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29 Cards in this Set

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Sadness Vs Depression

Sadness: Triggered by situation. Is a physiological process in healthy people, basic emotion, discrete posture and vocalization

Depression: Mental disorder, symp of sadness, sleep changes, food preference, cog

- Remission and relapse

Major Depressive Episodes

2 weeks of symptoms

must have 5 or more but these must include Depressed mood most days and markedly disinterest or displeasure in most activities

diagnosis: Structured clinical interview for DSM disorders.

Self diagnosis: Beck Depression Inventory- a questionnaire... scoring 30 = major depression

What causes sadness?

Role of Cog- Appraisal: Component process theory stresses continuous aspects of appraisal

- Unpleasant, externally causes, and uncontrollable

- Lack of control, fear is vague and uncertain

Lazarus Cog Appraisal Model

- Identify as a core relational theme in sadness

- Young children separated from mother= sadness

- Irreplaceable social loss

- Loss of attachment in couples

- Loosing competitions at work or school

Function of Sadness

- Motivate individual to restore social attachments and recover what has been lost

- Social symbol: sympathy or social support

Why people may think they have clinical depression

Grieving process

Loss of relationship or work

Vulnerable factors of depression

- Dispositional mood (more stronger reactance of depression when they has depression before an earthquake)

- Genetics (identical twins 60-70% likelihood of depression if one twin has is, 20% in fraternal)

- Risk increases with early onset, and female

- Familiarity of alcohol abuse, substance abuse, panic disorder

Sereotin transporter short allele gene- SERT which makes one more likely to have depression

Vulnerable factors continues

History of trauma: strongly acting to new depressive situations if they have previously experienced this ex: sexual abuse, poverty, predisposing to other disorders

Stress and depression: Monkeys raised in cages= anxiety and depression and reduced social interactions

Evolutionary theories of depression

- it's an adaptive behave to seek help from others

- Is greater in more competitive societies


- Submissiveness(depression to avoid conflict)

- Avoid further loss

- conserves energy and resources

- means of social manipulation

- analyze complex social problems

Sub-types of Depression

- Type A: Reduction in Dopamine and Norepinephrine with reward intensity

- Type B: deficiency of serotonin, intense feelings of sadness

Typical depression: Decrease in appetite, weight and sleep

Atypical Depression: Increases in appetite, wight and sleep

Situations causing these: Crying and sadness after social loss

More fatigue and pessimism after personal failure

Animal models in depression

- studies in guniea pigs. Endorphins trigger depression in animals when there is loss of close social bond


Electroconvulsive therapy and depression

- Efficiency 60-80%

- not first response

- memory loss for 3 weeks,

Transcranial magnetic stimulus

Daily treatments to left parietal frontal cortex

reduces depression in 2 weeks

Depression symp reduces by 50%

Cognitive Behav Therapy

Equal to clinical efficacy and slightly superior to antidepressants

- Combining CBT and psychotherapy success rate

- 8-wk CBT workshops for depression prevention in high-risk people ↓ moderate depressive episodes (no effect on severe ones)


- Most antidepressant drugs increase availability of serotonin and or dopamine at their synapses

SSRI's (prozac)

- Tryptophan in choc is depleted: 2/3 people Relapse into depressive state within 5-7hrs

More simple therapies

-light therapy: good for seasonal affective disorder. 30 mins early mornings

- Moderate Aerobic Exercise: jogging, fast walks, dancings for Mild depression

- Regular sleep schedule

Bipolar Disorder

- Going through states of depression, manic, and hypomania -- all episodes alternating

- High risk of suicide attempts, during depressive or mixed episodes, 15% will succeed

- Meds is first choice: DruG Lithium (acts on Glutamate receptors- stablizes)

Mania Disorder

- Inflated self-esteem, or grandiosity

- Decreased need for sleep

- More chatty, pressured speech

- fast speech, racing thoughts

- Distractibility, impaired focusing of attention

- Increased goal oriented focus

- Excessive involvement in pleasurable activities with high potential for painful consequences (shopping, gambling, poor business investments)

What is fear?

Fear is when a specific event or situation provoked dread

It's a response to perceived danger (self; loved one)

It subsides quickly once threat is gone

Evolutionary: Increased survival and reproduction, present in non-human species

What Do we Fear?!

- Innate fears: Loud noises, smells of predator, separation from mum or group

- Learnt fears: little albert, prepardness (know what to be fearful of ex sharks), through social learning

Cognitive Appraisal: the extent to which the obj posses danger dependent to the situation ex: is the gun loaded?

General Anxiety Disorder

Generalized chronic anxiety

5% lifeling incidence

Chronic nervousness, wide range of worries

Co-morbid with other disorders

Panic Disorder

- Acute eps of anxiety with no stimulus

Fear of being afraid

Mainly in females, increases response in sympathetic response

1-2% have it for life

Fear of attach increases severity, sometimes develop as a conditioned response to certain situations ex: flying

Phobias & Phobia Treatment

Overwhelming, irrational fear of an obj, place or situation

ex: public speaking, snakes, heights

Arising through classical conditioning mechanism

Treatment: SYSTEMATIC DESENTIZATION: relax, intro least fearful to most fearful to phobia, apply steps gradually keeping the client relaxed

what causes anxiety disorders

- Traumatic Experiences: sexual abuse, lil albert,not always fear-evoking experience

- Genetic Predisposition: s-alleles, SERT gene. common in those with close relatives with those disorders, over responsive amygdala?

OCD: obsessive compulsion disorder

Obsession: recurring upsetting thoughts like contamination, doubts, order

Compulsions: Subsequent ritualistic actions like Handwashing, checking, motor tics

Due to genetics fam members: 23% likely

twins 53-87% identical //frat 22-47%

affects 2-3% pop

Brain: involves OFC/PFC/CG(cingulate gyrus)

Evol: avoid contamination, vigilance to threat

therapies for OCD

- exposure and response prevention (50-70%)

- Cog therapy: Relabeling, reattributing, refocusing anf revaluing the unwanted thoughts

PTSD: post traumatic stress disorder

- Re-experiencing a traumatic event, with enhanced arousal and avoidance of trauma- related stimuli

- Reoccurring memories and dreams related to trauma

- 1yr or longer, affect 1-9% but varies


- exposure- extinction therapy, gradually desensitizes patient

- drugs: propranolol interferes with adrenaline, reduces stress reaction

- ketamine and glutamate agonists can reinstate fear extinction and potentiate exposure-extinction therapy


- smaller hippocampal volumes in fMRI

- reduced medial PFC in ptsd

possibly linked to impairment in fear extinction