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74 Cards in this Set

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Why do we advocate?

If we don't advocate for the Credit Union movement, then who will?

What makes a good advocate?

A good advocate is knowledgeable, involved, willing, and passionate.

What is the goal of advocacy?

To revolutionize the environment for credit unions to serve their members through the removal of regulatory barriers and expansion of credit union powers and opportunities.

How do we advocate?

The Member Activation program (MAP), Project Zip Code, and Hike the Hill.

A key point about advocacy

Building relationships are key; may take longer than you want.

What are two ways succession occurs?

Emergency & planned

What are two ways succession emergency / contingency can be completed?

1. The organizations next steps without you

i.e. Leadership develop that leads to your chair

2. Your next steps, without the organization.

i.e. Financial, network/influence, resume, opportunity

Based on the Forbes article, what is the percentage & the path to CEO?

32% of Fortune 100 CEOs held the post of CFO. The career path is finance.

What are the 8 factors for Advancement?

1. Experience

2. EQ, Emotional Intelligence

3. FQ, Financial Knowledge

4. BQ, Business Acumen

5. Education

6. Involvement

7. Influence

8. Communicate/Advocate/Negotiate

What occurs when we feel judged or attacked?

The Amygdala Hijack

Our ability to apply reason & logic can drop by 75%.

What does the DISC model do?

Provides a framework for understanding your natural behavior style patterns, communication preferences, and tendencies.

Helps you better understand and relate to others, reduce conflict, connect and influence more effectively, and build better relationships based on an understanding of styles and needs.

According to Lencioni, what are the traits/behaviors of a cohesive & high performing team?

Trust One Another

Engage in Conflict around ideas (not people)

Demonstrate Commitment

Hold one another accountable

Focus on achieving results.

There are 5

When we go up the ladder making assumptions, this is known as what?

The Ladder of Inference

What is the FEDs dual mandate?

1. Grow the economy to ensure maximum employment

2. Promote stable prices (manage inflation)

What is monetary policy?

Economic growth influenced by changing the supply of money & changing interest rates.

What is Fiscal policy?

Economic growth influenced by taxation and government spending.

What are murdered by the Federal Reserve?

Economic expansions are murdered by the Federal Reserve.

Who conducts the Monetary policy?

The Monetary policy in the U.S. is conducted by the Federal Reserve's Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)

What percent of GDP is personal/consumption expenditure?

70% of GDP is personal/consumption expenditure.

What do most U.S. policies aim to influence?

Most policies aimed to influence U.S. economic results are aimed at changing consumer behavior because personal consumption activity accounts for over 2/3 of U.S. economic activity.

Why has the FED refrained from further interest rate increases?

The FED has refrained from further interest rate increases due to the possible negative effects of government shutdown, a weak world economy, and the threat of trade war.

The culture, capabilities, and practices that organizations integrate with strategy-setting and apply when they carry out that strategy with a purpose of managing risk in creating, preserving, and realizing value is known as what?

Enterprise Risk Management

What is the ultimate goal of ERM?

Improved organization decision making and performance through better, more timely information.

What is inherent risk?

Impact * Likelihood

The exposure before responses

The measure of the probability weight or expected annual exposure before considering the area's risk response.

What are the 7 NCUA defined Primary Risk categories?




Interest Rate




There are 7

ERM is NOT what?

ERM is not a one time project

In ERM, what is Impact?

The potential effect, in the absence of the area's responses, of the risk exposure on net income

In ERM, what is Likelihood?

The probability that an event may occur in a given time period, in the absence of responses.

In ERM, what are Responses?

Responses are the actions the credit union takes to mitigate or manage the particular risk exposure

In ERM, what is Mitigation?

The degree to which the organization's responses manage down the impact or likelihood.

What are the objectives of ERM?

Identify and manage a broad array of threats, risks and opportunities surrounding the achievement of goals and objectives

Establish a structure and process that engages personnel across the organization and creates space to identify, communicate and prioritize risks and opportunities

Provide senior leadership with key information

Develop & implement appropriate risk response plans

Encourage responsibility of all personnel to incorporate a balanced risk-reward analysis in everyday activities

Maximize opportunities

Protect and foster a collaborative, entrepreneurial and innovative environment (value preservation and creation)

What is residual risk?

Exposure after response

Measure of the expected annual exposure to the risk event after considering risk responses

What is Risk appetite?

The amount of risk, on a broad level, an entity is willing to accept in pursuit of value

What is the Board's role in ERM?

Establish & oversee strategy to maximize organizational value in a prudent and financially sound manner

Set risk culture and tone

What is Ransomware?

Ransomware is an attack on the availability of your systems

What are the standards based operations from governance or compliance framework?

GLBA, FFIEC, regulatory required

PCI-DSS, contractual obligation

CIS controls, NIST

What is 1 of the 6 basic CIS controls?

Controlled use of Admistrative Privileges

Cybersecurity is NOT what?

Cybersecurity is not a one time project

Where is the evidence?

The evidence was in the audit logs

What are Covey's 4 zones of change?

Status Quo




What is Intrapreneurship?

A corporate employee who develops new enterprises within the corporation

What are the 9 building blocks of the Business Model Canvas (BMC)?

Customer segments

Value proposition


Customer Relationships

Revenue Streams

Key Resources

Key Activities

Key Partners

Cost Structure

What is the Value Proposition Canvas?

Customer Profile

Value Map

A set of attitudes, skills and behaviors that can be trained is called what?

The Entrepreneurial mindset

What is the Customer Profile?

A way to evaluate a particular customer segment and it is made up of gains, pains and customer jobs

What is the Value Map?

A way to test your value proposition and consists of products and services, gain creators and pain relievers

What is Customer Development?

Consists of the Build, Measure, Learn, Feedback loop

What is a measure of reputation?

The Net Promoter Score

What is the most trusted form of marketing?

Word of mouth

What are 2 ways to target an audience?



What is the brand filter?

The one thing that keeps you different

What is the real definition of your brand?

Your reputation

What are the 5 steps to become "tattoo worthy"?

Target an audience, not a territory

Listen to your target

Know your competition for your target

Make them irrelevant

Be loyal to your target

What key ratios indicate your reputation may be suffering?

Low loan-to-share

Low loan approval ratio

Average age of borrower

Low delinquency ratio

High fee income compared to total loan income

Net membership growth

Member satisfaction scores

What does research show leaders do?

Leaders take risks, are self aware and are authentic

What does empathy involve?

Empathy means deeply connecting with another's feelings to the point that we feel another's feelings in a non judgemental way

What does courageous leadership require?

Courageous leadership requires us to wrestle with vulnerability

What does journaling do?

Journaling enhances your overall health and well being , enables you to be more empathetic, increases your emotional Intelligence and reduces stress

How do you own it?

Own your career, own your leadership. A key place to start is understanding the human you are

What is active listening?

Active listening is proving your understanding of another's facts and feelings

What are the 3 characteristics of effective listening?





What are 3 elements of the Confrontive I message?

1. A specific, non blameful description of the other's behavior

2. The concrete, tangible effect of the behavior on you

3. Your real feelings about those effects

Why does praise fail?

Praise fails because it lacks sincerity and specificity

What are the 3 components of burnout?


Emotional exhaustion

Lack of personal achievement

What is depersonalization?

Depersonalization occurs when you stop seeing people as individuals

What is the Fundamental Attribution Error?

The Fundamental Attribution Error is a hard wired bias and the #1 reason relationships break

What percentage of workers are disengaged?

53% of workers are not engaged

What percent of employees do not fully understand the company's goals or what's expected of them to achieve the company goals?

95% of employees

What is grit?

Grit is the combination of passion and perserverence for an important goal and is the hallmark of high achievers in every domain

What do constraints cause?

An organization to operate more efficiently and a manager to become more innovative, creative and resourceful

What is the root of happiness?

Having rich social bonds and meaningful relationships

Who are allies?

Allies are people who encourage, inspire, support, empower, hold accountable, provide good friction and test you to be the best version of yourself.

Who are thieves?

Thieves are NOT people who encourage, inspire, support, empower. Hold accountable, provide good friction and test you to be the best version of yourself.

What is the Business Impact Analysis?

The Business Impact Analysis defines priority for restoration and includes definition of recovery point objectives