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65 Cards in this Set

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Social Learning Theory of eating, Bobo doll study
Brown and Ogden
SLT - High Correlation between parents and children's snack food intake, eating motivation and body dissatisfaction
Media SLT - Media impacts what people eat, as well as age/income/family
Meyer and Gast
SLT - Correlation between influence and disorderd eating in 10-12 yr olds
Powell and Khan
Cultural - Eating disorders and more common in white women than in black or Asian women
Ball and Kennedy
Cultural - All ethnic groups from the 14000 18-23 year old women had more Australian eating habits, the longer they'd been there
Culture - Black girls had a higher 'drive for thinness' than white girls
Culture and Gender- female attitudes to foods are more American ( food for health) than French (food for pleasure). For men it was nationally specific
Social Class - US teens from high social class had a greater desire to be thin
Social Class - US girls from a HSC correlated with greater body satisfaction and fewer weight control behaviours
Mood/Binge eating- People report feelings of anxiety before a binge
Mood/Comfort Eating - Ppts given buttered popcorn and grapes - assigned to one of two films (Sad or Happy). Those in the 'sad' category ate more popcorn and those in the 'happy' category ate more grapes. This effect was lost when calories were displayed.
Mood/comfort Eating - Chocolate can prolong negative mood if used with the intention to lift mood.
Restraint (S&F of dieting)- 89% of UK females restrict eating at some point in their life
Herman and Mack
Restraint (S&F of dieting) - Restraint increases probability of overeating
Wardle and Beales
Restraint (S&F of dieting) - Tested Herman and Mack's theory. Assigned obese women to a category (diet, exercise, no treatment). When given a 'pre-load' or under stress in the lab, the women in the diet group at more than the other two groups.
Herman and Polivy
Restraint (S&F of dieting) - Boundary Model. Eating falls between the boundaries of Hunger and Satiety. Restrained eaters add a 'diet' boundary, once its been broken they will continue eating until satiety. Also wider gap between hunger and satiety - so overeating can occur
Ogden (1994)
Obesity may not have been originally caused by overeating but practicing restraining can lead to overeating
Ogden (2007)
Although there is a link between food restriction and overeating, it cant explain anorexics.
Mental Control (S&F of dieting) - White bear experiment. Theory of ironic processes in mental control - if you're told not to think about something, you're already thinking about it. This can apply to restraint
Mental Control (S&F of dieting) - Restrained, Disinhibited ppt's used more thought suppression and rebounded more.
Mental Control (Success of dieting) - Change focus to make dieting less boring. Gave jelly beans with info about flavours ect, they got less bored than when given general information.
Higgins and Gray
Mental Control (Successful dieting) - Anti dieting programmes resulted in improvements to psychological wellbeing and weight stability rather than weight change
Cultural Differences - Asian (Indian) Children & teens have a greater central fat mass, leading to a natural inclination for obesity
Misra's research findings suggests it's harder for Asians to diet successfully
Mental Processes- Dieting affects cognitive task performance. Could be due to preoccupation with dieting. (apply to teens taking a levels)
Biological Explanations - Lateral Hypothalamus - NP Y injected into rats who were satiated, hey began to eat
Biological Explanations - Lateral Hypothalamus -Repeated NP Y injections into the lateral hypothalamus of rats and within a few days hey were obese
Biological Explanations - Lateral Hypothalamus -LH is important in eating but isn't the only eating controller in the brain
Biological Explanations - NP Y - NP Y is produced by fat cells, more NP Y - the more fat cells you have ect.
Rats without NP Y still ate, it could be that over eating could be due to a flood in NP Y, rather than the normal trickle
Damage tot he Paraventricular nucleus PVN also caused hyperphagia - PVN also responsible for cravings
Rolls and Rolls
Removing the amygdala in rats' brains caused indiscriminate eating of new foods (rats are neophobic with food)
Kold and Wishaw
Sense of smell plays a large part in food choices
Zald and Pardo
the amygdala is involved in processing olfactory stimuli (smells) PET scan showed how blood flow to the amygdala changes while being exposed to odours
Under stress, the body releases the hormone Ghrelin as part of the stress response. This boosts your appetite and leads to comfort eating
Some mice with 3 obese genes are attracted to foods high in fat and sugar, They also are deficient in leptin
Humans have evolved to eat meats for the high calories, to support the growing of the brain.
Gibson and Wardle
importance of calories can be seen through the food preferences of children (4-5). These are foods such as banana and potato
ALL human cultures prefer meat and animal fats - therefore evolutionary to eat meat
The fiercest competition in chimps was for the fatty parts of the kill, especially after a great period of famine
Evolution - Taste aversion - Mice given sugar and made to feel sick with radiation then refused to eat the sugar
Medicine effect - Garcia
Evolution - Taste aversion - When a deficient rat is presented with a distinctly flavoured food and with an injection of the thing they are deficient it, they develop a preference for that food
Bernstien and webster
Evolution - Taste aversion - cancer patients given a new ice cream before chemo, to stop them developing taste aversion to previous foods
Evolution - Taste aversion - Humans have an innate preparedness to learn particular associations to survive
Ogden (obesity)
Obesity - the definition of obesity depends on the population being studied
Obesity - Obesity is a group of disorders, not a single one
Obesity - Causes of obesity could be biological or behavioural
Herman (obesity)
Obesity - Emotional and Restrained - Emotional eating occurs from the disinhibition of restraint due to emotional arousal
Obesity - Emotional and Restrained - eating is an escape from self-awareness
Obesity - Emotional and Restrained -Found higher depression and anxiety in obese individuals
Obesity - Night eating - Hyperphagia after meal, insomnia, morning anorexia
De Zwaan
Obesity - Night eating - regular awakenings and the inability to sleep again without eating
Obesity - Night eating -High positive correlation with night eating disorder and obesity
Obesity - binge eating disorder -Linked the disorder with depression and low self esteem
Obesity - binge eating disorder - only 1-3% of the population have it but around 30% of dieters report it
Obesity - food addiction theory - addiction to food develops and is maintained by negative reinforcement
Berthoud and Morrison
Obesity - food addiction theory -Taste is the biggest factor in food addiciton
Obesity - Genes - twin overfeed study. 3x more similarity in weight gain for twins
Price and gottesman
Obesity - Genes - MZ twins reared together and apart - body fat correlation of 0.61 apart and 0.75 together
Obesity - Genes - Strong correlation between the BMI of biological siblings reared apart
Obesity - environment - after fiji recently urbanised, obesity increased
Obesity - genes - rats can be bred to have a preference for sweet foods
Berthoud and Morrison (leptin)
Obesity - Genes - leptin resistance in rats on a 'modern diet'
Kopelman (Indians)
Obesity - environment - Pima indians in US are 25kg heavier than those living in mexico