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19 Cards in this Set

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How important is water?
every chemical reaction in your body is dependent on water.
Without enough water the body will have muscle spasms, fatigue, and kidney damage.
How important is it for a dancer to have water?
Should drink 64 oz or 8 full glasses each day
If you are thirsty you are dehydrated
Check for "light lemonade"
What are some nutrition based facts for dancers?
Aesthetics require a lean body, but dance activity does not promote fat loss
When body must use muscle for fuel, it will burn the muscle tissue that is least used first. For dancers, this means muscle is lost in the upper body first
Tendency to give the dancers the "thunder thigh" look
avoid years of frustration by recognizing and accepting the advantages of her body type
No dingle source can be eliminated to magically melt fat away
Most effective: high in nutrients and low in fat, combined with consistent long-duration aerobic exercises
Fats about what to eat and when to eat it?
Dont wait until hunger is strong:adverse affect on metabolism
Going too long without food causes blood glucose levels to drop, craving for carbs follows
Eating small amounts of food containing protein, carbs, and fat about every 3 hrs. can help you avoid low blood sugar and "jitters"
What kind of meals should you eat before a performance?
whole grain breads
be eaten 1-2 hours before the show
Facts about eating breakfast?
Often complain about the inability to eat a balanced breakfast first thing in the morning.
Blood sugar levels can if night time fasting continues too long into the day
Avoid caffeine first thing in the morning
Eat a light snack before class, then another right after class
Before we approach a weight loss program you must?
Tips from sally 443-449
Identify the present conditions
look at body type/composition/ proportion
Eating habits - when, what, why
More tips from sally
long term change, one must change habits before one change habits, one must know what the habits are.
What does the phrase "I'm on a diet" mean?
No single approach will work for everybody. There are too many individual differences in metabolism, absorption rates, and eating patterns to make any approach effective for all.
Listen to the body
analyzing deep seated attitudes
- food as a reward
-clean your plate
What is somatics?
the art and science of the innerrelational process between awareness, biological function, and environment with all three factors (mind, body, spirt) being understood as a synergistic whole.
What is the objective of the somatic approach?
encouragement of easeful, mindful, efficiency of motion which simultaneously promotes health, balance, and achievement of ones potential.
FITT : tapping into the inherent wisdom of the body.
What is tension?
without it there is no life
realizes that a certain level of physical tension ensures peak performance for our oen individual functioning.
balance is key: balance between utilizing optimal tension levels when a task must be accomplished and using relaxation tech to lower the tension level when leisure allows it.
What is efficiency?
producing the desired effect without waste
Effort not time. It is not getting it done faster just with less waste.
What is sensory input?
modern person is bombarded with complex sensory import. Sights, sounds, and smells of contemporary life are so intense and complex that it is all but impossible to maintain a blanket of input and output.
Human has more sensory then motor nerves
common for people to be sedentary
Who is more susceptible to high levels of tension?
body types
movement behavior patterns
What is Neuromuscular tension?
everyone has different levels of tension.
-hotspots - habitual postural patterns which contributes to the tension level of the hot spot
-the tension itself becomes an integral part of the expected feedback patter of the body
-emotional or physical pain form past experiences is often masked by neuromuscular tension.
what is muscular efficiency?
using minimum amount of effort to perform a given action
kinesiological analysis
habits of efficient action
desired movement combination reveals the specific muscles which are most efficient are week compensatory muscular contraction is necessary.
what do dancers need somatics?
brain only processes information, the information that it receives from the body. It is only when the brain and the body are treated as a unified whole that the mid (the totality of the person and the surrounding energy systems) can reach its full potential
Benefits of somatics in dance>
1. clear understanding of individual differences
2. the broadening of ones movement repertoire
3. performance enhancement
4. increasing ones sensitivity to body wisdom
What is the body?
tangible reflection of the soul and spirit within each of us. Moreover, the body is our first and most profoundly relevant teacher.