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90 Cards in this Set

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what is a ratio

comparison of two numbers or quantities

ratio when the measuring units describing two quantities being compared are different

what type of comparisons does the idea of ratio involve

multiplicative comparison

what is a porportion

a statement that two ratios are equal

what should the beginning experiences for equal ratios included

number patterns and repeated addition

what procedure should children use for generating equal ratios

multiply both terms by the same number

what is a scale drawing

smaller or larger representation of an object

what does percent mean

parts per hundred

what should children use at the concrete level to understand percent

base ten blocks

what are the percent benchmarks


what can a rational number be expressed as

decimal, percent, fraction

what is an excellent real worl context for practicing percents


what are examples of everyday situations involving finding a percent of a number

computing sales tax, discount, commission, and interest

what are three approaches to solving percent problems

proportion method, equation method, unitary analysis method

What are the three skills needed for Unitary Analysis?
Number sense, Operation sense, Estimation skills
What is included as the geometry components of the math program at the elementary level
Study of two and three dimensional shapes and objects
What are the five levels of van hiele
Visualization, analysis, informal deduction, formal deduction, rigid level
What is visualization level
Think about shapes in terms of what they resemble
What is the analysis level
Think in terms of properties but don't see relationship between any of the properties
What is the informal deduction level
Notice the relationship between and within figures
What is the formal deduction level
Relationships between properties of shapes but also relationships of axioms, definitions, theorems
What is visualization level
Think about shapes in terms of what they resemble
What is informal deduction level
Notice the relationship between and working figures and formulate meaningful defintions
What is prerecognition
Can't distinguish three sided from four sided
What are most elementary children at
Visualization and analysis
What order does level go
Sequential but not age dependent
What language should be used at elementary level
Informal terms and expressions; formal language will develop over time
What is topology
The study of properties of figures that's stay the same even under distortions
What are the ways distortion can be achieved
Bending, stretching, twisting, shrinking
What is polyhedra
3deminisonal shapes with faces consisting of polygons
What are polygons
Two dimensional Plane figures with straight line segments (with three or more straight sides)
What are regular polygons
Plane figures with sides that are all same length and angles
What is regular poluhedron
One whose faces consist of same kind of regular congruent polygons, with the same number of edges meeting at each vertex of the figure.
What is stellating
Building into solids to form different solids
What is truncating
Modify solids by cutting off sections in systematic way
What is a prism
Polyhedron with two congruent parallel bases that are polygons and all the remaining faces are parallelograms
What are pyramids
Whose base is a polygon and all rest of faces are triangles
What are cylinders
Surface generated by a family of lines parallel to a given line and passing through a curve in a plane
What is eulers rule
Faces +Vertices- edges= 2
What can polygons be
Convex or concave
What are concave polygons
When not all line segments roam inside the figure
What is symmetry
Every point of bisected shapes has a reflective point in the other side
What is rotational symmetry
When a figure is rotated about a point for an amount less than 360 degrees and the rotated shape matches the original shape.
What are congruent figures
Those that have the same size and shape
What are similar figures
Those that have the same shape but not always the same size
What's a translation
Movement along a straight line
What are rigid transformations
Translations, reflections, rotations
What are rotation
Movement of a figure around a point
What is tessellation
Filling a plane figure with the same plane shape with no gaps or overlaps
What is spatial sense
Involves both visualization and orientation
The ability to mentally picture how objects appear under some rigid motion or other transformation
The ability to note positions of objects and to maintain an accurate perception of objects
Seven piece puzzle consisting of five triangles, one square, and one parallelogram cut from a square
Dissection motion operation
The operation of partitioning and then dissecting a figure for the purpose of rearranging the pieces
What is a measurement attribute
Characteristic that can be quantified by comparing to a unit
a comparison of a standard unit for measuring a certain attribute with the attribute possessed by a given object.
What is the instructional sequence for measurement
Perception and direct comparison, nonstandard measurement, standard measurement
What is the first stage of instructional sequence refferred to ss
It does not require a unit nor assigning a number to the object being measured
Task involving ordering three or more objects according to a particular attribute
What is the criterion for selecting the appropriate unit to measure with
Has the same attribute as that to be measured, size of unit relative to object measured
What are standard units
Units that have been agreed on and accepted by a group of people
What is length of a object
The distance between two end points
What is area
Amount of surface enclosed by a curve in the plane
What is volume
Amount of space inside a closed three dimensional region
What is capacity
The amount a container will hold
What is mass
Amount of matter in an object

What is weight

The force of gravity acting on the mass

What is time
When an event occurred or will occur and how long an event lasted
What is temperature
Measure of how hot or cold an object is
What is commonly used for recording temperature in metric system
Celsius scale
What is angle
The Union of two rays that have the same end point
What is a percent
Part to whole ratio that has 100 as it second term
What is the best way to teach concepts of ratios
Begin with real world problems, act them out with proportional manipulative, draw meaningful pictures, work toward symbolic mode
What is a unit rate
When the second term is 1, the rate is called unit rate

What would you use to distinguish the difference between polyhedron and regular polyhedra

Informal deduction

What is measurment
Comparison of an attribute of an object to standarized unit
How many regular polyhedra are there
How many semi regular polyhedra are there
What are pyramids
Polyhedron whose base is a polygon and all the rest of the faces are triangles that meet at a vertex

What are cones

Surface generated with a family of all likes through a given point and adding through a curve in a plane

Irregular polyhedra
not all of the faces are congruent
Plane symmetry
a three dimensional shape has plane symmetry if a plan passing through the figure bisects it such that every point of the figure on one side of the plane has a reflection image on the other side of the plane
What are the 9 different translations, reflections, and rotations.
horizontal slide, vertical slide, oblique slide,

Reflection about a line on a figure, reflection about a line not on the figure, reflection line intersects with a vertex,

turning point inside a figure, turning point on the figure, turning point outside the figure

What are the two systems of standard units that are used in the united states?
Customary system and metric system
strategies used by good estimators include:
Referents, chunking, and unitizing
the distance around a closed figure
Iteration of the unit
to reuse the same unit.All things used to measure an object must be the same size.The next unit begins at the precise point that the previous unit ends.
Proportional Reasoning
Ability to understand ratiosInvolves both qualitative and quantitative thinkingConcerns prediction and multiple comparisons
Movement of a figure about a line; outside the figure, on a side of the figure, or intersecting with a vertex