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23 Cards in this Set

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What are the three marching steps used in drill?
1. 15in step
2. 30in step
3. 30in step, DOUBLE TIME 180 steps per minute
What FM covers Drill and Ceremony?
FM 3-21.5
What are two prescribed formations for platoons?
1. line
2. column
What are the 4 rest positions that can be given at the halt?
1. Parade rest
2. Stand at ease
3. At ease
4. Rest
What are the two parts of most drill command?
1. Preparatory command
2. Command of execution
What is the interval between the preparatory command and the command of execution?
1 step or 1 count
What is cover?
Aligning yourself directly behind the man to your immediate front, while maintaining correct distance
From what position are all stationary movements given?
Position of attention
How many steps per minute is quick time? Double time?
Quick Time: 120 steps per minute
Double Time: 180 steps per minute
What is a rank? A file?
Rank: A line which is only one element in depth. (HORIZONTAL)

x x x x x

File: A column which has a front of only one element. (VERTICAL)
How many steps does each rank take when a platoon is given the command of Open Ranks?
First Rank: Two Steps Forward
Second Rank: One Step Forward
Third Rank: Stand Fast
Fourth Rank: Two 15-inch steps to the Rear
What command is given to revoke a preparatory command?
As You Were
How many steps should separate platoons when a company is formed?
5 steps
What is the "Blue Book"?
A drill manual known as "The regulations for the Order and Discipline of the Troops of the United States" written by Prussian officer Baron von Steuben.

Preceded FM 3-21.5, known as first Army Field Manual.
What is General Order #1?
General Order #1: I will guard everything within the limits of my post and quit my post only when properly relieved.
What is General Order #2?
General Order #2: I will obey my special orders and perform all my duties in a military manner.
What is General Order #3?
General Order #3: I will report violations of my special orders, emergencies, and anything not covered in my instructions to the Commander of the Relief.
What two types of orders can a guard receive?
1. General orders
2. Special orders
What specifies the time for challenging?
The special orders
Who is responsible for the instruction, discipline and performance of the guards?
The commander of the guards
What Field Manual covers Guard duty?
FM 22-6
What are the two different types of guard mountings?
1. Formal: All soldiers about to perform Guard Duty will form up in proper uniform with all equipment to receive a formal brief from the Commander of the Guards.

2. Informal
What is your chain of command as a guard?
1. Commander of the relief
2. Sergeant of the guard
3. Officer of the guard
4. Field officer of the day
5. Commanding officer at the level responsible for the guard mount