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16 Cards in this Set

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The 2nd coming of Christ covers a period of time and the events from the blank of the church to the blank of the Kingdom

Rapture, consummation

Christ 2nd coming is a literal blank return


The resurrection of believers is the rising up of their bodies in a blank and blank manner

Literal, physical

Resurrected bodies are described as being raised up and blank blank and blank

Glory, incorruptible, and immortal

Those who have died in the faith of Christ I refer to as the blank

Righteous dead

Those who are alive at the time of Christ return are referred to as the Blank

Living saints

In the millennial Christ will ruled by his blank in the world

physical presence

The Bible reference to the phrase 1000 years is no one as the blank


The dead in Christ will be raised up in their blank

Physical bodies

The living saints will be blank at the return of Christ


At the return of Christ believers will be transformed into blank

Everlasting glory

This transformation of believers is the blank

1st resurrection

The messianic title used of Christ in this passage is blank

Son a man

At 1st corinthians 15 :22 - 24, Christ is likened to blank


In 1st Corinthians 15:22-24, Christ is referred to as the blank of the resurrection

1st fruits

In his 2nd coming, Christ delivers the blank to God
