhibition exerted by inhibin, and estrogen in females and testosterone in males

Lutenizing hormone (LH)

Stimulated: GnRH

Anterior pituitary

Target organ and effects: ovaries and testes, in females it triggers ovulation and stimulates ovarian production of estrogen and progestorone, in males it promotes testosterone production

Inhibited: feedback inhibition exerted by estrogen and progesterone in females and testosterone in males

Prolactin (PRL)

Stimulus: decreased dopamine; release enhanced by estrogens, birth control pills, breast feeding and dopamine blocking drugs

Anterior pituitary

Target organ and effects: breast secretory tissue; promotes lactation