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53 Cards in this Set

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rate < 60
p-p / r-r regular
PR int 0.12-0.20 constant
QRS < 0.12
Sinus Brady
indiscernable Ps
irreg R-R
fine fib baseline
QRS < 0.12
widened QRS (>0.12)
comp pause
reg rhythm w/ premature beats
rate usually normal
no discernable rythym/patterns
classic sawtooth waves
atrial rate regular
vent rate reg to irreg
PR not measurable
QRS < 0.12
rate < 60
p-p / r-r regular
PR int 0.12-0.20 constant
QRS < 0.12
Sinus Brady - check for CCBs, BBs, digoxin
lengthening PR int
dropped QRS
normal QRS int
atrial rate reg
vent rate irreg
2 deg AV block Mobitz 1 (wenkebach)
widened QRS (>0.12)
comp pause
reg rhythm w/ premature beats
rate usually normal
Multi-focal PVCs - more dangerous than uni-focal b/c both ventricles are involved - get BP then check hx/trends
rate 101-180 bpm
PP / RR int regular
PR int < 0.20
QRS < 0.12
Sinus tachy
rate 101-180 bpm
PP / RR int regular
PR int < 0.20
QRS < 0.12
Sinus tach
usually normal rate
regular rhythm w/ premature beats
PR int may be normal or prolonged
QRS < 0.12
indiscernable Ps
irreg R-R
fine fib baseline
QRS < 0.12
dropped QRS
atrial rate > vent rate
P waves normal
QRS int usually normal
2 deg AV block Mobitz 2 (classic)
classic sawtooth waves
atrial rate regular
vent rate reg to irreg
PR not measurable
QRS < 0.12
widened QRS (>0.12)
comp pause
reg rhythm w/ premature beats
rate usually normal
Uni-focal PVCs - trigemini (every 3rd beat) - underlying rythym is neg def
rate usually normal
rhythm regular
P waves normal
PR > 0.20
QRS normal
1 deg AV block
indiscernable Ps
irreg R-R
fine fib baseline
QRS < 0.12
A-fib w/ triplet
rate 101-250 bpm
rhythm reg
P absent
QRS > 0.12
V-tach followed by normal sinus
classic sawtooth waves
atrial rate regular
vent rate reg to irreg
PR not measurable
QRS < 0.12
widened QRS (>0.12)
comp pause
reg rhythm w/ premature beats
rate usually normal
Multi-focal PVCs
usually normal rate
regular rhythm w/ premature beats
PR int may be normal or prolonged
QRS < 0.12
indiscernable Ps
irreg R-R
fine fib baseline
QRS < 0.12
widened QRS (>0.12)
comp pause
reg rhythm w/ premature beats
rate usually normal
Uni-focal PVCs
widened QRS (>0.12)
comp pause
reg rhythm w/ premature beats
rate usually normal
PVCs - uni-focal couplets
rate 101-180 bpm
PP / RR int regular
PR int < 0.20
QRS < 0.12
Sinus tach
rate < 60
p-p / r-r regular
PR int 0.12-0.20 constant
QRS < 0.12
Sinus brady
lengthening PR int
dropped QRS
normal QRS int
atrial rate reg
vent rate irreg
2 deg AV block Mobitz 1 (wenkebach)
indiscernable Ps
irreg R-R
fine fib baseline
QRS < 0.12
rate 101-250 bpm
rhythm reg
P absent
QRS > 0.12
rate usually normal
rhythm regular
P waves normal
PR > 0.20
QRS normal
1 deg AV block
rate 101-180 bpm
PP / RR int regular
PR int < 0.20
QRS < 0.12
Sinus tach
dropped QRS
atrial rate > vent rate
P waves normal
QRS int usually normal
2 deg AV block Mobitz 2 (classic)
tx for asymptomatic sinus brady
tx for symptomatic sinus brady
IV access
ext pacing
what is the atropine dose for sinus brady
0.5-1.0 mg up to total of 3 mg...if that is ineffective consider ext pacing
tx for sinus tachy
direct tx at underlying cause - beta blockers
tx for PACs
reduce stress
eliminate stimulants
tx CHF
correct electrolyte imbalance
non-pharm tx for SVT
O2 and IV access
pharm tx for SVT
adenosine 6 mg rapid IV push
repeat w/ 12 mg x 2
if BP drops <90 sys cardiovert @ 100 joules
tx for a-fib
cardiovert if meds ineffective
tx for a-flutter
cardiovert if meds ineffective
tx for PVCs
tx underlying cause
mag replacement
what is the lidocaine dose for PVC tx
lidocaine 1-1.5 mg/kg bolus
follow w/ lidocaine drip 1-4 mg/min
tx for V-tach w/ pulse and BP > 90 systolic
lidocaine 1-1.5 mg/kg and 1-4 mg/min drip
amniodarone 150 mg
tx for V-tach w/ pulse and BP < 90 systolic
cardiovert 100j, 200, 300, 360j
tx for pulseless v-tach
CPR - back board
defibrillation @ 360j
5 cycles CPR
EPI 1 mg IV q 3-5 min or vasopressin 40 units IV bolus
if no response to vasopress resume EPI after 10-20 mins
amiodarone 300mg bolus and may repeat in 3-5 mins
tx for v-fib
CPR - back board
defibrillation @ 360j
5 cycles CPR
EPI 1 mg IV q 3-5 min or vasopressin 40 units IV bolus
if no response to vasopress resume EPI after 10-20 mins
amiodarone 300mg bolus and may repeat in 3-5 mins
tx for 1 deg AV block
monitor closely
tx for 2 deg block mobitz 1 (wenkebach)
monitor for deteriorating rythms
temp ext pacing
tx for 2 deg block mobitz 2 (classic)
temp pacing
EPI drip if pacing ineffective
tx for 3 deg AV block (complete)
temp pacing
EPI drip if pacing ineffective
atrial rate > vent rate
reg atrial rate
irreg vent rate
P waves normal
PR int not measurable - inconsistent
QRS can be narrow or widened
3 deg AV block (complete)
rate = 150-250 bpm
rhythm reg to slightly irreg
PR int not measurable
QRS < 0.12
P waves not identifiable b/c hidden in preceding T wave