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129 Cards in this Set

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Council of Clermont

Start of Crusades - Where Pope Urban II gave his speech. In today's western France

Who controlled Palestine


What is Edessa

City of Palestine

Who is Pope Urban II

Christian leader of 1st and 2nd Crusades

Bernard of Clairvox was in the _____ Crusade


Who was the Muslim leader of the 3rd Crusade


Who made the truce in the third Crusade?

Richard the Lionhearted & Saladin

Why was Constantinople important?


Between the Mediterranean and Black Seas

What is usury?

Lending of $ money $ and interest

What are the Bills of Exchange?

Bills instead of coins - Similar to travellers checks

How were Muslims towards other religions?

Tolerant; Christians and Jews lived among them

Battle of Manzikert, 1071

Fight between the Byzantine Empire and the Seljuk Turks. The Byzantines lost, it resulted in the Byzantine's not being able to properly defend their borders, and it was the first time a Byzantine Emperor had been captured by a Muslim commander. Questioned if he should be the true leader.

Pope who called the first Crusade

Pope Urban II

Why was the first Crusade launched?

Wanted to expand church, reclaim Jerusalem (Holy Sepulcher); Was a call by Greeks to fight the Turks

Pope Urban used this tactic to entice people into volunteering for Crusade...

Preached about instant salvation, which made Muslims look like barbarians. "If you fight with us, you get a clean slate"

Who could not go on the first Crusade

Priests or clergy w/out permission from Bishop, women without permission, and the old & weak


The inheritance of the oldest son, his rights.

Young Crusaders were motivated by...

Gaining land and social status

Peasants motivated by...

Feudal bonds

Peasants Crusade, Massacre of Peter the Hermit's Army

Marched to Constantinople; Emperor Alexius would not let them in, and instead shipped them to Asia Minor where they were massacred by Turks

First Crusaders..

Nobles, Robert of Normandy (William the Conquer's son) and Alexius I

What was the first meeting place for the 1st Crusade?


What struggles did Alexius I's men run into during the first Crusade?

Ran out of food, severe thirst, soldiers were dropping like flies, disease, enslaved by Muslims

Why were Crusaders eager to fight in the first Crusade?

Forgiveness of all sins

Name the Crusader states created after the First Crusade

1. The county of Edessa

2. The principality of Antioch

3. The kingdom of Jerusalem

4. The county of Tripoli

What were some of the struggles of first Crusader states

Divisions, fighting, and greed

Second Crusade, 1147-1149

Turks conquered Edessa because Crusaders were vulnerable to Muslim attacks. Jerusalem fell to Saladin (Kurdish warrior/Muslim leader)

What was it called when the Turks took over Edessa?

Conquest of Edessa

Who was the Pope at the time of the second crusade?

Pope Eugenius III

King Louis VII went on which Crusade?


Where was the meeting place for the 2nd Crusade?


Who united the Muslims?


Battle of Hattin

Between Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem (Christians) and Muslims. Majority of Crusader forces killed = Islamic forces become the military power in the Holy Land and conquer Jerusalem and many other Crusader states

Mohammad (570-632)

Arabian prophet, revelations are in Q'aran, the last of "God's Messengers"

The Crusades views - Traditionalist vs. Pluralist vs. Popularist

Traditionalist: The Crusade to Jerusalem was the only real one. Pluralist: Crusade is something called by Pope. Popularist: The Crusade is a "Popular Movement"

The Crusade could be compared to the______

Jihad, there were many parallels and it's possible that the Crusade was influenced by older versions of the Jihad

What led to the fall of Western Civilization?

Cities contracted, society became rural, poor/economy fell, Barbarian groups began fighting for dominance (Frans win)

Who became the leader when the Franks won? And was crowned by the Pope?

Charlemagne (r. 768-814), tried to unify and took over many areas

What was the top of the "food chain" in European society in the High Middle Ages?

Knights, militaristic aristocracy, knights equal to nobility

Knights developed their own culture based on...

Chivalry, or "Chevalerie"

The system of land for military service was called

FEUDALISM (fief=feudum)

The two types of Clergy ("Ones Who Pray") were:

The Secular Clergy (Priests, Pope, Bishops) and the Regular Clergy (monks & nuns, separate from world)

Romans: Who could declare wars?

The Senate made the choice, and a group of Priests declared it. Eventually the Emperors declare it/have authority.

The Romans believed, and contributed to, the criteria for ______ War.

Just War, "Bellum Justum"

What is the Ark of the Covenant?

Where the 10 commandments were kept, Israel

The difference between the Jews & Romans in war

Greeks & Romans would only kill the men b/c of military threat, Jews had absolute obedience to God (harsh conditions)

What happened as Romans were being converted to Christianity under Emperor Constantine?

Romans merged JUST WAR with CHRISTIANITY. They started to link the Roman Empire with Christianity and believed their defeats were because of sin.

St. Augustine

Thought war was caused by Adam & Eve (The Fall) and sin; thought soldiers carried out wars as messengers for God (Punishment to evildoers)

Germanic (Barbarian) attitudes towards war

Decision for war is individual, violent society, carried weapons at all times, natural warfare, private wards & blood feuds

Shia/Shi'ite Muslims

Shi-Ali, believed they were blood descendants of Mohammed through Ali. They thought it should be a hereditary monarchy

Sunni Muslims

Believed Mohammed was the one true prophet, also believed that the Caliph doesn't have to be blood-related

What is a Caliph?

Muslim leader

What was the Fatimid Caliphate?

A Muslim dynasty made up of Shi'ites (Fatimid = Mohammad's daughter)

Seljuk Turks

Famed for military skills, converted to Islam in 10th century - as Sunni Holy warriors, or "Ghazi". They go to battle against Shia because of political division

Reconquista of Spain

450 years long, re-conquest of Spain by Christians. Toledo captured = the beginning

The Normans

From Normandy, assimilated into Catholic church, their duke was William the Conqueror

William the Conqueror

Norman Duke, took England, started conquering areas ruled by Muslims (ie. Antioch)

Reforming Movement

Trying to change the power (more to the Pope). Goal: to free the church and enforce freedom from secular interference)

Pope Leo IX

First reformer Pope


Normans vs Christians, Normans capture Pope which set the limit of the Pope's involvement in the battle

Pope Gregory VII

Most famous reformer Pope, raged wars against other Christian groupswho they considered Heretics. Who has power, Pope or Emperor?

Militia Sancti Petri

"Army of St. Peter" (Pope Gregory's army)

Anselm of Lucca

Pope sanctions Anselm of Lucca tojustify (legally) his actions, lays out the first justification for Christians which says its obligatory for Christian soldiers to defend Roman state

Penitential War

"The war itself gives you forgiveness"


A moral of spiritual journey, typically to shrine/location of significance to their beliefs

Peasant's War: Crusaders journey

Most dead by Constantinople, or had turned around. Out of food & water, no leader (all volunteers) and Crusaders started to fight amongst each other and steal from the local farmers = tension between Crusaders & the people

The Second Wave Leaders

Godfrey of Bouillon (Older brother of Baldwin), Baldwin of Boulogne, Bohemond of Tatanto (Norman), Raymond of Toulouse (great credentials, a knight of St Peter)

Alexius Comnenus (Emperor of Byzantine) in 1097 and the armies arriving in Constantinople

He wouldn't fight with them, only wanted knights to fight with him to take back Asia Minor from Turks, no confidence in them after first Crusade, Latins attached idea of Jerusalem to drum up support

Council of Nicaea

First Catholic site, Byzantine's cut a deal with Muslims; city of Nicaea was taken from the Latins

Baldwin of Boulogne

Most successful leader, becomes leader of first Crusader state - County of Edessa. This shows the Crusaders that the trek is more than a pilgrimage = can get their own piece of the pie (land, power, money)

Capture of Antioch

Bohemond cuts deal with Christians to let him in to Antioch, keeps it a secret, ends up being little help to them, Muslims arrive and most Christians desert. Bohemond stays and calls himself Prince of Antioch

The Holy Lance

Rumored to be buried in Antioch, Christians find it, leave the city and catch Muslims by surprise = win. Believe its b/c God is helping them

Siege of Jerusalem

June 1099, not enough troops to surround = massacre in old sector of Jerusalem, Muslims fell back to Al-Aqsa Mosque and Temple of Solomon "City was filled with corpses and blood"

Jews & Massacre at Mainz

The "First Holocaust", part of People's Crusade, Solomon; women killed themselves & their children so they couldn't be converted to Christianity

Muslim Perspective: Jerusalem Massacre

Angry, disagreed with cannibalism within Crusader camps


People who were the poorest of the poor, ate human flesh, didn't bathe. Just dirty people.

Ali Al-Sulami

Preached to Crusaders, said reason for Christian success was that the Muslims didn't follow jihad close enough, test from God = must unite


The study of the end of times, Muslims thought the Crusade was the end of days.


Muslim, means a striving but later means a physical struggle

Authority for Jihad:

Sunni = Caliph/Emperor

Shia: Descendents of Mohammed, but that they are in hiding and won't reveal themselves until the end of days - so not much involvement in Jihad

Internal Jihad

A struggle to overcome sin

External jihad

Fighting/military campaign

Offensive vs. Defensive Jihad

Both Crusade & Jihad have idea of being defensive; not a lot of offensive ideals from Crusade, but Jihad is seen as offensive w/ spread of Islam

Ghazi or Mujahadeen

Holy Warriors / Warriors of God

Imad al-Din Zangi

- First candidate for leader, defeated first Crusaders in Field of Blood. Declared he'll take back Syria, conquered Edessa in 1144

Crusader States

Not everyone in them Crusaders, possibly first wave of colonialism

Third Crusade, 1100-1101

Pope supports, deserters shamed into going, Nobles also apart of it, third wave was a FAILURE much like first crusade

Why did the third crusade fail?

The Turks got their act together, very coordinated, nothing shows unity of Muslims like 3rd Crusade

What were the Christians hoping to achieve in 3rd Crusade?

Forgiveness, saw themselves surrounded by a sea of enemies (needed to save the Crusader states)

First Crusader State?

County of Edessa

Bohemond settled in this Crusader State:

Principality of Antioch, later claimed by Byzantines who said it was an ancient Roman city (Bohemond was Norman = didn't like him)

Kingdom of Jerusalem election for leader

Godfrey vs Raymond, both offered crown but Godfrey didn't refuse; but didn't want to be called King. So some believed the Church should rule the state (like Rome & Pope)

Why was this election important?

Was important because it showed tensions arising from different factions of the Crusaders = Lords shoo away Clergy, Godfrey becomes King for one year then Baldwin elected = Odessa becomes vassal state of Jerusalem

Did the Crusader states cooperate?

More or less independent, but combine forces regularly (i.e.. To rescue king). States depended on one another. Crusader states grew rapidly


Reason for rapid expansion, promised King's protection in return for loyalty; Lord gives protection & piece of land aka fief = feudum)


Has to serve in King's army, attend Lord's court to judge legal matters, etc.

Fatal flaw of feudalism

Too divided, no clear ruler, Lord's were independent rulers and were almost free from authority

High Court & Parliament in Crusader States

Each Lord had his own Seigniorial Court (French for Lord), Lords' area no taxed, expected to fight for King, King would summon High Court, fief taxes went to Lord's, King most powerful/has power over church


Peasant bound to the land, work lands for Lord, many serfs trying to escape to the East so not bound to land

Italians in Acre

Offered Italian quarters of the city, built own courts of law (settled disputes between Italians)

Life in Acre

Majority of revenue came from trade

Why was Acre important to trade

Along trade routes; Silk Route; Traded spices (pepper, mustard) and silk

Life in Crusader States

Cities were very wealthy, but very gross to live in; Lack of Hygiene, indoor plumbing, etc.

Orthodox Christians vs Byzantine Greek Christians

Ortho: Law gave them most power, political powers held by these Christians, testify in court

Byzantine: church split between Roman Cath & Byth, disputes between Byza. and natives = kicked out Byz. bishops

Other Christians in Crusader States

Considered heretics, not allowed to enter Holy Temple.

Jews & Muslims in Crusader States

4th class citizens, can't enter temples or hold fiefs - not allowed to live in Jerusalem. Which is weird since Christians follow some Muslim practice


Originally non-muslims, just had to pay an extra tax (JIZYA) to live in their world. Not allowed weapons/horses. Could maintain religious practices

Relations with the Crown

Few church, few christians, poor in scholarship and old-fashioned, not very scholarly. Had been a major battle ground for Muslim rulers/lots of political division.

Baldwin I & Daimbert

Daimbert opposed Baldwin's succession, believes he can rule like Pope, and sails to Italy to excommunicate him but dies at sea. Sent by the Pope Urban II, he disagreed with the church being controlled by the State = wanted to make the Church independent


From Mt. Carmel on coast of Nazareth, essentially monks and nuns, i.e. Mother Theresa

Rules of the Order, 12th Century

Primitive rule, help poor & sick, imitate life of Jesus


Arrived first, called patients the Holy Poor, each patient treated at high regard, treatment & spiritual encouragement


First military order, kept roads clear for Christian pilgrims, lived as Monks

Bernard of Clairvux

Organizer of 2nd Crusade, makes rules/orders of templars, Monk + Sword is a brand new concept, says bloodshed is acceptable because they are securing themselves against non-christians

Augustine-Style Rationale

If fighting for a good reason, then it is okay. God will reward for killing evildoers.

William of Tyre

Originally from the East, but went to Paris for education and returned years later

Calatrava, Local Order, Spain

Closely associated with the King & Kingdom, more than the hospitallers were. Defending the frontier, (Calatrava right on frontier of Christian/Muslim lands)

The Baltic

Sword Brothers, Livonian Order; wasn't justified the same way as the Spanish campaigns & they couldn't say they were defending the travel route, Missionary campaign: Converting non-christians, since this was one of the last areas containing Pagans

Grand Master

Top gun, Pope or Minister of the Order, administers money and property, Pope is the only one who can go above him,


Middle/upper class, rank below knight, more of a social class than a military order; craftspeople, etc, still considered "brothers" but continued to do their trade

Things they'd ask Templar/Hospitallar applicants

Christian? Military experience? Married? Debt? Must take a vow & enter into common life

Common Life Dorms

Lots of homosexuality, common eating areas, used to regulate and discipline monks and nuns/keep them humble, rarely shower

Turcopoles (TURC-opoles)

Mercenaries, sometimes trained in Turkish style of military, Templars made up for small numbers by hiring these people

Fall of Edessa

Captured by Zengi (he put together a principality which is essentially ISIS today), Pope Eugenius calls for second crusade

Quantum Predecessars

Encyclical circulated by Pope Eugene, spelled out privileges of Crusading more than before, Louis men not interested

Bernard of Clairvaux

Galvanized the recruitment, offered different vision of the Crusade, obligation & opportunity




The appointed official papals overseeing the Crusade

Which Crusade had the biggest scale?

Second! By a long ways