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33 Cards in this Set

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All living things or organisms do the 6 following things:
1. Take in energy and give off waste
2. Grow and develop
3. Adjust to their environments
4. Respond to their surroundings
5. Reproduce
6. Are made up of cells
the fundamental unit of all living organisms
unicellular bacteria or protozoa
a single cell is a complete organism
multi-cellular organisms
have nerve, organ and muscle cells
All Cells have
-Internal substance called cytoplasm and a surrounding membrane
- contain genetic material deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) where they have coded instructions for the behavior and reproduction of the cell and the chemical apparatus for the translation of these instructions into protein
- are composed primarily of hydrogen, carbon and nitrogen (these make up most organic compounds)
- water makes up most of the cell
breaks down food and makes energy (ATP)
Animal cells
Mitochondria are important agents where the products of enzymatic breakdown, or metabolism, convert into energy in the form of the molecule adenosine triphosphate (ATP) This process consumes oxygen and is termed aerobic respiration
Plant cells
have mitochondria and similar organelles called chloroplasts. Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll used in converting light into ATP. This process is called photosynthesis
the process by which chlorophyll-containing organisms convert light energy into chemical energy
- Plants are using the sun's energy to make sugar and sugar goes through the Kreb's Cycle to turn into energy
- Special leaf structures called chloroplasts contain a green pigment called chlorophyll.
- The pigment absorbs light energy from the sun
- This energy is used to combine water from the soil, carbon dioxide gas from the air into the sugar.
- During this reaction oxygen is given off and released into the air
- Photosynthesis is responsible for the oxygen we breathe
Organ systems in humans
-musculoskeletal system- bones/skeleton
- nervous system- the nerves which recieve and send out stimuli, the main nerve being the spinal chord
- circulatory systen- blood is pumped by the heart, passes through the right chambers of the heart to the lungs, where it acquires oxygen. From there it is pumped back into the left chambers of the heart. Next it is pumped into the main artery (the aorta) which branches into smaller arteries. Then goes through capillaries and finally through small veins then large veins and back to the right side of the heart
- Digestive and excretory systems
- Immune system
- Respiratory system- expansion and contraction of the lungs. Inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide
Plants vs. Animals
-Plants are multicellular green organisms their cells containing eukaryotic protoplasm held within cell walls composed primarily of cellulose. Most important characteristic is the ability to photosynthesize
- Animals also multicellular and eukaryotic but derive nutrition from other organic matter, by ingesting food rather than absorbing it
Sexual reproduction in plants
Most plants reproduce through seeds which are fertilized ovules or plant "eggs" from which new plants grow. They are fertilized through pollination, where pollen from the "male" stamen of a flower enters an ovule
Asexual reproduction in plants
Known as vegetative reproduction or reproduction without the union of cells or nuclei of cells. Takes places either by fragmentation (ex. growing new plants from cuttings) or by spores (reproductive cells, tiny bits of plant life. ex. ferns, mosses, horsetails)
Respiration in plants
Plants use the food they make during photosynthesis to grow and maintain themselves. Food is stored energy. Respiration is the process of breaking down food so that its energy can be used. In this process, cells use oxygen from the air to release the food energy
Most of the water a plant takes in through its roots passes through the plant and out the pores on the undersides of the leaves. The water then evaporates into the air.
The study of the relationship of plants and animals to their physical and biological environment.
Physical environment
Includes light, heat, solar radiation, moisture, wind oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients in sod, water and atmosphere
biological environment
includes organisms of the same kind as well as plants and animals
Considering each locale or habitat as an integrated whole
4 Major parts of ecosystems
1. Producers (green plants)
2. Consumers (herbivores and carnivores)
3. Decomposers (Fungi and bacteris)
4. Nonliving, or abiotic, components, consisting of dead organic matter and nutrients in the soil
Ecosystems provide habitat, the place where particular plants or animals live.
Within habitats organisms occupy different niches- or the functional role of a species in a community
the joint evolution of 2 unrelated species that have a close ecological relationship, that is the evolution of one species depends in part on the evolution of the other
5 phases of Mitosis
The process of cell division in which nuclear material of the original cell is divided equally between the newer cells where you end up with 2 identical cells.
1. Interphase- cell phase or a normal cell
2. Prophase- the chromosomes thicken
3. Metaphase- the chromosomes line up
4. Anaphase- the chromosomes divide
5. Telephase- splits into 2 identical complate cells or nuclei
creates sex cells. They don't double they just split and come out with half the code and have to combine to make the full code. Go through the same 5 phases as mitosis
Life cycle of a frog
First they lay eggs in the water in the springtime. Then in 2 weeks tadpoles hatch and they breathe through gills. Then at 9 weeks the front/back legs form and then at 11 weeks they are sdult frogs with lungs like land animals
Life cycle of a mouse
Fertilization occurs with copulation and sperm fertilizing and ova. Then there is an egg in the body (gestation period) then they have a live birth and then feed on milk from their mother. Baby looks like a miniature adult.
Life cycle of a butterfly
They lay their eggs on leaves which grow into caterpillars from a chysalis and enter the pupa stage. In the chrysalis metamorhposis or change takes place. The pupa emerges as a butterfly
asexual animal propogation
most single celled organisms reproduce by a process known as fission, in which the parent organism splits into 2 or more daughter organisms thereby losing its original identity. think mitosis
sexual animal propogation
Sperm uniting with ova. Insemination and cross-fertilization (ova and sperm deposited in water at same distance from each other as by fish)
the complex of processes by which living organisms originated on the earth and have been diversified and modified through sustained changes in form and function
Reasoned that, in nature, species with qualities that made them better adjusted to their environments or gave them higher reproductive capacities would tend to leave more offspring. Such individuals were said to have higher fitness.
Because more individuals are born than survive to breed, elimination of the less fit (natural selection) should occur, leading to a population that is well adapted to environmental habitats
*Evolution proceeds by the natural selection of well-adapted individuals over a span of many generations
-Darwin's work preceeded those who discussed the role genetics played in the evolution process
Discussed the rols of genetics in the evolution process. After his discoveries mutations were thought to be the only source of genetic variation with evolution being driven by the random accumulation of favorable mutational changes
- These ideas held until the 103-'s
1953 James Watson and Francis Crick
Demonstrated that genetic material is composed of 2 nucleic acids, deoxiribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA).
Mutations (in light of this discovery) were seen to be the changes in gene position that can affect the function of the protein derived from the gene
-Natural selection in this view operates to favor or suppress a particular gene according to how strongly its protein product contributes to the reproductive success of the organism.