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93 Cards in this Set

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**Nutriton Education

combination of

-educational strategies

-environmental support

-VOLUNTARY adoption of food choices ect.

Nutrition Counseling

guiding a client toward a healthy nutrition lifestyle by meeting needs solving problems

**Factors of food choice (10)

-tast and preference



-convenience and time


-social influence





most important factor of food choice

test and preference

(more likely to listen if high stress on taste)

examples of economics (5)

-transportation access

-cooking facilities


-grocery store options

-availability of healthy food choices

**Effective counselor

-self aware


-ethical integrity





-honest & genuine


-optimistic & hopeful

-respect, value and care


Phase 1

building a relationship

Phase 2

Facilitating postive action

Nutrition Counseling Program





-evaluation of client


-self-evaluation of counselor

**3 stages of counseling session

1. involving

2. exploring

3. resolving

involving stage



-small talk

**Exploration Stage

-understand problem

**-assess readiness to take action

-educational activities

Resolving Stage

-determined by patients motivation

Resolving Phase Level 1


Not ready to change

Resolving Phase Level 2

Unsure, low confidence

Resolving Phase Level 3

motivated, confident, ready

Resolving Phase Level 1 Goal

-raise doubt

-raise awareness of problems

-give support

Resolving Phase Level 2 Goal

-raise awareness of benefit

-explore past success

-support networks

Resolving Phase Level 3 Goals



-clarify goals

Nutrition Counseling Goals

-lifestyle awareness

-healthy lifestyle decision making

-take appropriate action

stages of skill development




stages of skill development

-conscious awareness

-automatic response


counseling intent def

rationale for selecting a particular response

counseling focus def

placement of emphasis in a response

**counseling intents




**Roadblocks and when they occur

counselors put up that block patient self-exploration

impose own views, feelings, opinions, judgments

**empathy def

true understanding of another's unique perspective and experience w/o judging, criticizing or blaming

allows us to feel compassion

reflection steps

1. identify feeling

2. reflect that feeling to patient

3. match intensity to patient

4. respond to feeling of client



"anyone would feel that way"


"im impressed"


"i want us to work together"


repeat statement back to client


"what i hear you're saying is..."

"let me see if i understand correctly"

**Health belief model






-cues to action

-self efficacy

**perceived susceptibility

-perceive the disease and consequences

**perceived benefits

believe there are benefits in taking action

perceived barriers

no major barriers that would impede

**cues to action

be exposed to a cue to take action


have confidence to perform

**transtheoretical model stages (5)

1. precontemplation


3. preparation

4. action

5. maintenance


no interest in change with the next 6 months


knows change is needed but doesnt want to change


knows change is needed and take action in the next 30 days


taken action for 1 day to 6 moths


taken action for over 6 months

trans model pro

beliefes are changing

trans model con

the cost is high

trasn model success?

i dont need to change to maybe i should change

3 factors affecting behavioral change

1. attitude

2. subjective norm

3. perceived behavioral control

cognitive behavioral therapy

no negative talk

lots of positives

behavioral therapy

new behavior can be learned

solution focused therapy

look at solutions that have worked for them in the past


1. resist the righting reflex

2. understand and explore motives

3.listen w/ empathy

4. empower the client

**resist the righting reflex

-excuse and arguing

-"yes, but"

understand the explore motivations

allow client to explore and see discrepancy

listen w/ empathy

show acceptance and understanding

empower the client

-stress importance of client

-change talk


open ended questions



reflective listening

**Food management tools

-meal replacements

-detailed menus and meal plans

-exchange list for weight management

-mypyramid or dash food plan

meal replacement

-used for nut interventions

-shakes, bars, portion controlled frozen meals

-adv. portion size clear and simplify

detailed menus and meal plans

-grocery list, menus, recipes

-meets preference and lifestyle

exchange list for weight management

-structure but freedom

-organized in the 4 groups


-balance calories

-inc intake for nut dense

-limit lower dense nut

dash diet

-low sodium

-additional food groups

-HTN patience


-tracking method

-provides time out

journal guiding




-record keeping options

-nonjudgmental feedback

food diary

-foods consumed

-portion size

-calories and fat grams

-physical activity log

**ABC's of behavior




cognitive restructuring

change behavior patterns by changing destructive thinking patterns

**patient w.o support

-locate a distent buddy

-join clubs or organizations

-locate a social support group

-take classes

help patients overcome social pressure

-role playing

-microanalysis of the scenario

-mental imagery

high risk situations

-negative emotions

-interpersonal conflict

-social pressure

-positive emotional stress

keys to nut education (7)

1. know audience

2. determine education philosophy

3. design interventions

4. establish goals

5. provide instructional planning

6. develop media materials

7. conduct evaluations

**Adult learner assumptions (6)

1. relevancy-oriented (why, what, how)

2. autonomous & self directed learners

3. bring experience and knowledge

4. practical

5. task centered and problem oriented learners

6. intrinsically motivated

theory driven intervention

systematically used to design, implement and evaluate

theory informed intervention

partial use of theory base

grounded theory intervention

qualitative data from the audience

**social marketing

target audience

ABC's of objectives




**never evers


-wrong names



-compress presentation

-would brought more materials

-never tell what you forgot

-read lengthy text

-sloppy handouts

-not complete schedule

-go past time






"i see, i see"

**communication styles





-emotionally dishonest





-emotionally honest


-self enhancing



-emotionally dishonest


-self enhancing at expense of another


factual questions

assist in obtaining additional details

explanatory questions

aid in the search for the reasons and explanations

justifying questions

challenge previous procedures and new considerations

leading questions

focusing and adv an idea

theoretical questions

introduce another idea or redirect

alternative questions

make a choice

exploratory questions

exploring new areas




