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34 Cards in this Set

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Modalities M

monostructural metabolic conditioning or “cardio”

Modalities G

gymnastics, bodyweight exercises

Modalities W

weightlifting, powerlifting and olympic lifts


Air Squat
Handstand Push-up
Rope Climb
Press to Handstand
Back Extension

Metabolic Conditioning

Jump Rope


Clean and Jerk
Medicine Ball Drills
Kettlebell Swing

Programming & Scalling model template

The template encourages new
skill development, generates
unique stressors, crosses
modes, incorporates quality
movements, and hits all three
metabolic pathways.

Template Macro View

...the model we offer allows for
wide variance of mode, exercise,
metabolic pathway, rest,
intensity, sets, and reps.

Articulate the goal of CrossFit programming

To increase fitness & GPP by blending structure and flexibility

Define GPP

General Physical Preparedness - GPP is broad, general and inclusive

Articulate the strategy for optimizing GPP


Define and discriminate “bias” from “targeting”

bias - to specialize on a particular skill, like CrossFit Football at the expense of GPP
targeting - to work on weaknesses within GPP

Understand the difference between randomization vs. variance

CrossFit programming is not random, but is constantly varied (structured variance)

Articulate the benefits of working your weaknesses

Increases or rounds out your GPP

Define and give examples of the three major modalities used in CrossFit programming

M = metabolic conditioning or “cardio” to build stamina; run, bike, swim,row, jump rope
G = gymnastics, bodyweight exercises to improve body control; air squat, pull-up, pushup, sit-up
W = weightlifting, powerlifting and olympic lifts to increase strength and power; deadlifts, cleans, snatch

Understand the basic 3-on-1-off template and its rationale

3 days work 1 day rest
Days 1,5,9 - Single modality; focus is improvement of the element
Days 2,6,10 - two modalities; task is priority - 3-5 rounds for time
Days 3,7,11 - three modalities; time is priority - 20min. AMRAP
The rationale for this template is that it allows for a higher volume of high intensity work.

Define and give examples of common formats (i.e., scheme and priority) of CrossFit workouts

- single modality; rest is long and deliberate, focus is on improvement of the element not total metabolic effect
- couplet modality; task is priority, elements are moderate to high intensity and work-rest management is critical.
-triplet modality; time priority, challenge is repeating cycles not difficulty of individual elements.

priority - task or time based

Define task and time priority workouts and identify how to measure an increase in power in these workouts

task priority - 2 elements completed in 3-5 rounds the challange manifests only through repeated cycles; an increase in power is measured by reducing the time to complete the task.
time priority - AMRAP- moderate/high intensity; work/rest interval management is critical; an increase in power is measured by an increase in cycles.

Identify the scope of the movements used in CrossFit programming (i.e., functional movements)

- mono structural; run, bike, swim,row, jump rope
- gymnastics; air squat, pull-up, pushup, sit-up
- weightlifting; dead lifts, shoulder press, cleans

Apply variance to programming workouts

Changing of modalities or workout structure applies variation to exercise programming.

Identify the factors that can be varied and which are the most important factors

Variance in programming movements, load, and time are the most important. Variance can also be achieved by modifying rest, intensity, reps, duration, and rounds.

Demonstrate an understanding of movement functions

Movement functions default: move a large load over a long distance quickly; high power output.
3 categories

1) mono structural - row, bike,swim

2) gymnastics - air squat, push-up, sit-up, pull-up

3) weight lifting - dead lift, overhead presses, cleans

Understand movement function redundancy and how it is related to programming workouts

As the number of elements increases from one to two to three, the workout’s effect is due less to the individual element selected and more to the effect of repeated efforts.

Understand scalability for all populations and basic principles of scaling

CrossFit workouts are always scalable; by intensity, load, and/or exercise substitution.

Demonstrate how to scale a workout for special populations (e.g., an injured athlete, an elderly athlete, a beginner, an advanced athlete)


For time:
Deadlift 225lbs - Handstand pushups
21-15-9 reps

For time:
Deadlift 50lbs - Dumbbell shoulder press 10lbs
21-15-9 reps

Define the terms & strategy of mechanics, consistency & intensity

Mechanics refers to technique—your ability to move properly through the core movements. This means moving yourself and external objects in the most efficient, effective, and safe manner possible.

Demonstrate how to apply the strategy of mechanics, consistency and then intensity based on an athletes capacity, health, and experience level

Proper mechanics will allow you to lift more weight, perform more repetitions faster, or both. When an athlete can demonstrate proper mechanics consistently, intensity can be increased. This is a process that takes time. Elite-level athletes may be ready to ramp up their intensity in a couple of weeks, while de-conditioned athletes can take months or longer. Fitness is for life and no one ever got in shape overnight.

Define rhabdomyolysis and the common causes

Rhabdomyolysis is a medical condition that may arise when muscle tissue breaks down and the contents of muscle cells are released into the bloodstream. Common causes are high intensity exercise, victims of crushing accidents / electrocutions, severe bee sting allergies, and massive infections.

Design programming that mitigates the risk of rhabdomyolysis

Proper programming gradually introduces intensity. The athletes at the highest risk have a reasonable level of fitness and muscle mass to hurt themselves, but don't have the protection that develops with regular exposure to real intensity. Nothing will completely mitigate the risk; constant vigilance (czujność) is required.

Recognize the most common symptoms of rhabdomyolysis

Severe generalized muscle pain
nausea / vomiting
abdominal cramping
in severe cases, dark red "Coca-Cola" urine

Know when to refer an athlete for medical treatment

If your urine looks dark red, like Coca-Cola, that’s a sign that you have myoglobin in your kidneys and you need to get to the hospital immediately.

Identify common programming pitfalls

- over programming light met-cons
- lack of commitment to strength days
- confusing random programming with variance
- biasing light/long or short/heavy
- skipping gymnastics elements
- underutilization of warmups to address weaknesses
- insufficient repetition of benchmark workouts or of recording results
- excessive use of double-WOD days
- specializing (with the expectation of GPP)
- Programming all your clients as if they were training for the CrossFit Games

Identify the purpose of rest days and how and when they should be programmed

With continuous high intensity training both neuromuscular function and anatomy are hammered to the point where continued work becomes noticeably less effective and impossible without reducing intensity; recovery is needed. Typical CrossFit programming is 3 on 1 off, or 5 on 2 off.

Identify how one assesses the effectiveness of a program

By recording benchmark workouts an overall power output can be proven to increase.