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102 Cards in this Set

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What is the least dense planet in the Solar System?


You are asked to make a scale model of two objects that are 50,000,000 km apart. If you used a scale of 1 m = 10,000,000 km, how far apart will the two objects be on the model?


Order these into size ranking, from SMALLEST to LARGEST (universe, solar system, galaxy )

1.solar system

2. galaxy

3. universe

What is the name of our galaxy ?

Milky Way

If the Sun blew up right NOW, how long would it take for us to know?

8 minutes

Which distance is the greatest out of the following list? ( 1 parsec, 2 light-years, 1 light-year, 1 AU )

1 parsec

The average distance from the Earth to the Sun is approximately ....

[List 3 Answers]

150,000,000 km

93,000,000 miles

1 AU

This is a list of distances in Astronomy (parsec, light-year, AU). Order them from FARTHEST to SHORTEST

1. parsec

2. Light-year

3. AU

The average distance from Earth to the Sun is approximately...

1 AU

How much of the mass of our solar system is contained in the Sun?

nearly 99 percent

What force caused the planets to form from a nebula?


TRUE OR FALSE: Scientists have found evidence of extrasolar planets by looking for red and blue shifts of stars.


What color of the electromagnetic spectrum are the waves of a galaxy being shifted to if the galaxy is moving away from the center of the universe?


Scientists have discovered that galaxies in the universe show a red shift (except those closest to us). This helps to prove that the universe is...?


What best describes the big bang?

the rapid expansion of matter at the beginning of the universe

What color of the electromagnetic spectrum are the waves of a galaxy being shifted to if the galaxy is moving towards the center of the universe?


According to the best evidence currently available, how old is the universe?

12 to 14 billion years old

What is a possibility for the fate of the universe?

[3 Answers]

Stop expanding

stop expanding and begin to collapse

continue expanding forever

What is the name given to the dispersed energy in the universe that provides evidence for the big bang?

Cosmic Background Radiation

Kepler developed what laws of planetary motion?

[3 Answers]

The orbit of each planet around the Sun is an ellipse with the Sun at one focus

As a planet moves around the Sun in its orbit, it covers equal areas in equal times.

The time a planet takes to complete one orbit is related to its average distance from the Sun.

The tilt of the Earth's rotation axis varies on...?

Varies on a 41,000 year cycle

What describes an ellipse whose shape is very close to a circle?

low eccentricity and close to 0

Why do planets move slower as they are further from the Sun?

gravity is greater closer to the Sun, making planets move faster

What does the precession of Earth's axis mean?

that the axis wobbles over time

Which of the following is NOT true about Earth's orbit?

a. Earth travels on a plane (flat geometric surface)

b. Earth travels around the Sun

c. Earth has an elliptical orbit

d. Earth's orbit remains constant

d. Earth's orbit remains constant


change in position relative to a fixed reference point


distance traveled over a certain amount of time


speed of an object in a given direction


rate at which velocity changes

Why doesn't the Moon crash into Earth?

The combination of the Moon's inertia and Earth's gravitational pull keep the Moon in orbit around Earth

Describe semidiurnal

two high and two low each day

Describe diurnal

one high and one low each day

Describe mised

combination of semidiurnal and diurnal

What tide occurs during a Full Moon?

Spring Tide

What tide occurs during a New Moon?

Spring Tide

What tide occurs during a First Quarter Moon?

Neap Tide

What tide occurs during a Third Quarter Moon?

Neap Tide

What tide occurs during a Waxing Gibbous Moon?

Normal Tide

What tide occurs during a Waning Crescent Moon?

Normal Tide

What tide occurs during a Waxing Crescent Moon?

Normal Tide

What tide occurs during a Waning Gibbous Moon?

Normal Tide

A _______ eclipse occurs when the _____ is in the Moon's shadow and a ____ eclipse occurs when the ______ is in the Earth's shadow.

A solar eclipse occurs when the Earth is in the Moon's shadow and a lunar eclipse occurs when the moon is in the Earth's shadow .

TRUE OR FALSE: It is impossible to see the Moon during daylight hours.


Why have we never seen the back sides of the Moon (besides in pictures)?

The period of rotation for the Moon is the same as the period in which it completes its orbit.

The force that creates the ocean tides is...?

the gravitational attraction of the Moon and Sun

Why does the Moon's shape change in the sky?

The Moon's position changes with respect to Earth and the Sun

Earth has fewer visible craters than the Moon because...?

Craters have been destroyed by geologic processes

When do spring tides occur?

Twice a month

How do comets differ from asteroids?

They are mostly composed of masses of frozen gases

The size of an impact crater is....?

always bigger than the impactor

Describe a Meteoroid

tiny particles still in space

Describe a Meteor

enters Earth's atmosphere

Describe Meteorites

[Two Answers]

Reach Earth's surface

Add about 1000 tons of material each year to Earth

TRUE OR FALSE?: The dinosaurs likely died out in the mass extinction 65 million years ago due to an asteroid impact.


TRUE OR FALSE? : Humans do not need to be concerned about possible asteroid and comet impacts as the vast majority of both objects have already impacted other planets in our solar system.


ASTEROID OR COMET? : Highly eccentric orbit

asteroids and comets

ASTEROID OR COMET? : Large inclinations

asteroids and comets

ASTEROID OR COMET? : mass of frozen gases and rocky particles


ASTEROID OR COMET? : leftover from the solar system formation

asteroids and comets

ASTEROID OR COMET? : forms a "tail" as it gets closer to the sun and vaporizes


rocky body smaller than planets


KUIPER BELT OR OORT CLOUD? : disk shaped region

Kuiper Belt

KUIPER BELT OR OORT CLOUD? : contains mostly comets, but does have some asteroids

Kuiper Belt

KUIPER BELT OR OORT CLOUD? : beyond the Kuiper belt

Oort Cloud

KUIPER BELT OR OORT CLOUD? : holds billions of objects

Oort Cloud

KUIPER BELT OR OORT CLOUD ? : sphere shaped region

Oort Cloud

What best describes what Newton's prism revealed?

[3 Answers]

Light can pass through transparent objects

light can be reflected into different wavelengths

light can be refracted into different wavelengths

The gaseous elements ionized in the fluorescent light bulb that you observed caused the light spectrum to...?

exhibit characteristic bright emission lines







SPACE OR EARTH SURFACE? : visible light

both space and Earth Surface






Earth Surface

Put the following sections of the electromagnetic spectrum into order from SHORTEST wavelength to LONGEST wavelength:

(gamma rays, radio, X-rays, microwave, ultraviolet, infrared, visible light )

1. gamma rays

2. x-rays

3. ultraviolet

4. visible light

5. infrared

6. microwave

7. radio

List waves in ascending levels of energy.

microwave, infrared, visible light, x-rays

What can spectra reveal about an object?

[3 answers]




Electromagnetic radiation has the properties of ....?

both waves and particles

What is Earth's "sunscreen"?


What is the name of the superheated outer part of the Sun?


The order of colors observed in the visible light spectrum is determined by the ..?

wavelength of the light

A future scientist observes that the sunspot cycle has just reached a minimum. The year is 2016. On the basis of this observation, the scientist would then predict the next maximum in sunspot activity to occur in...


Why is the sky blue?

molecules in the atmosphere scatter visible light in the blue range


fusion occurs here- hydrogen becomes helium

radiative zone

energy passes through this area after leaving the core

convective zone

currents of gas move in convective patterns


visible surface


produces most of the UV


very hot area- can only be seen during eclipses (natural or man-made)

If the Sun stopped producing energy, then all fusion would cease in its ....?



cooler, darker spot


explosions from the surface

solar wind

flow of charged particles from the Sun

Do stars exist forever?


A and B are identical stars and B is four times farther from Earth than A. Which of the following is true?

B will not appear as bright as A

Which type of star is on the HR Diagram from the upper left to lower right?


TRUE OR FALSE? : All elements are created in stars as they age.


What kind of star is our Sun?

a main-sequence star

What type of star is in the upper right corner of the HR Diagram?


What will our Sun eventually become?

red giant then white dwarf

What determines the life cycle of a star?
