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120 Cards in this Set

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8 Considerations for treatment?
1 Dx
2 Prognosis
3 Reaction to compensatory strategies
4 Severity
5 ability to follow direction
6 Respiratory fxn
7 caregiver support
8 Pt motivation/interest
5 types of management strategies
-Compensatory strategies
-Swallow maneuvers
-Adaptive equipment
-Sensory stimualtion
2 surgical options for
Improved glottal closure
-Medialization Thyroplasty
-Injection of biomaterials
5 surgical options to aid Protection of Airway?
-Laryngeal seperation
-Feeding tubes
3 surgical options to
Improve pharyngoesophogeal opening?
-injection to relax CP
What is enteral support?
tube placed surgically or endoscopically when GI tract functioning but pt cannot meet nutrition needs orally
3 common Enteral Support Tubes?
-NG - naso-gastral
-PEG-catheter direct to stomach.
- J-Tube- tube direct to jenjum of sm intestine.
What is Parenteral support?
feeding used when GI tract cannot be used due to medical complication
Factors to consider when deciding oral v nonoral feeding?
- Clincaland instrumental eval
- medical status
-nutritional status v needs
-behvaioral/ cognitive status
Nonclincal Pt factors to consider
-Pt decisin making ability
-Cultural beliefs
What is general rule of thumb concerning oralfeeding?
If 10% or more of every bolus is aspirated, discontiue feeding.
General rule if oral/ pharyngeal transit time is longer than 10 secs but no aspiration?
may need to supplement feeding for nutrition and hydration.
Physical considerations when deciding oral v non-oral?
-Pt unable to sustain nutrition or unable to consume enough protein/calories for 7-10 days.
- Pt requirescalories to overcome acute medical problem.
-Pt is at risk of aspiration
Purpose and Fxn of Compensatory Tx Procedures
- to control flow of food and change the Pt's sympstoms.
-Compensatory procedures dont change the swallow
-offten under control of caregiver or therapist
-Less muscle effort.
4 types of compensatory Strategies?
Postural techniques
+ Sensory input
modify bolus
prostherics intra-orally
Chin Down Benefits?
-pushes tongue base & epiglottis to pharyngeal wall.
- Narrows airway entrance and widens vallecular space.
Which Disorders should use Chin Down?
- Pharyngeal trigger delay
- Pt has reduced tongue base retraction.
- Pt has reduced airwat closure
Chin up Benefits?
- gravity drains food from oralcavity.
- use for reduced tongue control.
Caution when using Chin up?
Pt needs to have airway protection because gravity is helping.
Head rotationto which side?
Head rotation Benefits?
-closes damaged side of pharynx
Which Pts to use head rotation?
-Unilateral Pharyngealwall impairment.
- unilateralVocalfold weakness.
Which side Head tilt?
Stonger because it uses gravity to forcebolus to stronger side where there is beter control.
Which Pt to use head tilt?
- when both unilateral oral and pharyngeal is on same side.
Purpose for increasing Oral sensory awareness?
To change the timing of the swallow by reduing oral onset time and pharyngealdelay.
Which Pt's to use Incresing Sensory awareness techiques with?
-Swalloe apraxia
-Tactile agnosia
-dealyed onset of oral swallow or pharyngeal trigger.
- reduced oral sensation.
7 types of sensory techniques?
-increase downward pressure of spoon against tongue when presenting food.
- sour bolus.
- cold bolus
- introduce bolus that needs chewing.
-large volume bolus
- thermal-tactile stimulation
- suck swalow.
Pt you would increase Bolus volume for?
Delayed Pharyngeal swallow
Pt you would decrese Bolus volume for?
Weak phayngeal swallow
When to eliminate a particular consistency of food?
As a last resort, when compensatory strategies dont work.
3 types Intraoral prosthetics?
- Palatal lift
- Palatal obtruator
- Palatal reshaping
When would palatal lift prosthesis be needed?
Used for paralysis to lift soft palate in order to close VP port.
When would a palatal obtruator be needed?
- when velum has been resected in helps to occlude VP port.
When would Palatal reshaping prosthesis be needed?
- when tongue resected or paralyzed it recontours hard palate.
Therapy technique that improves pharyngeal paralysis and/or pharyngeal contraction at all levels?
What is the purpose of therapy techiques?
- To CHANGE the swallow physiology.
- To IMPROVE Range of Motion.
- To improve Sensory Input.
- PT takes control of timing and coordination of swallow
Difference between Direct and Indirect treatment?
Direct introduces food or liquid.

Indirect no food or liquid given.
What should an SLP do before moving from indirect swallow to direct?
Instrumental assessment
3 types of Therapy Techniques?
- Range of Motion Exersizes.
- Sensory-Motor Integration.
- Swallow Manuevers and Exersizes.
5 Range of motion techniques
-tongue elevation
-bolus control and propulsion
-vocal fold adduction
-tongue base
-laryngeal elevation
What does evidence say about Range of Motion exersizes.
No Research to support.
6 Swallow Maneuvers and exersizes?
- Supraglottic Swallow
- Super-supraglottic Swallow
- Effortful Swallow
- Mendelsohn maneuver
-Masaka maneuver
-Shaker exersize
Purpose of Supraglottic Swallow?
Close the airway at the True vocal folds.
Rationale for Supraglottic Swallow?
A voluntary breath hold usuall closes true vocalfolds before and during a swallow
What Pt should use Supraglottic Swallow?
-Pt with reduce or late VF closure.
- Pt with delayed pharyngeal swallow.
4 steps for Supraglottic Swallow?
1- take a deep breath.& Hold
2- Keep holding Breath
3- While holding Breath, Swallow.
4- Immediately after swallow, COUGH!
4 steps to Dump and Swallow?
1- Hold breath tightly
2- While holding breath toss head back and dumpliquid into throat all at once.
3- Keep holding breath while swallowing 2-3 times or until liquid clears.
4- COUGH to clear residue liquid.
Which Pt should use Dump and Swallow?
One with Severe Lingual Impairment
Purpose of Super-Supraglottic Swallow?
To voluntarily close the entrance to the airway by tilting the arytenoids anteriorly to the base of the epiglottis before and during the swallow and to close VF tightly.
Rationale behinf Super-Supraglottic Swallow?
An effortful breath hold tilts the arytenoids forward.
Which Pt should use Super-Supraglottic Swallow?
PT with reduced closure of airway...
- supraglottic laryngectomy
-improves tongue base retraction
3 steps to Super-Supraglottic Swallow?
1-Inhale and hold breath while bearing down.
2- Keep holding breath and bear down as you swallow.
3- COUGH immediately after swallow
Purpose of Effortful Swallow?
increase posterior motion of tongue base during pharyngealswallow and improve bolus clearance from valleculae.
Rationale for Effortful Swallow?
Effort increases the posterior motion of the tongue base
Which Pt should use Effortful swallow?
Pt w/ reduced posterior movement of tongue base.
Purpose for the Mendelsohn maneuver?
Increase the extent and duration of laryngeal elevation which increases CPopening and improving coordination of swallow.
Rationale for Mendelsohn maneuver?
Laryngeal elevation opens the UES so prolonging laryngeal elevation
Which Pt should use Mendelsohn Maneuver?
- Pt w/ reducedlaryngeal opening and uncoordinated swallow.
Steps to Mendelsohn Maneuver?
Begin by modelling and allow Pt to feel thyroid elevate.
1- swallow several times and pay attention to your neck as you swallow.
2- Now this time I want you to pay attention to what lifts when you swallow... dont let Adam'sapple drop
3-Tighten muscles and hold it up for 3 seconds or hold the squeeze for 3 seconds.
What is purpose of Masaka Maneuver?
exersizes the glossopharyngeus muscle to pull pharyngeal wall more forward
Rationale of Masaka maneuver?
stabilizes the anterior attachment and directs all effect of musclecontraction on the posterior attachment.
Which Pt should use Masaka?
Pt w/ bi-lateral reductionof pharyngeal sontraction.
Instructions to perform Masaka maneuver?
1.Stick out your tongue and hold the front portion between your lips and teeth.
2. THen swallow using the middle and back of your tongue while keeping the front of your tongue between your lips and teeth.
3. You should feel the pull on the back of your throat while doing this
Purpose for Shaker Exersize?
Increases CP sphincter opening
Rationale for Shaker exersize?
Reduces Pyriform suinus residue and aspiration of that residue
Instructions for Shaker exersizes?
1- Lie flat on your back
2-keep your sholders on the floor and lift head from floor only until you can see your toes
3-hold for 10 seconds
4- Lay head on floor and rest for one minute
5- Repeat 3 times

Then raise head 30 times without holding it

do entire exersize pattern 3 times per day for 6 weeks.
What is Cervical Osteophytes?
Bony Outgrowth from cervical vertebrae
What can be done to compensate for Cevical Osteophytes>
1- may be surgically removed.

2- change head posture and/or thin bolus
What is Psuedoepiglottis?
Sometimes occurs after total laryngectomy.
What can be done to compensate for Psuedoepiglottis?
1-Can be surgically removed.

2- Rotate head and/or swallow only liquids and thin paste consistencies
What is etiologyof Cricopharyngeal Dysfunction?
Reduced Laryngeal motion up and forward.
Poor pressure to drive the bolus through UES.
What is Cricopharyngeal dysfunction?
Failure of UES to realx and open adequatly.
How to manage Cricopharyngeal muscle spasm?
Cricopharyngeal Myotomy
How to manage poor laryngeal elevation?
Mendelsohn Maneuver
How to manage inadequate esophogeal pressure?
Exersize to improve tongue base action (Masaka)
4 sources of biofeedback in therapy?
1- Surface Electromyography (EMG)
2- Ultrasound
3- Videoendoscopy (FEES)
Cultural aspects that should be considered?
1- Food Preferences, foods to take or avoid during illness.
2- PT's role in familial structure.
3- Communication patterns during meals
Advice for all Pt's for mealtime?
Several smaller meals throughout the day so they are not self conscious about being the last eating.
What is the Biggest Issue in Management in Various settings?
Continuity of Care
What is critical in nursing home setting?
Interaction with and eduction of the staff so that recommendations and maintenence plan is carried out.
Sensorimotor impairmennts depend on ...(4)?
1- Location
2- Extent
3. Unilateral v Bilateral
4. Nature of underlying disease process.
40% of pt's with dysphagia have damage to?
Parietal lobe.
When is recovery most rapid after a stroke?
first 3 weeks
When do most stroke pt's regain functional swallow?
1-6 months post onset
CVA damage to pre-motor areas usually yield.
1- volitional motor control
difficulty with motor intiation.
2- Paresis/paralysis
transport difficulty
CVA that yield Sensory recognition deficits
- neglect
- unaware of material in mouth or throat.
Communication deficits from CVA may yeild
inability to describe difficulties
Anterior Left CVA,

What would you expect?
- Apraxia of swallow
- Mild Oral transit delays
- delay in phrayngeal swallow trigger.
Right Hemisphere

What would you expect?
- mild oral transit delays
- longer pharyngeal delays.
- delay in laryngeal elevation.
Hemispheric CVA swallowing Deficits?
- Reduced ability to initiate saliva swallow.
- Uncoordinated oral movements
-Increased pharyngeal transit time.
-reduced pharyngeal contraction.
- Aspiration
- UES dysfunction
- Impaired LES relaxation
Treatment considerations after hemispheric CVA?
- Strategies change due to rapid changes over time.
- commorbitities
- Medications
- Age
Treatment strategies after CVA
- Postural changes
- Change to sensory input
- Direct Tx strategies
- (ROM)
- Mendelsohn Maneuver
- Super/Supraglottic Swallow
Dementia swallowing deficits
- unexplained weight loss
- Oral phase dysfunction
- slow or delayed pharyngeal dysfunction
Dementia Treatment Considerations?
- special food considerations
- Diet Restrictions
- Taste/ Flavor enhancements
- changes during mealtime
*** evidence suggests that feeding tubes to not reduce risk of aspiration.
TBI swallowing deficits?
Most prevelent is delayed trigger of pharyngealswallow
TBI treatment consideration?
-counseling is a mustm-multifactoral.
- must deal with cognitive deficits.
- Re-assess every 6 months
- Diet modification.
- Postural adjustments
- Feeding adaptations
- behavioral maneuvers
- compensatory strategies
Purpose of MBS (VFSS) (Videofluroscopic procedure)?
-Determine abnormalities in anatomy and physiology causing dysphagia.
- Identify and evaluate tx strategies
-Obtain information to collaborate and educate others
7 indications & top 2 for MBS?
-Oral stage Dysphagia
-Esophogeal Dysphagia

-Vague complaints
-clinically inexplicable weight loss
- Initial exam for Pt with long Hx of Dysphagia
- Food stuck at thyroid above or below thyroid notch.
-Biofeedback (oral stage)
- Re-test
Type and amount of food Protocols for MBS?
1) At least 3 consistencies
2) At least 2 swallows of each material.
3) Pt should feed themselves as appropriate.
4) Note amount Pt intakes
5) Intervention strategies introduced to eliminate aspiration.
Preperation/ positioning the patient Protocols for MBS?
1) Educate Pt A/O caregiver about procedure.
2) Lateralview intially w. Pt seated upright.
3) Pt's arms and shoulders down at side to not shadow.
4) AP view with swallows of interest only... helpful totilt head back
Administering materials protocol for MBS?
1) Liquid Barium first
2) Thicker foods
3) Lorna Doone cookie
Measurements and Observation Protocols for MBS?
1) oral and Pharyngeal transit times
2) Movement pattern and location of bolus.
3) Oral prep stage structures
4) Oral Phase
5) Pharyngeal phase
6) Cervical Esophogeal phases
7) Etiology of Aspiration
Treatment Efficacy Trials Protocols for MBS?
1) Postural Techniques
2) Improving Oral Sensory Awareness.
3) Swallow maneuvers
4) Diet changes
5) Other compensatoy techniques.
CPT code for Modified Barium Swallow study?
Interpret: during oralphase Pt cannot hold food in mouth
Reduced lip closure
Interpret: during oral phase material spread throughout and spills into valleculae and pharynx
Reduced tongue shaping/coordination
Interpret: during oral prep phase food falls into anterior sulcus
Reduced labial tension/tone
Interpret: during oral prep phase food falls into lateralsulcus
Reduced Buccal tension
Interpret: during oral prep phase Pt displays compensatory techniques like tongue thrust/pump
Reduced tongue control
Interpret: during oral phase delayed onset ?
Reduced oral sensation
Interpret: during oral phase involutary swallow is normal but volitional swallow is not
apraxia of swallow
Interpret: during oral phase tongue thrust?
indicativeof neurological impairment
Interpret: during oral phase food falls to floor of mouth?
failure of perhipheral seal of tongue
Interpret premature spillage/ nasal regurgitation during oral phase?
reduced tongue elevation
CPT code for Swallow Therapy
Rationale for FEES?
- Best visualizes components of nasopharynx and pharynx
Purpose of FEES?
-Identify normal and abnormal physiology of swallow.
-Providde recommendations.
-Evaluate effectiveness of posture, maneuvers etc
-Evaluate integrity of airway
-Alternative/adjunct other assessments
Indicators for FEES
1) Symptoms pharyngeal dysphagia.
2) Abnormal vocal quality
3) Painful swallow
4) Increased difficulty of swallow.
5) Hypernasality or nasal regurgitation.
6) biofeedback
7) difficulty swallowing oral secretions
8) safety issues w/ radiation exposure.
9) difficulty transporting to radiology.
10) documented pharyngeal dysphagia on MBS that can be retested with FEES
Contraindications for FEES?
- High Anxiety
-Allergy to anesthetic
-Small/deviated nasal passage
- movement dyskenesia
- Bleeding disorder