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75 Cards in this Set

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Number of pregnancies regardless of the age of viability


Number of pregnancies that reach the age of viability not the number of fetuses delivered


A woman who has completed one pregnancy who have reach the age of viability


A woman who is pregnant for the first time


A woman who has completed two or more pregnancies to the stage of fetal viability


A woman who has had two or more pregnancies


A woman who has not completed a pregnancy


A woman in labor and has given birth


Term for pregnancy


Time after delivery until 6 weeks


Edc, edd, edb

Estimated date of birth

It is the constant itching and redness of the palms but is not considered an allergy

Palmar erythema

Caused by slow peristalsis due to the pressure from the growing uterus


It is a heartburn typically occurs when the woman is a large meal


Experience mostly in early pregnancy because of increased metabolic requirements and hormonal changes


Due to pressure on legs

Muscle cramps

It is prescribed to women who have frequent and unrelieve muscle cramps

Magnesium citrate

Aluminium hydroxide gel

Impairing blood return to the heart


It is the tortious veins caused by the pressure of the uterus to veins at the lower extremities


It is the varicosities of the rectal veins that occur because of the pressure of the veins from the weight of the uterus


It is due to increased blood supply to cervix and vagina

Increased vaginal secretions

Due to the pressure of the uterus on the bladder

Frequent urination

Results from the pressure of the expanding uterus on the diaphragm


Swelling of the ankles and feet

Ankle edema

It is caused by general fluid retention and reduce blood circulation in the lower extremities


Braxton hicks contraction also known as

Prodromal labor

Practice contractions

False labor

The uterus periodically contracts and relaxes

Braxton hicks contraction

Least indicative of a pregnancy

These changes can only be felt by the woman but cannot be documented by the healthcare provider

Presumptive signs

Our objective and can be seen primarily by the healthcare provider

Probable signs

Bluish discoloration of the cervix vagina and labia due to increase blood flow

Chadwick's sign

A softening of the cervix

Goodell's sign

Softening of the lower uterine segment

Hegar's sign

The rise of the fetus felt through the abdominal wall when the uterine segment is tapped


Periodic uterine tightening and contractions

Braxton hicks contractions

Three positive signs

Evidence of a fetal outline on ultrasound

With the use of a doppler inaudible fetal heart rate is another positive sign

Fetal movement felt by the health care provider

Extreme form of pigmentation around the cheek, forehead and around the eyes

Chloasma gravidarum

It is a brownish black pigmented area in the midline

Linea nigra

Slightly depressed linear marks with varying lengths and breathd found in pregnancy

Striae Gravidarum

This mechanism ensures continuously supply of glucose to the fetus

Increase insulin level favors lipogenesis

Total iron requirement


Softening of the nails


White spots found in nails


Normal fetal heart rate

120-160 b\m

Sounds that may be heard on abdominal auscultation

Placental or uterine souffle

Fetal or umbilical souffle

A sharp whistling sound synchronous with fetal heart rate

Fetal or umbilical souffle

Flatter, two-dimensional black and white image

Bone of the baby highlighted in white

2D scan

It captures a true, three-dimensional image

See specific facial features and well-defined formation

Baby will appear in a yellow color

3D scan

New technology that lets you see your baby in realistic view

Reddish or pinkish color

5D scan

Phantom, false or imaginary pregnancy


Consist of overlapping of the fetal full bones

Spalding's sign

Development of design depends of maceration of the spinous ligaments

Exaggerated curvature of the fetal spine

Most reliable of the roentgenologic signs of fetal death

Demonstration organs in the fetus

Severe morning sickness

Hyperemesis gravidarum

Excessive salivation

Ptyalism or Sialorrhea

The ingestion of starch


and of clay geophagia

This is to design to relax the muscle spasm and to correct the narrowed nerve opening caused by lordosis

Postural exercise

A number of pregnant woman feel faint when they lie up in supine position during the third trimester of pregnancy

Supine hypotensive syndrome

A hanging drop smear of the discharge in NSS will reveal the presence of flagellated, pear shaped, motile organisms, larger than Leucocytes

Trichomonas Vaginalis

The causative fungus or yeast can be demonstrated by a wet smear or by culture

Candida Albicans or Monilia

It is a thick white flaky discharge associated with pruritis vulvae and irritation

Candidiasis or Vaginal thrush

Complain of fatigue and desire excessive period of sleep

Easy fatigability and somnolence

Discomforts of pregnancy during first trimester

Breast tenderness

Palmar erythema

Nausea vomiting pyrosis



Muscle cramps




Increase vaginal secretions

Frequent urination

Discomforts of pregnancy during second trimester



Ankle Edema

Braxton hicks contraction

Education of breast tenderness

Advice to wear a bra with the wide shoulder strap

Dress warmly and avoid cold

Get examined

Education of palmar erythema

Educate the woman that it is not allergy and this is normal during pregnancy

Calamine lotion

Disappears naturally

Education of constipation

Increased fiber in diet

Drink water

Iron supplements


Don't use enemas or OTC laxatives

Education of nausea vomiting pyrosis

Eat before you get out of bed

It few crackers before arising

Eat small Frequent meals

Drink liquids in between meals

Upright position after meal to avoid reflux

Education on fatigue

Drink a glass of warm milk

Relaxation tapes

Reading materials

Education on muscle cramps

Lie down

Magnesium citrate or aluminium hydroxide gel

Raise those feet

Education on varicosities

Raise legs

Don't cross legs

Support stockings

Exercise and walk

Education on hemorrhoids

Exercise daily

Knee chest position

Education on frequent urination

No fluid restriction

Offer assurance

Kegels exercise

Education on backache

Low heels

Warm compress

Body mechanics

Education on Dyspnea

Proper sleeping position

Limit activities

Education on ankle edema

Sleep on the left side
