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53 Cards in this Set

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What transfers energy without transferring matter?
Waves (microwaves, sound waves, etc.)
What are the 5stages of cell reproduction?
Prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase, and cytokinesis
How is the frequency of a wave measured?
By vibrations per second
What 3 things can light do when it hits a surface?
Light can be reflected, absorbed, or scattered.
In order for us to hear a sound, what must it do?
Travel through something so that its molecules vibrate
How is a compound formed?
A compound is formed when 2+ elements unite chemically
How is a solution formed?
When compounds or elements are dissolved in another substance
What is the difference between weight and mass at rest?
Mass at rest is the same everywhere, whereas weight can change depending on location
What is Newton's First Law of Inertia?
A body at rest stays at rest until acted upon by an outside force.
What is Newton's Third Law of Conservation of Momentum?
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
What is work and how is it measured?
Work is the movement of something by force, measured by power in foot-pounds.
How is heat measured?
In calories
Is the transfer of heat by physical contact conduction, convection, or radiation?
What does temperature measure?
How fast molecules are moving in a substance
True or False: With electricity, like charges attract and unlike charges repel.
False. Like charges repel and unlike attract.
What 3 units are used to measure the flow of electricity?
Volt, amp, and ohm
What 2 substances can produce magnets?
Magnetite and iron
Where is Earth's magnetic north?
Northeastern Canada, not the North Pole
What 3 types of energy do radioactive material release?
Alpha, beta, and gamma rays
What are the 4 stages of an insect's metamorphosis?
Egg, larva, pupa, adult
How are the plant groups angiosperm and gymnosperm different?
Angiosperm have flowers & leaves; gymnosperm have no flowers & needles for leaves.
How are bacteria helpful?
Bacteria help dead, organic material decompose.
The sea provides____% of the world's protein and ___% of the world's petroleum.
25% of protein & 15% of petroleum
What is the smallest unit of life that can reproduce?
A cell
Through which process does the sun create energy?
What is the relationship between an ecosystem and an organism?
Organisms interact with and adapt to the ecosystem in which they live.
What are the 5 parts of the earth, beginning with the inner core?
Inner core, outer core, mantle, crust, atmosphere
The earth's surface is being destroyed, or is _____, which begins with______.
Eroding, weathering
What makes up the earth's atmosphere?
Nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (21%)
What percent of the earth's surface is water?
How is new land created?
Hot magna coming to the surface and land masses being pushed up from below
What are protons, neutrons, and electrons?
The three subatomic particles in atoms
Matter exists in what 3 forms, all of which can change?
Solid, liquid, and gas
Through which process does the sun create energy?
What comprises our solar system?
The sun, 9 planets, comets, moons, asteroids, and meteors
What happens to subdominant organisms in an ecosystem?
They adjust or migrate or die.
In what two ways are plants different from animals?
Plants have cells with rigid walls, chlorophyll, & don't have a nervous system.
How does the immune system prevent the spread of disease?
It destroys disease-causing agents (antigens).
What is the difference between red and white blood cells?
Red carry oxygen; white are part of the immune system
What carries genetic information in cells, packaged in the form of chromosomes?
Plants harness sunlight to make food and produce oxygen for us to breathe during...
Place these eras in the time of their occurrence: Paleozoic, Cenozoic, Mesozoic.
Paleozoic (570 mil. years ago), Mesozoic (225 m.y.a.), Cenozoic (65 m.y.a.)
Living things are classified into how many kingdoms?
Six kingdoms, 3 for one-celled living things and 3 for multicelled eukaryotes
What creates our weather?
The movement of air mass and the pressure systems it creates
What creates day & night on Earth and what creates the seasons?
Rotation (day and night) and revolution (seasons)
What is the significance of the geological Permian and Triassic periods?
Earth's land was one mass during the Permian period, which split into 2 during the Triassic period.
When did early sapiens and modern Homo sapiens develop?
250,000 years ago; 75,000 years ago
What is the significance of the pituitary gland, adrenal glands, and thyroid?
They are part of the endocrine system that produces & distributes hormones?
Do plants or animals use oxygen and give off carbon dioxide?
Animals. Plants do the opposite.
What single-celled organism was the first organism to develop?
What parts of the flower contain the female and male reproductive organs?
The pistil (female) and the stamen (male)
What is the order of the plants, beginning with Mercury?
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto
What are nerve cells that receive stimuli and transmit to and from the brain and spinal cord?