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35 Cards in this Set

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What are four Responsibilities of Teachers contained in the Schools Act?
1) Providing instruction to students and encouraging and fostering student learning.
2) Promoting goals and standard applicable to the provision of education.
3) Teaching the courses of study and educational programs that are prescribed.
4) Regularly evaluating students and periodically reporting the results to students and parents.
What are four Duties of a Principal contained in the Schools Act?
1) Provide instructional leadership.
2) Evaluate or provide for the evaluation of programs offered in the school.
3) Manage the school.
4) Maintain order and discipline in the school.
Why do we have the Teachers' Codes of Ethics? What are qualities and commonalities of Teachers from it?
To provide teachers with a guide for the professional practice and to inspire them to live up to it on a daily basis.

Qualities are: Care, Trust, Respect and Integrity. (C-T-R-I, Can Tim Rape Immigrants?)

Commonalities are Students, Employer, Colleagues, Professional Organization (NLTA), Professional Development
What are some of the points in the NLTA Code of Ethics?
TEACHER-PUPILS, TEACHER-PARENTS, Teacher-Employer, Teacher-Colleague, Teacher-Professional Growth, Teacher-Professional Organization
What are four strategies for Colleague-Colleague Conflict?
1) If you feel safe in doing so, ARRANGE A MEETING BETWEEN YOU AND THE TEACHER TO DISCUSS YOUR CONCERN WITH HIS/HER UNETHICAL BEHAVIOUR. Chat about how you think the behaviour is unacceptable and that you want it stopped. If that don't work then it's probably time to KICK it up a notch!
2) If the behaviour doesn't stop, put your concerns in writing to the teacher concerned and cc the school principal.
3) If you don't initially feel safe speaking to the teacher, put concerns in writing and cc the principal.
4) If after the principal's involved and there's no chance, contact the NLTA seeking further advice.
Obligation for teachers to advise someone of a student being subjected to neglect is called ________.
Duty to Report
If a child is at risk of being physically, emotionally, sexually harmed or otherwise in some sort of danger of being hurt, a teacher must take part in __________?
Protective Intervention
What are the Five Pieces of Practical Advice for Teachers and School Administrators?
1) Required by LAW to report suspicion of abuse even without concrete evidence.
2) Must make report to legally stipulated authority (police or welfare authorities). Report to principal's not enough!
3) Can be found guilty of a crime if you know about or suspect abuse and don't report it.
4) Your identity will not be disclosed to the suspect.
5) Can't be punished or prosecuted for making a report which proves to be incorrect as long as you did so in good faith.
Any unwanted sexual act done by one person to another is called _________. This can mean anything from unwanted touching of a sexual nature to rape.
Sexual Assault
A person who, for a sexual purpose, touches, directly or indirectly, with a part of the body or with an object, any part of the body of a person under the age of 16 years is called __________.
Sexual Interference
What is it called when a person, for a sexual purpose, invites, counsels or incites a person under the age of 16 years to touch, directly or indirectly, with a part of the body or with an object, the body of any person, including the body of the person who so invites, counsels or incites and the body of the person under the age of 16 years?
Invitation to Sexual Touching
A person who commits an offence who is in a position of trust or authority towards a young person, who is a person with whom the young person is in a relationship of dependency or who is in a relationship with a young person that is exploitative of the young person, is guilty of __________.
Sexual Exploitation

If you're in a position of trust and authority with a young person, any of the aforementioned activities are TOTALLY unacceptable.
From the NLTA Collective Agreement, what is the basic criteria for hiring teachers?
C-S-Q: Competence, Suitability, Qualifications
What is the name for the act which deals with students involved in criminal activities?
YCJA (Youth Criminal Justice Act)

It is a FEDERAL responsibility. Applies to students between ages TWELVE and EIGHTEEN.
From the NLTA Collective Agreement, what is the basic criteria for firing teachers?
G-I-N: Gross Misconduct, Insubordination, Neglect of Duty

Getting piss loaded on gin and trying to teach classes is grounds for getting fired...
The study and philosophy of human conduct with emphasis on the determination of right and wrong is called ________.
Pertaining to character and behaviour from the point of view of right and wrong is called ______ or ______.
Moral, Ethical

Moral = Ethical!
What are some equivalent terms for "legal"?
lawful, officially permitted, officially authorized, permissible, AUTHORIZED, above-board, official, STATUTORY, statute
What are some equivalent terms for "moral"?
ETHICAL, GOOD, right, HONEST, proper, decent, honourable, JUST, principled
Making a decision based on the possible consequences of that decision is called _________.
Making a decision based on principle/policy without regard for the consequences of that decision is called _______.
Making a decision based on what is the greater "good" or the most benefit for the greatest number of people is called ___________.
Benefit Maximization
Giving copyright holders control over the use of their creations is called ________.
A federal legislation, enacted in 1921 and revised in 1997, pertaining to rights and exceptions and printed materials, etc., is called the __________.
Copyright Act
The fact that a teacher can copy a small portion of a work without infringing copyright but must be careful to limit the portion as much as possible is called ________.
Fair Dealing
What are some of the issues in schools which involve Copyright?
Use of videos/movies, performance of plays/musicals, photocopying print material, plagiarism
_______ guides teachers in decision-making.
Education Policy
How is education policy used as a legal instrument?
1) Meant to provide educators with direction in decision making.
2) Permeates the lives of teachers and school administrators.
An amendment was made in 2004 to what?
The Criminal Code of Canada
What are the two types of policies we should know for this course?
1) Prescriptive, 2) Flexible
What are some big tips on avoiding sexual misconduct?
1) Avoid closing your classroom door, particularly when you are with a single student.
2) Avoid keeping students in your classroom for long periods of time after dismissal.
3) If you have a window in your door, don't cover it up!
4) Beware of pre-adolescent and adolescent students who seem to find you attractive! Subdue the flattery, cool the attention, avoid and discourage teasing.
5) Beware the Huggy Bear! Consider whether all that touching is for the benefit of the student, or because it simply makes you feel good.

So, Closed Doors, Staying After Class, Covered Windows, Crushes, HUGGY BEARS
Workplace Safety - "The Big Picture"... What are some key point on this?
1) Falls under OH&S across Canada.
2) Covered under PROVINCIAL/TERRITORIAL and FEDERAL legislation.
3) Schools now considered as WORKPLACES.
Is it stated in the __________ that a safety committee's primary purpose is to monitor the health, safety and welfare of the workers employed in that specific workplace. Any workplace with 10 or more workers is required to have such a committee! (must have 2-12 workers)
Occupational Health and Safety Act
What involvement do school boards have in Health & Safety?
They do their utmost to ensure that schools are indeed places of safety for teachers, students and support staff.
What are four Determinations/Conclusions to be gathered from the Study of Educational Law?
1) Can lead to unnecessary paranoia on the part of teaches and school administrators.
2) Accidents in schools happen; they don't automatically suggest negligence on the part of teachers and school administrators.
3) There's a significant amount of "grey" present in the school system... we need to keep this in mind in all potentially litigious situations!
4) REASONABLENESS and RESPECTFULNESS are the operative words for teachers and school administrators!!

So, b'ys can get PARANOID, accidents don't always indicate NEGLIGENCE, there's a pool-sized gravy boat's worth of GREY AREAS in the school system, and we always gotta keep in mind --REASONABLENESS and RESPECT--