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Linear causality

a causes b
pioneered by Norbert Wiener, the family has feedback loops to sel
maintaining a balanced stated
when families are overinvolved with one another and lose their autonomy
any system is greater than the sum of its parts, makes it necessary to examine patterns rather than just individual behavior
the ability of the family to balance stability and change, morphostasis
the ability of the family to balance stabilty
the ability of the family to balance change
mandatory ethics/standards of practice
clear cut, no grey areas
aspirational ethics
ideal or optimal practice, example helping someone with counseling p
experiential conjoint family therapy
is associated with Virginia Satir, felt that a family could be healed via love, felt the major goal was to improve intrafamily communication.
Salvador Minuchin
Father of Structual Family therapy, believed that it took therapeutic interventions well beyond warmth and love for healing families
Satir believed these 4 defensive postures prevented good comm
placating, blaming, being overly reasonable, a
will sacrifice others to feel good about himself, will say, "if it weren't for you...", will point the finger at other to avoid dealing with his or her own issues, "it's your fault that I am the way I am"
overly reasonable/responsible analyzer
is likely to engage in the defense mechanism of intellectualization
irrelevant style
will distract the family from the problem via
Carl Whittaker
dean of experiential family symbolic therapy, joined the family and experienced it as though he was a family member, said co-therapists are helpful to provide meaningful feedback
David Premack
you must complete an unpleasant task before being allowed to engage in a pleasant task (finishing homework before going out with friends)
quid pro quo
swapping one thing for another (if you cut the grass, your dad will take you to play golf), uses a behavior contingency contract, could be in a positive or negative context
when a family member (usually a child) is isolated or removed from an environment for a specified amount of time to endure they do not receive reinforcement for dysfunctional behavior
reciprocity in marriage
asserts that in most cases two people will reinforce each other at about the same level over time if not marital discord may occur
systematic desensitization (behaviorist)
pairs feared mental imagery with relaxation to eliminate fear a
Gerald Patterson, Robert Lieberman, and Richard Stuart
pioneers in behavior family therapy
thought stopping
literally saying to yourself STOP when thinking things that you shouldn't
family sculpting
popularized by Virginia Satir, experiential/expressive technique NOT behaviorist, , a family member places other family members in positions that symbolize their relationships with other members of the family
is common, about 30% of all divorced persons are remarried within 12 months of being divorced
psychodynamic family counseling
pioneered by Nathan Ackerman, analytically trained child psychiatrist, recommended studying the whole family not just a child who was brought in for treatment, concerned with internal feelings and thoughts AS WELL AS family dynamics
in psychoanalytic family therapy, this is a significant other with whom a child wishes to bond
in psychoanalytic therapy this means that the client internalizes the positive and negative characteristics of objects within themselves, eventually these introjects determine how the client relates to others
occurs when the client sees an object or person as either all good or all bad
first order change
changes that are superficial
second order change
changes that involve actual change in the family structure that alters an undesirable behavior pattern
Peggy Papp's greek chorus
refers to a consultant or supervisory team that observes a session from behind a one way mirror and sends messages to the therapist or family , treatment team approach is popular with strategic therapists
low level depression that occurs more days than not for at least one year in kids and teens and for at least two years in adults.
Carl Rogers
Person Centered Therapy
Albert Ellis
Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy
Arnold Lazarus
multimodal therapy based on his BASIC ID structure
Joseph Wolpe
Systematic Desensitization (Behavior therapy)
William Glasser and Robert Wubbolding
reality therapy
James Framo
Psychoanalytic, believes that important objects (usually parents) often fuel love-hate feelings in kids
Robin Skynner
British psychoanalyst who feels that kids who had poor roles models possess protective systems
protective systems
unrealistic expectations of people in current relationships carried over from childhood
Cloe Madanes and Jay Haley
are associated with the strategic family of counseling , designating a strategy for each specific problem
Jay Haley
coined the term strategic therapy, had a background in arts and communication, believes in giving clients directives.
when the therapist tells the client what to do
double bind concept (Haley)
a no win situation characterized by contradictory messages such as never smoke again and then smoke as much as you want
the direct antithesis of common sense
prescribing the symptom
a paradoxical strategy ex husband and wife come bc they are fighting at least once a night, therapist says go home and fight twice a night
occurs when you redefine a situation in a positive context
In strategic family counseling the person with the power in the family...
has the authority to make the rules and enforce them
psychoanalytic practitioners
do not attack symptoms directly
strategic therapists
are pragmatic, focus on abating symptoms, solution/symptom focused, action oriented (Haley)
incongruous hiearchy
malfunction hierarchy (daughter controls mother rather than mother controlling child)
pretending technique
ex. a child who had panic attacks pretends to have one during the session and the parents pretend to help him
a therapist may warn the family or individual about the negative consequences of change, helps overcome resistance by suggesting that it might best if the family doesn't change
occurs when a helper accepts the clients predicament and then exaggerates the condition
cultural encapsulation (Gilbert Wren)
results in the counselor imposing goals from his or her own culture on people from another culture.
When working with African Americans...
Bowen's therapy, Minuchin's structural , or Haley's strategic
When counseling Asian Americans
solution focused / problem focused modalities...
Murray Bowen
known for his work in intergenerational family therapy,
triangulation (Bowen)
when a dyad (2 individuals) is under stress and a third person is recruited to help stabilize the difficulty between the original dyad, could include a child placed in the middle of a conflict
differentiation (Bowen)
the extent that one can separate one's intellect from one's emotional self
three generational pictorial diagram (Bowen)
a genogram
miracle question
brief therapy technique that asks if you went to bed and woke up and a miracle had happened, how would things be different
occurs during the initial session to boost the family's confidence in the treatment process and reduce resistance.
a strategy that allows the counselor to see an instant reply of what genuinely transpires in the family
boundaries (structural therapist)
the physical and psychological entities that separate individuals and subsystems from other in the family
changing boundaries
may include changing the family's seating/distance from one another
Minuchin's structural approach , clear boundaries
are ideal, firm yet flexible, considered healthy, clear boundaries mean that people in the family are supported and nurtured with everyone having the freedom to be his or her own person
rigid boundaries
are characterized by individuals or subsystems being disengaged (husband says you are on your own)
implies that the therapist copies the family's style and joins the family (STRUCTURAL)
intergenerational, give and take fairness or relational ethics in a family
family legacy
Boszormenyi-Nagy introduced this term which refers to expectations handed down from generation to generation
family ledger technique
Boszormenyi-Nagy technique of a multigenerational balance sheet or accounting sytem
associated with Milan systemic family therapy
perverse triangle
when two members of the family at different levels of the family hierarchy team up against another family member (mom and son against dad)
Alfred Adler
early pioneer in the history of family therapy, 30 child guidance clinics in Vienna, open forum therapy
Solution Oriented therapy (OHanlon, Berg, Shazer, Weiner Davis)
focused primarily on the future, plan of action
Narrative Therapy (NT) highlights stories in counseling
Michael White, Cheryl White, David Epston
Constructivism/Social Constructivism
asserts that a client constructs or invents the way he or she perceives the world...a helper does not treat a client rather they have a conversation and work together in a collaborative effort
Tom Anderson (Postmodernist)
used a radical approach based primarily on a one way mirror and reflecting treatment team
assumes that there are no fixed truths in our world, only people's individual perceptions of what constitutes reality or the truth
Feminist therapy criticizes traditional therapy because...
it is androcentric (uses male views), gendercentric (assume are 2 separate psychological developments, emphasis on heterosexism, debase same sex relationships
skeleton keys
a standard stock intervention that will work for numerous problems (de Shazer BSFT Brief Solution Focused Therapy)
a de Shazer technique were the therapist hands the client a sheet of paper with a compliment on it
past successes
therapist may compliment these without specifically relating them to the current situation
refers to the fact that larger systems often impact the client and family functioning
observation, measurement or score: the DEPENDENT VARIABLE in the experiment
Experimental Group
Control Group
Random Sampling
No random sampling of groups
Group: E
Subject Assignment: NR
Treatment: X
Posttest: O
Way to diagram an experiment
a timed-series design is a quasi-experimental design
that relies on multiple observations of the dependent variable (the thing you are measuring) before and after the treatment occurs
Solomon 4 Group
one control group receives a pre test and one experimental group receives a pretest, the others do not
newest career theory
constructivist and cognitive approaches
Theory of Work Adjustment, Renee Dawes and Lloyd Lofquist, states that a person must fit a job and the work must meet the needs of the person (relationship works both ways)
coefficient of determination
is computed by squaring the correlation coefficient
proposes a social learning model of career development (Bandura), learning not interests guide people into a certain occupation,
worldview generalizations
generalizations regarding a given occupation and how successful a client would be at that occupation
Social Cognitive Career Theory asserts that self-efficacy beliefs can influence one's career decisions
interactive activities in career counseling
job shadowing and volunteering
noninteractive activities in career counseling
reading job hunting books
non interactive approaches to career decisions
interactive approaches to career decision
one of the codevelopers of the National Headstart program , theory of human ecology , NOT a stage theory.
ecological systems theory
Bronfenbrenner stressed that microsystems, mesosystems, macro systems, ecosystems
Nancy Chodorow
sociologist, psychoanalytic feminist, felt that the domestic ideal caused oppression for women
James Fowler
is associated with faith development
Virtual Reality Therapy, through a computer, the CT has generally the same physiological reactions to an actual situation
Diagnostic criteria for mental retardation
IQ of 70 or below, onset prior to age 18, Axis II of the DSM
central tendency
use the mean (average)
Emotional Intelligence, empathy, impulse control, motivation, and the ability to love, Goleman says it matters more than IQ
paycheck once a week
fixed interval schedule of reinforcement
slot machine payout
variable ratio schedule of reinforcement
Behavior therapies based on classical conditioning are...
commonly used to treat phobias, or OCD
occurs when several studies on the same topic are utilized in order to examine the hypothesis
Barnum Effect
clients will often accept a general testing report, horoscope, etc and believe that it applies specifically to them
the term dual relationships
is no longer in the ACA code of ethics
code of ethics exists even after
ACA 2005 states that you can not have a romantic relationship with a client
for 2 to 5 years
clinical depression, dysthymia, and bipolar disorder are
mood disorders
anxiety disorders
panic attacks, social phobias, ocd, ptsd, generalized anxiety disorder
physical conditions with physical or physiological cause are called
somatoform disorders, example headache with not medical reason, primarily in females, 6 months and prior to age 30
situationally bound or cued panic attacks
have a cue or environmental trigger
uncued or unexpected panic attack
seemingly occurs out of no where
multiple personality disorder is now
dissociative identity disorder
religious and spiritual
an eating disorder that occurs primarily in women, binge eating, purging or fasting or excessive exercise afterwards, 2 episodes a week for at least 3 months
intersex person, born with both male and female genitalia
parametric inferential statistic
will use random sampling and the distribution normal
progress note
mandated by law, clinical notes, informed consent, DSM diagnosis, symptoms, the types of counseling interventions used, the goals of counseling, session dates, and the termination date
process notes or
psychotherapy notes not shared with client, intended only for the counselor who created them, not required by law
ACA transfer plan in writing requires
counselor has become disabled, dies, or moved to another state
National Provider Identifier for filing insurance claims once licensed