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30 Cards in this Set

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ethyl alcohol pharmacology
rapidly and completely absorbed from GI tract. Oxidized in the liver to acetyladehyde then matabolized to CO2. Exreted from lungs and urine
impaired judgement, emotional lability.

dilated pupils, slurred speech, ataxia, staggering gait.

coma, seizures, death

ventilation, fluids, thiamine, glucose, sodium bicarbonate, magnesium
ethyl alcohol withdrawl
stage 1:
stage 2:
stage 3:
6-8 hours after use, agitation, autonomic nervous system hyperactivity

hallucinations, paranoid behavior, and amnesia.

3-5 days after, disorientation, delusions, grand mal seizures
chronic effects of ethyl alcohol
malnutrition-protein deficiency, also water-soluble vitamins and minerals
vascular changes-impotence, esophageal varices, arrhythmias and hypertension
fetal alcohol syndrome in pregnant women
Increased cancer risk-oral, larynx, esophagus, and liver
hepatitis- liver cirrhosis, fatty liver
Red flags for alcoholism
early drinking, blackout, missing work, personal problems-such as numerous wrinkles on a person's forehead to cause self confidence issues.
self test for alcoholism
Tx for alcoholism
alcoholics anonymous, disulfiram, naltrexone
causes significant side effects if alcohol is ingested while on the drug.
oral opiod antagonist used to reduce alcohol cravings (suggesting maybe opioid receptors play a role in alcoholism)
signs of advanced alcoholism
edema, puffy face, parotid gland enlargement, advanced perio disease, sweet musty breath odor, ecchymoses, petechiae, telangectasias.
dental management concerns for CNS depressants
liver-impaired drug metabolism, bleeding abnormalities
oral- glossitis, angular heilitis, candida infection
nitrous oxide
abuse-psychological but NOT physical, inhalation of 50% to 75% produces a "high" for 30 sec follow by sense of detachment for 2-3 min.. causes a tingling or warmth around the face, auditory illusions, slurred speech, and stumbling gait
N2O intoxication
dizziness, headache, tachycardia, syncope, and hypotension, impairs ability to drive or operate machinery.
Equilibrium, balance, and gait are affected with chronic use, mental dysfunction and infertility will result.
Inhaling 100% Nitrous causes nausea, cyanosis, hypoxia that results in death
occurs with chronic abuse of nitrous
loss of finger dexterity, numbness of extremities, positional and vibratory neural sensations lost, cannot discern pain, light touch perception, temperature sensation
opioid analgesic pharmacology:CNS depressants
heroin, methadone, morphine, hydromorphone, merperidine, oxycodone, and pentazocine* most commonly abused opioids.

elevate the user's mood, cause euphoria, relieve fear and apprehension, produces feeling of peace and tranquility
CNS depressant opioid analgesic abuse
fixed, pinpoint pupils, resp. depression, hypotension and shock. slow or absent reflexes drowsiness or coma.
Tolerance develops to most effects except miosis and constipation
opioid withdrawal
initial withdrawal yawning, tearing runny nose, sweating, restless sleep. anorexia, tremors, irritability, weakness, and excessive GI activity,
Increased heart rate, elevated BP chills/sweating, without tx symptoms disappear ater 8 days!
management acute overdose
naloxone- if no response respiratory depression due to other causes

metadone- used to make pts comfortable during withdrawal, then eventually replaces drug
pain management of addicts
NSAIDs- prescribed for pain or refer to MD for pain management

Be alert for drug seekers!
Increased endocarditis risk- 30% chance of developing valve damage in IV drug users

chronic pain-monitor suspicious refills through other healthcare providers
sedative hypnotic pharmacology
barbituates, alcohol, meprobamate, chloral hydrate, benzodiazepines, and N2O. initial effects-slurred life.
CNS stimulation is due to increased sensitivity as a result of what?
blockage of inhibitory fibers leaving excitatory fibers unopposed
date rape drug
short acting benzodiazepines rophanyl "ruffies"
first priority in managing and overdose???
maintain life support!!!!!
tx of acute overdose
replace with a long acting benzodiazepine (valium or librium**) and gradually reduce it.
stimulant action, free-base form (crack) is more pure and potent and addicting, the onset of euphoria is quicker

psychologic dependence becomes intense, but neither tolerance nor withdrawal has been shown.

used primarily as a local anesthetic on mucous membranes of the nose to produce vasoconstriction and control hemorrhage
meth, dextroamphetamine, diethylopropion, methylphenidate, and phenmetrazine,

Theyre abused for their ability to produce a euphoric mood, increased energy and alertness, and a feeling of omnipotence and self-confidence

pupil dilation, increase BP and RPM, anorexia and sweating.
methamphetamine overdose management
phenothiazine-psychotic symptoms
amytriptyline for severe depression
Psychedelics (Hallucinogens) Phencyclidine
angel dust "PCP" originally developed as a tranquilizer, inhibits re-uptake of dopamine, serotonin and nor-epinephrine

bizarre behavior aka Nicole
reddening of eyes, behavior changes, hand tremors. produce euphoria, and enhanced sensory perception followed by sedation
alters perceptual ability
adverse effect of marijuana
apprehension, panic, losing one's mind.
physical dependence rare
xerostomia is present and inflammation various keratotic lesions and leukoplakia
chronic bronchitis and pre-cancerous changes
THC reduces intraocular pressure and used in glaucoma tx. also used to tx nausea associated with chemo