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27 Cards in this Set

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What is the definition of aristocrat?

a member of the most powerful class in ancient Greek society

What is the definition of monarch?

a single ruler who holds all power in a country or empire

What is the definition of monarchy?

a form of government in which the ruling power is in the hands of one person

What is the definition of oligarch?

one of several people who who rule a country or empire together, sharing the power

What is the definition of oligarchy?

a form of government in which the ruling power is in the hands of a few people

What is the definition of tyrant?

a person who seizes power illegally

What is the definition of tyranny?

a form of government in which the ruling power is in the hands of one person who is not a lawful king

What is the definition of democracy?

a form of government in which the ruling power is shared by all citizens

What is the definiton of citizen?

a member of a democracy, who has certain rights and responsibilities

What is the definition of assembly?

a group of citizens in ancient Greek democracy with the power to pass laws

Monarchy: Who has power?

One person, usually the king or emperor, was the monarch.

Monarchy: How is power attained?

It was inherited from another family member, usually the son, or even the nephew.

Monarchy: How are decisions made?

The king makes the decision, but the aristocrats (rich people) advised him.

Monarchy: How was power lost?

The aristocrats became more powerful, and eventually overthrew the king.

Oligarchy: Who has power?

A few wealthy people called aristocrats.

Oligarchy: How is power attained?

When the aristocrats became more powerful and overthrew the monarch.

Oligarchy: How are decisions made?

The aristocrats made decisions that benefitted the wealthy.

Oligarchy: How was power lost?

All the rules that the aristocrats made benefitted the wealthy, so the poor went and threw them out of power.

Tyranny: Who has power?

One person rules by himself and is not a lawful ruler.

Tyranny: How is power attained?

Power is attained illegally. The ruler overthrew the aristocrats with force.

Tyranny: How are decisions made?

The ruler listened to supporters, but ultimately it was his decision.

Tyranny: How was power lost?

The ruler ruled very harshly and ignored the needs of the people, so the people forced him out.

Democracy: Who has power?

The citizens; free men over the age of eighteen.

Democracy: How is power attained?

When the tyrant was overthrown, the people decided they would rule themselves.

Democracy: How are decisions made?

All citizens helped make decisions by voting.

Democracy: How was power lost?

Because of problems, most city-states returned to earlier forms of government.

Democracy: Additional info

- Direct democracy began in athens, and everyone had to vote on everything - Representative democracy in the USA, people vote for person to decide on things in their name