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39 Cards in this Set

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cesare lombroso
physical and mental traits that make people different
-enviormemt and diet not genetic
human behaviour is inborn biological urges to survive and preserve species
trait theory
criminality is a product of abnormal biological or psychoogical traits
contemproy trait theory
each offender is physically and mentally unique so there must be differnet expl;anations
trait theorists
believe that having particular physical characeristic doesnt produce criminlity, crime producing interactions involve both personal traits (defective intelligence, impulsive personality and abnormal brain chemistry)
biochem: diet
healthful diet can provide minimal minerals and chemicals for brain functioning that may lead to anti social behaviour
biochem:bad diets
-high risk of psych problems
-contribute to rising rates of mentally ill and antisocial behaviour
-hypogleycemia is realted to violent and impulsive offenders
biochem: hormone
abnormal levels of male sex hormone (androgens) produce aggressive behaviour.
-testosterone has been linked to crimnality
male sex hormones
principal male hormone
biochem: lead exposure
linked to mental illness. locals with highest levels of lead have high level of homicide
study of brain activity
-neurological impairment reduces self control, linked to seral murder
neuro phy:conduct disorder
-a pattern of repetitive behaviour in which rights of others are social norms .. linked to lack of empathy or guilt.
neuro phy:ADHD
lack of attention, a lot with ADHD suffere from conduct disorder
neuro phy: brain chemistry
low levels of monoamine oxidase (MAO) is linked to levels of violence and property crime.
-females naturally have higher levels of MAO
arousal theory
people seek to maintain preferred level of arousal but vary in how they process sensory input.. all of us seek to optimal level of arousal.. some have more nerve cells.. some people with low heart rate more likely to commit crime to increase
genes:adoption studies
mz twins: identical
contagion effect: people become deviant when influenced by others in close contact (including twins) e.g antisocial siblings
evolution and gender crime
reproductive aggressiveness may explay why women of childbearing age are main targets of crime
biological side of trait theory
people carry potential to be violent or antisocial and envrionment can trigger response

(don't confuse with lombroso)
-no relationship between sugar intake and crime
psych trait
gabriel tarde: 'defective intelligence' involved traits like epilepsy, insanity can be linked to crime
id: present at birth (food, sex)(instant gratification)
ego:early childhood and considers others in social conention
superego:moral standards and values
attachment theory
bowlby- emotional bond to another is important for mental health, failure to devlop attachment may result in psych disorders
beahviour theory
all human behaviour is learned through reward and punishment
social learning theory
people learn to be aggressive by observing others
social learning theorists
view violence as something learned through behaviour modelling:
1) family interaction 2) environment 3)mass media (video games)
behaviour modelling
process of learning behaviour by observing others ( aggressive models may be parents)
cognitive theory
mental processes by which people perceive and represent world around them and solve problems
james and titchener
information processing theory
focuses on how people process, store and encore, retreve information to problem solves
errors in cognition and information processing
-linked to child abusers
personality traits
-impulsivity, narcissism etc are linked to criminals and antisocial behaviour..

PEN model links,.extro version (enthusiastic) introversion(quiet-low key) are linked to antsocial behaviour
psychopathic personality
antisocial personality: traits that make a person prone to deviance behaviour. (socio or psycho path)
-low levels of arousal in ANS
-raise general arousal level
low iq
cause criminality
nature theory
intelligence is determined by genetic and low intelligence is linked to criminals
nurture theory
intelligence is not inherited
the link of iq and crime
is low
mental disorders and crime
there is a genetic predisposition, antisocial behaviour has been linked to mental instability
mood disorder
emotional mood is distorted or inappropriate for circumstance
oppoisitional defiant disorder (ODD)
pattern of negative, hostile, deviant behaviour when child loses temer and refuses to comply and deliberately annoy others and blaming others
social policy and trait theory
primary prevention programs: seek personal problems before manifest into crime.
secondary prevention program:provide treatment like counseling after they violated law.