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32 Cards in this Set

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Racial/Cultural Minority Model by Atkinson
Dissonance (confusion/conflict)
Resistance-Immersion (reject dominant)
Introspection (question rejection)
Syngergistic Articulation and Awareness (self fulfillment - seek to eliminate oppression)
don't CONFORM to DIS, RESIST IMMediately this INTROduction to SYN!
Black Racial Identity Development by Cross
Preencounter (prefers white therapists, hasn't seen racism)
Encounter (realizes racism, wants Black therapist)
Immersion/Emersion (idealizes AA, denigrates white, prefers therapists wtih similar worldview)
Internalization/Commitment (AA worldview, eradicate racism, may exhibit healthy cultural paranoia)
White Racial Identity Development Model
Contact (little awareness, racial attitudes)
Disintegration (increasing AA contact and awareness, may overidentify and act in paternalistic way)
Reintegration (AA reject paternalism)
Pseudo-Independence (jarring event - question own racism)
Immersion-Emmersion (wxplore what it means to be white)
Autonomy (internalizes a positive (nonracist) white ID that appreciates racial differences and similarities)
CD Rom Pissing In Action
Extended Family Systems Therapy

Differentiation of self
Emotional Triangle
Nuclear Family Emotional System
Family Projection Process (transmit to kids)
Multigenerational Transmition Process
GOAL: Increase differentiation
TECHNIQUE: Use only 2 family members so therapist becomes 3rd in triangle
work with differentiation member
use genogram and questioning
help DETRIANGLE and self differentiate
Structural Family Therapy
all families have structure that determines how member s relate
Power hierarchies, subsystes
BOUNDARIES: barriers or tules that determine amount of contact
overly rigid - disengaged vs enmeshed
Rigid Triangles (detour/scapegoat, gang up on parent, triangle side up (get kid on parent side - kid pulled)
Problems as result of inflexible family structure
GOAL: restructure family
action precedes understanding
1) JOIN (tracking and mimesis)
2) EVALUATE (family map)
3) RESTRUCTURE (enact/reframe)
Strategic Family Therapy
interpersonal phenomenon (strategy for controlling relationship)
GOal: alleviate current symptoms by altering transactions and organization
4 stages:
1) social
2) problem
3) interaction
4) goal-setting
therapist gives directives
paradoxical intervention (e.g., ordeals - do something you don't like when symtpmo occurs)
restrain - encourage not to change
position - exaggerate severity of symptom
reframing - placing symptom in another frame of reference
prescribing symptom
Systemic Family Therapy
circular patterns of action and reaction
emphsis on understanding
therapeutic team
neutrality - ally of entire family
Behavioral Family therapy
operant conditioning, social learning theory
use in mairital, parent training, sex therapy
Object Relations Family Therapy
problem result of intra and inter psychic factors
projective identification - famil ymember projects old introjects onto another
GOAL: resolve attachemtn to introjects
Premack Principle
a high probability behavior is used to rieinforce a low probability behavior in order to increase the freucy of the low prbability behavior
Piaget's moral judgment
Heteronomous (game rules are absolute)
Autonomous - game rules can be changed (age 10)
Piaget's 1st stage
development of object permanence (object concept)
deferred imitation (9-12 moths) - ability to imitate someone when they are not there
Piaget's 2nd stage
Emergence of semiotic thought - representational thought
Centration - inabilit to hold 2 dimensions at once
Ego centrism - nability to separate their point of view from another's
Animism - tendency to attribute hman characteristics to inaminate
rehearsal begins at age 7
unable to conserve
able to understand a lie
Piaget's 3rd atage
able to do do mental operations
horizontal decolage (gradual acquisition of these abilities)
develop reflective self
metacgnition begins
decentration - no longer focusing on the most obvious aspects of objects

Reversibility - transformation can be reversed

around 7 understand that actors playing role on TV
7-8 know commercials to sell you something
intentional lying occurs
Piaget's 4th stage
think abstractly, relativistically, hypothetically
egocetnrism returns for a while
self consious
only 50% of people reach this stage
smallest combination of sounds that have meaning
Erikson stages
basic trust vs mistrust (infancy)
autonomoy vs shame (toddler)
initiative vs. guilt (early school)
industruy vs inferiority (school age)
identity vs role confusion (teen)
intimacy vs isolation
generativty vs stagnation
integrit vs despair
Freuds stages
oral (infant)
anal (toddler)
phallic (eaerly school)
latent (school)
genital (teen)
Kohlberg's gender development
gender identity
gender stability
gender constancy
Marcia's 4 identity patterns of adolescence
Identifty diffusion: not yet experienced identity crisi
Identity Foreclosure: adopt identity imposed by others
Identity moratorium: experience crisis and explore alternative identitites
Identity achieved: resolved identity crisis
Kohlberg's Morality Stages
1)Punishment and Obedience Orientation
2)Instrumental hedonism (obtain rewards)
3) Good Girl/Boy Oreientation
4) Law and order
5) Morality of Contract, Indivdual rights, and Democratically accepted Law
6) Morality of Individual Principles
Draw the decisions outcome table
DECISION Null True Null False
Null True (RETAIN) Correct (1 – alpha) Type II ErrorBeta
Null False (REJECT) Type I ErrorAlpha Correct1-BetaPOWER
Test for Nominal Data
Single Sample Chi square or
Multiple Sample chi square (both are non paremetric)
Test for Ordinal
Wilcoxon Matched (2 correlated groups)

Mann Whitney U (2 IVs)

Kruskal Wallis (2+ IVS)
What correlation for rank ordered with rank ordered?
Spearman Rank Order (rho)
What correlation for corelating sex and reading preference?
e.g., true dichotomy with true dichotomy

What correlation for company climate (favorable/unfavorable) with sales success (successful vs unsuccessful)?
(artificial dichotomy with articifical dichotomy)
What correlation for DSM diagnosis and past hospitalization (yes/no)?
Nominal and nominal
What correaltion for sex with IT score?
Point Biserial
True dichotomy with interval or ratio
What correlation for company climate (favorable and unfavorable) with yearly sales in dolars?
Artifical dichotomy with interval or ratio
What corelation for assessing nonlinear relationships?
Eta correlation