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184 Cards in this Set

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What are the basic hormonal mechanisms responsible for maintain water balance?
ADH!!! Aldosterone from the RAAS system antagonizes ADH.
List the renal functions or factors that contribute to urine concentration and dilution.
Properly functioning transport mechanisms in the pct and dct, medullary gradient, and functioning adh receptors in the collecting ducts.
What is considered normal water intake for cats and dogs?
Less than 100 ml/kg/day
What does it mean to say that normal does not equal appropriate?
If water loss is higher than normal, eg. a hot dry day, increased water intake above normal would still be appropriate.
Pu/pd mechanism-Primary polydipsia
1. Primary polydipsia
2. Splenomegaly
Pu/pd mechanism-reduced or absent ADH
1. Polycythemia
2. Central diabetes insipidus
Pu/pd mechanism-loss of medullary gradient
1. Hyponatremia
2. Liver failure
3. Portosystemic shunt
4. Medullary washout
5. Chronic kidney disease
6. Leptospirosis
7. Hyperthyroidism (cats only)
8. Hypoadrenocorticism (Addisons)
Pu/pd mechanism-osmotic diuresis
1. Post obstructive diuresis
2. Polyuric acute renal failure
3. Diabetes mellitus
4. Fanconi's syndrome
5. Primary renal glucosuria
6. Acromegaly(cats only)-growth hormone interferes with insulin, leads to diabetes
Pu/pd mechanism-impaired response to ADH
1. Pyelonephritis(LPS antagonizes ADH)
2. Pyometra/prosthetitis
3. Primary hyperaldosteronism (Blunts ADH response)
4. Primary Nephrogenic DI
5. Hypercalcemia
6. Pheochromocytoma
7. Leiomyosarcoma
8. Hyperadrenocortisism (Cushings)
Pu/pd mechanism-Aquaporin 2 down-regulation
1. Chronic partial ureteral obstruction
2. Hypokalemia
Pu/pd mechanism-other things that don't fit
Diet, drugs, and toxins
What three pu/pd differentials cause extreme (hyposthenuric) urine dilution?
Central DI
Primary polydipsia
What are the most common causes of Pu/pd in dogs?
Cushings, diabetes mellitus, chronic kidney disease
What are the most common causes of Pu/pd in cats?
Hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus, chronic kidney disease
Which causes of pu/pd only occur in cats?
Acromegaly, hyperthyroidism
Which causes of pu/pd only occur in dogs?
primary/psycogenic polydypsia
What are hormones, what is their basic function?
A hormone is a biochemical molecule that alters the function of cells to keep body systems in balance.
Understand and describe the different types of regulation/feedback loops used to control hormones.
Negative feedback-hormone suppresses its own production
Hormone levels are maintained by release of the hormone, not by clearance from the body.
Control of hormone effect by binding to a carrier molecule or by transport of a precursor state.
Receptor concentration in different tissues control uptake in each tissue.
Antagonistic hormone production-different hormone has the opposite effect of original hormone (eg. Insulin and glucogon).
Differentiate between a hypo- and hyperfunctional endocrine gland. Be able to describe the different mechanisms of each.
Hypo-decrease in function of a gland. Occurs due to destruction of tissue, replacement of tissue with non-functional neoplastic tissue, destruction of a precursor gland, or outside suppression of the gland.
Hyper-increase in gland function. Due to benign or malignant neoplastic hyperplasia, overstimulation from an upstream gland or exogenous source, or deficiency of a suppressive hormone.
What are the basic types of endocrine testing and what are the advantages or limitations of each? What is each test best used for?
Single assay-measures a single hormone at a single point in time. Ruling in or out a differential.
Paired assay-measures multiple hormones in a loop, or a trigger and response pair. Assessing the entire hormone loop, or the appropriateness of an abnormal result.
Stimulation test-stimulates hormone production. Diagnosing a hypofunctional gland.
Suppression test-suppresses hormone production. Diagnosing a hyperfunctional gland.
What is the difference between normal/abnormal and appropriate/inappropriate?
Normal/abnormal refers to a test results relationship to the reference interval. Appropriate/inappropriate refers to the presence or absence of a normal physiologic cause for a test result.
Describe the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis in the healthy animal. How does this axis differ in the hypothyroid animal?
Normal: The hypothalamus produces TRH, which stimulates the pituitary to produce TSH, which stimulates the thyroid gland to produce T3 and T4. T3 and T4 have inhibitory effects on the hypothalamus and pituitary.
Hypothyroid: T3 and T4 are not produced either due to a lack of response from the thyroid tissue, lack of TRH production, or lack of TSH production.
Distinguish between the different types of hypothyroidism.
Primary: Lack of functional thyroid tissue. Aquired-lymphocytic thyroiditis, idiopathic follicular atrophy, secondary to neoplasia. Iatrogenic-surgery, 131-I therapy, anti-thyroid medications. Congenital-cretinism, disproportionate dwarfism.
Secondary: decreased pituitary secretion of TSH. Aquired-neoplasia (most common), pituitary suppression, illness, malnutrition. Congenital (rare).
Tertiary: Lack of TRH production in the hypothalamus. This has never been reported in a dog.
Basic functions of unbound (physiologically active) T3 and T4.
T4-provides negative feedback to the hypothalamus and pituitary.
T3-increases basal metabolic rate and tissue O2 consumption, promotes calorigenesis, promotes protein and enzyme synthesis, promotes muscle and adipose catabolism, regulates cholesterol metabolism, maintains the strength and rate that the heart contracts (inotropic and chronotropic effect), promotes erythropoiesis, allows for normal hypoxic and hypercapnic drives, essential for normal neurologic and skeletal development.
What is reverse T3?
reverse T3 is an inactive form of T3 that is produced in illness, starvation, or catabolic states.
What is euthyroid sick syndrome?
Non-thyroidal illnesses cause a decrease in serum T3 and T4, even though the patient is not truly hypothyroid. This occurs due to decreased protein binding of T3 and T4, decreased conversion of T4 to T3, and decreased TSH release. This can be difficult to distinguish from true hypothyroidism, and euthyroid sick patients will respond to soloxine treatment.
Describe the pathophysiologic mechanism of clinical signs of hypothyroidsims: Dullness, lethargy, exercise intolerance, cold intolerance, and obesity without polyphagia.
Dullness,lethargy, and cold intolerance-decrease in metabolic rate, inhibited calorigenesis
Exercise intolerance-same as above, plus decrease in the heart's ability to pump blood through the body.
Obesity-decreased BMR, decreased muscle and fat catabolism, disregulation of cholesterol.
Describe the pathophysiologic mechanism of clinical signs of hypothyroidsims: dermatologic abnormalities
Thyroid hormone is necessary for the anagen phase of hair growth. This lack leads to hair loss, failure of hair to grow back, and retention of brittle hair (telogen phase). Manifestations include: dry skin/coat, bilaterally symmetrical alopecia, non-puritic hair loss, "puppy coat", dull coat. Hair loss further results in hyperpigmentation, seborrhea, lichenification, and comedones.
Describe the pathophysiologic mechanism of clinical signs of hypothyroidsims: Recurrent infection
Decreased thyroid hormone lowers immune function, and the changes in dermatologic function also decrease the skin's barrier function.
Describe the pathophysiologic mechanism of clinical signs of hypothyroidsims: Myxedema
Mechanism of mucopolysaccharide and hyaluronic acid accumulation is undetermined.
Obtundation, stupor, coma, hypothermia-decreased BMR, inhibited calorigenesis, decreased cellular O2 consumption.
Hypoventilation-T3 effect on hypoxic and hypercapnic drive.
Hypotension, bradycardia-decreased inotropic and chronotropic effects.
Describe the pathophysiologic mechanism of clinical signs of hypothyroidsims: Cardiovascular effects
Decreased inotropic and chronotropic effects lead to sinus bradycardia, weak apex beat, low voltage complexes on ECG, and decreased fractional shortening on Echo.
Describe the pathophysiologic mechanism of clinical signs of hypothyroidsims: ocular abnormalities
Anterior uveitis and corneal lipid deposits occur due to hyperlipidemia caused by disregulation of cholesterol.
Horner's syndrome and Keratoconjunctivitis sicca can also occur (mechanism undefined).
Describe the pathophysiologic mechanism of clinical signs of hypothyroidsims: Gastrointestinal abnormalities
Constipation, diarrhea, and vomiting may occur secondary to decreased myoelectric and mechanical responses of the GI tract, but the true mechanism is unknown.
Pancreatitis occurs secondary to hypertriglyceridemia.
Describe the pathophysiologic mechanism of clinical signs of hypothyroidsims: Neurological impairment
Occurs secondary to demyelination of the nerves. Includes: periperal neuropathies, myopathies, cranial nerve dysfunction.
Central neurologic signs occur secondary to neoplasia of the pituitary in secondary hypothyroidism.
Describe the pathophysiologic mechanism of clinical signs of hypothyroidsims: Reproductive dysfunctions
Infertility, shortened estrus, prolonged estrual bleeding, prolonged anestrus, glalctorrhea, and testicular atrophy all occur. Mechanism unknown, but suspected due to disregulation of the pituitary gland.
Describe the pathophysiologic mechanism of clinical signs of hypothyroidsims: Concurrent endocrine disorders
Diabetes mellitus, hypoadrenocorticism, hypoparathyroidism, gonadal failure. Where one endocrine disorder goes, others often follow.
List the clinical pathologic abnormalities associated with hypothyroidism.
CBC: normocytic, normochromic, nonregenerative, mild anemia; leukocytosis secondary to infections.
Chemistry: increased cholesterol, triglycerides, and lipemia; increased ALP, AST, and ALT; decreased sodium.
Urinalysis: usually normal; cases of lymphocytic thyroiditis may also have glomerulonephritis and proteinuria.
Contrast the advantages and disadvantages of diagnostic tests for hypothyroidism: Total T4
Test of thyroid gland function.
Advantages: Screening test. Normal tT4 in the upper half of reference interval excludes hypothyroidism. 75-80% accuracy.
Disadvantages: Affected by daily fluctuations, breed differences (Greyhounds always lower), anti-T4 antibodies will cause falsely increased levels.
Contrast the advantages and disadvantages of diagnostic tests for hypothyroidism: Free T4
Test of thyroid function
Advantages: Indicates thyroid status at the tissue level. Less affected by external factors. 90% accuracy.
Disadvantage: still affected by anti-T4 antibodies if done by RIA.
Contrast the advantages and disadvantages of diagnostic tests for hypothyroidism: Total T3
Advantages: None. T3 is conserved in the hypothyroid state.
Disadvantages: T3 is not a good diagnostic indicator of thyroid dysfunction. Anti-T3 antibodies will affect T3 done by RIA
Contrast the advantages and disadvantages of diagnostic tests for hypothyroidism: Baseline TSH
Advantages: TSH will increase with primary hypothyroidism, but not secondary. 90% specific when paired with tT4 or fT4. RIA is most precise.
Disadvantages: 20-40% of hypothyroid dogs will have normal TSH (pituitary anergy)
Contrast the advantages and disadvantages of diagnostic tests for hypothyroidism: TRH or TSH stimulation test
Measures thyroid response
Advantages: Can differentiate between hypothyroid dogs (no response) and euthyroid sick dogs (normal response).
Disadvantages: $$$ typically cost prohibitive, and can be difficult to obtain.
Contrast the advantages and disadvantages of diagnostic tests for hypothyroidism: Autoantibodies
Advantages: Sensitive and specific for thyroiditis.
Disadvantages: Not diagnostic for other causes of hypothyroids; only useful in 35-60% of cases.
Contrast the advantages and disadvantages of diagnostic tests for hypothyroidism: Ultrasound
Advantages: Useful for cases of thyroid carcinoma. May be able to differentiate hypothyroid from euthyroid sick.
Disadvantages: Limited diagnostic value in most cases. Breed specific references ranges.
Contrast the advantages and disadvantages of diagnostic tests for hypothyroidism: Thyroid scintigraphy
Advantages: may be useful for canine thyroid carcinoma. Mainly used for diagnosis of hyperthyroidism.
Disadvantages: Limited diagnostic value.
How do certain drugs affect thyroid hormone levels: Glucocorticoids, phenobarbital, TMP-sulfa antibiotics, NSAIDs?
Glucocorticoids and phenobarbitol: decreased tT4, fT4, and tT3; normal to decreased TSH. Glucocorticoids will also cause decreased T4 to T3 conversion.
TMP-sulfa antibiotics: decreased tT4 and fT4, increased TSH
NSAIDs: decreased tT4, +/- decreased fT4 and TSH
Develop an appropriate therapeutic monitoring plan for hypothyroidism.
Therapy: Levothyoxine supplementation @ 0.02 mg/kg PO q 12 hours. Always start with synthetic name brand (works best). Decrease to 50% dose if concurrent heart disease.
Monitoring: 1st recheck at 4 weeks, peak level 4-6 hours post pill, aim for high end of reference interval. Recheck every 6-8 weeks for 6 months, then every 6 months.
What are the most common reasons for therapeutic failure?
Poor compliance
Inadequate dose or frequency
Poor absorption from GI tract
Generic or animal origin supplement (name brand really does work best *shrug*).
What are the signs of thyrotoxicosis? What causes it, and how is it treated?
Panting, PU/PD, polyphagia, weight loss.
Caused by excess supplementation, individual sensitivity, or renal/hepatic insufficiency.
Treatment: decrease frequency of dosing, may need to stop supplementation for 1-3 days.
What are the primary causes of feline hypothyroidism? What tests are used to diagnose it, and what is the appropriate therapy?
Causes: Iatrogenic hypothyroidism secondary to treatment for hyperthyroidism. Can be euthyroid sick.
Diagnosed by tT4, and canine TSH assay can be used. TSH stim is not recommended.
Therapy: 0.05-0.1 levothyroxine/cat q 24 hours. Recheck in 4-6 weeks. Goal is tT4 of 1-3 ug/dL
Compare the hypothalamic-pituitary thyroid axis in normal and hyperthyroid animals.
In the hyper thyroid animal, abnormal thyroid tissue continues to overproduce thyroid hormone, even when TSH release has stopped due to negative feedback.
What are the two causes of hyperthyroid? Which is more common?
Benign hyperplasia or adenoma (97-99% of cases).
Malignant carcinoma.
List possible risk factors for the development of hyperthyroid.
Diet-canned foods, esp fish, liver and giblets
Diets high in iodine or other goitrogens.
BPA in pop top can lids
Single cats
Cats that use litter (more likely indoor cats that live long enough to get the disease)
Exposure to PBDEs (a fire retardant)-carpet, furniture. This compound is also found in cat foods (dry and canned). Statistical significance is questionable.
Describe the pathophysiologic mechanisms of clinical signs: weight loss and polyphagia
Increased metabolic rate
Describe the pathophysiologic mechanisms of clinical signs: Polyuria/Polydipsia
Increased cardiac output causes increased renal blood flow and GFR. May have concurrent renal disease with azotemia masked by the high GFR.
Psycogenic component has also been suggested.
Describe the pathophysiologic mechanisms of clinical signs: Vomiting and diarrhea
Vomiting-thyrotoxic effect on emetic center
Diarrhea-Hypermotility and maldigestion
Describe the pathophysiologic mechanisms of clinical signs: Systemic hypertension
Due to increased cardiac output.
4 effects: Retinal lesions (detachment, blindness), Glomerular damage (proteinuria), and Myocardial damage (cardiac dysfunction). Brain effects are not as noticable in cats as they are in humans.
Describe the pathophysiologic mechanisms of clinical signs: Cardiac disease
Thyrotoxic effect on myocardium causes hypertrophy. Will reverse when euthyroid state is restored.
May also have concurrent HCM. This will not reverse with treatment.
Describe the pathophysiologic mechanisms of clinical signs: Behavioral changes
Mechanism unexplained.
Increased friendliness or agression. Hyperactivity.
Describe the pathophysiologic mechanisms of clinical signs: Other
Dyspnea-from heart disease or thromboembolism
Weakness-increased muscle breakdown
Tremors, heat and stress intolerance-hyperthyroid cats are "tightly wound" individuals.
Describe the pathophysiologic mechanisms of clinical signs: Apathetic hyperthyroid
<10% of cases.
Inappetance and lethargy.
Probably either very advanced hyperthyroidism, or concurrent illness.
List clinical pathologic abnormalities associated with hyperthyroidism
CBC: polycythemia, macrocytosis; stress leukogram; may have mild anemia if concurrent disease.
Chem: increased ALT, or ALP; azotemia, increased phosphorus, increased glucose (stress)
Urinalysis: decreased USPG (not necessarily isosthenuric), occult urinary tract infection.
List radiographic findings associated with hyperthyroidism.
Radiographs: cardiomegaly, pulmonary edema or pleural effusion secondary to congestive heart failure, metastatic nodules if malignant carcinoma.
Contrast advantages, disadvantages and uses of diagnostic tests for hyperthyroidism: Total T4
Use: primary method of diagnosing hyperthyroidism
Advantages: Relatively accurate, does not typically require further confirmatory testing.
Disadvantages: Daily fluctuations, early or mild hyperthyroidism, and depression by non-thyroidal illness can cause borderline values.
Contrast advantages, disadvantages and uses of diagnostic tests for hyperthyroidism: Free T4
Use: diagnosing "occult" hyperthyroidism
Advantages: can confirm hyperthyroidism in high normal cases.
Disadvantages: does not really tell you anything you did not know from the tT4.
Contrast advantages, disadvantages and uses of diagnostic tests for hyperthyroidism: T3 suppression test
Use: Tests negative feed back mechanism on thyroid
Advantages: None
Disadvantages: Not much reason to run it.
Contrast advantages, disadvantages and uses of diagnostic tests for hyperthyroidism: TRH stimulation test
Use: Tests pituitary response to stimulation
Advantages: None
Disadvantages: Not much reason to use this test.
Contrast advantages, disadvantages and uses of diagnostic tests for hyperthyroidism: Serum TSH
Use: low TSH diagnostic of hyperthyroidism
Advantage: can support diagnosis.
Disadvantage: no feline specific assay in the US. All feline samples register below detectable limits on the canine assay.
Contrast advantages, disadvantages and uses of diagnostic tests for hyperthyroidism: Nuclear scintigraphy
Use: Gold standard confirmation for hyperthyroidism.
Advantages: detects ectopic tissue, metastatic tissue (carcinomas), and indicates whether overactive tissue is unilateral or bilateral.
Disadvantages: Pet has to have special handling for a period of time after procedure. If special facility is not already available, the hospitalization can be very expensive.
Compare the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in normal animals compared to typical addison's, atypical addison's, and the animal receiving exogenous glucocorticoids.
Normal: 1. Hypothalamus releases CRF->Pituitary releases ACTH->Cortisol (and androgens) released from zona fasciculata and reticularis of the adrenal cortex->Negative feed back to H&P; fast response to rate of cortisol change, slow response to [cortisol]. Cortisol also released at a basal rate irregardless of ACTH. 2. Aldosterone released from zona glomerulosa in response to change in blood pressure.
Typical Addison's: Entire adrenal cortex is affected, no release of cortisol or aldosterone.
Atypical Addison's: Only zona fasciculata and reticularis are affected. Cortisol release will be affected, but aldosterone will remain the unaffected.
Exogenous glucocorticoid administration: Negative feedback on the pituitary from the meds causes decrease in ACTH release, and atrophy of the adrenal gland. These patients will present with clinical signs of HYPERadrenocortisism, but have Addisonian crisis when meds are stopped.
Describe the pathophysiology of clinical signs in hypoadrenocorticism: Depression, lethargy, weight loss, weakness, hypoglycemia
Most changes in body condition and mentation are due to a decrease in gluconeogenesis and glycogenesis that is normally stimulated by glucocorticoids. Without the ability to utilize glucose as an energy source, body condition and normal activity levels decline.
Describe the pathophysiology of clinical signs in hypoadrenocorticism: Dehydration
Dehydration is a result of the PU/PD condition caused by changes in electrolyte balance found in the TYPICAL Addisonian.
Describe the pathophysiology of clinical signs in hypoadrenocorticism: GI bleeding, diarrhea and vomiting
The mechanism for GI signs seen with hypoadrenocorticism is currently unknown. GI signs are more common in atypical cases.
Describe the pathophysiology of clinical pathologic changes in hypoadrenocorticism: Anemia
Glucocorticoids are one of the many mechanisms responsible for stimulating erythropoeisis. Because it is not the only mechanism, anemia is not seen in the majority of cases, or may be mild. Anemia is more common in atypical cases.
Describe the pathophysiology of clinical pathologic changes in hypoadrenocorticism: Lack of a "stress leukogram"
Although the mechanism is not entirely known, glucocorticoids are responsible for triggering the shift in WBC's that result in a stress leukogram.
Describe the pathophysiology of clinical pathologic changes in hypoadrenocorticism: Hyperkalemia, hyponatremia, hypochloridemia, azotemia, decreased USPG
Aldosterone is responsible for increasing sodium reuptake (with Cl and H2O), and potassium excretion in response to low blood pressure. Without aldosterone, sodium and chloride are lost, and potassium is retained causing electrolyte imbalances; water is also lost with sodium causing inappropriately dilute USPG; and because decreased blood flow to the kidney is never corrected, GFR decreases, leading to azotemia.
Describe the pathophysiology of clinical signs in hypoadrenocorticism: Hypotension
All types: glucocorticoids are responsible for maintaining vascular tone and mediates the vasoconstrictive response to epinephrine. Lack of glucocorticoids leads to hypovolemia, decreased blood pressure, and decreased cardiac output.
Describe the pathophysiology of clinical pathologic changes in hypoadrenocorticism: Hypoalbuminemia
Possibly due to protein losing nephropathy or enteropathy. Mechanism not entirely known.
Describe the pathophysiology of clinical signs in hypoadrenocorticism: Hypocholesterolemia
Mechanism unknown.
Describe the pathophysiology of clinical signs in hypoadrenocorticism: Megaesophagus
Thought to be due to muscle weakness caused by changes in membrane potential (from decreased sodium and increased potassium), and unexplained weakness associated with decreased cortisol.
Describe the pathophysiology of clinical signs in hypoadrenocorticism: Electrocardiogram changes
Bradycardia, peaked T waves, Widened QRS complex, decreased or absent P wave amplitude, ventricular asystole.
Name the test used for diagnosis of Addison's disease.
ACTH stimulation test.
Sensitive and specific for both types (typical and atypical) of Addison's as long as no steroids are given prior.
Exogenous ACTH is given and cortisol is measured (aldosterone may also be measured at this time); Addisonian animals will have little or no increase in cortisol.
Develop a treatment plan for a dog in Addisonian crisis
Treat for shock: Aggressive fluid therapy. Always calculate deficit/losses/maintenance. 4x maintenance will not cut it because patient comes in excessively dehydrated.
Glucocorticoid replacement: larger dose than normal given because animal is in SHOCK (would normally be producing more). Dexamethasone SP is best because it does not interfere with ACTH stim test.
Correct hyperkalemia and ECG abnormalities: in most cases hyperkalemia will correct with aggressive administration of NaCl 0.9%. If ECG abnormalities persist, give Calcium Gluconate. Can give sodium bicarbonate or dextrose (+/- insulin) as a secondary resort.
Develop a maintenance and monitoring plan for typical and atypical addisonian patients.
Typical: DOCP ~every 25 days, and daily prednisone. DOCP dosing interval is adjusted based on electrolytes. Once stable, prednisone should be tapered to the lowest effective dose. Double doses of prednisone should be given before/during stressful events (eg. grooming and kenneling). Alternatively, fludrocortison can be given alone, dose increased or decreased to affect.
Atypical: Only require supplementation with prednisone. Dose is tapered to lowest effective dose. Therapy frequency is based on the resolution of original presenting clinical signs.
Compare the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in the normal animal to the cushinoid animal (pituitary or adrenal neoplasia), and an animal receiving exogenous glucocorticoids.
Pituitary neoplasia: Pituitary production of ACTH does not respond to negative feedback from cortisol. Constant stimulation causes hypertrophy of all adrenal tissue.
Adrenal neoplasia: Cortisol is produce regardless of stimulation pattern from the pituitary, excess cortisol leads to decreased production of ACTH. All non-neoplastic adrenal tissue will atrophy.
Exogenous glucocorticoids: Drug provides negative feedback to the pituitary, decreased ACTH production, which causes adrenal tissue to atrophy. When drug is discontinued, cortisol is no longer produced leading to a hypoadrenocortical state.
What is "atypical" hyperadrenocorticism?
Atypical hyperadrenocorticism is the overproduction of cortisol precoursers rather than an overproduction of cortisol.
What are the 5 most common signs of Cushings?
Describe the pathophysiologic mechanism of common clinical signs in the hyperadrenocortical dog: PU/PD
Excess glucocorticoids interfere with the release and action of ADH
Describe the pathophysiologic mechanism of common clinical signs in the hyperadrenocortical dog: Polyphagia
Polyphagia is a direct effect of glucocorticoids
Describe the pathophysiologic mechanism of common clinical signs in the hyperadrenocortical dog: Abdominal enlargement
Catabolic effect of glucocorticoids causes abdominal muscles to weaken; fat deposition increases in the intra-abdominal tissues; excess glucocorticoids cause hepatomegaly. Because the animal is PU/PD, the bladder is often distended with excess urine.
Describe the pathophysiologic mechanism of common clinical signs in the hyperadrenocortical dog: Panting
Fat deposition increases in the intra-thoracic tissues. Catabolic effects weaken the intercostal muscles and diaphragm. Abdominal distention prevents the diaphragm from moving easily. Panting may also be a result of thromboembolic complications.
Describe the pathophysiologic mechanism of common clinical signs in the hyperadrenocortical dog: Neuromuscular signs
Muscle weakness and ligamentous damage are both due to catabolic changes
Fibrous myopathy, facial nerve paralysis, and behavioral changes do not have well understood mechanisms.
Describe the pathophysiologic mechanism of common clinical signs in the hyperadrenocortical dog: Dermatologic changes
Excess cortisol directly causes atrophy of hair follicles (alopecia), comedones, hyperpigmentation, and thinning of the skin.
Due to effects on vessel endothelium, excessive bruising and poor wound healing also occur.
Describe the pathophysiologic mechanism of common clinical signs in the hyperadrenocortical dog: Calcinosis cutis
Excess cortisol causes dysregulation of calcium homeostasis.
Describe the common clinical pathologic abnormalities in the hyperadrenocortical dog.
CBC: mild polycythemia, stress leukogram, thrombocytosis
Chem: Increased ALP activity, mildly increased ALT activity, hyperlipidemia/hypercholesterolemia, hyperglycemia.
Urinalysis: Decreased USPG (often hyposthenuric), proteinuria, +/-active sediment and calcium oxalate crystals.
Thyroid testing: Decreased total T4.
Bile acids: increased in 30% of dogs.
Advantages, disadvantages and uses of tests for hyperadrenocorticism: Urine cortisol:creatinine ratio
First morning urine sample should be collected at home, three days in a row.
Advantages: Highly sensitive, cheap and easy to perform.
Disadvantages: Not specific, sensitive to concurrent disease or any stress.
Use: Quick and cheap test to rule out cushing's if it is not high on your differential list.
Advantages, disadvantages and uses of tests for hyperadrenocorticism: ACTH stim
Baseline sample taken, administration of exogenous ACTH, sample taken at 1 hr; testing cortisol levels. Tests adrenal response to ACTH.
Advantages: High sensitivity and specificity; least affected by concurrent disease or medication. Quick to perform. Diagnoses atypical cases when coupled with a full adrenal panel.
Disadvantages: ACTH is expensive. 40% of adrenal dependent cases do not respond.
Uses: "gold standard" test for Cushing's in specialty situations. Only test that can be used to monitor therapy.
Advantages, disadvantages and uses of tests for hyperadrenocorticism: Low-dose Dexamethasone suppression test
Cortisol measured at baseline, 4 hour, and 8 hour; low dose dex given IV. Measures negative feed back loop. Baseline and 8 hr reading are diagnosic; all three readings can be used to differentiate some cases of pituitary dependent.
Advantages: Highly sensitive, very cheap, sometimes useful for differentiation.
Disadvantages: less specific, affected by concurrent disease or medications. Long time required to perform (can be confounding if the animal becomes stressed during testing, no other procedures can be done at the same time).
Uses: Back up for ACTH stim; used widely in general practice as a cheaper alternative (time constraint less problematic).
Advantages, disadvantages and uses of tests for hyperadrenocorticism: High-dose Dexamethasone suppression test
Cortisol measured at baseline, 4 hour, and 8 hour; high dose dex given IV. Measures negative feed back loop.
Advantages: Diagnostic for a higher percentage of pituitary dependant cases than the low dose test.
Disadvantages: Can not diagnose adrenal dependent cases, time consuming
Uses: used as a differentiation test AFTER the diagnosis of cushing's has been made.
Advantages, disadvantages and uses of tests for hyperadrenocorticism: Endogenous ACTH levels
Single sample is taken and endogenous ACTH levels are tested.
Advantages: Can diagnose adrenal dependent and pituitary dependent cases. Quick.
Disadvantages: Labile-special handling and fast shipping required.
Advantages, disadvantages and uses of tests for hyperadrenocorticism: Imaging (x-rays, ultrasound, brain MRI)
X-rays: adrenal calcification can be detected in <50% of ADH cases.
Ultrasound: Adrenal shape and symmetry can be used to guide differentiation of ADH vs PDH; however, incidental adrenal nodules, bilateral adrenal masses, can confound interpretation. Best used for staging/planning once diagnosis has been made.
Brain MRI: Used to detect pituitary nodules. Nodules may or may not be visible, does not mean they aren't there.
Advantages, disadvantages, and risks of treatments for hyperadrenocorticism: Mitotane
Dose dependent destruction of zona fasciculata and reticularis; will destroy the glomerulosa at really high doses.
Uses: PDH, inoperable ADH, and "Utrecht protocol"
Advantages: Stops adrenal hypertrophy/growth; can be used for medical adrenalectomy (Atypicals, patients intolerant of medication).
Disadvantages: Expensive, overtime will require higher doses to maintain hypoadrenal state. ADH requires longer induction and higher maintenance doses. Utrecht protocol only has 80-85% success rate; must be supplemented with glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids.
Risks: Toxic effect on GI, over dosage can cause iatrogenic Addison's (typically during induction), undesired idiosyncratic adrenal necrosis (permanant).
Advantages, disadvantages, and risks of treatments for hyperadrenocorticism: Trilostane
Competitively inhibits enzymes in the cortisol production pathway.
Advantages: May work in cases refractory to mitotane.
Disadvantages: Labeled dose is way too high, so best guess dose must be used. May have ongoing signs in spite of good ACTH stims. Does not stop adrenal enlargement.
Risks: Sudden death with labeled dose. Adrenal necrosis, iatrogenic Addison's, makes some atypical cases worse. Does not stop adrenal enlargment.
Advantages, disadvantages, and risks of treatments for hyperadrenocorticism: Ketoconazole
Competitively inhibits steps in the cortisol production pathway.
Advantages: Inhibits more steps than Trilostane.
Disadvantage: Does not stop adrenal enlargement.
Risks: Hepatocellular damage, iatrogenic Addison's.
Advantages, disadvantages, and risks of treatments for hyperadrenocorticism: L-deprenyl (selegiline)
Pilot study-83% efficacy.
Peer reviewed studies-NO EFFECT.
Advantages, disadvantages, and risks of treatments for hyperadrenocorticism: Adrenalectomy
Surgical removal of the adrenal gland.
Advantages: Treatment of choice for ADH. 2 year survival time for carcinomas, much longer survival for adenomas (unknown-study ended with no deaths). If it works, it is a permanent cure.
Disadvantages: 20% perioperative mortality. Not an option if tumor has spread/invaded other tissue.
Risks: Transient post-op Addison's expected, atrophied adrenal tissue must rebound.
Advantages, disadvantages, and risks of treatments for hyperadrenocorticism: Hypophysectomy
Used for pituitary dependent; typically microadenomas.
Advantages: 75% success with 28 month mean survival. Prevent further complications and neurologic sequelae.
Disadvantages: Can be hard to perform on macroadenomas. Causes permanent hypothyroidism and Addison's. Not many places offer this, and it is very expensive.
Risks: Transient to permanant central diabetes insipidus; 8% perioperative mortality.
Advantages, disadvantages, and risks of treatments for hyperadrenocorticism: Pituitary irradiation
Primarily used for pituitary macroadenomas
Advantages: Decreases neuro signs, aids in control of HAC.
Disadvantage: Rare for this to be fully curative. Not readily available and expensive. Must be anesthetized daily for treatment.
Risks: Radiation effects-skin lesions, brain edema and necrosis, intracranial neoplasia. Anesthetic risks.
Describe how cats with HAC differ from dogs with regards to presentation and clinical signs.
Presentation-similar to dogs, 80% PDH. >50% of cats will also be unregulated diabetics.
Clinical signs: Same clinical signs as dogs, plus excessively fragile (will tear off in panels).
Clin path: Rare to have inc ALP; typically inc cholesterol, BUN; and proteinuria will be more marked than that in dogs.
Imaging: Hepatomegaly on rads. Calcification of adrenals may be idiopathic.
Describe how cats with HAC differ from dogs with regards to diagnosis.
Diagnosis: ACTH stim less sensitive than dogs (60%), requires two post samples. LDDS requires 10x the dose for dogs.
Differentiation: HDDS also requires 10x dose for dogs; less sensitive for PDH (50%). eACTH very useful in cats (correct in most cases).
Describe how cats with HAC differ from dogs with regards to treatment.
Mitotane and ketoconazole have no effect in cats.
Metyrapone may have some effect.
Treatment of choice is Trilostane, but must be used with extreme caution (not uncommon for cat to die suddenly during treatment).
Surgery-Pituitary irradiation is probably the best choice for cats. Adrenalectomy may be done for both ADH and PDH, but reported cases are rare. Not good perioperative survival with any surgical treatments.
Describe the physiology of glucose homeostasis with attention to the hypo- and hyperglycemic hormones.
Hyperglycemic state:
1. Insulin-promotes uptake and utilization of glucose, amino acids, and fatty acids in peripheral tissues; increases uptake and storage of fatty acids in adipose tissue; promotes glycogen production, fatty acid synthesis, and protein synthesis in the liver while down regulating gluconeogenesis.
Hypoglycemic state:
1. Glucagon (fast)-promotes glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis in the liver. Will also increase ketone production during starvation.
2. Epinephrine (fast)-Transiently decreases insulin secretion, increases gluconeogenesis, glycogenolysis, and lipolysis. Also decreases tissue glucose utilization for a longer period.
3. Cortisol (slow)-In peripheral tissues, decreases glucose uptake and cellular process, increases protein breakdown and lipolysis. In the liver, promotes glycogen synthesis and glucose synthesis.
4. Growth hormone (slow)-increases lipolysis, and decreases peripheral tissue uptake and utilization of glucose.
Know the numerical definition of hypoglycemia, and the organs most commonly affected.
BG <60mg/dL
The brain is the organ most severely affected by hypoglycemia because it can only utilize glucose! However, other major organs in the body are also affected.
Identify factors that erroneously affect blood glucose measurement results.
Increase in RBCs or WBCs in the sample
Delay in sample handling
Use of portable glucometers
Describe the pathophysiology of common clinical signs of hypoglycemia:.
1. Compensatory mechanisms: Increased appetite
2. Nervous system effects: Depression, mental dullness, bizarre behavior, tremors, seizures, coma, apnea, death.
3. Muscle effects: muscle twitching, weakness, ataxia.
4. Misc/Whole body effects: Hypothermia.
Formulate a treatment plan for a clinical patient with hypoglycemia.
1. Treat the underlying cause.
2. Glucose supplementation-feed a meal (+/- high fiber, blunts post-prandial insulin spike), karo syrup on mucous membranes, IV dextrose. Route of treatment should be based on clinical presentation of the animal, not BG values.
3. Prednisone-used in Insulinoma patients.
4. Glucagon-used in insulineoma patients or refractory hypoglycemia.
Describe the mechanisms of hypoglycemia for commonly associated diseases: Juvenile Hypoglycemia
Toy and miniature breed dogs, less than 6 months of age.
High glucose needs, low body mass and glycogen stores, any concurrent stress, hyporexia, or infection.
Describe the mechanisms of hypoglycemia for commonly associated diseases: Neonatal hypoglycemia
Occurs in neonates.
Similar causes to juvenile hypoglycemia; most commonly due to inadequate nursing (runt, too many babies, mother won't allow nursing).
Describe the mechanisms of hypoglycemia for commonly associated diseases: Insulin overdose
Iatrogenic: owner error, overlapping doses (happens when insulin has high duration of affect).
Increased insulin sensitivity/decreased need: Strenuous activity, inappetence, resolution of insulin antagonism, cats.
Describe the mechanisms of hypoglycemia for commonly associated diseases: Cortisol deficiency
Hypoadrenocorticism-typical and atypical
Relative adrenal insufficiency
Iatrogenic-overcontroled Cushing's patients
Describe the mechanisms of hypoglycemia for commonly associated diseases: Sepsis
Impaired glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis, increased peripheral use, consumption of glucose by bacteria and leukocytes.
Describe the mechanisms of hypoglycemia for commonly associated diseases: Hepatic failure.
Occurs when >70% of hepatocytes are lost.
Glycogen synthesis and gluconeogenesis functions decrease.
Describe the mechanisms of hypoglycemia for commonly associated diseases: Insulinoma
Functional beta cell tumor: small to microscopic, most commonly carcinomas on the pancreatic limbs, very common in ferrets, sort of common in dogs.
Tumor secretes insulin autonomously.
Diagnosed by paired glucose and insulin levels (inappropriately normal or high insulin, while hypoglycemic. Normo- or hyperglycemic reading voids the test).
Treatment: surgical removal is best if tumor can be found. Can be managed with frequent feeding of high fiber diet and administration of insulin-antagonizing agents (pred, diazoxide, glucagon). Glucose should not be given, may worsen insulin release, exacerbating hypoglycemia!
Describe the mechanisms of hypoglycemia for commonly associated diseases: Hunting dog hypoglycemia
Occurs in lean bodied hunting dogs after several hours of vigorous/prolonged exercise. Possibly due to increased utilization and depletion of glycogen stores. Can be avoided by feeding a meal before and after long periods of activity.
Describe the mechanisms of hypoglycemia for commonly associated diseases: Paraneoplastic Hypoglycemia
Non-pancreatic neoplasms secrete insulin-like polypeptides; also possible that the neoplastic tissue overutilizes glucose, and potentially decreases hepatic gluconeogenesis.
Describe the mechanisms of hypoglycemia for commonly associated diseases: Xylitol
In dogs, causes a mass release of insulin. May also cause hepatic failure and coagulopathies. Not-necessarily dose dependent.
Describe the mechanisms of hypoglycemia for commonly associated diseases: Beta-blockers
Suppresses counter-regulatory hormones and gluconeogenesis. Requires ingestion of large quantities.
Describe the mechanisms of hypoglycemia for commonly associated diseases: Epidurals
Hypoglycemia occurs when lumbar anesthesia infiltrates the thoracic region. Mechanism unknown.
Describe the mechanisms of hypoglycemia for commonly associated diseases: Pre- and Postpartum
Late gestation and during prolonged labor. Post-partum, 1st time mothers will often let pups over-nurse. Occurs concurrent with eclampsia.
Describe the mechanisms of hypoglycemia for commonly associated diseases: Hepatozoonosis
Increased glucose utilization by infected mononuclear cells and endothelial cells.
Distinguish between insulin dependent diabetes mellitus and non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus.
IDDM-absolute deficiency of insulin; more common in dogs; patient will be supplemented with insulin for life.
NIDDM-relative deficiency in insulin; more common in cats, rarely occurs in dogs, may convert to IDDM; patient requires insulin therapy to begin with, then may be weaned off insulin as insulin resistance factors are corrected.
Describe physiology for the different components of insulin resistance.
1. Changes in counter-regulatory hormones: Increase in hormone production due to concurrent disease process. a. Cortisol (Cushing's, stress, drug therapies). b. Growth hormone (Acromegaly). c. Catecholamines (Pheochromocytoma). d. Progesterone (Diestrus, Gestation). e. Glucagon (Glucagonoma).
2. Glucose toxicity/carb intolerance: constant presence of glucose from over consumption of carbohydrates leads to overstimulation that down regulates insulin secretion, expression of glucose transporters, and causes defects in the post-transport insulin action.
3. Peripheral insulin resistance: Obesity decreases the number of insulin receptors and the ability of insulin to bind to receptors, changes the post-receptor action of insulin, and increases the build up of Amylin (leads to damage of the B-cells).
Describe the pathophysiology of common clinical signs of diabetes mellitus: PU/PD
Amount of glucose in the blood exceeds the renal threshold->glucosuria->osmotic diuresis.
Describe the pathophysiology of common clinical signs of diabetes mellitus: Polyphagia
Feeding center of the brain is always on, unless inhibited by signals from the satiety center. The satiety center is always off, unless activated by insulin-facilitated glucose uptake. Without insulin/glucose uptake, the satiety center is not activated, and the feeding center is not suppressed; the animal is always hungry.
Describe the pathophysiology of common clinical signs of diabetes mellitus: Weight loss
Without insulin or with increase in counter regulatory hormones, the liver decreases production of protein and increases production of glucose. In other tissues, the cells cannot uptake glucose to use it even though it is there, and tissue atrophy occurs.
What two clinicopathologic abnormalities are REQUIRED to make a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus?
Persistent fasting hyperglycemia WITH glucosuria.
Be able to distinguish between diabetes mellitus and stress hyperglycemia.
Stress hyperglycemia: Hyperglycemia, +/- glucosuria. BG can be greater than 300.
If glucosuria not present, not diabetes mellitus. If glucosuria present, recheck in a non-stressed enviroment or check fructosamine.
List the common clinical pathologic abnormalities identified in diabetic animals.
CBC: None
Chem: Hyperglycemia. Secondary hepatopathy-lipemia, hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia, increased ALT and ALP. Concurrent pancreatitis-increased PLI.
Urinalysis: USPG >1.025, glucosuria, +/-ketonuria, proteinuria.
Urine culture: 50% have occult UTI.
Fructosamine: Increased (reflects glycemic state from the last 1-3 weeks).
Compare and contrast the advantages, disadvantages, and uses of the different types of insulin with attention to their duration and potency: Regular crystalline insulin.
Advantages: Rapid onset, very potent, multiple routes.
Disadvantages: Short duration of action.
Uses: Insulin of choice for managing sick or ketotic patients.
Compare and contrast the advantages, disadvantages, and uses of the different types of insulin with attention to their duration and potency: Vetsulin
Mixed amorphous and crystaline zinc.
Advantages: Veterinary specific. Mix allows for increased initial potency with longer duration of action. Kinetics may allow SID dosing in some.
Disadvantages: Currently off market. Porcine insulin-good for dogs, not as good for cats.
Uses: First choice for use in dogs when available.
Compare and contrast the advantages, disadvantages, and uses of the different types of insulin with attention to their duration and potency: NPH
Neutral Protamine Hagedorn
Advantages: Intermediate duration of action and potency.
Disadvantages: Duration may be <12 hours in cats, requiring TID dosing. Human formulation.
Uses: Second choice in dogs and third in cats. Currently first choice in dogs because Vetsulin off the market.
Compare and contrast the advantages, disadvantages, and uses of the different types of insulin with attention to their duration and potency: Glargine (Lantus)
Advantages: Slow release due to microprecipitation when pH changes decreases peaks and troughs. Long duration of action allows for BID dosing.
Disadvantages: Giving SID increases risk of ketosis. Dilution will cause insulin to precipitate.
Use: First choice in cats.
Compare and contrast the advantages, disadvantages, and uses of the different types of insulin with attention to their duration and potency: PZI
Human recombinant protamine zinc.
Advantages: Veterinary label. Long duration, low potentcy. BID dosing.
Disadvantages: Duration of action is unknown and highly variable in dogs.
Uses: Second choice in cats.
Compare and contrast the advantages, disadvantages, and uses of the different types of insulin with attention to their duration and potency: Levemir
Super long acting human insulin. Used as a last resort.
Developing a diabetes theraputic plan: Management of causes of insulin resistance.
Most important is to treat any other concurrent diseases. ANYTHING going on with the animal will change the animal's insulin requirements and response to insulin.
Developing a diabetes theraputic plan: Insulin choice.
Dogs: Vetsulin>NPH>Glargine
Cats: Glargine>PZI>NPH
Ultimately each individual's response to a given insulin should be assessed to determine dose, frequency, and type of insulin that is best for the patient.
Developing a diabetes theraputic plan: Nutritional recommendation.
All: Twice daily feeding; SID insulin-1/2 prior to insulin and 1/2 at nadir, BID insulin-1/2 at each dose.
Dogs (obese): High fiber, low carb diet. Slows CHO absorption and aids weight loss. Can cause Constipation or diarrhea.
Dogs (not obese): Moderate fiber, low carb diet (most "senior" diets). Advantages of high fiber, low carb diet, but without the GI side effects, and prevents unnecessary weight loss.
Cats: High protein, low carb, low fiber, CANNED diet. (Kitten food is just as good as specialty diet.) Increased rate of remission. Can use higher fiber diets if morbidly obese or if cat refuses to eat canned food.
Developing a diabetes theraputic plan: Oral hypoglycemic agents.
Uses: not used often. Can be used as a last resort adjunct for poorly controlled diabetics, or as a start up treatment to give owners time to adjust to the idea of treating with insulin.
Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors: used mostly in dogs, sometimes in cats. Delays glucose absorption, which decreases post-prandial BG conc.
Glipizide: Requires functional beta cells, only useful in NIDDM cats. Increases insulin secretion. Cons-variable efficacy, worsens islet amyloidosis. Must monitor glucose and UA weekly, and hepatic enzymes at 2 weeks.
Developing a diabetes theraputic plan: Exercise recommendations
DAILY exercise will reduce insulin requirements by increasing insulin mobilization, glut-4 upregulation, and glucose effectiveness.
Developing a diabetes theraputic plan: Starting insulin therapy.
Patient should be hospitalized and a BG curve performed when giving the first dose of insulin. If hypoglycemic, the dose should be decreased. If hyperglycemic, dose should be left alone, as it takes several weeks to adjust to equilibrate. Recheck BG curves should be done no less than 7 days apart, ideally no less than 2 weeks apart.
It is imperative to watch for hypoglycemia, and change dose if it occurs.
Integrate understanding of the pathophysiology of diabetes with knowledge of the 3 major components of glucose curve evaluation to accurately interpret glucose curves.
Three portions of a glucose curve: Time of onset, nadir, and duration of effect. Ultimately indicates efficacy.
Samples should be taken at T0 and every two hours while BG is above 150. If below 150, sample every hour, and if below 100, sample every 30 minutes. Decreases risk of missing nadir if patient becomes hypoglycemic and has a physiologic BG spike response (Somogyi effect). This response will negate the curve results, and BG concentrations may remain high for 24-72 hours.
Recognize and describe the pathophysiology of common complications of diabetes mellitus and their relative prevalences in dogs vs. cats: Cataracts.
Formation of cataracts in diabetes is related to sorbitol dehydrogenase in the lens. Causes changes in lens osmolarity that lead to an influx of water and swelling/rupture of the lens fibers.
Will cause a secondary lens-induced uveitis.
Very common complication in dogs, rarely happens in cats.
Recognize and describe the pathophysiology of common complications of diabetes mellitus and their relative prevalences in dogs vs. cats: Diabetic neuropathy
Mechanism is not completely understood.
Most common complication in cats.
Signs: inability to jump, plantigrade posture, decreased reflexes/postural reactions.
Treated with aggressive glucose regulation and B12 supplements.
If caught early, may be reversible.
Recognize and describe the pathophysiology of common complications of diabetes mellitus and their relative prevalences in dogs vs. cats: Diabetic nephropathy
Pathogenesis unknown, secondary to diabetic effect on the kidneys. May be due to concurrent disease.
Signs: Proteinuria, azotemia, uremia. Can lead to oliguric/anuric renal failure.
Not common in either species because it takes too long to develop.
Recognize and describe the pathophysiology of common complications of diabetes mellitus and their relative prevalences in dogs vs. cats: Hypertension (+ retinopathy)
Mechanism unclear. Suggested due to sub-clinical renal disease, disturbed lipid metabolism, or immune-mediated microangiopathy.
~50% prevalence in dogs, incresed chance with chronic diabetes. Retinopathy occurs in ~20%.
Describe in scientific terms the pathophysiology of ketone formation.
Ketone bodies are formed from Acetyl CoA and used by tissues as an energy source when glucose is deficient.
Describe the pathophysiology underlying diabetic ketoacidosis: Common concurrent illnesses.
Acute/chronic pancreatitis
Bacterial infections
Renal insufficiency
Cardiac disease
Hormonal disorders
Describe the pathophysiology underlying diabetic ketoacidosis: Clinical features
PU/PD-diuresis from glucosuria as well as ketonuria
Vomiting/Diarrhea-Unabsorbed glucose in the food can cause osmotic diarrhea. Vomiting from acidosis.
Dehydration-from osmotic diuresis, vomiting, diarrhea, and cellular dehydration due to hyperglycemia. May be severe (>12-14%).
Describe the pathophysiology underlying diabetic ketoacidosis: Hematologic/biochemical sequelae.
Acidosis-ketoacids as well as lactic acid
Hyperglycemia, glucosuria-duh.
Inc ALP/AST-glycogen hepatopathy
Decreased Na and Cl-osmotic diuresis, GI losses (diarrhea/vomiting), compensation for increased osmolarity due to hyperglycemia (correction: +2.4 mEq/L Na for every 100 mg/dL increase in glucose).
Decreased potassium-extracellular shift from acidosis, osmotic diuresis, GI loss and decreased intake; will worsen with therapy.
Decreased phosphorus-no dietary intake, no insulin triggered cellular uptake, increased urinary loss; will worsen with therapy.
Decreased magnesium-common in cats, but hard to measure. Suspect if refractory hypokalemia, hypocalcemia, or ventricular arrhytmias.
Develop an appropriate initial theraputic and monitoring plan based on a strong understanding of DKA pathophysiology.
1. Fluid therapy: 0.9% saline is best for correcting low Na and Cl. Add potassium 40mEq/L, half as KPO4, to prevent both K and PO4 deficits from worsening (or appearing) with therapy. If PO4 is <2.0 mg/dl, supplement as CRI and monitor levels every 6-8 hrs. Magnesium supplement only when suspect hypomagnesemia. Fluid therapy and electrolyte correction will often correct acidosis and a large chunk of the hyperglycemia by itself.
1.5 Bicarb may be given only AFTER 1-2 hours of rehydration IF tCO2 <12!
2. Insulin-start after 1-2 hours of rehydration. If still hypokalemic, delay until K is normal. Regular crystalline insulin may be given hourly IM, intermittently(4-6 hours) IM and SQ, or as a CRI. Goal is to gradually decrease BG (~50mg/dl/hr). When glucose reaches <250, add dextrose fluids. Continued insulin therapy is required to correct ketoacidosis; dextrose prevents hypoglycemia without decreasing insulin.
4. Switch to long term insulin when patient is stable, maintaining fluid/electrolyte balance without supplementation and hematologic/UA abnormalities have corrected.
5. Treat any concurrent diseases
**In the healthy DK patient-regular insulin is used until ketonuria resolves, then long term insulin is instituted. Because patient is healthy, no other steps needed.
Describe the physiology of normal calcium/phosphorus homeostasis with attention the interrelationship of PTH, PTHrP, calcitriol and calcitonin.
PTH-Negative feedback loop directly with iCa. Maintains serum levels between 10.5-11.5. Short half life with minute correction. Causes increased bone resorption (inc Ca and P), stimulates kidney to inc Ca absorption and P excretion (inc Ca, dec P). Also stimulates calcitriol production in the kidney. Overall effect is increased Ca with decreased P.
PTHrP-Identical biological activity to PTH, only secreted in detectable levels by cancers.
Calcitriol-metabolited of Vit D3 produced in response to PTH. Negative feedback on PTH production, as well as on the enzyme pathway for it's own production. Stimulates Ca and P absorption in the intestine. Also stimulates bone deposition to counteract some of PTH effect.
Calcitonin-Secreted by C-cells of the thyroid gland in response to digestive secretions. Decreases bone resorption and increases Ca and P excretion in the kidney. Blunts postprandial hypercalcemia.
Describe the pathophysiologic mechanisms of hypocalcemia commonly associated with diseases: hypoalbuminemia
Because some of Ca is bound to albumin, hypoalbuminemia will cause a falsely decreased tCa (bound fraction is low even though ionized fraction is normal).
Describe the pathophysiologic mechanisms of hypocalcemia commonly associated with diseases: Eclampsia
Acute increase in calcium demands associated with lactation.
Can also be caused by parathyroid gland atrophy caused by excessive prepartum calcium supplementation.
Features: often associated with nervous, first time mothers that do not make babies stop nursing. Rapidly progressive signs of hypocalcemia.
Tx: Intravenous calcium supplementation, forced separation of mother and babies to allow recovery time.
Describe the pathophysiologic mechanisms of hypocalcemia commonly associated with diseases: Hypoparathyroidism
Immune-mediated parathyroid destruction; genetic predisposition in mini schnausers and german shepards. Causes decreased PTH, tCa, and iCa, with increased P.
Treatment: Calcitriol and oral calcium supplementation.
Describe the pathophysiologic mechanisms of hypocalcemia commonly associated with diseases: Chronic renal failure
Increased P (from dec GFR) and decreased production of calcitriol cause hypocalcemia. This will cause increased PTH production; and Ca levels usually stay normal until end-stage. However, the increased Ca and P pulled from the bone will cause mineralization of other tissues (inc Ca/P product).
Describe the pathophysiologic mechanisms of hypocalcemia commonly associated with diseases: Pacreatitis
Mild hypocalcemia due to saponification of adipose.
Describe the pathophysiologic mechanisms of hypocalcemia commonly associated with diseases: Ethylene glycol toxicity
Metabolites chelate calcium to form calcium oxalates. Acidosis will often maintain iCa levels at normal because of shift away from bound fraction. Clinical signs result when acidosis is corrected too quickly.
Describe the pathophysiologic mechanisms of hypocalcemia commonly associated with diseases: Phosphate enemas
Cause toxicity in cats. Increased Phophate will trigger a decrease in Calcium.
Describe the pathophysiologic mechanisms of hypocalcemia commonly associated with diseases: Hypercalcitonism
Rare. Due to C-cell neoplasm.
Describe the pathophysiologic mechanisms of hypocalcemia commonly associated with diseases: Iatrogenic
Bilateral thyroidectomy with removal of the parathyroid glands, or complete parathyroidectomy.
Develop and appropriate diagnostic plan for a patient with clinical hypocalcemia.
Diagnostic plan is based on clinical signs, suggestive history of disease processes, tCa and P levels, iCa levels, and PTH/PTHrP assay.
Develop and appropriate treatment plan for a patient with clinical hypocalcemia.
Emergency: Start 10% calcium gluconate IV over 10-15 minutes, monitor ECG while administering. If BG is concurrently decreased, correct BG first (clinical appearance is very similar).
Chronic: Oral calcitriol, oral calcium (adjunct to calcitriol). Monitor ionized calcium.
Describe the pathophysiologic mechanisms of hypercalcemia for commonly associated diseases: Hyperparathyroidism
Abnormal gland produces PTH with no feedback from Ca.
Typically solitary adenomas.
Primary clinical signs is PU/PD. Clin path: inc tCa and iCa; dec or normal P; no PTH-rP; and inc to normal PTH.
Diagnose by ultrasound of neck. Surgical removal is best.
Describe the pathophysiologic mechanisms of hypocalcemia commonly associated with diseases: Osteomyelitis
Septic bone disease; secondary hypercalcemia due to osteoclastic activity.
Describe the pathophysiologic mechanisms of hypocalcemia commonly associated with diseases: Granulomatous disease
Macrophages produce the enzyme which increases calcitriol production. Both Ca and P will be increased.
Describe the pathophysiologic mechanisms of hypocalcemia commonly associated with diseases: Idiopathic hypercalcemia
Miled to moderate inc in tCa and iCa, with decrease to normal PTH, and normal Phos and Vit D.
Mechanism unknown.
Describe the pathophysiologic mechanisms of hypocalcemia commonly associated with diseases: Neoplasia.
Top cause of hypercalcemia in dogs!!!!
Mechanisms: PTHrP production by the tumor; induced osteolysis; induced cytokines promoting bone resorption.
Lymphoma and apocrine gland adenocarcinoma (anal sac) most common in dogs; squamous cell and pulmonary carcinomas most common in cats.
Describe the pathophysiologic mechanisms of hypocalcemia commonly associated with diseases: Youth
Normal increase in Ca due to bone growth.
Describe the pathophysiologic mechanisms of hypocalcemia commonly associated with diseases: Addisons/Hypoadrenocorticism
Mechanism poorly understood. Possibly due to inc excretion, hemoconcentration, or increased protein binding. Increase is only in total calcium, ionized fraction will be normal. Does not cause clinical signs of hypercalcemia.
Describe the pathophysiologic mechanisms of hypocalcemia commonly associated with diseases: Renal Failure
Decreased Calcitriol and renal excretion->inc tCa and P (iCa normal to dec)->normal to inc PTH b/c of dec iCa.
Describe the pathophysiologic mechanisms of hypocalcemia commonly associated with diseases: D-Hypervitaminosis
Increased intestinal calcium and phosphorus absorption. Leads to tissue mineralization.
Develop and appropriate diagnostic plan for a patient with hypercalcemia.
Confirm hypercalcemia in a fasted, non-lipemic, non-hemolyzed sample to rule out spurious increase.
Assess: iCa, phosphorus, BUN/Cr, electorlytes, PTH/PTHrP, +/-Vitamin D.
Do a thorough neoplasia hunt, then hunt some more.
Parathyroid ultrasound or exploratory of the neck.
Formulate an appropriate treatment plan for a clinical patient with hypercalcemia.
Short term: collect any necessary diagnostic samples pre-treatment! Fluid therapy, then diuretics (furosemide is best) to increase renal calcium excretion.
Long term: Glucocorticoids (will decrease irregardless of cause, do not start until cause is identified), Bisphosphonates (decreased osteoclast function), Bicabonate (corrects acidosis, shifts iCa to protein bound fraction).
Rescue therapy: Calcitonin, Na-EDTA
Interpret an ionized calcium/PTH/PTHrP panel in a clinical patient.
Primary hyperparathyroidism: Inc tCa, iCa, PTH; no PTHrP; dec phos.
Malignancy: Inc tCa, iCa; dec PTH; inc/present PTHrP; dec phos.
Renal failure: Inc tCa, PTH, phos; no PTHrP; iCa may be increased or decreased.
Hypervitaminosis-D: Inc tCa, iCa; dec PTH; no PTHrP; inc phos.
Hypoparathyroidism: dec tCa, iCa, PTH; no PTHrP; inc phos.