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71 Cards in this Set

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What is Polymorphism?
Permits parent class to dynamically take behaviour of descendent class
What does Operator Overload do?
Allows for classes of methods (i.e. a Fraction class) to be added/multiplied

public static Fraction operator+ (Fraction a, Fraction b)

What does the virtual keyword mean?
virtual allows the method to be overwritten by a descendant class
What does the static keyword mean?
static means that the method or class belongs to the TYPE and not the INSTANCE of a class. A static member cannot be referenced through an instance. Instead it is referenced through the type name
What does the override keyword mean?
The override modifier is required to extend or modify the abstract or virtual implementation of an inherited method property
What is an Interface?
An interface contains only the signatures of methods properties

a class can only have...

one parent class

a child class exhibits AT LEAST...

the same behaviour as the parent class

A class can implement multiple...


A class MUST implement all methods defined in the


A class may defer implementing the body of an abstract method in the parent class

Therefore, the descendant class is also abstract

What is the difference between deep and shallow copying?

Shallow copying only copies the reference to an object. Deep copying copies the object and operates on it.

With shallow copying, if the original object changes, that is reflected in the reference. Not so for deep copies.

Common interface for all linear data structures


What is Stack topIndex when the stack is empty?


What are the two groups of types in C#

Value types and Reference types

Of the two groups of types in C#, which does the Object belongs to?

Objects belong to Reference types

What group of types does the Array class belong to?

the Reference type

How does the Stack work? What are its main methods?

LIFO: last in, first out


FILO: first in, last out


void Push(T item): adds item to top of stack

void Pop(): grabs item from top of stack

T Top: returns top item of stack

How can a Stack be used to implement a postfix notation of calculator

Given: "3 5 8 * +"

When you meet the first operator: "*"

Take the two prior numbers and apply operator to them: "5 * 8"

Then continue..

How does a Queue work? What are its main methods?

FIFO: first in, first out


LILO: last in, last out


void Add(T item): add item to back of queue

void Remove(): remove item from front of queue

T Front: returns item from front of queue

Hash Table Public Methods




What is a Hash Table

Data structure that maps keys to values

How does the hashing of a Hash Table work?

Distributes key/value pairs across an array of buckets

hash = hashfunc(key)

index = hash % array_size

`hash` is independent of array size, and is reduced to an index (number between 0 and array_size - 1) using modulo operator

An example of Hash Table indexing

The hashfunc returns a value for a given key:

hashfunc('b') = 9

hashfunc('deaf') = 108

hashfunc('bed') = 44

Given an array of 7 buckets, we calculate the index with:

hashfunc('b') % 7 = 2

hashfunc('deaf') % 7 = 3

hashfunc('bed') % 7 = 2

Then, these items are inserted at the index given from the modulo operator.

Hash Table Linear Probing / Collisions:


hashfunc('b') % 7 = 2

hashfunc('deaf') % 7 = 3

hashfunc('bed') % 7 = 2

We insert 'b' at index 2 and 'deaf' at index 3. When we attempt to insert 'bed' at index 2 have a collision, the hash table detects this and then checks index 3, another collision, then it checks index 4 and finds an empty spot, inserting 'bed' at index 4.

Final order:


'bed' has 2 collisions.

Main problem with Linear Collision Resolution

Primary clustering, this will result in many keys being stored in close proximity (clustered).

Describe Quadratic Probing

Must ensure table size is a PRIME NUMBER

Table must be less than or equal to 50% full

Given a table size of 7, once we reach 3 items. We must resize the array to the next prime number, 17 and rehash everything to new indices.

When a value detects a collision, a new index is found using the following method:

1^2, 2^2, 3^2, 4^2...n^2

This prevents clustering found in linear probing

Why is does the hash table use modulo with prime numbers?

when you're repeating over a set space, you're going to provide an even distribution across your hash space.

What is the difference between abstract and virtual classes

Abstract classes have no method body

Virtual classes can be defined and overridden in a descendant class

list the methods for IContainer

//Resets to Empty

void MakeEmpty();

//Returns if empty

bool Empty();

//Returns size

int Size();

What is a binary heap?

A tree-based data structure where each row is filled out from left to right. The goal is to fully saturate all rows.

What are the two types of binary heaps?

Max Heap: value of each node is less than or equal to its parent (largest value at root)

Min Heap: value of each node is greater than or equal to its parent (smallest value at root)

Given a binary heap stored in an array and an element at position n, how do you find its parent?

n / 2

Given a binary heap stored in an array and an element at position n, how do you find its left child?

2 * n

Given a binary heap stored in an array and an element at position n, how do you find its right child?

2 * n + 1

All methods of a _____ are implicitly virtual, public and abstract


True or false: A class with no constructor cannot be instantiated


First 10 prime numbers (for hash tables)

2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23 and 29

How to calculate modulo with a calculator

Given to numbers (A and B) use this formula:

1. divide A by B,

2. subtract the remaining whole number

3. multiply the remaining decimal by B

7 mod 2:

7 / 2 = 3.5

3.5 - 3 = 0.5

0.5 * 2 = 1

What is the IComparable interface?

Defines a generalized comparison method for classes

How should you implement the IComparable interface?

Generally, return an integer (1, 0, -1) to show the sorted order of two instances of the same class

-1 = this.object precedes object being compared to

0 = equal

1 = this.object is greater than object being compared to

public int CompareTo(Item other)


if (this.Number < other.Number)

return -1;

else if (this.Number == other.Number)

return 0;

else if (this.Number > other.Number)

return 1;


How does Binary Heaps Insert/Percolate Up work?

(This is down assuming a min heap implementation)

1. Add item to bottom of heap, in right-most location

2. Compare item with parent, swap if it has higher priority (i.e. less than its parent)

3. Continue until it does not have higher priority than its parent

How does Binary Heap array implementation work

How does Binary Heaps Delete/Percolate Down work?

(assuming max heap)

1. Delete root node

2. Take element at bottom, right-most position and place it at root

3. Compare new root with children, swap if out of order

4. Continue until correct order

How does a Fix Heap/Heap Sort work with the Binary Heap?

It is a recursive Delete and Percolate down operation to return a sorted array.

1. Delete root and place in array

2. Perform Percolate Down to find next root in correct order

3. Continue steps 1 and 2 until heap is empty

4. Return the sorted array

What is a binary tree

Simple tree data structure that is either:

a) empty

b) a node with a left and right binary tree

How does pre-order traversal work?

1. Root

2. Descend left subtree

3. Descend right subtree

How does post-order traversal work?

1. Ascend left subtree

2. Ascend right subtree

3. Root

How does in-order traversal work?

1. Descend left subtree

2. Root

3. Descend right subtree

What is the definition of a Binary Search Tree?

All values in the left subtree are less than the root value

All values in the right subtree are greater than the root value

How to perform insert in a Binary Search Tree?

1. Start at root

2. If new node smaller than current node, go left. Otherwise go right

3. If we reach a node with no children (a leaf node), insert new node to the left if smaller, insert new node to the right if larger

What are the three cases for Deletion in a Binary Search Tree?

1. If the node has no children, remove it

2. If the node has 1 child, remove the node and replace it with its child

3. If the node has 2 children, find the smallest node in the right subtree and replace deleted node with this node.

What are the properties of a Red Black Tree?

It is a self-balancing Binary Search Tree

1. Every node is Red or Black

2. Root node is Black

3. All leaf (nil) nodes are Black

4. If a node is Red, both of its children are Black

5. The path from any node to a descendant nil node MUST have the same number of black nodes (this is called the Black Height)

All operations (Insert, Delete etc) are performed like it is a Binary Search Tree, after operation is complete, you then rebalance the tree to satisfy the properties above.

Red Black Tree Balancing: What is Case 1?

Case: Uncle of the new node is Red

Solution: Recolor!

-Grandparent becomes Red

-Parent and Uncle become Black

Red Black Tree Balancing: What is Case 2?

Case: Uncle is Black, Parent is a Right Child

Solution: Left rotate around parent of new node

This then leads to Case 3 for more rebalancing

Red Black Tree Balancing: What is Case 3?

Case: Uncle is Black, New Node is a Right Child


-Parent and Grandparent of new node become Black

-Right rotate around Grandparent

What are the properties of a Splay Tree?

Its a Binary Search Tree with the additional property that recently added nodes are moved to the root.

Concerning splay trees, what is a zig step?

When the parent is root (last step), rotate tree around parent to have targeted node at root.

Concerning splay trees, what is a zig-zig step?

When parent is not root and both the parent and the parent and the targeted node are both left or right children.

Rotate around grandparent to bring targeted node to root.

Concerning splay trees, what is a zig-zag step?

When parent is not root. The targeted node is a right child and parent is a left child or vice versa.

Rotate around the grandparent to bring targeted node to the root.

How do you Insert a node into a Splay Tree?

Binary Search Tree insertion and then splay the newly added node to the root.

How do you Delete a node from a Splay Tree?

Rotate the node to be deleted to root and then remove it.

Concerning an Adjacency Matrix, what is the maximum number of edges?

n^2 where n is the number of vertices.

Concerning the Adjacency Matrix, what is the notation for an edge.

Edge[i, j]

i = row

j = column

Advantages and Disadvantages of Adjacency Matrix

Advantages: easy to tell if an edge exists between two nodes

Disadvantages: Consumes a lot of memory

In general, what are the steps for Binary Search?

*assume array is ordered lowest to highest

1. Given a target, X

2. Find the midpoint of the array with equation: (low + high) / 2

3. If X == midpoint, return true

4. If X < midpoint, recursive call to binary search on the subarray of the midpoint to the last element

5. If X > midpoint, recursive call to binary search on the subarray of the first element to the midpoint

What is the difference between Depth First and Breadth First search?

Depth First Search will start at Root and traverse along one edge (typically the left edge) until it reaches a leaf node

Breadth First Search will descend a tree-like graph each level at a time.

Breadth First Search Example (number is order explored)

Depth First Search Example (number is order explored)

Depth First Search Pseudocode

func DFS(Graph, vertex):

vertex = discovered

for all edges adjacent to vertex:

if adj vertex is not discovered:

DFS(Graph, adj)

Breadth First Search Pseudocode

func BFS(Graph, vertex):

create queue Q

mark vertex as visited

store vertex in Q

while Q is not empty:

remove head w from Q

mark and enqueue all unvisited neighbours of w