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30 Cards in this Set

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The Earth's 4 sphere's
Geosphere – the solid earth
Hydrosphere – the watery part of our planet
Atmosphere – the gaseous layer above
Biosphere – the living realm of organisms
the solid earth
Planets accreted from dust into planetesimals
Planetesimals clumped together to form planets
Colliding pieces (and radioactivity) created heat, warming the young Earth to melting
This ended (or Earth started) about 4.6 billion years ago
3 major layers of Earth’s Geosphere
Dense metallic core
Outer core liquid, inner core solid, 6000°C Ni-Fe
Less-dense rocky mantle
Changes with depth, some parts solid, others weak and plastic-like, flowing slowly
Even less dense surface crust
Crustal material varies widely
– the crust and upper part of mantle
Average 100km thick
Broken up into tectonic plates
Plates float atop the weaker material
7 major (and several minor) plates are in constant motion
– all Earth’s water
Ground water
Streams and lakes
– the gas layer surrounding the solid Earth
Mixture of N, O, CO2, Ar, other gases
99% in 1st 30km
Acts as filter & blanket, and as heat transport medium
– zone of living things
Water, land, air all contain life
Life is affected by the environment
Life also alters the environment
any assemblage or combination of interacting components that form a complex whole
i.e.: the human body, a bacterium, an ecosystem
Each “sphere” is a system
Surface systems
– mainly solar powered
Mass and energy both move
Chemical reactions change materials
Internal systems
radioactively powered
Gradualism (aka: Uniformitarianism)
Hutton – slow change across long times]
i.e.: plate motions
Whewell – rapid events in short times
Floods, earthquakes, meteorites
Threshold effect
slow or no initial change to environmental change
When threshold point is passed, change becomes rapid
Feedback mechanism
one change affects another system component, amplifying original effect
Humans and Earth Systems
6,700,000,000 humans today
20% live in wealthy nations
1,500,000,000 live in poverty
live on <$1/day
14,000,000 infants die/yr
1. The Earth’s core is part of the __________.
a. geosphere
b. atmosphere
c. hydrosphere
d. biosphere
2. Oceans cover __________ percent of the Earth’s surface.
a. 0.7
b. 7
c. 17
d. 71
d. 71
3. Oceans contain __________ percent of the Earth’s water.
a. 2.5
b. 15
c. 65
d. 97.5
d. 97.5
4. Water frozen in glaciers is part of Earth’s __________.
a. geosphere
b. atmosphere
c. hydrosphere
d. biosphere
c. hydrosphere
5. Earth’s core consists mostly of __________.
a. iron and nickel
b. frozen water
c. solid rock
d. gas
a. iron and nickel
6. The rigid, outer part of Earth, including the crust and the uppermost mantle, is called the __________.
a. atmosphere
b. geosphere
c. lithosphere
d. hydrosphere
c. lithosphere
7. Liquid freshwater amounts to about __________ percent of Earth’s total water.
a. 0.64
b. 6.4
c. 16.4
d. 60.4
a. .64
8. The atmosphere consists mainly of __________.
a. nitrogen and argon
b. nitrogen and oxygen
c. oxygen and carbon dioxide
d. carbon dioxide and argon
b. nitrogen and oxygen
9. A __________ is a combination of interacting components that form a complex whole.
a. feedback mechanism
b. catastrophic event
c. threshold effect
d. system
d. system
11. Homo sapiens and our direct ancestors have been abundant on our planet for about __________ percent of Earth history.
a. 0.1
b. 1.0
c. 10
d. 50
a. 0.1 percent
12. Geologists estimate that Earth formed __________ years ago.
a. 4.6 billion
b. 46 million
c. 4.6 million
d. 46 billion
a. 4.6 million
13. __________ means that the geologic processes operating today also worked in the past.
a. Gradualism
b. Uniformitarianism
c. Catastrophism
d. Density layering
a. gradualism or uniformiatarianism
14. The Earth’s population (in mid-2009) was about __________ people.
a. 2.3 billion
b. 4.5 billion
c. 6.7 billion
d. 8.2 billion
c. 6.7 million
15. According to current trends in Earth’s population development, it is likely that pressure on Earth’s resources will __________.
a. increase
b. decrease
c. not change
d. be insignificant
a. increase
10. Earth’s surface systems are ultimately powered by the __________.
a. Moon
b. mantle convection
c. Sun
d. radioactive decay in the Earth’s interior
c. the sun