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219 Cards in this Set

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Steroidal hormones

Can cross the cell membrane easily and bind to a receptor in cell nucleus

Non-Steroidal hormones

Cannot cross the membrane easily and bind to receptors on the membrane

Increase in size of muscles and bones, repair of tissue (anterior lobe)

GH (growth hormone)

Stimulates the thyroid gland to release its hormone

Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)

Females: priduction of estrogen,maturation of ova; males: sperm production (anterior lobe pituitary gland)

Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)


Structures that are known to perform the digestive function of the cell

Lumbar puncture

A needle is used to remove csf fluid from the subarachnoid space to be examimed

Membranes that protect the brain and spinal cord


Secretes thyroid hormones that increase energy production, stimulate protien synthesis, speeds up repair of damaged tissues

Thyroid gland

Lowers blood calcium levels by activating osteoblasts


Acts as an agonist to calcitonin, raises blood calcium levels by activating osteoclasts

Parathyroid hormones (PTH)

Posterior lobe of pituitary gland that stimulates the kidneys to conserve water; decreases urine output; maintains blood pressure

Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)


Decreases blood sugar levels


Increases blood sugar levels

Central portion of the adrenal glands that produces hormines with the same effects as the sympathetic nervous system: epinephrine and norepinephrine

Adrenal medulla

Secretes two main hormones located in the adrenal glands

Adrenal Cortex

Stimulates body to retain sodium also important in maintaining blood pressure


Released when stressed, decreases protien synthesis resulting in slow tissue repair and decreases inflammation


Secretes digestive enzymes into a duct leading to the small intestine

Exocrine glands

Secretes hormones into the bloodstream or surrounding tissues

Endocrine glands

Secretes melatonin and regulates circadian rhythms , may play a role in onset of puberty

Pineal body

Enlargement of bones and thickened skin; caused by too much GH produced in adults


Hypercortisolism; excessive production of ACTH

Cushings Disease

Type 1 diabetes

Usually develops in childhood

Type 2 diabetes

Primarily in adults

Too much GH produced in childhood


Hyperthyroidism caused when antibodies attack the thyroid gland

Graves Disease

Eustachian tubes

Equalizes pressure on the eardrum


Hearing loss due to the aging process

Basal cell carcinoma

Most common skin cancer

Large intestine

The proximal portion that absorbs water and electrolytes

T cells

Most lymphocytes are t cells

What occurs in response to an injury?


Type of tissue that is seperated by a matrix, most abundant tissue in the body

Connective tissue

A progressive degenerative disease of the grey matter in the brain that causes dementia


What vitamin is essential for blood clotting?


What blood type is a universal donor?

Type o

What blood type is a universal recipient?


Heart related chest pain?


What seperates skelatal muscles and covers it?


What are responsible for destroying bacteria, viruses, and toxins in the blood?


What wbcs are effective in gettimg rid of parasitic infections and viruses?


What wbcs release substances like histamine and heparine?


What wbcs provide immunity for the body?


What is the percentage of rbcs in a sample of blood known as?


What transports lipids and some fat-soulable vitamins in plasma?


What is the first reaction when a blood vessel is broken?

Smooth muscle contracts

When blood clot forms on the side of a blood vesselwith no known injury


If a part of a thrombus breaks off and starts moving through the blood stream


A condition in which abnormal heboglobin causes red blood cells to change to a sickle shape

Sickle cell anemia

Inflammatory bowel disease typically effectiving the small intestine

Chrons disease

Taste buds located at the tip of the tounge


Taste buds located at the sides of the tongue?


Taste buds located at the tip and sides of the tongue?


Taste buds located at the back of the tongue?


The ability of the lens to change shape


Wedged shaped muscle that controls the shape of the lens

Cillary body

Changes its shape to focus light onto the retina


Musscle tissue that contracts to alter the size of the pupil (regulates the amount of light let into the eye)


Contains the blood vessels of the eyes


What can be found in the anterior chamber or the eye

Aqueous Humor

What can be found in the posterior chamber of the eye

Vitreous humor

What produces mucus to keep the surface of the eye moist


Lateral edge of the eyeball that produces tears

Lacrimal apparatus/ lacrimal glands

Responsible for most muscle movement

Prime miver or agonist

Helps the prime mover by stablizing joints


Produces movements opposite to the prime mover


Fairly common condition that causes chronic pain primarily in joints, muscles, and tendons


Inherited disorder charectorized by muscle weakness and a loss of muscle tissue

Muscular dystrophy

Rapid production of energy

Creatine phosphate

What do cells make that is needed for repeating muscle contraction?


What uses the bodys store of glucose

Areobic respiration

What is a production from pyruvic acid

Lactic acid

Skeletal muscles contract in respone to this neurotransmitter


After contraction, muscles release this enzyme which breaks down acetylcholine and allows muscles to relax


Which skeletal division contains 80 bones


Which skeletal division contains 126 bones


Which vitamins are essential for bone growth

Vitamin D and calcium

Fibrous joints in the skull


The first cervical vertebrae


The second cervical vertebrae


What hold bones together or connects bones to bones


A cordlike fibrous tissue that connects muscle to bone


Relative consistency of the bodys internal environment


Simplest unit of matter


Anything that takes up space or has weight


The matrix of blood that does not contain fibers


Squeezing action of skeletal muscles results in what?

Movement of lymph

Tissues that cover the body and most organs in the body

Epithelial tissue

Special type of tissue that contracts and relaxes and consists of 3 types: skeletal, visceral, and cardiac

Muscle tissue

Located in the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves and specializes in sending electrical impulses to neurons, muscles, and glands in the body

Nervous tissue

The study of what matter is composed of and how matter changes


The overall chemical functioning of the body


Positively or negatively charged particles


Body cells depend on these molecules to make energy


These act as the structural materials for the building of solid body parts


A part of the cell responsible for protein synthesis


Movement from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration


Movement of water across a semipermeable membrane


Cell membrane acts like a filter, pressure forces substances across a membrane


Substances cross the cell membrane with a carrier molecule from low to high

Active transport

Most superficial layer of the skin


Layer of skin that contaims all tissue types


The layer of skin composed of adipose and loose connective tissue

Subcutaneous layer

Most numerous glands in the body and produce a watery sweat activated by heat

Eccrine glands

A thivker type of sweat usually in the armpits or groin areas activated by nervousness or sweat

Appocrine glands

Most common type of skin cancer that is slow progressing and rarely spreads to surrounding tissues

Basil cell carcinoma

Weaking of the heart over time, heart is unable to pump enough blood to meet the bodys needs

CHF or congestive heart failure

How much percent of blood is plasma


These digest the pathogens in lymph


When lymph is not pushed through a lymphatic vessel, it leaks back out of the lymphatic capillaries causing what condition?


What organ is soft, bi-lobed and produces thymosin, which stimulates production of lymphocytes?


What is the largest lymphatic organ that filters blood and if removed the liver takes over?


Enzymes in the body fluids that provides barriers and destroys pathogens

Chemical barrier

Skin and mucus membranes

Mechanical barriers

Non-specific defenses to protect from pathogens in general

Innate immunity

The process of destroying pathogens by cells surrounding and destroying unwanted debris in the body


Redness, heat, swelling, and pain are the four cardinal signs of what?


Foriegn substances in the body on the surfaces of pathogens


Foriegn substances too small to start an immune response


Protiens in the body that respond to specific antigens


These work with antigens


Major wbcs involved in the bodys defense

Lymphocytes and macrophages

An antibody found in secretions of the body like breast milk, sweat, tears, saliva, and mucus, preventing pathogens from entering the body


Thought to control the activity of b cells


An antibody that primarily recognizes bacteria, viruses, and toxins


A large antibody that binds to food, bacteria, or incompatible blood cells


An immunity developed by being naturally exposed to an antigen

Naturally Aquired Active

An immunity developed by being injected with a pathogen

Artificially Aquired Active

A person recieves this immunity from his mother

Naturally Aquired Passive

A person recieves this immunity when injected with antibodies. Example: being bitten by a snake

Artificially Aquired Passive

Cells that increase antibody formation, memory cell formation, b cell formation, and phagocytosis

Helper T cells

A slow process in which memory cells are formed

Primary immune response

A process that is quick and carried out by memory cells and usually prevents a person from developing a disease from an antigen

Secondary immune response

Occur in response to an allergen and signs and symptoms are based on where exposure occurs


Antihistamines and decongestants

Treatments for allergies

A disease in which the body attacks its own antigens


The opening between the vocal cords






The flap-like structure that closes off the larynx during swallowing


Thin sacs of cells surrounded by capillaries also kbown as the working tissue


Double walled Membrane surrounding the lungs


Keeps alveoli from collapsing


Diring this mechanism of breathing, the diaphragm relaxes and air rich in co2 exists the lungs


Breathing rapidly and deeply in an atempt to decrease carbon dioxide levels in the blood


The amount of air that can be forcefully exhaled after the deepest inhalation possible

Vital capacity

The total amount of air that the lungs can hold

Total lung capacity

A condition in which the tubes of the bronchial tree become obstructed due to inflammation


A group of lung disorders that limit airflow to the lungs and usually cause enlargement of the alveoli

Chronic Obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD

A chronic condition associated with smoking that damages the alveoli


A collection of air in the chest around the lungs which may cause atelectasis


A condition in which fluids fill spaces in the lungs making it very difficult for the lungs to oxygenate the blood

Pulmonary edema

A viral respiratory disease that is very contagious and sometimes fatal

Severe acute respiratory syndrome or SARS

Consists of the brain and spinal cord

Central nervous system

Consists of the peripheral nerves which are located throughout the body

Peripheral nervous system

A division of the peripheral nervous system that governs your bodys skeletal or voluntary muscles

Somatic nervous system

A division of the peripheral nervous system that is in charge of your bodys automatic functions such as the respiratory and gastrointestinal systems

Autonomic nervous system

Cells that do not transmit impulses but function as support cells for neurons


Functional cells of the nervous system that transmit nerve impulses


The portion of the neuron that contains the nucleus and is responsible for generating protiens and energy

Cell body

Short and branch profusely near the cell body; recieve information for the Neuron


Typically long and branch profusely after they have extended far away fron the cell body; recive information for the neuron


Axons coated with mylelin sheath

White matter

Axons not coated with myelin sheath

Grey matter

Released to allow impulse transmission to post synaptic structures


Toughest and outermost layer of the meninges

Dura mater

This contains CSF which cushions the CNS

Subarachnoid Space

A predictable automatic response


Skin segment innervated by spinal nerve


Are formed when the main portions of spinal nerves fuse together


A division of the ANS that prepares organs for the fight or flight stressful emergency situations, releases norepinephrine

Sympathetic division

A division of the ANS that prepares the body for resting and digesting by keeping the heart rate relatively low, releases aceytlcholine

Parasympathetic division

Degeneration of neurons in the spinal cord and brain; lou gehrigs disease; fatal

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)

Microscopic structures within the kidneys that filter blood, remove waste products and form urine


Secreted by the kidneys to help regulate blood pressure


Secreted from the kidneys to stimulate red bone marrow to produce rbcs


Outer most layer of the kidneys

Renal cortex

Middle portion of the kidneys that divides into renal pyramids

Renal medulla

A renal corpuscle is composed of a mass of capillaries which is known as??


The proximal convulated tubule is directly attached to what?

Bowmans Capsule

The first process in urine formation which the fluid part of blood is forced in the glomerulus into the bowmans capsule and is dependant on filtration pressure (largely determined by blood pressure)

Glomerular Filtration

What two hormones increase water reabsorption, which decreases urine production

Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and Aldosterone

The 3rd process of urine formation in which substances move from blood in the peritubular capillaries into the renal tubules

Tubular secretion

Waste products formed by the breakdown of protiens and nucleic acids, and their secretion helps maintain the bodys acid based balance

Urea and uric acid

Sudden loss of kidney function; may be reversible with treatment

Acute kidney (renal) failure

Kidneys slowly lose ability to function; not reversible

Chronic kidney (renal) failure

Kidney stones

Renal calculi

Sac like organs that secrete an alkaline seminal fluid that is rich in sugars and prostaglandins

Seminal vesicles

Produces a milky alkaline fluid that enters the urethra just before ejaculation and helps to protect the sperm when they enter the acidic enviroment of the female vagina

Prostate gland

Aka cowpers glands, that produce a mucus like fluid that lubricates tje penis in preparation for sexual intercourse

Bulbourethral glands

Folds of the vagina


Rich in sensory nerves and contains in female erectile tissue


Tissues of uterine lining grow outside of the uterus


More deadly than other types; detection is difficult and ofter spreads before detection

Ovarian cancer

The time before offspring is born and zygote undergoes rapid mitosis

Prenatal period

A period that extends from the second week of pregnancy to the end of the 8th week of development, most internal organs are formed

Embryonic period

Begins at the end of the eighth week and ends at birth. Rapid fetus growth and reproductive organs are distinguishable. Digestive and respiratory systems develop

Fetal period

Caused by a bacteria, most commonly reported, and often no symptoms in a female


When the mouth takes in food and reduces its size by chewing

Mechanical digestion

When saliva (which contains amylase) breaks down carbohydrates

Chemical digestion

What typically causes chronic renal failure

Diabetes and hypertension

Most of the bodys nutrient absorption happens where

Small intestine

Non-specific defense that activates cells to attack pathogens


The innermost layer of the alimentary canal that absorbs nutrients


Highly sensitive and can function in dim light; black whites and grey


Water souluable vitamins

B and c

Most common cause of anemia

Iron deficiency

When skin is injured, inflammation follows. What is one effect of this response

Carries defense cells to the area

Skin cancer that begins in the flat cells of the epidermis

Squamous cell carcinoma

What is associated with eccrine sweat glands

Produces a watery sweat

When is bp the greatest

When the ventricles contract

Rbcs typically live for how long

120 days or 4 months

What characteristic is associated with appocrine sweat glands

Produces sweat with high amounts of protein

What is tje most likely result of agglutination?

Severe anemia

How much blood does the average adult body contain

4 to 6 lieters

What is the gallbladders only function

To store bile

Fat soulable vitamins

A, D,E,K

Chronic liver disease; normal tissue is replaced with non functional scar tissue
