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103 Cards in this Set

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6 P's of compartment syndrome
pain, pallor, parasthesia, paralysis, poikilothermia, pulselessness
comminuated fracture
bone splintered or shattered into numerous fragments. often occurs in crushing injuries.
impacted fracture
bone is forcibly pushed together, resulting in bone being pushed into bone.
greenstick fracture
bone is bent and fractures on the outer arc of the bend. often seen in children.
displaced fracture
bone pieces are out of normal alignment. one or more pieces may be out of alignment.
pathological (neoplastic) fracture
caused when bone is weakened either by pressure from a tumor or an actual tumor within the bone.
spiral fracture
fracture curves around the shaft of the bone.
longitudinal fracture
fracture occurs along the length of the bone.
oblique fracture
fracture occurs diagonally across the bone
stress fracture
results in the bone being fractured across one cortex. this is an incomplete fracture.
treatment for strains; rest, ice, compression, elevation
associated with muscle destruction (crushing), high fever, convulsions, or prolonged muscle compression (coma); CK levels 5 times higher than normal
normal= 8.5-10.5 mg/dL
normal= 2.5-4.5 mg/dL
alkaline phosphotase (ALP)
male: 45-115 units/L
female: 30-100 units/L
normal=95-100%; increased in rhabdomyelosis, muscle disease; screening test for malignant hypothermia
diabetes mellitus
deficient production of insulin or body's inability to use insulin
fasting blood glucose= 100-125 mg/dL
secondary diabetes
caused by another chronic illness such as pancreatitis or cystic fibrosis or prolonged use of some drugs (Dilantin, thyroid hormone, thiazide diabetics)
metabolic syndrome
must have 3 of the following: elevated waist circumference, triglceride level= 150 or more, HDL lower than 40 for men, 50 for women, BP= 130/85 or more, fasting glucose= 110 or more
fasting plasma glucose
level of 126 or more leads to dx of diabetes mellitus
6.5% or more leads to dx of diabetes mellitus
glucocorticoid (Prednisone)
most common cause of Cushing's syndrome is prolonged use of this
oral hypoglycemic that decreses glucose production
oral hypoglycemic that reduces the rate of carb digestion
oral hypoglycemic that stimulates insulin secretion and increases insulin receptor sensitivity
Somogyi effect
glucose rises in spite of increased insulin doses
dawn phenomenon
natural release of growth hormone and cortisol during the early morning causes hyperglycemia in the morning
stimulates the release of cortisol; normal= 9-52 (5-29 for women on birth control)
stimulates thyroid growth and release of T3 and T4; normal= 0.4-4.6
increases absorption of calcium by kidneys and excretion of phosphate; normal= 8-24; most important regulator of blood calcium levels in adults
adrenal medulla
releases epinephrine and norepinephrine
increases reabsorption of sodium and excretion of potassium; maintains BP and blood volume; normal= supine: 3-16, upright: 7-30
goal is energy production (synthesis of glucose); direct stimulus is ACTH; normal=5-25 at 8 a.m., 3-16 at 4 p.m.
stimulates conversion of glycogen to glucose to raise blood sugar; released in hypoglycemia
normal=70-204 ng/dL
normal= male: 4.6-10.5 mcg/dL
female: 5.5-11 mcg/dL
normal= male: 0-5
female: 0-10
normal= 0-4.7
urine specific gravity
normal= 1.001-1.029
use can cause diabetes insipidus
dilutional hyponatremia
symptom of SIADH; s/s= bounding pulse, muscle weakness, personality changes, convulsions, coma
drug used to treat acromegaly
drug that decreases GH levels to treat acromegaly
myxedema coma
complication of hypothyroidism; pt becomes hypothermic with decreased RR; tx= IV levothroxyzine (Synthroid)
thyrotoxic crisis
complication of hyperthyroidism; pt has increased BP, HR, high fever, coma; tx=acetaminophen
endemic goiter
goiter caused by iodine deficiency
toxic goiter
goiter that occurs with hyperthyroid state
persistant cough
symptom of thyroid cancer
cause of hypoparathyroidism
tumor of adrenal medulla
intermittent hypertension
most prominent s/s of pheochromocytoma
dx with positive Chvostek and Trousseau's signs
tx acute episodes with IV calcium gluconate
Adrenocortical Insufficiency
can be caused by prolonged use of corticosteroids
decreased amounts in adrenocortical insufficiency cause increased HR and decreased BP
decreased amounts in adrenocortical insufficiency cause hypoglycemia and fatigue
Addison's disease
treat with glucocorticod and mineralcorticoid replacement
alkaline phosphotase
increased when new bone is formed; used to detect metastatic bone cancer and Paget's disease
screening test for malignant hypothermia
screening tests for muscular dystrophy, polymyositis, and dermatomyositis
test done on pts. of they can't do MRI or CT; stands you on your head to let dye enter spinal column; assess pt. for headache and n/v post-op
examines synovial fluid to determine joint damage;maximum head raise 45 degrees for at least 3 hours post-op
gallium/thallium scan
moves to bone, brain, breast to look for cancer
aspirates joint fluid to decrease pressure and increase movement
insert needles into muscle to determine pain level and amount of stimulation needed to move muscle
bone scan
pt must lay completely still for 90 mins and test must be repeated in 2 hr; used to visulalize entire skeleton; traces radioactive material through bone to show "hot spots" that indicate bone damage
involves soft tissue/muscles; tendons are stretched
ligaments damaged from twisting movement
inflammation of bursae; chronic if it lasts over 6 months
prevents friction between bone and tendon
Phalen's test
when wrist is flexed, the hand goes numb; if positive, carpal tunnel is diagnosed
acute compartment syndrome
swelling compresses copartments; 6 P's; pain is first s/s; tx= faciotomy (cut compartment to reduce compression)
fat embolism syndrome
fat clot travels to lungs and causes respiratory distress; can occur up to 72 hr post-op; 1st s/s= decreased LOC; place pt. in high Fowler's position and administer corticosteroids
color, warmth, circulation, movement; asses q1-2h for 24 hr post-op and then QID and PRN
risk factors= excessive ETOH use, smoking, excessive caffeine intake
Dowanger's hump
associated with osteporosis, pt walks hunched over and a hump is formed on dorsocervical area
associated with osteoporosis, spine shrinks and height decreases up to 6 in
back pain
1st s/s of osteoporosis
dual-energy x-ray absoptiometry
standard screening for bone density
Fosamax, Actonel
drugs that prevent/reduce bone breakdown for pts. with osteoporosis
drug that increases bone mass up to 2-3%
drug given to pts at risk for fracture; can only be used for 2 years
Paget's disease
disease characterized by disorganized bone deposits; holes in bones; bones most often effected= spine, femur, skull, pelvis
drug used to decrease bone loss in pts with Paget's disease
most common and most fatal bone cancer; most often occurs in 10-25 yr old males; metastisizes to lung within 2 years
Ewing's sarcoma
most malignant bone tumor; s/s= leukocytosis, low grade temp, pain/swelling in pelvis and legs
cancer of cartilaginous cells; occurs in middle age or older
metastatic bone disease
bone-seeking cancer; most often starts in prostate, breast, lung, and thyroid; s/s= pathological fractures and severe pain
primary gout
caused by an inherited problem with purine metabolism
urate deposits under skin and makes nodules, often on outer edges of ear
drug used to tx acute gout attacks
drug used for gout to increase renal excretion of uric acid
systemic lupus erythematosus
life threatening; characterized by butterfly rash, photosensitivity, fatigue, weight loss, mucosal ulcers, alopecia
progressive disease characterized by tightening, hardening, and thickening of skin tissue; 95% have Reynaud's phenomenon
Reynaud's phenomenon
hands intolerant to cold; common in pts with scleroderma
osteogenesis imperfecta
brittle bone disease; characterized by triangular-shaped face, fragile bones, blue/purple sclera and smooth, thin skin
inflammation of skeletal muscle; tx= prednisone
characterized by a purple rash and periorbital edema
muscular dystrophy
muscles atrophy; group of 9 disorders characterized by progressive muscle weakness
most common connective tissue disorder;
Herberden's and Bouchard's Nodes
bony nodes on sides of fingers in pts with osteoarthritis
traumatic amputation replantation
wrap severed body part in cool, slightly moist cloth, place in sealed bag submerged in cold water