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13 Cards in this Set

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how are the cranial nerve components split up?

3 motor

3 sensory

what are the components of the motor part?

1) somatic motor - GSE

2) visceral motor (parasymp) GVE

3) brachiomotor - SVE

somatic motor:

- structures/function?

-blobs of grey?

1) skeletal muscle somites (eye, tongue)

2) CN 3, 4, 6, 12

- these nerves happen to be near the midline

left side hypoglossal nerve palsy

problem with which side of nerve?


visceral motor:


-blobs of grey?

1) glands/smooth muscle (head/thorax)

2) CN 3(pupillary sphincter/cilliary muscle)

7 (submandibular, lingual)

9 (parotid gland)

10 (glands/smooth muscle of viscera)

heart, airways, lungs



- blobs of grey?

1) jaw, face, pharynx, larynx, head/shoulders

branchial arch musculature

2) CN 5, 7, 9, 10, 11


CN 5, 7, 9, 10, 11 functions?

nucleus collectively called (CN 9,10,11)?

CNV: mylohyoid, t. tympani, t. palatini, ant. digastric

CNVII: stapedius, facial muscles

CNIX: swallowing

CNX: swallowing, speech, palate elevation

CNXI: speech, palate elevation

2) nucleus ambiguus

what are the 3 sensory components?

1) general sensation - CN V nuclei

2) special and general visceral sensation: taste and input from organs

3) special "head" sensations: smell, vision, hearing (another lecture)

general sensation:

mesencephalic nucleus - what sensations?

principal nucleus - what sensations?

spinal nucleus - what sensations?

1) propioception - jaw jerk

2) discriminative touch, vibration

3) pain, temp

special and general visceral sensations:

nucleus of tractus solitarius - what sensation?

- which CNs involved?

1) taste - from CN 7 and CN 9

2) CN 7, 9, 10

CN IX & CN X - commissural nucleus

involved in?

IX - carotid sinus/body

X - aortic arch, pulmonary stretch receptors

lower motor neuron lesion of CN 7 - weakness where?

lower + upper face weakness

same side

upper motor neuron lesion CN 7?

lower face weakness

opposite side