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15 Cards in this Set

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Which alphabet do both Swedish and English use?

The Latin alphabet

English and Swedish are both closely related. What type of languages are they both?

Germanic languages

The English words house”, can”, have”, was, and weall have very similar equivalents in Swedish, and all of these words have the same origin. What are words with the same origin called?


Swedish and English have both taken words from other languages, such as information, audio and democracy”. What are words which are borrowed from other languages called?

Loan words

Is word order in English and in Swedish fundamentally different or similar?

Similar. Swedish and English both put the subject first then the verb, and finally the object. For instance in, I love you”, “Icomes first, then love”, then “you”.

In Swedish, sentences can be flipped so that the object comes first, then the verb, and the subject. What is this word order called?

Inverted word order

What is the verb form called when you say you are cheating”?

The present continuous

What is the verb form called when you simply say you cheat?

The simple present

What is the technical term for the words “a” and “an”?

Indefinite articles

When is the indefinite article “a” used in English?

“A” is only used before consonant sounds such as a car”.

When is the indefinite article “an” used in English?

“An” is used before vowel sounds such as an owl or an hour”.

What grammatical gender is “en” in Swedish?

Common gender

What grammatical gender is “ett” in Swedish?

Neutral gender

What are words from different languages called when they look like they have the same meaning but don’t?

False friends

Do English and Swedish make distinctions between genders in personal pronouns?

Yes, but not all personal pronouns. They distinguish between “he”, “she” and “it”.