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32 Cards in this Set

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Four Stages of Food processing

Ingestion,digestion,absorption, and elimination


Physically taking food in


Breaking down food molecules into smaller,more manageable pieces

-occurs at the cellular level (phagocytosis) all the way to organism level


Uptake of smaller organic molecules into cells,and transference to bloodstream for further distribution


Disposal f unused food materials


Reaction using enzymes

Gastrovascular cavity

Single opening for food entry and waste exit

Digestive tract (alimentary canal)

Tube with entry of food and one end and exit waste material at the other

Five functions of digestive system

1. Mechanical processing and motility

2. Secretion

3. Digestion

4. Absorption

5. Elimination


An inner pulp,supplied with nerves and vessels,and the root


Mostly water, with enzynes and mucins,proteins that help bind food bits together into a ball

3 main salivary glands

1. Parotid glands-sits in front of each other running towards lower jaw

2. Submandibular gland-lies in the lower jaw in the floor of the mouth near the back

3. Sublingual glands - undrneath the tongue

Salivary amylase

Enzyne that breaks down starches


Roof of the mouth,made from palatine bones of the skull;provides hard surface for the tongue to push against for mixing and breaking up.


Opens to both the trachaea to the lungs and the esophaslgus to the stomach


Waves muscle contraction.

Gastroesophageal sphincter

Controls entry of the bolus


Flexible,stratchy organ with a large sac like opening.

3 function of stomach

1. Mixing and storing of ingested food

2. Secretions help break and dissolve food particles,mainly protein

3. A second sphincter leading from stomach into small intestine controls passage of food (pyloric sphintert)


Stomach muscles contract to mix the bolus around in the gastric fluid converting the bolus into these pasty substance.

Small intestine

Main organ of absorption of nutrients into the body 20 ft long


Finger like projections


First section of the small intestine coming off the stomach

10 quartz of fluid that contains chyme,enzymes, and substance from the liver,panceeas and gallbladder enters from the pyloricnpshincter


Middle section of small intestine; majority of digestion and absorption takes place


Final section of the small intestine; bit more of the nutrients are absorbed but it is primarily moving materials to the large intestines

Large interstine or colon

Main role is production of solid waste

3 parts of large intestine

1. Ascending colon- travelling up the right side of your abdomen to the pyloric sphincter

2. Transverse-at the top of the ascending colon,the colon

3. Descending colon

3 parts of descending colon

Sigmoid colon- final section,short,s shaped

Joins rectum and colon

Rectum- smooth muscle tube stores frces until read for elimination

Anus- opening to the outside of body

Vitamins and minerals

__________-organic substance that can play essential role in metabolism

__________- inorganic elements or compounds that we must acquire from our diet


Physiological drive to take in fuel


A desire to eat that is connected to a physical need for energy

Binge eating

Stuffing oneself with an abnormal amount of food at lwast several times a week for for 6 months or more