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34 Cards in this Set

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Where are somatic motor neurons concentrated?

1. Ventral horn

What are lower motor neurons?

1. Motor neurons that innervate extrafusal muscle fibers

2. Leads to contraction

3. AKA: alpha motor neuron

What are the ssx of lower motor neuron dysfunction?

1. Muscle weakness or paralysis

2. Hyporeflexia or areflexia

3. Muscle atrophy

4. Fasciculations

Where are visceral efferent neurons located in the spinal cord?

1. Lateral column

In what is the pyramidal motor system involved?

1. Volitional, skilled movements to achieve a behavioral goal

2. Determines direction and force of a particular movement

What are upper motor neurons?

1. Cell bodies in cortex

2. Send long axons to synapse on a lower motor neuron in brainstem or spinal cord

What is the location of the primary motor cortex?

1. Precentral gyrus

Where are upper motor neuron cell bodies located (layer)?

1. Expanded layer 5

What regions of the body dominate the homunculus?

1. Movements of the face and hands

Where do axons in the spinal cord gather as they descend?

1. Posterior limb of the internal capsule

What is the organization of fibers in the internal capsule?

1. Neck and upper limb fibers are anterior

2. Fibers to the foot are located posterior

Where do descending corticofugal axons come together?

1. Middle 3/5 of the crus cerebra of the midbrain

What are the medullary pyramids?

1. Convergence of fibers on ventral medulla

What forms the lateral corticospinal tract? What muscles does it control?

1. Corticospinal fibers that cross in the lateral funiculus

2. Terminate on enlargements where they control limb movmenets

What forms the ventral corticospinal tract? What muscles does it control?

1. Fibers that do not decussate

2. Descent in medial part of ventral funiculus

3. End bilaterally--- control axial and limb girdle muscles

What are the ssx of pyramidal motor fiber destruction?

1. Loss of volitional movement in affected areas

2. Spasticity

3. Clonus

4. Positive Babinski sign

5. Mild atrophy

What is the red nucleus?

1. Large nucleus in the tegmenjtum of the midbrain

2. Axons form rubrospinal tract

Where do fibers from the rubrospinal tract descend?

1. Cross midline

2. Descend through the brainstem and continue into the spinal cord in close proximity to lateral corticospinal tract

What is the function of rubrospinal fibers?

1. Excitatory to motor neurons in the cervical enlargement

2. Serve upper limb FLEXORS

From where doe the red nucleus receive input?

1. Motor cortex

2. Cerebellum

What tracts of the extrapyramidal system descend in the ventral funiculus from the reticular formation?

1. Lateral reticulospinal tract

2. Medial reticulospinal tract

With what do reticulospinal tracts synsapse?

1. Gamma motor neurons on EXTENSOR muscles of trunk and limbs

2. Modulate overall muscle tone

From what does the brainstem reticular formation receive input?

1. Cerebral cortex

2. cerebellum

What is the function of vestibulospinal tracts?

1. Form part of reflex circuits

2. Use vestibular sensory inputs to maintain posture

What do the vestibulospinal tracts excite?

1. Alpha motor neurons that innervate paravetebral extensors and proximal limb extensors

What modulates the output of the vestibular nuclei?

1. Cerebellum

What pathways participate in reflex turing of the head toward unknown auditory or visual stimulation?

1. Medial longitudinal fasciculus

2. Tectospinal tract

What does the medial longitudinal fasciculus interconnect?

1. Nuclei of oculomotion

From where does the tectospinal tract originate?

1. Superior colliculus

2. Descends to reflex centers to direct head

What modulates the relay of sensory stimuli to higher levels in supra spinal pain modulation?

1. Descending axons in the lateral corticospinal tract that arise from somatosensory cortex

2. Synapse on cells of dorsal horn

3. Enkephalinergic neurons inhibit cells whose axons signal pain

Where does the pyramidal system originate?

1. Motor cortex

What is the extrapyramidal system?

1. Descending tracts that do NOT originate in the motor cortex

Where does the medial reticulospinal tract originate?

1. Neuronal somata in the medial vestibular nuclei

2. Descends bilaterally to cervical spinal cord

Where does the lateral reticulospinal tract originate?

1. Lateral vestibular nuclei

2. Descends ipsilaterally to all levels of spinal cord