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60 Cards in this Set

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explain the roles that action, tension, staging play in drama
Action is the physical events in a play. Tension can be difficult situations between characters not easily resolved and highlights conflict. Staging is important because of the spacing that a play needs.
Define and describe an apostrophe, a soliloquy, and an antistrophe in drama
An Apostrophe occurs when a character addresses an abstract idea or a persona not present in the scene. A soliloquy is when a character seems to be speaking to himself, or thinking out loud. An antistrophe is a device in which the chorus responds to a previous stanza of verse.
Define Irony and cliches. List three types of irony
Irony is an expression that conveys something other than its literal meaning.
Verbal irony conveyed by voice inflection.
Structural irony-an alternate meaning is produced by using a narrative feature
Dramatic Irony- The audience has important info not available to other key characters.
Cliches are sayings or dialogue overworked in common language
Discuss Sir Thomas Malory.
His major work is a collection of prose stories based on Arthurian legend and oral traditions and of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. born in 1408, died in 1471 in jail.
Discuss Euripides
Euripides's greatest works are Medea, Electra, and Hippolytus. He was a master at creating complex characters with rich emotional lives. Gods are indifferent to earthly problems and human weakness is the cause of suffering. His plays are about the foolishness of war, and he championed unpopular social causes.
Define essays
Essays describe a prose composition, are brief, and have a specific topic. Essays have been divided into the formal and informal.
Define Objectivism and Projectivism in poetry. Discuss who founded these movements.
Objectivism began in the 1930s as a further extension of Imagism. Coined by William Carlos Williams, this movemented was a step away from Romantic poetry.

Projectivism began in the 1950s. Charles Olsen was against cerebral poetry and decided to make poetry reflect the unity of mind and body.
Discuss choruses and how they have been used in dramas through time.
The chorus is a group of actors that furnishes a commentary on the play as it unfolds. The chorus is the objective observer of the dramatic action. The chorus in modern musical theatre often acts as a collective actor that adds to the spectacle of the production.
Discuss Sophocles
Sophocles wrote powerful tragedies considered the highest form of the art, including Oedipus the King, Antigone, and Electra. His tragic heroes value truth above all else, even if it brings destruction and death.
Describe the three ideal goals of Imagism in poetry. Explain who founded the Imagist school
To address the subject directly, without symbolism or other devices
To use only absolutely essential words for the poetry
To use rhythm guided by musical principles and examples rather than meter.
The founders of the school were Erza Pound, T.E. Hulme, and F.S Flint. Amy lowell helped promote the movement in America.
Explain how the device of agony has been used in drama and modern literature.
Agony means struggle or conflict. It indicates two characters in a heated argument or debate, with each character supported by a chorus. It is used in both comedies and tragedies, and when climaxes of the plot unfold. It is also used in literary criticism to denote a competative battle.
Discuss Sapho
one of the earliest and most influential Greek poets. She lived on lesbos, which lesbian is derived from. She is thought to have led a group of women. Her poetry is dedicated to women for whom she mentored.
Discuss, in depth, free verse
Free verse is poetry without a regular meter and omits rhymes. The first poet to use this was Walt Whitman, Leaves of Green. It gives the writer selection of an individual rhyme for each work. But they must develop an original scheme for each poem. Robert Frost denounced free verse.
compare and contrast climax, anticlimax, and closure
climax-a state of tension in a literary work reaches it s peak
anticlimax-a critical point in the work is resolved and the dramatic tension recedes. Can serve as a respite from a period of action
Closure-creates the expectation of nothing and leaves the reader or audience satisfied .
list the seven steps that are useful in identifying meter in a poem
1.Decide where the grammatical and semantic stresses are places
2.Mark the pattern of stressed/unstressed syllables
3.Determine whether the poem follows a regular meter
4.Count the number of feet in each line
5.Identify the predominant types of foot and line
6.Listen for rhythm variations in the poem
7.Mark changes of rhythm and the new type of feet
Explain the narrative technique and tone of a novel
The personality of the narrative is important. they may have a vested interest in a character or event. Some follow the time sequence of the plot. A narrative may express approval or disapproval about a character or events.
Tone is an important aspect of the narration.
Define farce. Give some examples throughout history
A farce is a dramatic comedy full of action. It is the oldest form of comedy.The theatre of the absurd uses farce to represent the essential meaninglessness and chaos of life. Charlie Chaplin, The Keystone Cops, and other slapstick comedians made farcical silent films.
Define analogy, simile, and metaphors. Describe the uses of these literary devices.
Analogy-compares two things. The process of reasoning from parallel examples
Similies- grammatical connections, such as like, as if, or as to explain comparisons
Metaphors-figures of speech that highlight similarities between two elements.
Discuss Geoffrey Chaucer
Wrote the Canterbury Tales. The genius of the work is the rich characterization of the pilgrims. Influenced by Dante and Boccacio. Born in 1343 and entered royal service. Died in 1400
Discuss Dante Alighieri
A major figure in the Renaissance revolution. Divine Comedy ranks as one of the truly great literary works. It presents a panoramic view of man and his place in the cosmos. Dante was born in florence in 1265, and was exiled in 1302. He died in 1321
Define aestheticism and formalism. Discuss the history of these terms.
Aestheticism maintained that art for art's sake is its own justification. Formalism approached literature from its internal features, without regard to historical, social, economic, or political context.
Describe 3 main stages in drama
The theatre in the round allows the audience to surround the stage.
The apron seats audiences on the sides of a platform
The proscenium stage is where the audience sits in front of a stage framed by the acting space.
Discuss Ovid and his contributions
Ovid was a Roman poet applauded for his passionate, skilled, and witty poetry. His masterpiece Metamorphoses is written on the theme of transformation. Ovid also wrote an instruction manual on the art of love. Born in Sulmo in eastern Italy, he moved to Rome to join the court of Emperor Augustus.
Explain the use of multiple assessment methods and their selection
Multiple assessment methods give a comprehensive view of how well students are achieving.
A quantitative assessment lets educators provide numerical evidence of students learning.
A Qualitative assessment shows descriptive evidence of what the student has learned.
Discuss Elizabethan literature in depth
English literature written during the reign of Elizabeth I, includes the Early Tudor period and ends with the death of Shakespeare. It reflects national pride felt during the reign of the Virgin Queen. The language of the period is highly colored, rich, and ornamented. Elizabethan drama was the achievement of this period.
Describe in what ways rhymes enrich poetry. List and describe some major impacts.
Rhymes add a degree of aural enhancement.
Rhymes tend to strike a chord in memory. They are used to stress major points in a work.
Rhymes can summarize the major meaning of a poem.
Rhymes are used to emphasize words and make connections between them
Rhymes challenge a poet to engage in a literary device as a strategy for understanding, drama, and appeal
List and describe eight elements that influence a work of prose fiction.
1. Speech and dialogue
2. Thoughts and mental processes
3. Dramatic involvement
4. Action
5. Duration
6.Setting and description
Define and give the history of ballads
The original meaning of ballad was associated with dance. Over time, the ballad formed a branch of narrative using verse. Ballads are derived from folk tales and oral traditions and use direct, descriptive language. The term ballad is used to note songs that tell a story, with a romantic or tragic theme
Define the two main divisions of rhyme. Describe some elements of rhyme and how to identify a rhyming scheme.
End rhyme is perfect and it involves identical sounds. Half rhyme, or slant rhyme, involves a closeness of sounds not identical.
Rhymes may be masculine, single stressed syllables, or feminine, single unstressed syllables.
Eye rhyme joins similarly spelled words that are pronounced differently. Internal rhyme involves repeated elements in a line.
Discuss characterization in prose fiction; explain flat and round characters and how modern literature has been affected by Freudian psychology
A character is a person involved with the plot and development of the novel. There are physical, and psychological states or motivation of the character.
Flat characters tend to be minor figures in the story, not changing. Round characters are more central to the story and tend to change as the plot unfolds.
Modern literature has been affected by Freudian psychology, giving rise to such devices as the interior monologue and magical realism as methods of understanding characters in a work.
Discuss Edna St. Vincent Millay and what she is famous for.
Best known poet during the 1920s. Won a Pulitzer with Ballad of the Harp-Weaver in 1923. She infused traditional sonnets with the voice of an independent, modern woman.
Discuss George Bernard Shaw and what he is famous for.
An Irish playwright and critic. Awarded the Nobel Prize in literature in 1925. He satirized social class and gender discrimination with a light touch that made its points without anger. Plays Pleasant and Unpleasant, Major Barbara, St. Joan, Pygmalion.
Discuss Upton Sinclair, and list some of his best-known works
An american novelist, journalist, and essayist. Best known of the muckrakers, a socially-minded band of writers who decried and attacked perceived immoral conduct in business and goverment. The jungle, King Coal, Boston.
Discuss Rudyard Kipling, and list some of his best known works
The favorite writer of the British Empire. A novelist, poet, short-fiction writer of great skill. His poetry included Gunga Din, Mandalay, and Danny Deever. Story collections include the jungle book and Just So Stories.
Discuss H.G. Wells, and list some of his best known works
An English journalist and novelist. Known for futuristic novels that captured the fancy of the public. The time Machine, The Island of Dr. Moreau, and the War of the Worlds.
Discuss Rainer Maria Rilke
A German poet that struggled with themes of life and death. Explored man's relationship to the divine and particularly humanity's perception of the universal. Major works included the Book of Images, Duino Elegies, Sonnets to Orpheus
Discuss Gerald Manley Hopkins
Published his first poem in 1875, The Wreck of the Deutschland. His later poems, The windhover, Pied Beauty, were written in a period of personal depression and religious doubt. Developed a style called sprung rhythm, which attempts to duplicate human speech.
Discuss T.S. Eliot
A major poet of Modernist poetry. Struggled with his own despair at the futility of life and the spiritual barrenness of modern life. Addressed themes in The Waste Land,.
Who was Ford Madox Ford
His most honored work, the good soldier was published in 1915. It narrates an unhappy marriage in the English upper class. Founded the Transatlantic Review.
Discuss the life and contributions of Henry James
founder of the modern American novel. his fiction includes The American, The europeans, Daisy Miller, and Washington Square. His mature works use the technique of presenting events through each character's limited perspective.
Discuss the life and contributions of George Eliot
Real name Mary Ann Evans. Publicated Scenes of a Clerical Life in 1858. Most Beloved novel is Middlemarch, richly evocative narration of life in an English country town.
Discuss the life and contributions of Lewis Carroll
Pen name is Charles Lutwidge Dodgson. Wrote Alice in Wonderland, Through the looking glass, and also wrote works on logic and math.
Discuss Charles Baudelaire and what he is famous for.
One of the best French poets for his work, The Flowers of Evil. It combines macabre imagery and a profane, cynical tone.
Discuss Mark Twain, and list some of his best known works
Pen Name is Samuel Langhorne Clemens. Wrote Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. His acid humor and stories of a fading rural America made him popular.
Discuss and describe the contributions of John Bunyan
Wrote the Pilgrim's Progress. A religious allegory . Recounts the spiritual journey of humankind. Also penned The Holy War and Grade Abounding to the Chief Sinners, denounced Quakerism
Describe the life of Michel de Montaigne
His Greatest contribution is the introduction of the essay to Western Literature. Essays was published in 3 volumes from 1580 to 1588. His insights into major historical issues, religious conflict and exploration of the New World, were admired.
Give a brief overview of the life and works of Alexander Pushkin.
Born in 1799 in Moscow, educated at the Imperial Lyceum and serived in the Russian goverment until exile. Wrote The Prisoner of Caucasus and the Gypsies, as well as Boris Godunov.
Discuss Heinrich Heine and his literary contributions.
Published The Book of Songs in 1827. Also wrote Germany a Winter's Tale, a satire on German politics.
Discuss Washington Irving and his literary contributions
American novelist, essayist and short story writer. Rip Van Winkle , and the Legend of Sleepy Hollow are part of his works. Also wrote a tour of the Prairies.
Discuss William Wordsworth
a catalyst for the Romantic movement in English literature. His greatest work included Poems: in Two Volumes and the Prelude, an epic based on the author's life.
Discuss Samuel Johnson and his literary contributions
A prolific literary accomplishment. His works include Lives of the Poets, Rasselas, and the Vanity of Human Wishes. Irene, a verse tragedy, was produced for the stage in 1746. His era became known as the Age of Johnson.
Discuss and describe the contributions of John Dryden
He wrote a number of popular plays, the Wild Gallant, All for Love, the Maiden Queen, and the Indian Queen. He won royal favor with his poem to his Sacred Majesty.
Discuss Francois Rabelais and his major work
wrote a five volume masterpiece, Gargantuan and Pantagreul, published in 1564. A unique combination of social satire, licentious comedy, and humanist philosophy.
Give a brief overview of the life and works of William Faulkner
Wrote mostly about Southern history in his fiction. After publication of Sartoris, he reeled off his other novels: The Sound and the Fury, As I lay Dying, Absalom,Absalom, Sanctuary, and Go down Moses. His recurring themes include racial inequality in the South, the burden of slavery, and Southern aristocracy's attempt to survive in the modern world.
Discuss Mary Shelley
An English novelist who won lasting fame with Frankenstein.
Discuss Jane Austen and her literary contributions
She combined keen observation, sharp wit, and memorable characters to creat a much-loved body of work. Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice were written but not published until 10 years after. She excelled in her parodies of Gothic romances and novels of courtship.
Discuss Robert Burns
Wrote Auld Lang Syne, tam o' Shanter. His first anthology of poety was poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect.
Discuss Alexander Pope
Wrote The Rape of the Lock, a satire narrating a feud started over a lock of hair. An essay on Criticism launched his career. He laso edited a controversial edition of Shakespeare, which won him notoriety.
Discuss Christopher Marlowe and how his writing is characterized
Was an important Elizabethan dramatist before Shakespeare. His most successful works, Edward II, Tamburlaine the Great, Dr Faustus. His writing is characterized by passionate protagonists, strength of his verse, and brilliant plotting. Some believe works attributed to Shakespeare was written by Marlowe. Come live with me and be my love.
Discuss the life and contributions of George Sand.