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184 Cards in this Set

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a nativitate

Existing at birth/from infancy

Denotes a congenital disability


And abbreviation for the great time Anna used in prescription writing meaning of each

ab (antecedent)

Before hand ;notice given previously or condition existing earlier


Not bacterial free from bacteria

Abandonment (of a patient)

With drawling a patient from treatment without giving reasonable noticed or providing a competent replacement


I decrease in the severity of pain or symptoms


The portion of the body between the thorax and the pelvis

Abdominal thrust

Heimlich maneuver


To draw away from the median line or from a neighboring part or limb


The process of abducting; opposite of adduction


Deviating from the usual or normal course location or action


A mechanism that explains the loss of Dentin tissue and tooth enamel caused by flexure and ultimate material fatigue of susceptible teeth at locations away from the point of loading the breakdown is dependent on the magnitude duration and frequency and location of the forces


amputation or excision of any part of the body or a removal of a growth or harmful substance


Departing from the norm however defined departing from the mean of a distribution departing from the usual from a state of integration or adjustment

Abnormal tooth mobility

Excessive movement of a tooth within its socket as a result of changes in the supporting tissues caused by injury or disease


To wear away by friction


The abnormal wearing away of a substance or tissue by mechanical process

The grinding or wearing away of tooth substance by mastication incorrect brushing methods bruxism or similar causes

Abrasion dentifrice

The wearing away or the cementum and dentin of in exposed root by an abrasive containing dentifrice


A substance use for grinding or polishing that wear away a material or tissue

Abrasive polishing agent

A paste containing sharp edged particles that are moved over the surface of the material with varying pressures and speed movement abrades the surface with microscopic scratches which creates a polished finished

Abrasive system

Materials used for polishing and cleansing

Common materials include calcium carbonate ,diamond particles ,some aluminum derivatives ,rogue ,and tin oxide


A localized accumulation of puss in a cavity formed by tissue disintegration

Gingival abscess

A superficial perioDontal abscess occurring within the free gingival sulcus surrounding the tooth for frequently caused by the impaction of food

Periapical abscess

An abscess involving the apical region of the route alveolus and surrounding bone as a sequela of pulpal disease

PerioDontal Abscess

An abscess involving the attachment tissues and alveolar bone as a sequela of Periodontal disease

Pulpal abscess

An abscess occurring within pulpal tissue

Staphylococcal Abscess

An abscess caused by the bacteria staphylococcus aureus And infectious agent that can be transmitted river saliva and other discharges of the body the incubation period is 4 to 10 days the duration of the abscess varies and is indefinite the bacteria or communicable wit and infectious agent that can be transmitted via saliva and other discharges of the body the incubation period is 4 to 10 days the duration of the ad says varies and is in definite the bacteria or communicable throughout the drainage period Of the lesions and while the carrier state continues


To suck up

To incorporate or a simulate a liquid or a gas into tissue or cells


Causing absorption or an agent that promotes absorption


A substance that causes absorption of diseased tissue taking up by suction


Dual energy X-ray

Standard technique that uses to x-ray beams to diagnose osteoporosis and to assess the efficiency of treatment


The passage of a substance into the interior of another by solution or penetration

The taking up of fluids or other substance by the skin mucus services absorbent vessels or dental materials

The process by which radiation imports some or all of its energy to make any material through which it passes

Absorption coefficient

The ratio of the linear rate of change of intensity of roentgen rays in a given homogeneous material to the intensity at a given point within the same mass

Absorption drug

In dental terms one of the factors that determines the speed and duration of response to a local anesthetic the faster the absorption the higher the chance of systematic toxicity and the lower the duration of effectiveness the rate is altered by route of administration


Self-restraint especially from harmful substances or morally questionable behavior’s

The intentional decision to refrain from sexual activity especially by unmarried person’s


Indicates teeth or other maxillary and mandibular structures that are inferior to their normal position

Away from the occlusal plane


The improper use of program benefits resources and or services by either dentist institutions or patients

Nitrous Oxide abuse

Deliberate inhalation of nitrous oxide to produce mood altering effects

Polysubstance abuse

Physical dependence on at least three substances That has been classified as habit forming but without any one of the substances having greater importance or influence than the others the concept does not include caffeine or nicotine

Sexual abuse

Sexual acts performed with children or with non-consenting adults in a criminal manner

Intermediate abutment

In abutment located between the abutments that and the ends of the prothesis


A tooth root or implant used for support and retention of a fixed or removable Prosthesis

Multiple abutment

Abutments splinter together as a unit to support and retain a fix prosthesis

a. c.

The abbreviation for ante cibum a Latin phrase used in a prescription writing meeting before eating

Academy of general dentistry

Nonprofit international organization dedicated to serving the needs and representing the general interest of dentists


A form of Paresthesia experience as numbness tingling or pins and needle’s


The tip of the anterior nasal spine


The loosening separation or disassociation of individual prickle cells within the epithelium from their neighbor often seen in conditions such as pemphigus vulgaris and keratosis follicularis


An increase in the number of cells in the prickle cell layer of stratified squamous epithelium with thickening of the entire epithelial cell layer and a Broadening infusing of rete pegs


Condition characterized by diminished carbon dioxide in the blood


Oh condition in which the blood bicarbonate level is decreased


A single drug or in combination with others when diet control is ineffective in controlling blood glucose levels


A congenital lack of the enzyme catalase In blood and other tissues that leads to a progressive necrosis of the oral tissues

Takaharas disease


That which increases rapidity of action or function

A catalyst or other substance that hastens a chemical reaction

Prothrombin conversion accelerator 1

Considered by some to be a factor serum and plasma that catalyzes the conversion of an active prothrombin to an active form

Prothrombin conversion Accelerator 2

Considered by some to be one of the factors in the blood that accelerates The conversion of active prothrombin to thromboplastin

Vitamin K deficiency reduces the activity of this factor


Overall assessment of the dental care available to a person or group; includes assessability, cost, Quality results convenience and attitudes of dentists and patients

Absolute acceptance

And express and positive agreement to pay a bill according to its text


The act of a person to whom something is offered or tendered bought another whereby he receives that which is offered with the intention of retaining it

A Contract is not valid without the acceptance of an offer by the party to whom the offer is made either expressly or by conduct

Conditional acceptance

In agreement to pay a bill on the for fulfillment of a condition

Implied acceptance

And acceptance interpreted by law from the acts Or conduct of the patient


Means of approach

Surgical preparation of hard or soft tissue to allow entrance To a treatment site and adequate space for Visualization And instrumentation of the field

Cavity access

A coronal opening required for effective cleaning shaping and feeling of the plup space

Computer access

The process of transferring information into or out of a storage location

The time Required to begin and complete the read and write functions of a specified piece of data

Access flap

A Periodontal Surgical technique that provides visualization of the root in conjunction with curettage And root planing

Form access

The surgical removal of tooth structure sufficient for visualization and instrumentation of a restorative preparation

Accessibility standards

Requirements designed by the Americans with disabilities act ADA by which public places must provide Disabled individuals with barrier free access to building forms of communication and modes of transportation


Providing Complementary or supplementary assistance


Unusual unforeseen event

And unusual or unexpected results attending the performance of a usual or necessary act or event

Occurring without intent or happening by chance

cerebrovascular Accident CVA

apoplexy Resulting from hemorrhage Into the brain or occlusion of the cerebral vessels resulting from Embolism or thrombosis

Unavoidable accident

Occurring without fault or negligence

Accident prevention

A set of precautionary measures taken to avoid possible bodily harm

Accidental exposure management

A set of regulations followed in case of inadvertent Exposure to hazardous materials


A basic storage unit in an accounting system

Account book

Book in which the financial transactions of a business or profession are entered

Open account

A straightforward arrangement between the dentist and the patient for the handling of financial payments due to the dentist and Owed by the patient

Payable account

A dollar Amount owed to creditors for items or services purchased from them


In obligation to periodically disclose appropriate information in adequate detail and consistent form to all contractually involved parties


A process of formal recognition of a school or institution for testing to be required ability and performance in in area of education training or practice


Accumulations of foreign material


Continually recurring short term liabilities

Accured interest

The interest accumulated on a bond since the last payment was made

Accured needs

The amount of treatment needed by an individual or a group at any given time

acebutolol HCL

Produces fall and blood pressure without reflex trachycardia or significant reduction in heart rate


Not composed of or having cells


The loss of the normal perception of one’s own body


A synthetic non-nutritive sweetener


Cup shaped attachment site located laterally on the hip bone for the head of the femur


Thought to block pain impulses by inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis


A salt of acetic acid

Short for cellulose acetate the film base for x-rays

Acetazolamide/Acetazolamide sodium

Inhibits carbonic anhydrase Activity in proximal renal tubular cells to decrease reabsorption of water sodium potassium bicarbonate

Acetic acid

A clear colorless pungent liquid that is miscible with water alcohol glycerin And ether And that constitutes 3% to 5% of vinegar


Causes functioning B cells In the pancreas to release insulin leading to a drop in blood glucose level


In organic solvent normally present in urine in small amounts but in increased amounts in individuals who have diabetes

Acetone abuse

Deliberate inhalation of acetone to produce mood altering effects

Acetyl groups

Carbon and hydrogen containing groups required for synthesis of lipids


An acetate ester of choline that serves as a neurohumoral Agent in the transmission of an impulse in the autonomic ganglia parasympathetic post ganglionic fibers and somatic motor fibers


Decreases viscosity Of pulmonary secretions by breaking disulfide links of Mucoproteins


The absence of free hydrochloric acid in the stomach even with histamine stimulation


A hereditary disturbance of endochondral bone formation transmitted as a Mendelian dominant factor and resulting in dwarfism


Total color blindness

Achromycin V

Anti-biotic tetracycline hydrochloride


The absence of hydrochloric acid and the enzyme pepsinogen in the stomach


A chemical substance that in an aqueous solution under goes disassociation with the formation of hydrogen ions

PH levels range from 0 to 6.9

Acetic acid

The acid of vinegar

Used to remove calculus from removable dental prostheses

Acid etchant

An application of phosphoric acid used to repair enamel surfaces to a sealant placement

Acid etching

Treating the tooth enamel Generally with phosphoric acid by removal of approximately 40 MM a rod cross-section to provide retention resin sealant restorative material or orthodontic bracket

Lactic acid

A mono basic acid C3H6O3 formed as an end product in the inter-mediary metabolism of carbohydrates

Nicotinic acid

One of the vitamins of the B complex group and it’s Vitamir niacinamide specific for the treatment of pellegra

In acid (COOH) that forms part of the B complex group of vitamins

Pantothenic acid

One of the B complex vitamins

A vitamin of the B complex that is widely distributed in food and tissues and important for normal development in certain animals such as chickens and rats

Acid Phosphatase

And enzyme found in the kidneys serum semen and prostate gland

Phosphoric acid

The principal ingredient of silicate and zinc phosphate cement liquids

Acid salt

A salt containing one or more replaceable hydrogen ions

Strong acid

An acid that is completely ionize in aqueous solution

Acid base balance

And metabolism the balance of acid to base necessary to keep the blood pH level Normal

Between 7.35 and 7.43


A decrease pH level of the blood irrespective of changes in the blood by carbonate

Isovaleric acidemia

A genetic disorder of amino acid metabolism in which isovaleric acid accumulates in the blood and urine at abnormally high levels; may respond to a low protein diet and the administration of synthetic amino acids


I chemical ingredient that maintains the required acidity of the fixer and stop bath solutions in the photographic development process


Generating acid or acidity


Readily stained with acid dyes

Growing well in an acid medium


A pathologic disturbance of the acid base balance of the body characterized by an excess of acid or inadequate base

Compensated acidosis

A condition of acidosis in which the body PH level is maintained within the normal range compensatory mechanisms involving the kidneys or lungs

Respiratory acidosis

Acidemia resulting from retention of in excess of carbon dioxide caused by hypoventilation

Uncompensated acidosis

Acidosis in which compensatory mechanisms are unable to maintain the body pH level within the normal range

Acidulated phosphate fluoride

Topical agent used in prevention of dental caries


A genius of non-motile aerobic bacteria of the family neisseriaceae that often occurs in clinical specimens


Saclike cavity present in a gland or the lungs

Ackerman profit orthogonal analysis

A taxonomy of malocclusion based on set theory or Boolean algebra which is organized using combinations and permutations of malocclusions within the three planes of space


And inflammatory Papulopustular skin irruption occurring most often in or near the sebaceous glands on the face neck shoulders and upper back

Acne rosacea

A condition of the facial skin typically indicated by blushing swelling and the appearance of broken blood vessel‘s in a spider web pattern

Acne vulgaris

A common form of acne seen predominately in adolescents and young adults

Acoustic coupler

The connection between a phone line and a data set or Modem

Acoustic turbulence

Agitation observed influence by mechanical vibrations of an ultrasonic tips; used to disrupt bacteria cell walls

Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome AIDS

A disease caused by a retrovirus known as a human immunodeficiency virus type one HIV 1


A dibenzopyridine compound used in the synthesis of dyes and drugs


Anesthesia of the extremities




Any irruption of the skin of the hands and feet caused by a parasitic mite which is a member of the order acrania


A disease that occurs in infants and young children in which manifestations occur with the eruption of the primary teeth


Increased sensitivity

Pain in the extremities


A condition caused by hyperfunction of the pituitary gland in adults

Enlargement of the skeletal extremities


A special form of scleroderma that affects the extremities head and face and is associated with Raynauds phenomenon


Formed from acrylic acid

ACTH adrenocorticotropic hormone

hormone produced by basophilic cells of the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland that exerts a reciprocal regulating influence on the production of corticosteroids by the adrenal cortex

Actinomyces israelii

A normally occurring oral bacteria that aggressively causes infection when oral health is compromised

actinomyces naeslundii

A specific strain of bacteria resident in open sores in the mouth


A micro organism found in and considered responsible for some periodontal infections


Filamentous micro organisms that have been implicated in the formation of dental calculus and serve as a mode of attachment of dental calculus to the tooth surface


In infection of humans and some animal species caused by the species of actinomyces which are gram-positive filamentous microaerophilic microorganisms

Action potential

And electric impulse consisting of a self propagating series of polarization and depolarizations transmitted across the cell membrane of a nerve fiber during the transmission of a nerve impulse across the cell membrane’s of a muscle cell during contraction


To adjust an appliance so that it will exert effective force on the teeth and jaws


An alkali sodium carbonate which is a component of photographic developing solution that softens and swells the gelatin of the film emulsion and provides the necessary alkaline medium for the developing agents to react with the sensitized silver Halide crystals

A removable orthodontic appliance intended to function as a passive transmitter and sometimes stimulator of the forces of the Perioral muscles

Practice acts

The statutory requirements of a sovereign state for the education training examination credentialing supervision and accountability of a wide range of healthcare providers including dental hygienist


Sharpness; clearness; keenness

Auditory acuity

The sensitivity of the auditory apparatus; sharpness of hearing

Visual acuity

Sharpness acuteness clearness of vision


A method of producing analgesia or altering the function of a system of the body by inserting fine wire thin needles into the skin at specific sites on the body along a series of lines or channels called Meridians


Pertaining to a Trumatic pathological or physiological phenomenon or process having a short and relatively severe course

Acute phase reactions

Abnormalities in the blood associated with acute and chronic inflammation and necrotic processes and detected by a variety of tests


An antiviral drug active against herpes viruses


American dental Association the national professional organization for dentists in the United States

Adams clasp

A retention class designed by see Philip Adams to stabilize removable appliances by engaging the mesiobuccal and Distiobuccal surfaces of buccal teeth


An alteration that an organ or organism undergoes to adjust to its environment

Instrument adaptation

The process of manually adjusting and positioning the functional and edge or surface of a dental instrument for safe and effective use according to its purpose and relative to the shape of the tooth

Band Adapter

An instrument used as an aid in fitting an orthodontic band to a tooth

Adaptive functioning

The relative ability of a person to effectively interact with society on all levels and care for oneself


An individual who has developed physiological or psychological dependence on a chemical such as alcohol or other drugs


The state of being addicted


Pertaining to a drug who’s repeated use may produce addiction


And ingredient add it to a food drug or other preparation to produce a desired result such as color or consistency unrelated to the primary purpose of the preparation


To draw toward the center or midline


The process of bringing two objects toward each other


A component of the nucleic acid’s DNA and RNA and a conSTITUENT of cyclic AMP and the artist singing portion of AMP and DMP and ATP


Inflammation of glandular tissue often accompanied by pain


epithelial Neoplasm with a basic structure resembling enamel organs and gladular tissue


Any one of a large group of malignant epithelial CellCell tumors of the glands

Acinar cell Adenocarcinoma

A malignant tumor whose cells appear as glandular tissue


Having a glandular appearance particularly lymphoid

Adenoid facies

In archaic term used to describe patients who exhibit a long narrow face short upper lip open mouth breathing and hyperactive swallowing pattern


The removal of the lymphoid tissue in the nasopharynx usually in conjunction with the surgical removal of the tonsils


A benign epithelial neoplasm or tumor with a basic glandular structure

Adenomatosis orsis

Enlargement of the mucous glands of the lip without secretion or inflammation


Enlargement or increase in size of glandular organs or tissues usually resulting from disease processes


A compound derived from nucleic acid composed of adenine and a sugar D-ribose