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172 Cards in this Set

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Define: weathering
the disintegration and decomposition of rock at or near earths surface
Define erosion
the incorporation and transportation of material by a mobile agent such as water, wind or ice. the gradual discintegration of something by, wind, water and or other natural elements
Define chemical weathering
the process by which the internal structure of a mineral is altered by the removal and/or addition of elements
Define mechanical weathering
the physical disintegration of rock resulting in smaller fragments
Define ice wedging
A type of mechanical weathering in which rocks are broken by the expansion of water as it freezes in joints, pores, or bedding planes. Synonymous with frost wedging. A large piece of floating ice that has broken off of a glacier.
Define exfoliation
joints or sheet joints are surface-parallel fracture systems in rock often leading to erosion of concentric slabs.
Define hydration
The addition of water to a chemical molecule without hydrolysis
Define oxidation
The combination of a substance with oxygen
Define carbonation
reaction with carbon dioxide to remove lime
Define leach
the depletion of soluble materials from the upper soil by downward-percolating water
Define soil
a combination of mineral and organic matter, water, and air that portion of the regolith that supports plant growth.
Define topsoil
the fertile, upper part of the soil
Define subsoil
the layer of soil under the topsoil on the surface of the ground. Like topsoil it is composed of a variable mixture of small particles such as sand.
Define organics
of, relating to, or obtained from living things
Define soil profile
a vertical section through a soil showing its succession of horizons and the underlying parent material.
Define transported
soils that form on unconoslidated deposits
Define residual moraine
an end moraine formed as the ice front stagnated during glacial retreat
Define stagnat in ragards to glaciers
A glacier which has ceased to move
Define mass movement
the movement of surface material caused by gravity. Landslides and rockfalls are examples of very sudden movements of this type.
Define land slide
he sliding down of a mass of earth or rock from a mountain or cliff.
Define talus
an accumulation of rock debris at the base of a cliff
Define slump
the downward slipping of a mass of rock or unconsolidated material moving as a unit along a curved surface
Define creep
the slow downhill movement of soil and regolith
Define mudflow
a fluid or hardened stream or avalanche of mud.
Define avalanche
a mass of snow, ice, and rocks falling rapidly down a mountainside
Define glacier
a thick mass of ice originating on land from the compaction and recrystallization of snow that shows evidence of past or present flow
Define erratic drift
an ice transported boulder that was not derived from bedrock near its present site.
Define firn
a collection of snow which has compacted and crystilized
Define snowline
the level of permanent snow even in the summertime.
Define calving
when an ice burgh breaks off a glacier when it reaches the ocean
Define ice berg
a large floating mass of ice detached from a glacier or ice sheet and carried out to sea.
Define crevasse
a deep crack in the brittle surface of a glacier
Define alpine/valley glacier
a glacier confined to a mountian valley which in most instances had previously been a stream valley
Define lateral moraine
forms on the sides of claciers. glacier plucks rocks from valley walls
medial moraine
forms when 2 tribuatary glaciers meet and combine at leteral moraines
termanal moraine
forms at the snout of the glacier
recessional moraine
forms at a retreat point of the glacier
where is the retreat point (recessional moraine) of a glacier located
at the farthest fowared point of a glacier
where is the snout located
in the rear of a glacier
Define horn
sharp peak where 3 cirques meet
Define cirque
semi-circular basin plucked bu the glacier in the snowfield
Define arete
knife-edged ridge where 2 cirques meet
Define tarn
cirque lake
Define waterfall
stream going over a gliff
Define hanging trough
tributary glacial valley
Define u shape valley
characteristic shape re-carving previous vshaped stream valleys
where is the largest continental/icesheet glacier found and how is it formed
largest is found in antartica, formed in the center and spreads outward.
Define continental/ice sheet glacier
continuous masses of ice that are much larger than alpine glaciers. can spread/extend over water
list the great lakes from largest to smallest (Super Man Helps Every One)
Superior, Michigan, Huron, Eri, Ontario
Define driftless and where is it located
in wisconson, its an area untouched by advance of glaciers. there are younger rocks than surroundings
Define unstratified/till
NOT sorted by running water.
where is unstratified/till located on a glacier
Define stratified/outwash
sorted by running water
where is stratified/outwash found on a glacier
in front of a glacier
Define ground moraine
deposits under the glacier
Define drumlin
ground moraine that is swept up by advancing glacier into long canoe-shaped hills of till
Define kame (the stream kame down and deposited in the delta)
old delta deposit
Define esker
an S curved old stream deposit
Define kettle lakes
carved by melting ice blocks grinding into the bedrock
Define stream valley
the channel valley floor and sloping valley walls of a stream
Define stream
a small narrow river
Define paint pot/mud volcano
a sort of acidic hot spring, or fumarole, with limited water
where can you find a paint pot/mud volcano
Define hot spring
a spring of naturally hot water, typically heated by subterranean volcanic activity.
Define geyser
a fountian of hot water ejected periodically
Define geyserite
a hard opaline siliceous deposit occurring around geysers and hot springs
Define fumarole
a vent in a volcanic area from which fumes or gases escape
Define abrasion
the process of scraping or wearing away.
Define solution
a liquid mixture in which the minor component (the solute) is uniformly distributed within the major component (the solvent).
Define suspension
the system of springs and shock absorbers by which a vehicle is cushioned from road conditions.
Define saltation
transportion of sediment through a series of leaps or bounces
Define bed load
sediment that is carried by a stream along the bottom of its channel
Define carrying power
to move (something) while holding and supporting it. : to contain and direct the flow of (water, electricity, etc.)
Define undermining
erode the base or foundation of (a rock formation
Define gradient
the slope of a stream generally measured in feet per mile
Define channel
A river channel is a deep navigable part of a river and it has a bed and a bank.
Define discharge
the quantity of water in a stream that passes a given point in a period of time
Define flood
an overflowing of a large amount of water beyond its normal confines, especially over what is normally dry land
Define flood plain
the flat low lying portion of a stream valley subject to periodic inundation
Define levee
an embankment built to prevent the overflow of a river. a ridge of sediment deposited naturally alongside a river by overflowing water
Define river system
is defined as a group of rivers discharging water by way of a common flow or system of channels into a sea or lake.
Define divide
an imaginary line that separates the drainage of two streams often found along a ridge
Define drainage basin/watershed
land whoes rainfall flows into the stream
Define dendritic
a river system pattern looks like veins in a leaf or like tree branches
Define trellis
a river system pattern that looks like a rose trellis where streams meet at right angles
Define radial
river system patterns that look like spokes in a wheel. the streams form at a central high point or central low point (sink hole)
Define parallel
river system pattern streams running side by side
Define straight stream
a young higher elevated fast v shaped valley cutting down. (example often found in canyons)
Define canyon
a stream valley with steep vertical sides due to the bedrock being very strong
Define meander
middle age stream at lower elevation flows slower in a wide valley, side cutting.
Define oxbow cut off
where a stream breaks through its own channel/meander
Define oxbow lake
completely separate and abandoned oxbow
Define entrenched meander
the land is uplifted so stream can cut down again but keeps its old loopy embedded pattern
Define alluvial fan
a cone shaped deposit at the base of a cliff
Define delta fan (Delta letter)
a fan tirangle shaped deposit at the mouth of a stream in a QUIET body of water (delta letter)
Define distributaries
so many deposits at the mouth that a stream meanders over its own deposits
Define braided
so many deposits in the channel that a stream flows over its own deposits
Define uplift/rejuvenation
A river is said to be rejuvenated when the base level that it is flowing down to is lowered.
Define phreatic
relating to or denoting underground water in the zone of saturation. of a volcanic eruption) caused by the heating and expansion of groundwater
Define hydrologic/water cycle
the natural sequence through which water passes into the atmosphere as water vapor, precipitates to earth in liquid or solid form, and ultimately returns to the atmosphere through evaporation.
Define porisity
the volume of open spaces in rock or soil
Define permeability
a measure of a materials ability to transmit water
Define zone of aeration
Upper soil layers that hold both air and water.
Define zone of saturation
the area in an aquifer, below the water table, in which relatively all pores and fractures are saturated with water. The phreatic zone defines the lower edge of the vadose zone.
Define artesian formation
An aquifer is a geologic layer of porous and permeable material such as sand and gravel, limestone, or sandstone, through which water flows and is stored. An artesian aquifer is confined between impermeable rocks or clay which causes this positive pressure.
Define artesian spring/fissure spring
a man-made spring from which water flows under natural pressure without pumping.
Define water table
the upper level of the saturated zone of groundwater
Define aquifier
rock or soil through which groundwater moves easily
Define karst topography
a topography consisting of numerous depressions called sinkholes
Define cavern
a naturally formed underground chamber or series of chambers most commonly produced by solution activity in limestone
Define sink
go down below the surface of something, especially of a liquid; become submerged.
Define stalactite
the icicle-like structure that hangs from the ceiling of a cavern
Define stalagmite
the column like form that grows upward from the floor of a cavern
Define column
a feature found in caves that is formed when a stalactite and stalagmite join
Define speleothems
a structure formed in a cave by the deposition of minerals from water, e.g., a stalactite or stalagmite.
Define dust storm
a strong, turbulent wind that carries clouds of fine dust, soil, and sand over a large area.
Define natural bridge
a natural rock formation where a rock arch forms, with an opening underneath.
Define sand storm
a strong wind carrying clouds of sand with it, especially in a desert.
Define arid
one of the two types of dry climate, the driest of the dry climates
Define semi-arid
climatic regions that receive precipitation below potential evapotranspiration, but not extremely.
Define drought
prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall; a shortage of water resulting from this.
Define desertification
the process by which fertile land becomes desert, typically as a result of drought, deforestation, or inappropriate agriculture.
Define ventifact
a wind-abraded rock with flat angular sides called facet
Define facet
flat angular sides
Define deflation
the removal of sand, silt, and clay by the wind causing blowout
Define deflation blowout
a hollow blown out by the wind in a dessert
Define Blowout
hollow blown out by the wind in a plain
Define oasis
a fertile spot in a desert where water is found
Define loess
yellow silt-sized particles ground by glacers carried by streams and deposited by the wind in high cliff sized piles so tall that people can dig homes into the cliffs
Define sand dune
a pile of sand deposited by the wind
Define windward
the side of a hill that is hit by the wind
Define leeward
the side of a hill that is not hit by the wind
Define barchan/cresent
the shape of a dune
Define parabolic
the shapre of a dune arms around blowout
Define longitudinal
shape of a dune formed along with the way the wind blows
Define transverse
shape of a dune are at a right angle to the wind
Define migration
dunes that migrate toward the leeward side
Define mesa
a flat plateau
Define butte
A narrow part of a mesa
Define wave
the rhythimic rise and fall of the ocean's waters.
Define wind
air movement
Define the parts of a wave
crest, troph, wave length, amplitude, frequency
Define fetch
the amount of open water
Define whitecaps
crests of a wave torn by the wind
Define swells
caused by storms far out at sea
Define breakers
They are formed as the wave approaches the shore, the trough drags and the crest breaks over causing the foamy surf to wash up
Define tsunami
a huge wave caused by an earthquake
Define tide
controlled by the moon
Define undertow current
a stronger backwash under the water
Define Rip current
a strong surface current going out to sea
Define current
rivers or paths in the ocean (water)
Define longshore current
a current parallel to the shore formed by the swash/backwash motion
Define salinity
is the ration of salt to seawater
Define mixed layer
heat distributed by winds and waves
Define thermocline
rapid decline in temperature to the deep
Define deep polar creep
current sinks from the poles and travels for THPOUSANDS of years before they surface on the western sides of the oceans upwelling nutrition for an algae bloom.
Define headland
part of the shore that sticks out into the ocean
Define beach
sand or pebble deposit on the shore
Define cliff
the high elevation portion that the ocean waves constantly hit against
Define cave
the undermined part of the cliff
Define arch
a part of the cave roof has collapsed leaving a separate portion
Define stack
a remnant of the old eroded shoreline, completely separate from the new shore
Define spit
sand bar attached to a headlong
Define hook
a sand bar curved by the wind
Define baymouth bar
a sand bar that reaches all the way across the mouth of the bay
Define offshore bar
a sandbar that is parallel to the shore deposited by breakers
Define lagoon
a stretch of salt water separated from the sea by a low sandbank or coral reef.
Define marsh
an area of low-lying land that is flooded in wet seasons or at high tide, and typically remains waterlogged at all times.
Define crest
the top of something, especially a mountain or hill
Define Trough
the lowest point of a wave
Define wavelength
the horizontal distance separating successive crests or troughs
Define depth
the distance from the top or surface of something to its bottom