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27 Cards in this Set

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Science seeks explanations for ______________ that rely solely on natural causes.
Observable phenomena. This is the foundation of the scientific method.
A physical, mathematical, or logical representation of a scientist's observations are usually presented in a __________.
Model. Scientific models represent a formal interpretation of scientific observations.
A scientific model must make __________ predictions.
Testable. If tested predictions do not agree with observations, the model must be abandoned or revised.
The scientific method consists of the collection of __________ through observation and experimentation.
Data. Collecting data is part of the first, observational stage of the scientific method.
Formulating a hypothesis represents the ______ stage of the scientific method.
Question. The question or hypothesis stage focuses on creating a testable explanation for the observed data.
Once a hypothesis is formed, a scientist ______ the outcome of the experiment.
Predicts. A scientist makes reasonable predictions, based on the available data.
________ is the final stage of the scientific method.
Experimentation. An experiment is performed to test a scientist's hypothesis.
Scientists should be __________ so as not to bias the results of an experiment.
Objective. The data yielded from a biased experiment is considered scientifically unsound.
If an experiment _______ a hypothesis, additional predictions and testing are required.
Supports. A hypothesis must undergo significant testing before it can become a theory or law.
If an experiment does not support a hypothesis, the hypothesis must be ____________.
Revised. A falsified hypothesis should be revised or abandoned.
A scientific _____ summarizes the order believed to exist within certain prescribed conditions.
Law. Scientific law should have an empirical basis and have a history of successful replication.
Scientific law should _____ new facts.
Fit. As new facts are discovered, the laws of science should successfully incorporate these facts.
Successful ______ of natural phenomena is a hallmark of scientific law.
Prediction. Like hypotheses and theories, scientific law should accurately predict what is found in nature.
Scientific law _______ be disproven.
Can. Like a theory or hypothesis, a scientific law must be testable and capable of disproof.
Ideally, the _________ conditions of scientific law should be known.
Boundary. Conditions where a law fails should be know, if possible.
_________ is a systematic and scientific way of exploring and understanding what is observed in the sky.
Astronomy. This is the purpose of astronomy.
The ___________ Theory states that the universe originated in a colossal explosion.
Big Bang. According to this theory, a highly concentrated mass of gases suddenly and forcefully expanded outward around 10 to 14 billion years ago, creating the universe.
A concentrated mass of ________ formed the universe, according to the Big Bang Theory.
Gases. The Big Bang Theory contends that the universe began as a concentrated mass of gases.
Many scientists believe the universe is ________.
Expanding. While not universally accepted, many scientists believe that the expansion begun with the Big Bang is continuing - and accelerating.
It is widely believed that life on Earth is a natural consequence of the __________.
Big Bang. According to the theory, all matter in the universe originated with the gaseous cloud.
The Big Bang Theory _____ universally accepted.
Is not. Observations of star clusters older than universe and the distribution of galaxies in space have called the theory into question.
Scientists have identified _____________ that appear to be older than the universe.
Globular clusters. These spherical collections, or clusters, or stars are usually found in the "halo" of a galaxy. The age of these clusters has raised questions about the Big Bang Theory.
The oldest galaxies in the universe exist in _______ with enormous voids of space between them.
Superclumps. Older galaxies tend to clump together, while younger galaxies are farther apart. The discovery of this distribution of galaxies called into question the acceptance of the Big Bang Theory.
The Friedmann Theory states that the universe began with a Big Bang followed by a ____________.
Big Crunch. This theory led to the Oscillating Universe Theory.
The ___________ Theory states that the universe undergoes a never-ending cycle of bangs and crunches.
Oscillating. The Oscillating Universe Theory holds that the universe functions much like a star, with expansion and gravity always at odds.
If gravity overcomes expansion, the result is a ___________.
Big Crunch. If the gravitational attraction of matter is high enough, expansion can reverse and eventually all matter would collapse into black holes.
In the ____________ Theory, new matter is created as the universe continually expands.
Steady State. In the Steady State model, the universe is expanding, has no beginning or end, and is constant in appearance over time. This model is not widely accepted by astronomers.