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17 Cards in this Set

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eck ekg.. monitors electrodes attached to skin. wrist ankle chest
collect and chart electrical signals
assess elect ch of heart
p wave
reflects electr chg of atrial depolarilization. orig in SA nodes
QRS complex
electr chg assoc with ventricular depolarization
atria simuntaneously repolarizng but masked by above
t wave
electr chg assoc with ventricular repolarization
flat lines
correspond to no electr chg
flat line between cycle is heart resting between beats
cardiac cycle components
chgs within heart from one heart beat to next
contraction of heart chamber

press incr during contraction
relaxation of the heart chamber

press decr during relax
ventricular contraction
causes ventr press to rise
av valves pushes open
force bl from ventr to arterial trunk
ventricular relaxation
causes ventr press to decr
closure of semilunar valves
av valves open
as cardiac cycle begins
4 chambers at rest. blood returns to r and l atrium.. passive filling of ventr av valves open. atrial press over ventr press
sl valves closed. press in ventr over arterial trunk press
arterial systole. p wave
atria contract ventr relax
remain bl moves atria to ventr
ventr press less than atrial press
av valves open
ventr max bl volume. EDV end dialstolic volume
ventricle systole. QRS complex
begin of ventr contract
bl moves to arterial trunks
atria relax
ventr press over atrial
ventr press less than arterial trunk
both valves closed
isovolumetric contr
late ventr systole
atria ventr relax
ventr over atrial press
ventr over atrial trunk
av opem sl valves closed
amt of bl is stroke volume
ventr ejection is bl ejected
some bl remain ESV. end systolic volume
early ventr diastole
atria ventr relax
ventr press over atrial
less th as n atrial trunk
av closed
cardiac output
CO. amt bl pumped by a single ventricle in one min
HR heart rate. beats per min
stroke volume SV. blood ejec one beat
smaller heart sm stroke vol
lgr stroke vol lower HR
contract with ekg
SA node action potential.. signal.. cause muscle heart to depolarize and contract- induce atrial systole. P wave. flatline is PR segment. AV node bundle purkinje fibers. depolarize contract rapidly induce ventricular systole. QRS complex reps that rapid contract. atrial repolarization hidden by QRS complex. relax ventr diastole T wave.. ST segment ventr depolarized period. QT time it takes for repolar and depolar takes to occur